Showing posts with label Jessica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jessica. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Jessica Simpson Stumbles Out of Hubby"s Birthday Dinner

Jessica Simpson let loose at her hubby’s birthday dinner, and needed some help keeping it together on the way out of the event. Jessica was leaving Craig’s Tuesday night in WeHo arm in arm with Eric Johnson, who turned 38 a few days ago.…


Monday, September 18, 2017

Jessica Simpson Celebrates Husband"s Birthday with Butt Pic!

Eric Johnson is a very lucky man.

It’s his birthday, but he has a lot more to celebrate than turning 38. For example, his wife is one of the most gorgeous women on the planet.

And Jessica Simpson honored her husband on his birthday by flashing her butt for the world to see. Marriage goals, right?

You know, our first thought when we saw the picture below was:

“These buns are made for walking.”

That’s not a song that’s original to Jessica Simpson, but to those of us born after 1980, she was our introduction to “These Boots Are Made For Walking.”

(Specifically, her Pizza Hut “these bites are made for poppin"” commercial where she feeds a pizza bite to a boy who’s, like, 14, which is one of the cringiest things that we’ve ever seen on a commercial … which is saying a lot)

Anyway, Jessica Simpson is drop-dead gorgeous.

She’s married to Eric Johnson, whom we mostly know as “Jessica Simpson’s husband,” but he’s also some sort of sportsball player (the one with the ball shaped like Hey Arnold‘s head).

They’re all around a cute couple and we love stories about them and their kids.

But this photo is … considerably less family-oriented.

That’s quite a birthday outfit, if still a far cry from a “birthday suit.”

Also, Eric Johnson is holding two mugs of two different-looking beers.

(We refuse to say that he’s “double-fisting” the beers, especially in this context, but also in any context … please don’t make us explain why)

Maybe he’s holding Jessica Simpson’s drink for the photo, maybe he’s just living his best life because it’s his birthday.

Commenters felt a range of emotions in response.

“Girl, there’s a time and place for everything but… ‘Oh no Baby what is you doing?!’”

We love the Oh no baby what is you doing meme, but this really isn’t the place for it. Let her live her life.

“Highly inappropriate. Should be behind closed doors.”

It’s literally just her butt. Her head is clearly turned to the side and other people are present.

She’s not, like, fellating him.


This is not even the first time this year that Jessica Simpson has celebrated a birthday in a way that included her butt.

Jessica Simpson flashed her 37-year-old butt on Instagram back in July.

Oh, and she was topless.

Don’t you feel grateful to live in the age of social media?

Remember, unlike genitals and the “dreaded” lady-nipples that can apparently scar minds or something, butts are totally allowed on Instagram.

There are even Instagram accounts dedicated entirely to butts.

Or … so we hear.

Jessica Simpson doesn’t always make sense, but she doesn’t have to.

She’s gorgeous and she’s happy, and that’s what matters.

Also, remember the craze where everyone was either sampling or covering “You Spin Me Right ‘Round” about a decade ago?

(It was the result of a viral video called “Meatspin;” do not look it up)

Jessica Simpson had the best of them and she even rewrote a lot of the lyrics.

Point is, she’s a treasure, and we look forward to her celebrations of even more birthdays in the future.


Sunday, September 3, 2017

Justin Timberlake Jessica Biel, Love Set at U.S. Open

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel took a break from some awesome tennis Saturday to suck face. J.T. and Jessica hit up the U.S. Open at the Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens, NY but Federer vs. Lopez was no match for them. They got married in 2012, so…


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Miranda Kerr and Jessica Alba

Miranda Kerr and Jessica Alba


Friday, August 4, 2017

Big Brother Recap: Did Jessica Save Herself?

Big Brother Season 19 has hit a bit of a lull, and part of that is due to the powers that have been given out to the houseguests over the last few weeks. 

First, we had Paul with his four-week safety, and then there’s Christmas who still has to use her ring of replacement. The most recent significant power was Jessica’s Halting Hex. 

