Showing posts with label Jeremy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jeremy. Show all posts

Friday, July 20, 2018

Jeremy Roloff Just Made Us Cry with His Audrey Birthday Message

Okay, look, Jeremy and Audrey Roloff.

We need to have a few words with you…

You guys really need to stop gushing so perfectly and romantically about each other online, okay?!?

Because it’s making the rest of us look bad by comparison!

Like, how were we suppose to compete with Audrey’s Father’s Day message to Jeremy, the one in which she referred to her soulmate  as a “Godly husband and father?”

Similarly, Jeremy has now gone above and beyond on the occasion of Audrey’s 27th birthday.

To pay tribute to his wife of four years, Jeremy shared the following precious picture of himself and Audrey yesterday on Instagram:

Then, he went ahead and made us cry ALL the tears by including with it a caption that reads:

You are a beautiful creation, an amazing wife, and a great mom. I love your self acceptance and desire for self growth – to be you and only you, while also seeking who you were made to be.

Thanks for grounding me, taking care of me, and loving me so well.

Jeremy went on to list all the ways in which he enjoys spending time with his better half:

Working with you is fun. Playing with you is a joy. And raising a kid with you is an honor. There’s no one else I’d rather do life with! “If it’s half as good as the half we’ve known, here’s Hail! to the rest of the road.”

I love you babe!

Seriously, do birthday tributes get any more precious than that?

Jeremy and Audrey, of course, have been in the news of late for a different reason.

They are leaving Little People, Big World.

They will not be appearing on future episodes, as Jeremy announced just a few days ago.

“After 14 years, over 300 episodes, and 17 seasons, the time has come,” Jeremy wrote, much to our chagrin, prior to adding:

“A year ago I made the decision that this season would be our last. It has been an amazing run, and I can’t say thank you enough to all of you who have watched and supported us along the ride.

“We have the most loyal fans on TV and we appreciate every one of you. You are what made doing this so fun.

“We will still be supporting the family as they carry the #LPBW torch onward. This is a decision concerning Audrey and me specifically – the show must go on!”

Audrey then chimed in and wrote the following on her Instagram page:

“I am so thankful for the encouragement, kindness, and support that each of you have shown to our family. We are forever grateful for the run we’ve had.

“Excited to focus on what we feel the Lord is calling us to!”

With a memoir on the way from the couple and their blog/business, Beating 50 Percent, up and very much running, we’ll still be seeing plenty of Audrey and Jeremy down the line.

But will you keep watching Little People, Big World in their absence?


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Jeremy Roloff Has Cut His Hair! We Repeat: Jeremy Roloff Has Cut His Hair!!!

Jeremy Roloff has taken to shocking Little People, Big World fans with everything he does and says these days.

First, of course, the father to Ember and husband to Audrey announced on Instagram that he and his family will NOT return to the show that made them famous.

OPTION 1: Jeremy with long hair.

He told followers just a few days ago that this decision was reason prior to the start of filming on the most recent batch of new episodes, elaborating as follows:

“After 14 years, over 300 episodes, and 17 seasons, the time has come.

“We have the most loyal fans on TV and we appreciate every one of you. You are what made doing this so fun.”

Jeremy, who will soon release a memoir with Audrey and who still runs the company Beating 50 Percent with Audrey, also made it clear they won’t be going away.

“We will still be supporting the family as they carry the #LPBW torch onward,” he wrote.

“We’re not disappearing. We have a lot of exciting stuff in the works and are eager to continue the work that the Lord has called us to!”

Meanwhile, as fans continue to process this major news, Jeremy has gone ahead and dropped yet another bombshell on his supporters:

He’s cut his hair!

OPTION 2: Jeremy with short hair.

It’s true!

Granted, this is not the best view of said haircut, but fans are still adamant that the cut has taken place.

“WOW YOU CUT YOUR HAIR!” reads one comment. “Zoom in. That’s not a bun. That’s a cut.”

Jeremy gave fans this glimpse of the back of his head while on a peaceful stroll with Ember and Jackson Roloff.

