Showing posts with label League. Show all posts
Showing posts with label League. Show all posts

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Barack Obama"s NBA Junior League Idea Sucks, Says Billionaire Alec Gores

Billionaire dude Alec Gores says Barack Obama’s “NBA Junior” idea ain’t gonna work … and if the NBA and NCAA want to fix college basketball there’s only one way — PAY THE PLAYERS!! Gores is worth a cool $ 2 bil so, when we got him out on the town…


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Helen in "A League of Their Own" "Memba Her?!

Anne Ramsay played the the first base babe Helen Haley — alongside stars like Madonna, Geena Davis, Rosie O’Donnell and Tom Hanks — in the 1992 must-see movie “A League of Their Own.” Guess what she looks like now!


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Johnny Manziel Signs Football Contract w/ Spring League

Johnny Manziel has signed on to play full contact football again — as a quarterback in the upcoming “Spring League.” The league kicks off on March 28 in Austin, TX — and during the 2017 season, several NFL scouts attended games to check out some…


Johnny Manziel Signs Football Contract w/ Spring League

Johnny Manziel has signed on to play full contact football again — as a quarterback in the upcoming “Spring League.” The league kicks off on March 28 in Austin, TX — and during the 2017 season, several NFL scouts attended games to check out some…


Sunday, December 24, 2017

Kenny Smith to LaVar Ball: One HUGE Problem with Your League

Kenny Smith isn’t trying to be a hater … but he says there’s one really huge flaw with LaVar Ball’s plan to launch a pre-NBA hoops league for guys who don’t want to play in college.  LaVar’s plan is to sign 80 players for his Junior…


Thursday, December 21, 2017

LaVar Ball Claps Back at Haters, My Basketball League Is Gonna Be Epic!

LaVar Ball says his new amateur hoops league is gonna crush the competition … and he’s got a loud, pointed message for anyone doubting his ability to run the show.  “The (Junior Basketball Association) is a heck of a league!…


LaVar Ball Claps Back at Haters, My Basketball League Is Gonna Be Epic!

LaVar Ball says his new amateur hoops league is gonna crush the competition … and he’s got a loud, pointed message for anyone doubting his ability to run the show.  “The (Junior Basketball Association) is a heck of a league!…


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Kanye West Catches New "Justice League" Movie With Kid Cudi

Kanye West and Kid Cudi got their fill of caped crusaders, and at the same time fueled rumors they’re working on new music together.  The dynamic duo took in “Justice League” Monday in L.A. — and the looks on their faces indicate they at least…


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Justice League Reviews Are In. And They"re Hilariously Harsh.

Justice League is a failure on pretty much every level.

That basically sums the take of movie critics around the country.

In short, the film is terrible.

This probably doesn"t come as a major shock to anyone who has seen the Justice League trailer or followed the behind-the-scenes problems that have plagued production.

But you should still scroll down to see just how negative the reviews actually are…

1. The Ringer:

The ringer

Justice League is another attempt to course-correct what some believe were [Zach] Snyder’s botched early entries in the DC universe… The movie wants to be grand, it wants to be fun, but in the end, it’s just another loud, lifeless, high-tech bore

2. Us Weekly:

Us weekly

If a D.C. universe movie is truly going to triumph, it needs to add something fresh to the genre. The sight of well-muscled, costumed superheroes standing in a line ready to take charge doesn’t have the same oomph as it did five years ago. Bring on the excitement and the death-defying thrills and kooky humor for the sequel. After all, nothing is more frustrating than a big-budget extravaganza that just flies by night.

3. New York Times:

New york times

The movie shows a series that’s still finding its footing as well as characters who, though perhaps not yet as ostensibly multidimensional as Marvel’s, may be more enduring (and golden). It has justice, and it has banter. And while it could have used more hanging out, more breeziness, it is a start.

4. Vanity Fair:

Vanity fair

I could be projecting, but boy does poor Gal Gadot look so sad in Justice League, watching this lumbering and witless movie lay waste to the nice thing she just got finished making. It really is a shame. What a dumb irony, to end this movie, of all movies, on a note of bitter injustice like that.