Along the way, there was a battle back, so the number of houseguests inside the house has stayed the same for a few weeks now. We need the show to take a page from the Canadian version’s playbook and have a triple eviction to amp up the drama. 

When the episode got underway, Jessica was still reeling from the news that Cody kept Jason and Alex around to take out the likes of Raven and Jessica. Hey, the producers had to do something to make viewers doubt Jessica was going to use her big power. 

Jessica turned to Matt who brushed her off and essentially told her to speak to Cody, so that’s what she did next and she had a very thorough line of questioning for her boyfriend. 

“When my mom watches this show, is she going to love you or is she gonna hate you?” she says. Although the conversation did take place, Cody denied it, and from a strategic standpoint, he had to. 

The last person he should be pissing off right now is Jessica because she can effortlessly get Cody out of the house by not using the Hex. He looked very guilty, however, and Jessica picked up on that. 

Struggling to trust Cody could be detrimental to her game because it’s not like anyone else is offering her friendship bracelets right about now. She’s toast either way. 

Paul then catches up with Jessica to let her know the house is on board with the demand to get rid of Cody and let her keep the Hex another week, but Jessica seems a bit too busy questioning her relationship to care. 

Jessica and Cody seemingly break up, and nobody cared. They are just toxic at this stage, and it’s becoming tiring as a viewer to watch. Cut the crap and play the game, you guys. 

At the veto meeting, Paul saved Jason, and it was not a surprise. Yes, it was a whole day late this week. Just when there was some calm in the house, Jessica overhears a conversation about the Hex and wondering what will come next. 

Hint: It was not good news for Jessica, who immediately targeted Raven for talking about her. Raven subsequently found herself embroiled in a bitter war of words between Jess and Cody. 

When Paul finds out Jessica is officially against him again, he gives Josh the go ahead to “turn it up to a 30. Pots, everything.” Before we know it, the whole house is getting in on the fun. 

The big plan, of course, was that Cody would be pushed to the limit and Jessica would see the real him once again and let him leave out the back door. 

Thankfully, the eviction was canceled, and the head of household competition was a putting competition. So, it was essentially down to chance. 

The results were as follows:

  • Round 1: Matthew – 6 

  • Round 2: Alex – 2 

  • Round 3: Mark – 15

  • Round 4: Jason – 15

  • Round 5: Cody – 21

  • Round 6: Christmas – 21 

  • Round 7: Elena – 13

  • Round 8: Jessica – 2 

  • Round 9: Josh – 23 

  • Round 10: Raven – 13

  • Round 11: Kevin – 6  

Yes, that means hell on Earth has been unleashed on the Big Brother house because Josh has won freaking Head of Household. His targets will be Jessica and Cody. 

God, it’s going to be a crazy week with this crazy dude in power. It would not be surprising if he locked Jessica and Cody in a room for a week because he loves causing trouble. 

Look for Paul to dictate what Josh does with his nominations because Paul is the true puppet master in the game. Wouldn’t it be a fun twist if Josh targeted Paul?

Over to you, what do you think of the twists and fights?

Sunday’s episode will include the temptation challenge, so Jessica and Cody really need to think about winning both that and the veto, or they are getting split up next week. 


Monday, July 24, 2017

Jessica Alba Shows off Baby Bump In Hawaii

Jessica Alba’s got her third bun in the oven … and she’s making sure it gets plenty of sun. Alba’s currently enjoying summer in Hawaii on the heels of news she’s having another kid. She’s already mom to 2 daughters — 9-year-old Honor…


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Jessica Alba Shows Off Baby Bump Sunbathing in Hawaii

Jessica Alba’s now tanning for 2 … and has no problem flaunting it either. The actress put her baby bump on full display as she lounged at the beach in Hawaii Tuesday. Alba’s on a babymoon getaway after announcing Monday she’s expecting her third…


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Jessica Alba: Pregnant with Baby #3!

As the owner of The Honest Company, Jessica Alba cannot tell a lie.

