Showing posts with label Kourtney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kourtney. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Posts Ab-tastic Thirst Trap, Sends Epic Message

Kourtney Kardashian shared an absolutely tantalizing photo to remind the world that she’s hotter than Kim will ever be.

Maybe she was also sending a message to Younes Bendjima — or to Scott Disick. It’s hard to say for sure.

You’ll have to take a look at this ab-tastic pic and decide for yourself.

The first thing that you need to know about this gorgeous image is that the White Fox Swim brand bikini she’s wearing is called “100% SALTY.”

Maybe that’s just a coincidence. Or maybe she’s feeling salty af.

The second thing that you need to know is that her caption simply reads “detox.”

It’s difficult to tell if she means that she is literally detoxifying herself after perhaps indulging a little … or if she is just relaxing after being around toxic people.

The third thing that you need to know is that she looks all kinds of hot. Take a look at these abs.

Now, is this just another Kardashian thirst trap, or are we looking at a message aimed at someone in particular?

The first suspect who comes to mind as a target for Kourt’s Instagram messages is Younes.

This wouldn’t be a plea for him to come back.

After her ugly breakup with Younes, which involved accusations of cheating, he would be the one begging her to take him back.

No, this would be her flaunting her gorgeous self to show him exactly what he is missing.

And maybe she’s “detoxing” after the end of their relationship.

On the other hand, Kourtney was partying with Scott Disick just a few days ago at Kylie’s 21st birthday party.

The two were seated side-by-side and, while they weren’t shoving their tongues down each other’s throats (at least, not while on video), they seemed to be getting along just fine.

Khloe and Kim were not even a little shy about their fantasies of Kourtney reuniting with the father of her children.

Was this Kourtney showing Scott that she’s every bit as hot as his almost-20-year-old girlfriend?

Or was she just literally detoxing after spending Kylie’s birthday partying by his side?

That said, there is another obvious target for Kourtney’s not-so-subtle message.

She and Kim have been feuding intensely on Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

You might dismiss that, since the feuds were filmed months and months ago — but remember that Kim and Kourtney’s feud spilled onto Twitter. Recently.

On the show, sparks flew between the sisters after Kim lashed out in response to Kourtney being difficult about the family Christmas card.

Kim told Kourtney that she was the least interesting to look at of all of the members of the family.

We’d say that Kourtney’s gorgeous “detox” pic pretty much destroys that claim.

We don’t know which of these theories is right. Kourtney might be multitasking with a single photo.

It’s also entirely within the realm of possibility that she just posted a hot pic of herself for its own sake.

Look at it again — there’s no need for a second meaning. Not with abs like those.

Kourt has truly blessed her followers.


Kourtney Kardashian: Partying With Scott Disick After Dumping Younes Bendjima!

About a week ago, Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima broke up after two years together. Things between them are not amicable.

But things are looking surprisingly friendly between Kourtney and … Scott Disick.

In the video, take a look at how well these two are getting along. And see how not-subtle Kourt"s sisters are about wanting them to get back together.

Kourtney and scott disick throwback

Last week, Kylie Jenner"s birthday party was shut down by police. But before that, it was going strong.

You only turn 21 once!

For Kylie"s special milestone birthday, all feuds were set aside. That meant that Caitlyn was there. And so was Scott.

As you"ll see in the video that we included, both Kim and Khloe could not resist filming Scott and Kourtney as they sat side-by-side at a table.

To the sisters, it was just like old times — and a reminder of what they"d like to see again.

Scott disick and kourtney kardashian at kylies 21st birthday

In Kim"s video, she pans over boht Kourtney and Scott, who are on their phones.

Kim"s voice can be heard saying: "Oh, just like an old married couple on your phones!"

Khloe"s video is, like Khloe"s personality, even less subtle.

She went so far as to write the words "A girl can dream" on her video of Kourtney and Scott.

Clearly, both of Kourtney"s fellow Kardashian sisters want to see her reunite with Scott.

Kourtney kardashian stares hard

There are a lot of potentially very good reasons why that might be more possible than ever now that Kourtney has parted ways with her boy toy.

But … Scott is still dating his much younger model, Sofia Richie.