“Showing my daughter and nephew around the farm on a warm summer evening,” he wrote as a caption to the snapshot, getting all profound and adding:

It wasn’t too long ago I was the one in the wagon – we all were.”

OPTION 3: Jeremy with a man bun.

Jeremy’s hair has long been a topic of debate among TLC viewers.

Some have been straight-up disgusted by the messy mop top, while others have considered it a significant part of Jeremy’s identity.

As for his wife? Audrey recently hinted on her own Instagram page that a change may be on tap.

“CAST YOUR VOTE!!!” she wrote last week, telling followers:

“Should @jeremyroloff cut his hair?!Comment “nooooo” if you want him to keep the curls and comment “yes” if you think it’s time to change it up.”

We love this idea!

We’ve created our own Jeremy Roloff hair poll down below and we’d love to hear your take:

Click on your preferred look: long, short or in between?

Which Hairstyle Looks Best?

Jeremy Roloff is a man of many looks. But what is his BEST look? View Poll »

So… what did you decide!

And… will you miss Jeremy and Audrey next season?

Will you still tune in for fresh episodes of Little People, Big World?


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff: 19 Moments We"ll Never, Ever Forget

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff have said their farewell.

The couple has confirmed that it will not return for a new season of Little People, Big World.

"After 14 years, over 300 episodes, and 17 seasons, the time has come," wrote Jeremy to open this announcement to fans, adding:

"A year ago I made the decision that this season would be our last. It has been an amazing run, and I can’t say thank you enough to all of you who have watched and supported us along the ride."

Before we say goodbye to Jeremy and Audrey for good, however, let"s pause and take a look back at how far we"ve come with them.

Below, we"ve rundown a series of the most memorable moments, photos and stories from their time as cast members on Little People, Big World…

1. Where It All Began…

Amazing roloff throwback

Wow, right?!? On the very first ever episode of Little People, Big World, we met a teenage Jeremy, who was living on the farm with his parents, younger siblings and twin brother Zach. What a photo.

2. Their Sweet Sixteen

Gone old school

Jeremy and Zach celebrated the big birthday with their closest friends on a beach trip to remember, one filmed years ago for an episode of Little People, Big World.

3. The Graduation

Jer grads

Remember when Jeremy graduated from high school? He was uncertain about his future at the time, but had the full support of his parents.

4. The Proposal

She does

On September 3, 2014, TLC viewers got to witness the very romantic way Jeremy proposed, something Audrey actually referenced recently.

5. The Wedding

On the knot

Jeremy and Audrey get married in a gorgeous ceremony on Roloff Farms. The ceremony took place on September 20, 2014 and it aired in March of the following year. (Audrey looks beautiful!)

6. The Announcement


Audrey and Jeremy told their family they were expecting, not long after Zach told them the same exact thing. “Wow, I’m going to be a grandpa times two!’ Matt Roloff said on air, adding that Jeremy’s news made him feel “overwhelmed” and “kinda hit by a freight train.”

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Jeremy and Audrey Roloff Announce Departure from Little People, Big World

In a word? Wow.

In another two words? Gosh darn.

On Monday afternoon, Jeremy Roloff took to his Instagram account and delivered some unexpected and unfortunate news to fans…

… he and wife Audrey Roloff are leaving the show that made them famous.

This will be their final season on Little People, Big World.

So Jeremy announced on social media today, much to the shock and sadness of his millions of fans.

“This is an announcement concerning Jeremy Roloff and his family specifically,” opens Jeremy’s caption, which was posted alongside the photo above.

The father of one continued:

“After 14 years, over 300 episodes, and 17 seasons, the time has come.

“A year ago I made the decision that this season would be our last. It has been an amazing run, and I can’t say thank you enough to all of you who have watched and supported us along the ride.

“We have the most loyal fans on TV and we appreciate every one of you. You are what made doing this so fun.

“We will still be supporting the family as they carry the #LPBW torch onward. This is a decision concerning Audrey and me specifically – the show must go on!”

That’s some good news, at least.