So you know the beauty is spitting the truth when she says the following: 


Alba revealed this exciting piece of information on Monday afternoon, posing for an adorable video with her two daughters in order to alert the world to her condition.

Referencing her husband, Cash Warren, and holding up a balloon alongside nine-year old daughter Honor and five-year old daughter Haven, Alba wrote the following as a caption to the Instagram image below:

“@cash_warren and I are officially going to be outnumbered #babyonboard #herewegoagain #blessed.”

How totally adorable, right?!?

Alba has previously denied multiple pregnancy rumors in the past.

But she may have felt pressured to come out and tell the world about her special state at this juncture because she appeared to be rocking a baby bump while paddle boarding on a recent family vacation to Hawaii.

While wearing a fedora on the trip, Alba was photographed in a sheer white maxi dress over a printed bikini.

An onlooker also told E! News that the beautiful star refrained from drinking any alcohol while relaxing on the beach with her husband.

The entrepreneur has said in the past that she’s very busy with her non-toxic household goods company, but that she’s open to having a third child at some point in the future.

“I’m happy with my two girls… Down the road in five or 10 years, who knows, but for right now, I’m good,” Alba said way back in April of 2012.

Fast forward a few years and she said the following to People Magazine about parenthood and what it has made her realize about herself.

“I think maybe being open and curious and trying to better myself,” she told the publication, adding:

“I don’t try to pretend like I have all the answers and I certainly don’t think I’m perfect. So when my kids say something, instead of me being so reactive, I think about how I can be better.”

Warren and Alba have been married since May of 2008.

The husband and wife share parenting duties when it comes to their kids, as it’s clear Warren is quite involved in his daughters’ lives.

Just consider what he wrote about Honor on the occasion of her ninth birthday:

“Having you has taught me how to appreciate the here and now. I can’t afford to wish for tomorrow because I know I’ll miss today. You are kind, thoughtful and fair.

“You are smart, creative and driven. You’re not afraid to lead but more importantly you’re not afraid to listen. Keep it up my champ! You’re doing great.”

Excuse us while we go melt into a million tiny pieces.

Congrats to Jessica Alba and Cash Warren!


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Jessica Simpson: What Drove Her Away From Nick Lachey?

Earlier this week, Jessica Simpson celebrated her 37th birthday, and she celebrated in pretty much the same way that she markd every other occasion – with a revealing bikini photo.

But Jessica’s bikini selfies aren’t the only reason her … million Instagram followers flock to her page.

Many are there for the the photos of Jess’ husband, children, and idyllic homelife.

The scene she portrays is so serene that it’s enough to make one forget that Jess’ first marriage was messy from start to finish – but also wildly important to the career she built its wake.

Some of out younger readers may not even realize that Jess was an MTV reality star back when the very notion of an MTV reality star was confusing to some and repugnant to others.

While the network was still struggling to find its identity in an age in which music videos could be watched on demand on the Internet, it experimented with the idea of celebrity-focused reality television.

The most famous of these experiments, The Osbournes, had critics up in arms at the time, but is now credited as – for better or worse – a pioneering series in a brand new genre.

Another, which aired around the same time, also found an unexpctedly large audience, but has become something of a footnote in 2017.

As its title suggests, Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica focused on young, recently married pop stars Jessica Cimpson and Nick Lachey.

Like The Osbournes, the show was basically intended to serve as an unscripted family sitcom.

And at first, Jessica’s amusing malapropisms and difficulty understanding simple concepts (her belief that tuna was made of chicken remains a classic), but producers had difficulty hiding a darker undcurrent in the Simpson-Lachey household.

In a new interview with Complex magazine, producers open for the first time about realizing Nick and Jessica’s marriage wasn’t as picture perfect as it appeared from the outside.

“You could feel there was tension between the two of them. They were very different people,” producer producer Sue Kolinsky recalls.

“He was a blue collar guy—he did a lot of things himself, like he and his brother would build things,” Kplinsky says of Lachey. “He was frugal, and she had excessive taste.”