Of course, Scott and Sofia have gotten back together and broken up during their relationship, so it"s not like their romance is perfect or seamless.

Sofia herself was not at Kylie"s party.

That wasn"t necessarily a snub — the party took place at an L.A. hotspot, and though Sofia has a birthday later this month, she is only 19 years old.

Kind of hard to bring your girlfriend places when she"s not old enough to drink, isn"t it, Scott?

Sofia richie and scott disick look sad

Clearly, Khloe and Kim would be happy to see Kourt get right with The Lord. And her breakup with Younes seems to open the door for that.

But Scott and Sofia are still a thing.

That said … many feel that part of what motivated Scott"s absolutely ridiculous bender that lasted for, like, half of 2017 and ended with him dating Sofia after he"d banged every other 19-year-old model on the planet was that Kourtney and Younes were a real thing.

It might have bothered him less if Younes were just a hot piece of tail that Kourtney was enjoying. it seemed to really get under his skin that she was in a real relationship.

If he was just dating Sofia to get revenge on Kourtney or whatever, well … things might change.

Kendall kylie and kourtney

Whether you want to see Kourt and Scott reunite as much as her sisters clearly do, please remember that Sofia is a real person with real feelings.

In fact, she"s still a teenager, so she arguably has more feelings than a lot of us, even though she"s an adult.

If Scott does find some reason to dump her in the next few weeks or months, it could be devastating to her.

She deserves better than that.

Still, take a look at our compilation of Kim and Khloe"s videos and see if you agree with their hopes for reunification.

Kourtney kardashian partying with scott disick after dumping you

Saturday, August 11, 2018

daily-celebrities: Kourtney Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, and Kim...


Kourtney Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, and Kim Kardashian West


Kourtney Kardashian Will Never Date Scott Disick Again

Kourtney Kardashian is ready to live up the single life again — and has no interest in being tied down to another guy … especially baby daddy Scott Disick. TMZ broke the story — Kardashian split with her 25-year-old boyfriend, Younes…


Friday, August 10, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: Can I Just Punch Kourtney in the Mouth?!?

It is about to be on between Kardashian sisters.

Yes, again.

In a sneak peek from this Sunday"s new episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, we see Kim, Kourtney and Khloe attempt to hash out some pretty major differences that surfaced last week as a result of the family Christmas card shoot.

And it doesn"t exactly go smoothly.

"We all have different realities of what goes on when we have our fight," Kim says to open the latest explosive clip, adding:

"We all communicate really weird and we just don"t ever express what"s really bothering us and we all walk on eggshells around each other."

As a result, Kim suggests that the siblings ought to all attend therapy together because they need a to "communicate with a mediator."

Sounds like a totally natural, normally and definitely NOT scripted-by-producers plan.

But Kourtney objects because she says Khloe and Kim used to always mock her for going to a therapist when she was younger.

"We don"t make fun of you for going to therapy," interrupts Khloe at this point. "We make fun of you for literally hating us because of your therapist."

Hate? That sounds extreme, despite what Kourtney wrote a few days ago on Twitter.

"I don"t hate you and my therapist just said this will start to happen," Kourtney argued. "People that you"re close to you"ll probably like have some arguments with them."

Can"t we just talk it out, Kourtney asks?

"You"re the one I think that has the communication issue," Khloe retorts, saying the family simply "sweeps things under the rug" and no tension is ever truly fixed.

This sort of exchange goes on for a bit longer, without anything really getting solved or either side really giving an inch.

It all leads to a classic Khloe confessional in which the mother of little True tells the camera:

"I"m trying to talk it out with her, but instead of actually talking it out she"s editing a photo on her phone and with this ridiculous smile on her face.

"I want to f-cking punch that smile off her f-cking face."

An annoyed Khloe then tells Kourtney that she"s not going to invest herself anymore and that Kourtney can go "f-ck off then."

Sounds like this pow-wow only led to more problems, doesn"t it?

Watch everything unfold now — and then click on the following link to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online if you need to catch up!

Keeping up with the kardashians klip f ck off kourtney

Younes Bendjima: I"m Writing a Tell-All Book About Kourtney Kardashian!!