5. The Verge:

The verge

On a moment-to-moment basis, though, Justice League often feels fractured. Whedon’s reshoots are sometimes painfully obvious, as when Flash and Cyborg share a brief personal moment in a graveyard that looks as cheap as a first-season Buffy the Vampire Slayer set. While those scenes can seem roughly interpolated and out-of-place, though, they often offer the film’s most meaningful character moments and flashes of humor and humanity. A quick gag involving Aquaman reveals more about him than the entire rest of the film’s two-hour runtime.

6. Chicago Tribune:

Chicago tribune

The dialogue is painful. [Ezra] Miller’s neurotic routine is initially quite charming, until his one-liners become incredibly cheesy and tired. Aquaman peppers his speech with many dude-brah phrases, while Cyborg, regrettably, utters “boo-yah” at one point.

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Monday, November 13, 2017

Allen Iverson to Return to BIG3 League Despite Blowing Off "17 Game

It’s all water under the bridge for Allen Iverson and the BIG3 basketball league — we’re told the NBA legend will RETURN after a rocky 2017 season.  Iverson — who was a player coach last season — was in the BIG3 dog house after no-showing…


Friday, November 3, 2017

Earl "The Pearl" Monroe Sues, Hoops League Screwed Me Big Time

Ex-NBA stars Earl “The Pearl” Monroe and Henry Bibby claim they got “conned” into joining a new basketball league … only to get screwed out of thousands of dollars.  Both guys are suing the Champions League — a 5-on-5 full court league…


Earl "The Pearl" Monroe Sues, Hoops League Screwed Me Big Time

Ex-NBA stars Earl “The Pearl” Monroe and Henry Bibby claim they got “conned” into joining a new basketball league … only to get screwed out of thousands of dollars.  Both guys are suing the Champions League — a 5-on-5 full court league…


Thursday, November 2, 2017

Eric Dickerson: NFL"s Only League Where You"re Guilty "Til Proven Innocent

Eric Dickerson says the Ezekiel Elliott suspension proves one thing — “The NFL is the only league where you’re guilty until you prove yourself innocent.” The Hall of Famer tells TMZ Sports he agrees with Cowboys owner Jerry Jones — who thinks…


Saturday, October 28, 2017

Metta World Peace: I"m Joining BIG3 League!!

Metta World Peace just casually dropped some BIG basketball news … telling TMZ Sports he’s gonna suit up for Ice Cube’s 3-on-3 league next season!! Metta — who’s already part of Master P’s Global Mixed Gender League — says he’s gonna play for…


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Master P To Colin Kaepernick: Screw The NFL, Let"s Start Our Own League!!!

Master P has a message for Colin Kaepernick … WHO NEEDS THE NFL … telling TMZ Sports if the league won’t let Kaep ball, he’s down to help Colin start up his own shop, and take down the shield. P knows about sports startups, his Global Mixed…


Friday, September 29, 2017

Legends Football League Star: League Ban Is Unfair, But Kneeling Is Weak

A Legends Football League star says the league’s decision to ban players from kneeling for the national anthem is totally unfair, even though she thinks kneeling is a weak form of protest. TMZ Sports spoke to Ogom Chijindu, one of the…


Legends Football League Star: League Ban Is Unfair, But Kneeling Is Weak

A Legends Football League star says the league’s decision to ban players from kneeling for the national anthem is totally unfair, even though she thinks kneeling is a weak form of protest. TMZ Sports spoke to Ogom Chijindu, one of the…


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Legends Football League Shades NFL, We Don"t Get On Our Knees!

The Legends Football League — made up of women playing in lingerie — have taken an official position on the national anthem … “WE STAND”! The LFL just issued a video statement on the issue taking over the country — saying the flag, “symbolizes…


Friday, September 15, 2017

BIG3 Sues Champions League For Defamation

BIG3’s punching back at accusations it broke a deal with a competitor, and it’s now suing that league for defamation. Ice Cube’s BIG3 slapped Champions League with a lawsuit after the CL claimed its league can’t get off the ground and blamed…


Monday, September 4, 2017

Charlie Sheen Reunites with "Major League" Cast at Real "Field of Dreams"

Charlie Sheen finally got what he wanted in a “Major League” reunion — well, sorta — but with a baseball movie curve ball. Sheen got together Sunday — seemingly for the first time in a long time — with his fellow ‘Major League’ costars…