“In the end they weren’t suited for each other. The only thing they really had in common was their music.”

Kolinsky adds that the constant presence of Jessica’s controversial father, Joe Simpson, was also a factor in the couple’s early difficulties:

“She was really young; I think he’s seven years older than her. He wanted a family, and her father thought maybe she was too young. Her father was very involved in her life. “

Simpson and Lachey wound up separating after just three years together, and both released confessional breakup albums shortly thereafter.

The whole thing was enough to leave fans wondering if the marriage had been a publicity stunt.

But Kolinksy says the show was actually far less scripted than most reality shows.

She says believes that Nick and Jessica were really in love, and may have moved too quickly as a result of thier youth.

She also notes, that Jessica’s “dumb blonde routine” was “definitely not an act.”

These days, Jessica and Nick are both married, with families of their own, and while they reportedly have no contact with one another, it seems they’ve both found happy endings.

Just not the ones they would’ve imagined back when Newlyweds premiered in the those heady early days of reality TV.


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Jessica Simpson: Check Out My 37-Year-Old Butt!

Jessica Simpson is 37.

For our readers of a certain age, the fact that the bubbly blonde whose tuna-confusion helped make her an early MTV reality standout is now pushing 40 will be enough to provoke a mild existential crisis.

After all, though she’s been in the spotlight forever, Jess certainly doesn’t look 37 – as evidenced by her latest bikini pic:

“Kiss My Butt 36,” Simpson captioned her celebratory birthday shot, demonstrating that her brassy bravado and love of Random Capitalization remain intact.

If you follow her on Instagram, you know that Simpson posts bikini photos all the time, but this one has attracted an unusual amount of attention.

For one thing, Jessica looks damn good for any age.

On top of that, it seems fans of all ages, shapes, sizes, and genders seem to have been inspired by Jess’ apparent ability to laugh in the face of Father Time.

“She’s 37 now, guys. I just turned 37 one day prior, myself. And I concur; 36 can kiss my butt!” wrote one follower.

“I want her butt! I’m gonna do squats as we walk this weekend,” commented another.

“36?? Looking 24!” wrote a third, who … we guess missed the whole 37th birthday part.

What may be most inspiring thing about Jess is the fact that she’s not Gisele Bundchen  – out there burning extra calories by foraging for her dinner of twigs and berries.

(We kid. Gisele wouldn’t be caught dead eating fruit! Sugar!)

Instead Jessica likes to drink, eat, and chill, and she’s never been shy about it.

It’s encouraging to know that one can maintain such a jaw-dropping figure without a superhuman, round-the-clock commitment to fitness.

Of course, this is the Internet in 2017, which means that where there’s positivity, haters are soon to follow.

Sadly, comments such as this gem have begun to pop up on Jess’ awe-inspiring post:

“Idiot. Your kids suffer for your dumbness and needing attention NEGATIVE ATTENTION. BE A FREAKIN MOM!”

Yes, because a millionaire who gets to make her own work schedule obviously shouldn’t have the time to go for a swim or post a selfie on her birthday.

Jess may have taken a lot of flak for her chicken-tuna comment back in the day, but as social media reminds us on a regular basis, there are much dumber folks in our midst.


Jessica Simpson"s Ass Kisses 36 Goodbye

Jessica Simpson’s drivers license says 37, as of today, but you’d never tell it from her ass … which she put on full display. Jess spent at least part of her birthday tanning her cheeks in her pool, while sipping on what looks like a fruity adult…


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Jessica Simpson"s Daughter Graduates Preschool: See the Adorable Picture!

Jessica Simpson has been battling internet trolls over the way she has been dressing her daughter, Maxwell for quite some time now.

We always jump to her defense because the majority of the time the trolls have been trying to get a rise out of the star, and their claims about the way little Maxwell is dressed have been bizarre. 

For what it’s worth, Jessica had been sending subtle digs at the haters with even more pictures of her daughter.