Despite their super sexy vacation just weeks ago, Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima have split. By all accounts, it is not an amicable breakup.

Younes is begging Kourt to take him back and saying that he never cheated, but it sounds like he’s also gotten confrontational about it.

In fact, he has reportedly threatened to write a tell-all book about Kourtney and her entire family. Yikes!

RadarOnline reports that Younes Bendjima’s tell-all book threat came to Kourtney through an intermediary.

“Younes had one of his friends reach out to Kourtney,” an insider close to Kourtney reveals.

This was not an olive branch.

The friend made contact, the source says, “to tell her that if her sisters don’t stop talking s–t about him that he would write a tell all book.”

Younes apparently knows enough about the family that he could embarrass them “and air all of their dirty laundry.”

“After two years together,” the insider says. “Kourtney knows that Younes knows” a great deal of insider information “about the family.”

He and Kourt have been together since 2016, and now we’re just a few months away from 2019.

Younes started off as a boy toy, but he’s no fool. He noticed things.

In fact, the source says that Younes knows more “than anyone else that has come in and out of their circle in quite some time.”

Kourtney, the insider says, is freaking out because “she does not want this to escalate anymore.”

In a war of words, it looks like both sides could lose — but Kourtney and her loved ones might have more to lose.

“So,” the source revealed of Kourtney. “She asked her family to refrain from saying anything about him.”

Nobody closes ranks like the Kardashians in a krisis, folks.

That means that Kourtney’s sisters — despite Kim and Kourtney’s vicious feud — are eager to lay into Younes.

But that also means that they’ll mince words and bite their tongues about Younes if that’s what needs to happen.

Just think of how careful they were with their words when Khloe’s baby daddy was outed as a no-good cheater. They can do that with Younes, too.

Kourtney is just tired of the whole Younes situation, even though she might miss having hot cougar sex with the 25-year-old model.

“At this point,” the insider explains. “She just wants him to go away.”

That is understandable. The breakup is fresh and likely full of a lot of very complicated feelings.

Kourtney wants Younes out of sight and out of mind, the source says, “so she can move on with her life.”

That is very understandable.

It is, of course, very important to note that Jordan Ozuna, the lovely socialite with whom Younes was spotted, has spoken out.

She wants to make it very clear that nothing romantic happened between her and Younes.

The thing is that some suspect that Kourtney was, perhaps subconsciously, in the market for an excuse to break things off with Younes.

The two of them have an age gap of almost 15 years and are at very different stages of their lives.

We’re glad that their relationship was fun while it lasted and we’re sorry to see it end.

We hope, of course, that everyone can come out of this sitation as a winner.


Younes Bendjima SWEARS He Didn"t Cheat, Begs Kourtney to Take Him Back!

After two years together, it’s over between Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima. And, with accusations of cheating, things are turning ugly.

Younes is adamantly denying that he ever cheated on his favorite MILF.

He still hopes that Kourtney will take him back. He sitll loves her.

HollywoodLife reports that a source close to Younes says that he hopes to reconcile ASAP and go back to having hot cougar sex with Kourt.

“Younes is denying he ever cheated on Kourtney,” the insider says.

Cheating rumors arose after he was spotted looking cozy — but, genuinely, just cozy — with Jordan Ozuma.

The source continues: “He swears he has only been loyal to her since the moment they first met.”

Younes is faithful to Kourtney, the insider says, “and has done nothing wrong.”

“He still loves her a lot,” the source continues. “And can’t believe it is over.”

The two of them just finished their sexy Italian vacation together and now they’re done. That totally sucks — for both of them.

“He has been apologizing,” the insider says. “Trying to explain any misunderstandings.”

That can be difficult to do. Especially if someone has already decided that you are not trustworthy.

“And,” the source reveals, Younes has been “begging Kourtney for a second chance.”

Kourtney admittedly did not “catch him cheating red-handed,” the source admits.

So, she merely suspects that he cheated on her.

But it sounds like she has more than a couple of partying pics, as the insider says that “she had enough evidence to believe that he was not being faithful.”


What’s more, the source says, is that Kourtney resented becoming “the worried girlfriend constantly checking up on her boyfriend and his friends on social media.”