We’ve actually been speculating for awhile that Little People, Big World may soon come to an end because Matt Roloff is moving to Arizona and Amy Roloff has expressed interest in moving on from the farm as well.

Various family members appear to be going in various directions.

And, let’s face it, the show has been on for so long that it’s already set a Guiness World Record.

It’s simply bound to end at some point.

Jeremy, meanwhile, continued as follows:

“[This] being said, we’re not disappearing. We have a lot of exciting stuff in the works and are eager to continue the work that the Lord has called us to!”

It’s true:

Jeremy and Audrey have a book coming out early next year that will chroncile their love, their lives and offer advice to their many supporters.

“Again, we thank you, and always enjoy when we get a chance to meet one of you,” added Jeremy.

“Whether it be in the airport, on the street, at pumpkin season or at one of our upcoming Beating50percent events! THANK YOU for all the love and support.

“Your messages, comments, gifts, and mail are noticed and appreciated. You guys are the best. Thank you for respecting our decision.”

Always honest and always grateful, Jeremy made a point of acknowledging producers and all those behind the scenes that made his success possible:

“I also want to give a big thank you to the team at TLC,” he concluded.

“Thanks for putting up with us;) You’ve provided us with a grand opportunity and for that we are forever grateful.”

Audrey is yet to comment on her departure.

Two years ago, Jacob Roloff also left the series, while Molly Roloff has chosen to live a life outside of the spotlight.

This leaves Amy, Matt, Zach and Tori as the main Roloffs supposedly interested in continuing on with the program.

Will TLC green light a season without Jeremy and Audrey?

Might the cameras follow around Zach, Tori and their son Jackson in a spinoff?

It’s too early to say for certain.

But this much we can say for certain:

We’ll miss you, Audrey and Jeremy. Thank you for the memories.


Friday, July 6, 2018

UFC"s Jeremy Stephens To Brian Ortega, "Shut The F*ck Up And Fight Me"

Jeremy Stephens has a message for Brian Ortega after the UFC star wouldn’t take him on in a replacement fight at UFC 226 this weekend: “F*ck you, bitch!” Yeah, Jeremy ain’t happy. After Max Holloway pulled out of his bout with Ortega this weekend…


UFC"s Jeremy Stephens To Brian Ortega, "Shut The F*ck Up And Fight Me"

Jeremy Stephens has a message for Brian Ortega after the UFC star wouldn’t take him on in a replacement fight at UFC 226 this weekend: “F*ck you, bitch!” Yeah, Jeremy ain’t happy. After Max Holloway pulled out of his bout with Ortega this weekend…


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Jeremy Roloff and Audrey Roloff Book Title, Excerpts: Leaked Online!

We have an update on the book Jeremy Roloff and Audrey Roloff teased to their social media followers in March.

And it’s a rather HUGE update.

Earlier this year, the Little People, Big World stars excitedly told fans about this very cool project, explaining that they “have received thousands of comments, messages, and e-mails containing questions about dating, long distance, purity, conflict, love, and how we prepared for marriage.”

So they decided to do something helpful with all of these notes.

They decided to write a book!

“The book is essentially our love story,” Audrey explained at the time, adding:

“We are spilling never before told tales from our dating journey, and all the ups and downs and ins and outs of our love story…

“We cant wait to share what we’ve learned from our own dating journey in order to equip our readers to build Godly relationships from their first date to “I do” and beyond.”

Aside from announcing a multi-week social media hiatus to complete this manuscript, neither Audrey nor Jeremy has said much about it…

… until now!

First, we can confirm that the memoir/self-help book will be titled “In A Love Letter Life” and it will be released in April of 2019.

Second, in her most recent Instagram Story, Audrey filmed a video of her computer screen, exposing some of the writing from this book and captioning the footage:

“Pushing hard to get this thing done on time.”

What did the footage reveal?

It appears as if one section will be advice from Audrey on how to land an awesome husband such as Jeremy.