In short, she knows how to create controversy amongst her followers, and that’s a good thing when you consider that the only time she seems to be in the media these days is when the trolls come out to play. 

Hey, she needs to keep herself in the spotlight somehow. And no, we’re not talking about her rambling on for dear life on Ellen. That was lame and bizarre. 


Maxwell has officially graduated from preschool and Jessica opted to keep the outfit in line with what the kids are supposed to wear for a graduation, so it’s not like the trolls could appear from the woodwork on this one. 

“Spread your wings and prepare to fly for you have become a butterfly,” Simpson captioned a photo of her daughter. Thus far, it seems like the trolls have been successfully kept at bay, and Jessica can breathe a huge sigh of relief. 

We do think she would have liked some controversy, but it’s somewhat refreshing to look at comments on Instagram and to find people praising her. Is this, like, an alternate reality? 

We kid, of course. 

Jessica uploaded another picture of the event which showed her little one jumping for joy, presumably because she knows her mother’s phone is not going to be blowing up with hate for another few days. 

“Someone is excited for kindergarten! How do all you moms do it? I need help,” Simpson captioned the second picture. 

They sure grow up fast!

During Jessica’s  recent controversial appearance on The Ellen Degeneres Show, Ellen wanted to find out whether the Simpson-Johnson family was expanding. 

“Are you sure that you’re not pregnant?” host Ellen DeGeneres asked. “I heard that you were.”

“Oh, gosh!” Simpson replied. “We had an IUD. Nothing’s gonna get in that uterus!” Jessica promised she’s “not having a third” child, explaining, “They’re too cute! We really can’t top that.”

Watch the full video below if you want to see what all the fuss was about. 


Monday, June 12, 2017

Jessica Chastain and Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo: Married!

Jessica Chastain is now officially off the market. 

The 40-year-old actress married Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo on June 10 in a romantic ceremony on the groom’s family estate in Carbonera, a town in the Northern Italian province of Treviso.

The pair began dating in 2012 and appear to be getting along swimmingly, so it was clear that a wedding could be on the horizon for them. 

Gian Luca is an executive for Italian-French fashions brand, Moncler. Chastain has been vocal in the past about keeping the lid on her private life. 

Unlike most other celebrities, Jessica is actually very shy and opts to keep pretty much everything about her life out of the public eye. 

This marks the first marriage for Chastain, who resides in New York City. It’s unclear whether they are considering a move to Italy in the future, but for now, it looks like they will remain in the Big Apple. 

The wedding was apparently a star-studded affair, with Anne Hathaway, Emily Blunt and Edgar Ramirez in attendance. Those stars sure like to have some star power at their celebrations. 

Who wouldn’t? Everyone loves a good celebration, and we can’t think of anything more interesting than celebrities getting full of alcohol without the watchful eye of the paparazzi. 

Chastain has a career that dates back to 1998, which signaled her first appearance on the stage. That appearance was obviously the start of great things for the stunning actress. 

More recently, she appeared on The Zookeeper’s Wife, but that movie is seen as a dark mark on her career. Despite decent reviews, the movie struggled at the box office. 

To date, it had made $ 21 million against a $ 20 million budget. Is this movie just a blip, or is her career faltering? 

We have no idea, but time will tell. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Jessica Alba"s Company Agrees to Pay $1.55 Million in Class Action Settlement

Jessica Alba’s company allegedly made false claims about its products and now it’s paying the price. Alba’s Honest Company has agreed to fork over $ 1.55 mil to settle claims it misled customers into thinking its soaps and cleaning products didn’t…


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Jessica Simpson to Haters: Check Out THIS Photo of My Daughter!

Note to Jessica Simpson:

You’re right. We’re on your side.

But take a chill pill, will ya?

On multiple occasions over the past years or so, the singer (Second Note: Can we still refer to that as Simpson’s job? Discuss!) has been the victim of some pretty intense mommy-shaming.

Multiple Internet users with way too much time on their hands have called Simpson out for what they deemed to be inappropriate photos of her daughter, Maxwell.