When it comes to Jordan Ozuna, she has made it very clear that there was no funny business going on between them.

“Younes and I are not involved romantically at all,” Jordan said after photos of the two at a party surfaced.

“We were both invited to Mexico for a mutual friend’s birthday party with 13 other people,” Jordan explained.

“It was nothing more than friends having fun at the beach,” Jordan clarified. “No, we aren’t romantically involved in any way, shape or form.”

That’s probably true. But it might not make a difference with a split this ugly.

Ultimately, this may come down to Kourtney’s feelings.

Reports say that a major source of strain between the two was their age difference.

Sure, Younes is a mature guy, but he’s still well over a decade Kourt’s junior. They’re just at fundamentally different stages of their lives.

That might not always be the case for two people of their respective ages (Kourtney is 39 while Younes is 25), but Kourtney is a mother of three and Younes is an aspiring supermodel.

Their lives are on different tracks, and though they may both be hot and though they may have even hotter sex, that doesn’t mean that they are compatible in the long term. No matter how much they may wish otherwise.

It’s sad to see them break up. But they’ll always have their happy, sexy memories.


Thursday, August 9, 2018

TMZ Live: Kourtney Kardashian I"m Over Men!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Justin Bieber: I’m Crying Over Marriage! Drake: Tour Bus Gets Towed  Brad & Angelina: The Co-Parenting Struggle  Cardi B To Join MTV’s Catfish?


Kourtney Kardashian Allegedly Hired a Spy to Catch Cheating Boyfriend

Call it women’s intuition.

Call it learning from the recent plight of her sister.

Or just call it having a lot of money to burn so why not use it as a means to cover all relationship bases.

Whatever basis you want to ascribe to it, the alleged fact of the matter is that Kourtney Kardashian had such an inkling that Younes Bendjima was cheating on her that she took a drastic step to learn the truth.

According to Radar Online, the veteran reality star hired a private investigator to follow Bendjima around and to catch him in the act.

Which is exactly what happened, according to Kourtney at least.

Photos leaked this past weekend of Bendjima hangout out on a yacht with a woman named Jordan Ozuna.

Both Younes and Jordan have said they are just friends and that the former has been nothing but loyal to Kourtney, but it doesn’t sound as if any members of the Kardashian family are convinced.

Just consider the shade Kim and Khloe both hurled in the direction of Bendjima this week, shortly after news of his split from Kourtney went viral.

According to a friend, per Radar, “Kourtney feels like an idiot for wasting two years of her life on [Bendjima].”

This same source says that Kardashian “knew” for awhile that the hunky model was “running around on her, but he kept denying it.”

Hence the need for Kourtney to hire a professional spy in order to find out once and for all whether Younes was pulling a Tristan Thompson on her or not.

The star apparently started to think Bendjima was being disloyal to her back in April when he was spotted out with an unnamed mystery woman.

This is when the relationship started to turn sour, and the spiral was only exacerbated last month when Bendjima dared to call Kourtney out for sharing a racy photo online.

The 25-year old trying to claim ownership of Kourtney’s body in this manner was shameful enough, but it only proved to be even more disgusting after he then rubbed his own body all over another woman.

“She is done now,” writes Radar, adding of the break-up fallout:

“He tried to contact her and explain that him and Jordan are just friends, but she was not having any of it.

“He has even tried to reach out to her sisters, but they already blocked him.”

Not only have they blocked her, an insider says, but…

“Kourtney and her family are going to make sure that Younes is blacklisted from everything and that he does not get any work as a model again.”

Seriously, you do NOT want to cross the Kardashians, people.

Now, though, of course, everyone is wondering whether Kourtney’s naked body will once again cross paths with Scott Disick’s naked body.

That is, will the exes get back together?

No, resport Us Weekly.

“Nothing with Scott is rumored or even remotely on the horizon at all, so while people will inevitably try to spin it and say he’ll try and get back with her, they aren’t going to,” an insider tells this tabloid, concluding:

“He and Sofia [Richie] are happy where they are now and they’re simply doing their own thing, and Scott and Kourtney are coparenting their kids as they have been with great success.”

The two share Mason, 8, Penelope, 6, and Reign, 3.