“Jeremy and I are advocates for being friends first,” Roloff writes, explaining:

“Friendship lays the groundwork for pursuit. All the single ladies, volume up. You’re not giving a man the chance to pursue you if you’re the one doing the chasing, chances are the guy you’re after does not want to be caught.”

Audrey has often felt comfortable giving marital advice, although she’s sometimes gotten criticized for trying to profit off of it.

Adds the TLC star in this portion:

“If you start by building a friendship, the kind of man you want to marry will be empowered to pursue you. He will be willing to risk rejection, determined to be thoughtful and he will text you first, at least the majority of the time.

“Our period of friendship gave Jeremy the opportunity to pursue me.”

There’s something a little antiquated and even sexist about this, as Audrey states that a woman should never be aggressive, that she should turn dating into some kind of game.

It’s 2018. Are we really arguing that men need to always text a woman first?

Roloff goes on to give a very specific account of her first date with Jeremy in the book.

Fans can expect it to follow the sort of Instagram posts she’s often published over the years, many of which adhere to her Christian beliefs and her strict views on dating/marriage.

For example, after Jacob Roloff got engaged late last year, Audrey seemed to actually shade her brother-in-law for moving too quickly with his girlfriend.

She appeared to essentially judge the couple for having premarial sex.

“Some words on dating from a Christian perspective,” she wrote at the time, standing on her pedestal and adding:

“Let’s just say you recently hurried into a relationship, dabbled with sexual intimacy, and then became emotionally attached.

“The main problem with this scenario is that it blinds you to red flags. It’s the classic ‘love at first sight’ trap. You begin to see the person you are dating as the ‘the most talented, most interesting, and most extraordinary person in the universe.

“As time passes, your friends and family may raise concerns about the person you’re dating, but you won’t be able to rationalize with them because all you will see is perfection.

“This is a titanic problem.”

In other words:

Once you have sex with someone, you’ll never be able to see his or her flaws because your mind will be consumed with lust. You’ll just be thinking about the awesome intercourse and you’ll be unable to think rationally.

That’s an interesting take, we guess.

Do you agree with it?

And will you buy Audrey and Jeremy’s book?


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Jeremy Meeks & Chloe Green Enjoy First Night Out Since Baby was Born

Jeremy Meeks and Chloe Green called in some reinforcements for their new baby, jetting off to the South of France for a group date night to kick off the week. The new parents were hanging with friends Monday night in Monaco in what appears to…


Sunday, July 1, 2018

Jeremy Meek"s Ex-Wife Melissa Meeks Throws Divorce Party

Jeremy Meeks’ ex-wife Melissa Meeks threw a pretty awesome divorce party with a pretty hilarious cake to mark the celebration. The party went down Saturday night at Crazy Horse 3 in Las Vegas.  As for the treat — it was a handcuff cake with…


Jeremy Meeks Buys Son Jeremy Jr. Clothes at Target

With Jeremy Meeks in charge of his son’s wardrobe, you’d think the kid would be decked out in designer duds … but not so much. Jeremy was spotted at Target in Bev Hills Thursday afternoon with his 9-year-old son, Jeremy Jr., stocking up on some…


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Jeremy Calvert: I"m Leaving Teen Mom 2!

He"d hate for us to make this comparison, but facts are facts:

Jeremy Calvert now has something in common with David Eason.

The husband of Jenelle Evans was basically fired from Teen Mom 2 several months ago for being a homophobic jackass on social media, something we can"t ever imagine saying about Calvert.

But the ex-husband of Leah Messer won"t appear next season on this MTV series, either, hence the connection between him and Mr. Eason.

Why is Calvert leaving?

Who has confirmed his departure?

Scroll down for all the interesting details!

1. Bio Blast

Jeremy calvert in his car

Who is Jeremy Calvert? For the uninformed, he’s the second husband of veteran Teen Mom 2 cast member Leah Messer. He served as the stepfather of her twins, Aleeah and Aliannah Simms, and he’s the father of Leah’s daughter, Adalynn.

2. When Did He Split from Leah?

Leah messer and jeremy calvert together

In 2015. This is when Messer filed for divorce because she thought Jeremy cared more about his job than his family and she couldn’t handle his constant absence.