First, there was the time Simpson shared the following picture of little Maxwell and wrote as a caption to it:

“My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they’re like it’s better than yours…”

That’s a lyric from a 2003 single by Kelis and the “milkshake” in question is a reference to oral sex.

So, yeah. Simpson may have made a mistake then penning this caption.

But then Simpson shared another photo of Maxwell and heard it from the online community for no reason at all.

In early May, Jessica and husband Eric Johnson threw their daughter a mermaid-themed birthday party.

Cute idea, right? The Little Mermaid is a classic Disney movie and children love these imaginary creatures.

In celebration of the occasion, Simpson posted the image below on Instagram, simply passing along a family portrait from the gathering:

But stupid haters didn’t see it that way.

They blasted Simpson for daring to dress Maxwell in such a revealing outfit. No, really… they did!

“Parents should never post pictures of their children, especially girls, in swimming attire or underwear,” wrote one critic, who believed she was being helpful by adding:

“Perverted predators copy or screen shot the pictures and share them with each other.”

Added another: “She’s 5. Put some clothes on her. good grief.”

And another: “Kinda sad seeing a 5-year-old posing like that…”

Look, if you get sad by seeing a five-year old dressed like a mermaid, well…you’re just a sad person in general. We’re not sure what else to tell you.

In response to these idiots, Simpson went ahead this week and doubled down.

She shared yet another supposedly “revealing” picture of her toddler, this time showcasing Maxwell riding a scooter while wearing a bikini. and writing as a caption “safety first.”

And it’s true: Maxwell is wearing a helmet! Good for her! Good for Simpson and Johnson!

Far too many parents out there don’t force their kids to take this precaution when riding a bike or a scooter.

But Simpson also included a smiley face emoji with this picture, clearly winking at her followers because she knew she’d receive flak for Maxwell’s swimsuit.

And we’re with her; people criticizing a child for wearing a two-piece need to get a life and shut the heck up.

Still, we hope this is as far as Simpson goes. She’s made her point. She needs to be done with it now.

Because Simpson isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer (see video below… now!) and we could almost see her taking this another step.

So before you take a snapshot of your child’s bare butt to keep shoving it down the critics’ throats, Jessica, put the camera down, relax, take pride in your victory and prepare better for your next interview on Ellen.

This was simply a trainwreck…


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Jessica Simpson Appears on Ellen, Makes Little to No Sense

When Jessica Simpson gets inappropriately shamed as a mother on Twitter, we rush to the singer"s defense.

However, when Jessica Simpson appears as a guest opposite Ellen DeGeneres and rambles incoherently about marriage, mermaids and contraception… well…

… we apologize.

But we"re gonna go right ahead and join the chorus of those openly mocking the artist.

To open their chat, Simpson immediately announced ”I’m not pregnant on your show,” trying to shoot down rumors that she’s expecting, but using an odd phrasing to do it.

Are you sure, Ellen asked?

"Oh, gosh," Jessica responded. "We had an IUD. Nothing"s gonna get in that uterus!"

Okay then. Fair enough.

DeGeneres then asked Simpson how long she"s been with husband Eric Johnson, a pretty straightforward inquiry that was still somehow botched.

"Seven years now. Well, coming on seven years. Well actually, seven," Simpson replied, digging an even bigger hole for herself by adding:

"It’s a long time. I don’t know if I’ve ever had a seven-year relationship. Other than with a woman. Well, not that kind.”

Of course, Ellen is in "that kind" of a relationship with a woman, which prompted the following look on her part:

Next topic: What do Simpson and Johnson do together for fun?

"We kinda like TV shows, but then he snores through them," the guest said. "He golfs, I don"t. Hmmm, we love our kids?"

Simpson proceeded to explain that she likes to get a back massage and that Johnson manages to give her one "even while he"s snoring."

How generous of him? We guess?

As for the "man handlers" who worked at her daughter"s mermaid-themed birthday party? And how they went to the bathroom during the event?