“Scott will always love and be there for Kourtney and is just happy that they are on good terms for the sake of their kids,” adds this source.


Kourtney Kardashian and Larsa Pippen Enjoy Ladies" Night Solo Post-Younes

Kourtney Kardashian channeled Kool & The Gang with a ladies’ night post-Younes Bendjima – and then she channeled ‘Fast & the Furious’ … emphasis on the furious.  Kourt hit the town Wednesday with her good pal, Larsa…


Kourtney Kardashian: Is She REALLY Pregnant With Scott Disick"s Baby?!

It’s been an interesting week in the life of Kourtney Kardashian.

First, Kourtney feuded with Kim Kardashian after a bizarre Keeping Up With the Kardashians scene in which Kim insulted her appearance.

Shortly thereafter, the world learned that Kourtney and Younes Bendjima have broken up.

Not surprisingly, that news was followed by rumors that Kourtney was planning to get back together with Scott Disick, the father of her three children, who’s currently dating Sofia Richie.

It’s a lot to keep up with, and believe it or not, Kourt’s life is about to become even more bonkers.

According to a new report from Hollywood Life, Kourtney is pregnant with her fourth child.

And insiders say the baby is Scott’s.

The rumors began when Kourtney sported “what appeared to be a bump” during a recent social outing in LA.

“It was strange to see because she’s usually so perfectly svelte,” a source told the outlet.

A different source stated, “Everyone is whispering that she’s pregnant with her fourth child.

“They’ve been meeting up on the down-low for a while now,” the insider claims.

One source adds that Scott’s relationship has not prevented him from hooking up with Kourtney.

Rumor has it the former couple has been secretly sleeping together during family vacations.

“They made it look like a family trip because their kids were there, but they hooked up,” the source said before adding,

“Everyone is buzzing that she’s carrying Scott’s baby.”

A wild report, to be sure, but it’s lent credence by recent rumors about Sofia being wary of Scott’s relationship with his ex.

“[Sofia] wants to live a life with Scott, have a future with Scott and have kids with Scott,” says a source close to the couple.

“So if he is thinking of getting back with Kourtney she wants none of it.”

Does Sofia have reason to be suspicious?

Well, if Kourt is really rocking a bump already, we may find out in about in six months.


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: Getting Back With Scott Disick Now That She"s Done With Younes?!

As you may have heard, Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima called it quits earlier this week.

The news didn’t come as too much of a shock, as frankly, Younes held on considerably longer than anyone expected him to.

He was a rebound guy who somehow made the transition into serious boyfriend.

He deserves credit for his staying power, but we doubt that either side is terribly upset about the inevitable unraveling of this relationship.

Interestingly, news of the breakup comes right on the heels of some intriguing comments that Scott made about his feelings toward Kourtney on the latest installment of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

The episode saw Disick speculating about a possible future with the mother of his children.

We always said we would try to get back together when we were like 40. So she’s got a couple years,” he remarked to Khloe Kardashian.

Of course, Disick is still dating Sofia Richie these days, so fans who are eager for a reconciliation may not want to get their hopes up too high.

“Everyone thinks that Scott is going to drop Sofia and run back to Kourtney, it is not going to happen, at least right now,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

Yes, it seems the Lord is quite pleased by the news of Kourtney’s breakup, but not because he’s hoping to win her back.

“Scott was a bit bummed when he found out that Kourtney broke up with Younes, but at the same time he also found it hilarious because in his head that means he won,” the insider claims.

Sure, it’s incredibly petty and childish, but do we really expect anything else from Scott?

The good news is, if you rightly believe it would be a terrible idea for Scott and Kourtney to get back together, then you can breathe a sigh of relief.

“Scott and Sofia are living together now and they are quite serious,” says the source.

“He is very happy and in love with Sofia right now.”

And it seems unlikely that Scott would dump Sofia for a woman twice her age with three kids.

Did we mention how childish this dude is?