3. And There’s Been a Nasty Beef Between Exes Ever Since, Right?

Jeremy and leah calvert hug

It’s understandable you would think this because this ishow Teen Mom relationships and break-ups often work. But Leah and Jeremy have remained more civil than most.

4. There’s Been Some Tension, Of Course

Jeremy calvert with brooke wehr pic

Most notable due to Jeremy pretty seriously dated a single mother named Brooke Wehr for awhile, making things awkward between him and his ex-wife, especially because Brooke was a new person in Adalynn’s life.

5. And Then He Dated Desi Kibler Just This Year

Jeremy calvert and desi kibler

Messer appeared to hurl some shade at this romance, implying on Twitter that Calvert was “unhappy” with his new lover.

6. But This Relationship is Now Over

Jeremy calvert on instagram

Because Jeremy isn’t over Leah? No, he insists, because Kibler simply refused to put him first. But is anyone buying this?

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Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Ron Jeremy Sued for Sexual Assault and Battery in Washington State

Ron Jeremy is being called out again for allegedly committing sexual assault on a woman in Washington State, only this time he’s going to civil court … TMZ has learned. The former porn star just got slapped with a lawsuit stemming from an alleged…


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Jeremy Meeks Wears Gucci from Head to Toe Arriving in L.A.

Asking Jeremy Meeks ”What’s Gucci?” will probably trigger a hard side-eye. The “Hot Felon” dripped in Gucci from head to toe as he arrived Monday in L.A. He’d flown in from the UK, where he lives with his new baby mama, Chloe Green, and…


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Leah Messer on Teen Mom 2: Yup, I Banged Jeremy Calvert!

So… THAT happened on Teen Mom 2 this week.

With more controversy than ever swirling around the MTV series, the June 18 installment of this scandal-filled reality series walloped viewers over the head with yet another stunner on Monday night.

It involved Leah Messer, her ex-husband and sexual intercourse.

Intrigued? We thought you might be.

Scroll down for a full recap of the crazy events!

1. Relationship Rewind

Leah messer and jeremy calvert together

Messer and Calvert got married in April of 2012, about a year after Leah split from first husband Corey Simms.

2. Three Years Later…

Leah messer calvert family

… Jeremy filed for divorce. “You’re blowing through money like f-cking water. I’m filing for divorce. I’m not f-cking around this time,” he told Leah on an episode of Teen Mom 2 that aired in early 2015.

3. But Why?

Jeremy calvert on instagram

“Too many issues stressing me out,” Jeremy told a friend way back then, saying he was “miserable” in the marriage and adding: “She takes prescription pills for her anxiety. I don’t know if that shit f-cks with her or what. It’s obvious she has an addiction issue. I’m just done. She has no f-cking goals. I don’t know what happened to the girl I fell in love with.”

4. What About Adalynn?

Leah messer with adalynn pic

Leah and Jeremy are parents to a four-year old named Adalynn. The former has custody of the toddler, but Jeremy has remained in her life.

5. Do They Actually Have a Future Again?

Jeremy leah calvert

On last week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, Jeremy expressed his affection for his ex-wife, apologizing for previous disparaging remarks and actually coming across like a caring human being.


Leah messer on camera

“Jeremy also called me during the twins’ birthday party. He was just letting me know that he regretted saying some things on TV that he didn’’ mean to say,” Messer told friend Kayla on this latest installment. “One thing that he did say [at the time] was that he wished he’d never had a child with me. And then he was thanking me for being such a good mom to Addy… it was good to hear.”

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Monday, June 18, 2018

Audrey Roloff Says ALL the Nice Things About Jeremy on Father"s Day

It doesn’t take a special occasion for Audrey Roloff to say something specil about Jeremy Roloff.

The Little People, Big World star loves almost nothing more than gushing over her husband on Instagram.

She went overboard on Jeremy’s birthday, labeling Jeremy as more than she could have ever imagined, and then jumped on social media once again yesterday to basically reiterate this point.