You"re going to need to click PLAY on the video below in order to hear Jessica"s fascinating explanation. (You know you want to!)

Jessica simpson appears on ellen makes little to no sense

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Pretty Little Liars SHOCKER: Who Murdered Jessica DiLaurentis?

With Pretty Little Liars wrapping up, the series has a lofty task before it signs off: Answer the multitude of questions that have been spun from the convoluted web of deceit over the past seven seasons. 

We’ve had three episodes so far of beating around the bush, with more red herrings than every thrown our way. It’s hardly been the season of answers like Marlene King, and the cast has been trying to lead fans to believe. 

On Pretty Little Liars Season 7 Episode 14, we finally got the reveal to one of this biggest questions out there: Who the eff killed Mrs. DiLaurentis?

Surprisingly, the killer was Mary Drake … at least according to Peter Hastings, who somehow reappeared in town weeks after Spencer was shot. 

Spencer picked up on his latest lie when she checked his passport and called him out on it. He told her he was actually investigating Mary with a private investigator. 

Um, alright then. Some time later, Spencer went to war with him, and he dropped the bomb that Mary took Jessica out of the equation with help from his drugs. 

Spencer was in disbelief. Let’s face it: She was probably questioning whether her father was talking crap in the name of turning Spencer against her biological mother. 

Spencer’s search for Mary found herself and Hanna crossing paths with Pastor Ted. Yes, that Same guy Ashley was romancing some time ago. 

Ted lied that he had never heard of Mary because Mary was hiding out in his house. He later came clean to Hanna that he was in a relationship with Mary in college and he was Charlotte’s biological father. 

A shocked Hanna questioned who the other kid was in a picture with Charlotte. Nothing could prepare her for the revelation that the other kid was Lucas and that he was BFFs with Charlotte. 

Did this just implicate Lucas in being the King of Sketch? It sure seemed that way, and Hanna went on the offensive to find out the truth. 

Alison was stopped by Fury who opened up about the finger that was delivered to the police station. It was Archer’s, and the police were convinced he was dead from around the time he was reported missing. 

While Fury tried to get the truth from Ali, she deflected it by saying that anyone could have gone after her ex-husband because he posed as a doctor and was not qualified. 

When Alison took her turn at the game, she found out that A had impregnated her with Emily’s eggs. Unfortunately, all of this came when Paige and Emily put their differences aside. 

How will Paige react to Ali carrying Emily’s child? Oh, the drama.

Aria ditched Ali and went to meet A.D. because she wanted out of the game. She was shocked to meet Sydney in the limo, but Sydney claimed she shot Spencer and created the game. 

She then offered Aria a role on Team A.D. She kept this quiet from the liars and got to skip her shot at the game, with Hanna taking another stab at it. 

So… does this mean Aria has gone rogue? We have no clue, but we’re digging it. 

What did you think of the twists?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Jessica Simpson: SLAMMED as Bad Mother by Loser Trolls!

Jessica Simpson just learned, once again, that the Internet can be a horrible place.

The proud mother of two celebrated her daughter turning five years old this week by hosting a fun birthday party for little Maxwell, her friends and her closest relatives.

It’s unclear exactly where the gathering took place, but it’s quite clear that theme was nautical in nature.

How do we know?

The young woman of honor was dressed up like a mermaid, striking a fun pose in front of blue and white balloons while wearing a glittery tail and seashell bikini top for a photo alongside her brother, mother and father.

How cute, right?

How adorable, no?

What a precious keepsake for this close-knit family, correct?

Apparently not any of these things, according to pathetic critics on the World Wife Web.

“My baby Maxwell is 5 years old today,” wrote Simpson as a caption to this seemingly harmless image.

Added the artist:

“She makes everyone’s life mermaid magical. Happy Birthday to our fairytale princess. Mommy, Daddy, and Ace love you with our “holy hearts” (as Max would say) #MerMax #MAXIDREW #canyoube5forever.”

In response to this family snapshot, far too many Instagram users jumped all over Simpson.