Kourtney Kardashian Has Younes in Her Rearview as She Visits Grandma

Kourtney Kardashian didn’t have to go over the river and through the woods to get to her grandmother’s house, and wasn’t looking back at Younes Bendjima either. Kourt was spotted visiting her nana, Mary Jo Shannon, in Calabasas Wednesday…


Kourtney Kardashian Dumped Younes Bendjima A Month Ago After Alleged Cheating

Kourtney Kardashian sent Younes Bendjima packing A MONTH AGO … after she said she had the goods he was cheating on her. Sources close to Kourtney tell TMZ … Kourtney and Younes broke up the second week of July, shortly after their…


Fans Rush to Kourtney Kardashian"s Defense: She"s Hotter Than Kim!

If you have brothers or sisters, there have probably been times when you felt as though you were in competition for your parents’ affection of attention.

Of course, few families have known sibling rivalries as intense as the Kardashians’, as Kim and company are vying for the love of not only their mother but their millions of fickle fans, as well.

We’re sure it can be a lot of pressure at times, which may help to explain Kim’s unfortunate comments on Sunday night’s Keeping Up With the Kardashians season premiere.

In a scene that’s gained a modicum of viral infamy in the days since it first aired, Kim referred to Kourtney as “the least exciting to look at” among her siblings.

It’s a harsh comment under any circumstances, but it’s particularly cutting in the Kardashians’ world, with its constant emphasis on appearances and fashion.

Quite understandably, Kourtney did not take the comment well, and her feud with Kim spilled over onto social media as the episode aired.

To make matters worse, Kourtney recently broke up with Younes Bendjima, which means she’s more in need of support ever.

Thankfully, her fans were happy to provide it … and to roast Kim a bit for good measure.

“I thought we’d all BEEN in agreeance that Kourtney is the hottest sister?? I know I sure have,” tweeted one Kourt-supporter.

Some seethed with rage, tweeting things like:


And as you can see, B-list celebs like Devon Sawa made their feelings known as well.

This thing reached the point where folks with zero interest in the Kard clan felt the need to sounded off the issue.

“I could not give less of a shit about the Kardashians but lets get one thing straight. Kourtney is the hottest one and that’s always been the case,” wrote one irate tweeter.

Hopefully, all of this has given Kourt a bit of a self-esteem boost.

Sometimes it’s only our darkest hours that we learn who are true friends are … or at least who pervs out to out Instagram selfies.


Kourtney Kardashian-Younes Bendjima Split Gets Ugly as Side-Piece Speaks Out!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima have called it quits after dating for much, much longer than anyone expected them to.

Proving once again that the eldest Kardashian sister has the absolute worst taste in men, Younes allegedly cheated on Kourtney while she ignored some textbook warning signs.

You’d think that after ten years with Scott Disick, she’d be more savvy about this sort of thing, but maybe all that time with the Lord has caused Kourt to lower her standards.

Like, as long as a guy is in the same country as her, and he’s not currently hospitalized for alcohol poisoning, that’s good enough.

Anyway, Kourt and Younes have called it quits, and the spilt should be an amicable one, as Bendjima was clearly just a rebound dude who overstayed his welcome.

Then again, Kourtney has been in exactly one serious relationship in her adult life, and that ex fell madly in love with his very next love interest, so she may have gone into this thing with high hopes.

Whatever the case, the relationship is now over, and by all accounts, it ended in ugly fashion.

Sources concur that Younes was caught cheating on Kourtney, an allegation he strongly denies.

Instead, the male model says he was unceremoniously kicked to the curb.

“Kourtney was the one who initiated the split,” he recently claimed.

Younes has confirmed that “Kourtney was the one who initiated the split,” but he takes issue with media outlets who want to “wanna make me the bad guy.”

“Once again you guys failed,” Bendjima wrote on Instagram this week.

“I’m not attached to this ‘life’ so you can’t touch me. I know who I am and where I’m from and where I’m going and that bothers you.”

Shortly after the split, Younes was spotted partying with former Hooters waitress and Kardashian groupie Jordan Ozuna, who was previously linked to both Tyga and Justin Bieber.

Ozuna has now issued a statement claiming that she and Younes are just friends.

“Younes and I are not involved romantically at all,” she wrote.

“We were both invited to Mexico for a mutual friend’s birthday party with 13 other people.”