Yesterday, of course, was Father’s Day.

You likely took note of the many messages posted throughout the day on your Facebook page, right?

For Jeremy and Audrey, this was the former’s very first Father’s Day, courtesy of the latter giving birth to the couple’s daughter back in September.

As a result, Audrey had especially kind things to say about her soulmate on Instagram.

“Happy Father’s Day to you @jeremyroloff!” she wrote to open a caption that accompanied the photo above.

It continued:

“I love watching you play with, teach, and cuddle our daughter. I feel undeserving and honored to be married to a man so eager to become a Godly husband and father.”

Audrey and Jeremy got married on September 20, 2014.

They became first-time parents almost exactly three years later.

Those who watch Little People, Big World online or who follow either of their social media accounts are well aware of how much they adore young Ember Jean.

Audrey, meanwhile, was not finished with her praise.

“You work hard to protect and provide for our family, you lead us in faith and with discernment, you make us laugh, and you pursue the Lord above all else,” wrote the excited wife, concluding:

“I’m excited to watch how fatherhood continues grow you. Thank you especially for all the extra help and patience you’ve had with me this past week. I love you. Ember loves you.”

Roloff tacked on the hashtags #journeyofjerandauj #morethanoils to her caption as well.

Jeremy and Audrey took a brief social media hiatus a few weeks ago because they were completeing the manuscript for their first-ever book.

Yes, we said… book!

Details remain a little fuzzy, but it sounds as if this famous couple will be releasing a memoir that chronicles their life and love story over the years.

“We are spilling never before told tales from our dating journey, and all the ups and downs and ins and outs of our love story,” Audrey wrote at one point about it, elaborating as follows:

“The pages are filling up with our failures and successes, what we learned from dating and long distance, and how we prepared more for our marriage than our wedding.

“We can’t wait to share what we’ve learned from our own dating journey in order to equip our readers to build Godly relationships from their first date to “I do” and beyond.

Consider us intrigued.

We’re extra curious to see what this memoir entails because, forgive the obvious pun, but Audrey and Jeremy’s lives already seem like an open book.

What else could they have to share with us?

We’ll be curiousto find out.

And we wish all the dads out there a very happy Belated Father’s Day as well!


Saturday, June 16, 2018

Jeremy Meeks Pays Ex-Wife 6 Figures, Gets Primary Custody of Their Son

Jeremy Meeks is gonna have his own modern family after striking a deal with his ex-wife that gives him primary custody of their 9-year-old son, and gives her a hefty sum of money … TMZ has learned.  Sources tell us the “hot felon” –…


Friday, June 15, 2018

Jeremy Roloff Blasted for "Creepy" Photo of Precious Daughter

You may not believe this one, readers.

We hope you’re sitting down while you peruse the following story about Jeremy Roloff, his daughter Ember and the criticism the reality star is now receiving as the result of the photo he just shared.

First, some background:

Jeremy and Audrey Roloff welcomed Ember into the world in September, a full week after she was due to be born.

They’ve since been very open and candid about their precious child, posting several photos of her each week and giving us updates on what she’s up to, what she can do now, etc.

The kid is a total cutie, there’s no debate about it.

However, in honor of Ember turning nine months old, Jeremy shared a new picture of his first-born.

We’ll simply publish it below and then reveal why Instagram followers have actually taken Jeremy to task for the image and for what Jeremy himself is doing in it.

This is the snapshot:

9 months has come and gone. Do they just continue to get cuter? How does one handle cute aggression ? Because let me tell ya, it’s a real thing! wrote Jeremy as a caption to this photo.

What problem could folks possibly have with it?

For starters, some Little People, Big World viewers wondered whether Audrey ever spends time with her daughter… which is a REALLY weird thing to wonder.

Have you seen all these photos of Audrey and Ember?!?

The main crux of the critiques, though, stem from the placement of Jeremy’s hand.

For real. We’re not kidding.

This is not something that ever would have occurred to us were it not for the social media users who pointed it out.

If you examine this image closely enough, you’ll see Jeremy is holding his child up from underneath.