They accused her of basically making like Farrah Abraham by dressing her child in an inappropriate outfit.

“She’s 5. Put some clothes on her. good grief,” one follower actually wrote, while another chimed in as follows:

“Kinda sad seeing a 5 year old posing like that…”

Really? It is?

It’s kinda sad to see a toddler making like Ariel, one of the most famous and beloved characters in Disney history? Simply because her belly is exposed?

Look, if you want to insult Jessica Simpson over this photo… don’t.

It’s totally innocent and cute.

But if you REALLY feel the need to do so, you could maybe question why Simpson felt the need to expose her own cleavage in such an overt manner for a children’s birthday party.

She likely doesn’t own any clothing that isn’t skin tight on top, but whatever. Go have a field day with criticism in that area if you’re so inclined.

But have we really reached a point in society where a little girl can’t wear a mermaid costume without the girl’s mother being harassed online? Sheesh.

Back in February of 2016, the 36-year-old star shared a different photo of Maxwell, in this instance holding a milkshake in her hand and rocking a sassy look on her face.

Wrote Simpson as a caption at the time:

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they’re like it’s better than yours…”

This was a a reference to the popular 2003 song “Milkshake” by Kelis, which is all about the singer praising her own oral sex abilities.

So, yeah. We understood the comments people made back then about Simpson.

But not now. This is just folks looking way, way, way too hard for a reason to be critical of a celebrity.

We wouldn’t blame Simpson if she wants to go live under the sea following this incident. 

Not only are they devoting full-time to floating down there… but there’s not any Internet access, either!


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Jessica Biel: Pregnant with Baby #2?!?

Just under a year ago, Justin Timberlake wrote that Jessica Biel was a Mother He Would Like to… You Know.

And now a new report suggests that the singer has gone ahead and You Know’d his wife right into a second pregnancy!

Yes, Jessica Biel is expecting her second baby.


If the latest Life & Style cover is to be believed, that is.

“She only just found out,” an insider tells the not-always-reliable tabloid, adding of this tremendous twosome:

“Jess and Justin are both so excited because they have been talking about expanding their family for the last year.”

The artist and the actress are already the adorable parents of son Silas, who will turn two years old on April 8.

Timberlake and Biel have taken great care to keep their little one mostly out of the spotlight, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t posed for the occasional Instagram photo with young Silas.

How could they resist when he’s THIS cute?!?

“Jessica and Justin have always said they want a large family,” the source also said, teasing a future of many beautiful kids by adding:

“This is really just the beginning.”

Timberlake and Biel often go unnoticed as one of Hollywood’s most stable couples.

You never read any divorce rumors involving the pair and you don’t even see them out and about too often.

When you do, however, it’s clear how much they are in love.

Remember when Justin stopped during his opening performance at the 2017 Academy Awards, for example, and planted a kiss on his wife’s smiling lips?

In honor of Biel’s birthday last March, Timberlake wrote the following note to his prettier half:

Happy BAE-DAY, baby!! I can’t put into words what you mean to me… You are the GREATEST Mommy and Wife a man could ever ask for. I love you to the MOON AND BACK!!! –Your Huz

He later warned of a “M.I.L.F. Alert!!!!” on Mother’s Day as part of a caption to a photo featuring Biel and Silas, prior to adding:

And, to all of the Mother’s out there… You keep the World turning!! Hope every single one of you has an amazing day!

Really, it’s not enough for JT to be as good looking and as talented as they come.

He must also be the sweetest and most charming? Sheesh!

“They have both been very hands-on parents, and they pitch in and share most of the childcare duties,” Life & Style writes in this report.

The insider concluded that if Biel really is pregnant again, Timberlake will take a “hiatus” from work to help out in any way he can, both now and when the child is born.

“Justin and Jessica both say parenthood is their greatest gift,” the source explained, saying how having Silas “changed everything for the stars.

“It’s humbling,” the tabloid concludes.

It’s also so precious, as you can see here!

Congrats to Justin and Jessica if this exciting report is true!