The abrupt end to the relationship, coupled with the fact that Younes reportedly awfully friendly with Younes seem to support the cheating rumors, but some insiders claim otherwise:

“Near the end of the relationship, the two weren’t getting along and the age difference ultimately played a part,” one source tells E! News.

“Younes is young, and although mature for his age, he and Kourtney are at different stages in their lives.”

Well, hopefully, these two can just go their separate ways, and maybe one day they’ll reflect fondly on their time together.

Whatever the case, at least they don’t have kids together.

Sadly, Kourt is shackled to Disick’s drunk ass for life.


Kourtney Kardashian All Smiles Amid News of Younes Split

Kourtney Kardashian appears to be laughing off her breakup with Younes Bendjima – literally, she couldn’t stop smiling while hanging with her kid and Kim Tuesday. Kourt surfaced in Century City after TMZ broke the story that she and her…


Kourtney Kardashian All Smiles Amid News of Younes Split

Kourtney Kardashian appears to be laughing off her breakup with Younes Bendjima – literally, she couldn’t stop smiling while hanging with her kid and Kim Tuesday. Kourt surfaced in Century City after TMZ broke the story that she and her…


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima: It"s Over! (And It Was Ugly!)

According to a recent report, Kourtney Kardashian and her sister Kim will never be friends again.

As evidenced by a huge fight the siblings got into during the Season 15 premiere of their family’s reality show this past Sunday night, there’s simply too much bad blood at this point between Kourtney and Kim.

Which is a shame.

Because Kourtney could really use as many shoulders to cry on as possible right about now.

For what unfortunate reason?

Multiple outlets have confirmed that Kourtney and her very attractive boyfriend, Younes Bendjima, have gone their separate ways.

This sad news comes on the heels of TMZ posting pictures of Bendjima gets very close and awfully cozy with Jordan Ozuna in Mexico this weekend.

Yes, the same Jordan Ozuna, who used to work at Hooters and who also used to date Tyga and Justin Bieber.

On his Instagram story, Bendjima denied the situation was romantic and denied claims that he cheated on Kardashian, writing to all who would listen/read:

“They really want me to be the bad guy. F-ck your Hollywood bullsh-t, can’t have fun with your friends no more.”

Insiders say that Kourtney pulled the plug on this relationship, perhaps several days ago, around the time that Younes actually called her out for sharing a picture of herself in a thong.

In the Comments section of his then-girlfriend’s Instagram page, Bendjima asked in response to this recent racy picture:

“Thats what you need to show to get likes?”

Harsh, right?

He was allegedly just joking and allegedly just wanted Kourtney’s butt all to himself, but still. Harsh.

As recently as last month, the couple jetted off to Europe for vacationwith the three kids Kourtney gave birth to as a result of sex with Scott Disick:

Mason, 8, Reign, 3, and Penelope, 5.

Things seemed to be going strong between the stars at the time.

So, what changed?

We can’t say for certain.

But a source tells People Magazine that Younes, who is a model remember, never loved how often Kourtney showed off her body on social media.

“He never liked that she posted sexy pictures of herself on social media,” says the source, adding:

“He doesn’t want his girlfriend to do that. He gets that it’s her job, but wants her to post more covered-up pictures. He has always had a problem with this.

“This is the stuff they argue about and what made them split in the past.”

Whatever words were exchanged about Kourtney’s photos, or whatever actions Bendkima took with another woman, People writes that this romance “didn’t end well.”

Kardashian and Bendjima met in Paris in October 2016, actually just one night before Kim Kardashian West was robbed at gunpoint.

Bendjima, who is Algerian and speaks fluent French, acted as a translator throughout the ordeal.

It was assumed back then that this would be a mere fling between two single and good-looking people, yet somehow Kourtney and her latest hunk defied the odds.

We never expected them to be together for over a year, certainly.

Now that it’s over, we wish both sides nothing but the best and we also offer up a plea to Kourtney:



Kourtney Kardashian Splits With Younes Bendjima And He"s All Over a Chick in Mexico

Younes Bendjima’s relationship with Kourtney Kardashian has gone south … and now, so has he — heading to Mexico to bang hot senoritas and we’ve got the pics. Check out Younes in Mexico … chasing around a smokin’ hot non-Kardashian normie…