Again, what’s the big deal, many people out there are likely wondering?

Others, however, are pointing to the “creepy” nature of Jeremy, to be honest and crass, touching his daughter’s private part.

Seriously, this is a real line of criticism. Look here:

And look here, too:

We’re pretty much speechless upon seeing these comments.

Jeremy and Audrey have shown themselves to be nothing but loving parents and we think it says a lot more about these Internet users than about Jeremy if their minds are really going to this “creepy” place.

Thankfully, other Little People, Big World fans have rushed to Jeremy’s defense, posting remarks such as the ones below:

Where do you stand on this suppose controversy?

Is it even a controversy?

Do you really think Jeremy acted inappropriately here?

Or do critics on the Internet need to take a handful of chill pills and just appreciate this image for what it is:

A caring father excitedly sharing a picture of his daughter on the occasion of a quasi birthday.

Truly, relax, people.

Stop parent shaming and get your minds out of the gutter.


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Chloe Green and Jeremy Meeks Welcome First Child!

The Hot Felon has welcomed a precious baby.

On Thursday, Jeremy Meeks and Chloe Green confirmed via Instagram that they are now the very excited and very proud parents of a very young son.

Without revealing the newborn’s face, Green and Meeks both shared a photo of their fingers being grasped by his tiny hands, along with a caption that reads as follows:

“We are pleased to announce the birth of our beautiful baby boy Jayden Meeks-Green.

“Born May 29th 2018. Mommy and Baby both doing well. We kindly ask to respect our privacy please. Much love Chloe & Jeremy.”

Note the sort of unusual move of giving their kid a hyphenated last name.

Take a look at the adorable image below:

Green and Meeks got together about a year ago, as they were spotted kissing on yacht in June of 2017.

This was notable because Meeks was married at the time to Melissa Meeks, with whom he shares another son.

The model, who earned the nicknake Hot Felon due to a mugshot that went viral in 2014, filed for legal separation from his wife in July and later filed for divorce in October.

“Better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie,” wrote Melissa shortly after Meeks ended their marriage.

Green, meanwhile, is very rich.

She’s the heiress to the Topshop fortune, hence the yacht on which she was spotted playing tonsil hockey with Meeks.

To many observes, of course, this seems like a classic case of some random dude getting surprisingly famous, leaving his basic wife and jumping into bed with a young, wealthy hottie.

But an insider tells Us Weekly that Meeks and Green are more than just a fling.

They didn’t just make an unprotected sex mistake and are now stuck raising a kid together.

There are actual feelings involved, people! Allegedly!

“Chloe and Jeremy are very much in love and she thinks they will get engaged at some point,” claims a source to the aforementioned tabloid.

The 27-year old heiress and 34-year old ex-convict spent most of last summer traveling around the world together.

They announced their impending child in March, amidst a sea of PDA-laden photos on social media.

These two certainly have not been shy in publicizing their romance, even if some question the way in which it began.

For example: In February, Green shared a photo collage of the couple in honor of the Meeks turning 34, writing as a caption along with it:

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY to My Everything @jmeeksofficial. We have travelled the world together, created the most amazing memories, laughed smiled and really just enjoyed every second of life.

“This is only the beginning and today is your day baby and it’s going to be the most amazing one!!!

“Our first birthday of many together. I LOVE YOU.”

We send the couple our heartfelt congratulations on the birth of their first child.


Jeremy Meeks and Chloe Green"s Baby Boy Born

The all-time greatest come-up is complete — Jeremy Meeks has a baby boy with his girlfriend, Chloe Green, and the kid’s name might say a lot about their relationship. The billionaire heiress and her man — formerly known as the “Hot Felon” –…


Saturday, May 26, 2018

Pregnant Chloe Green Vapes as Jeremy Meeks Looks On

Chloe Green is super pregnant, which is why this pic of her sucking on a vape pen is so interesting. Chloe and her baby daddy hot felon Jeremy Meeks were cruising on a yacht Friday in Monaco, enjoying the weather, catching a few rays and hugging…
