Showing posts with label Leakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leakes. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Kim Zolciak: SUING NeNe Leakes for Calling Her a Racist!

You always assume that at least a decent chunk of the drama on the Real Housewives franchise is because everyone knows that the camera is there. People want screentime, they want fans, they want gifs, and they know that stirring drama and acting out can get that for them.

But sometimes, those conflicts spill off of the show and even off of social media. And now the feud between two stars of The Real Housewives of Atlanta could be on its way to court.

Kim Zolciak is fuming at NeNe Leakes’ recent comments, and it’s enough that she’s hired a lawyer. Oh, boy.

The long-standing (thought occasionally on-again, off-again) feud between NeNe Leakes and Kim Zolciak has been a real asset to The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

People don’t tune in to reality television to watch people getting along and talking about having their pool installed. They want conflict.

We don’t know that this says anything great about human nature, but peaceful coexistence is not entertainment.

Anyway, unfortunately, when it comes to reality shows, the line between what’s just for show and what’s personal can so often become blurred.

The most recent spat between these two Housewives revolves around what NeNe Leakes said about Brielle Biermann.

Quite frankly, you don’t have to be Brielle’s mother to feel that NeNe crossed the line.

Basically what happened was that Brielle has been a tangential part of her mom’s feud with NeNe for a while.

We suppose that it’s not uncommon for adult daughters — Brielle is 20 years old and old enough to, you know, have opinions about her mom’s frenemies.

In a video that Brielle recorded at NeNe’s home, Brielle mentions what appears to be a roach infestation and shows footage of multiple dark beetles that appear to be roaches.


Let’s be clear — sometimes a few roaches can end up in someone’s house, especially if there’s a party where doors spend any amount of time being open. That’s just how life works. It doesn’t mean that the house is filthy or whatever.

And also, even extremely nice, clean homes can have infestations of multiple varieties. Sometimes it’s just a matter of where your house is located and what creatures live there.

NeNe did not appreciate Brielle’s video. At all.

She blasted Brielle Biermann in a public manner, telling her what to do with her appearance and calling her racist (a claim that NeNe has also made many times against Kim Zolciak).

Part of NeNe’s message was especially creepy and gross:

“We don’t have roaches! If you found 1, u brought it with u or it fell outta ur funky pussy!”


So Kim Zolciak apparently decided that enough was enough.

TMZ reports that the Don’t Be Tardy star hired an attorney at a high-powered law firm and is threatening to sue NeNe Leakes for millions if she doesn’t apologize to Kim and to her daughter.

Specifically, NeNe needs to apologize for calling them racist.

NeNe has made numerous comments on social media along these lines.

“Kim & her child did something very wrong & disgusting! Black people and roaches in the same sentence don’t work for me boo.”

(People of all races get bugs in their homes, NeNe)

NeNe has also said: “Kim & her daughter oops whole family are racists!”

In her rant against Brielle, NeNe included the tags “#racisttrash” and “#KKK.”

A lot of people in this world are racist and might not even realize it, though NeNe doesn’t seem eager to provide examples of racism (and also seems fine with Kim when they’re getting along).

But the “KKK” line is either the worst use of hyperbole that we’ve seen in a while or a serious accusation that deserves either evidence for why she thinks that the Zolciak-Biermann women are in a racist terrorist organization or a very solemn apology.

Again, there are countless instances of real-world racism. It gets people killed and it makes them feel like outsiders in their own communities.

For NeNe to throw around the word at Kim because they don’t get along, which is what appears to be happening, is unconscionable.

And if NeNe truly believes that they’re racists, she should present to the world whatever it is that makes her think that.

This is all right on the heels of NeNe Leakes wishing her heckler would get raped and then later issuing a less-than-perfect apology for it.

Yes she was sorry, but she should not have said that in the first place.

We know that NeNe has become famous for being such a reality television firebrand and saying whatever pops into her head, but even she needs to learn to filter or she’ll be doing a lot more apologizing in the future.

Or, if not apologizing, she just might end up paying for it — literally.


Kim Zolciak to NeNe Leakes: I"ll Sue You for Calling Me Racist, and You Do Have Roaches!!!

Kim Zolciak is threatening to sue NeNe Leakes for millions of dollars unless she immediately apologizes for calling her and her daughter Brielle racists and KKK members. Kim hired Allison Hart at high-powered law firm Lavely & Singer, and it…


Monday, October 9, 2017

NeNe Leakes: Sorry For Saying I Hope You Get Raped!

NeNe Leakes crossed a serious line, responding to a heckler by declaring that she hoped that she got raped. It was awful and inexcusable.

The only real surprise there, for most people, was the knowledge that NeNe Leakes does stand-up comedy. Because NeNe is no stranger to controversy.

But she realized that she went too far, this time, and has now issued a public apology.

We do not want to in any way understate the degree of awfulness of what NeNe Leakes said to that woman in her audience.

But … we’re having a little bit of trouble getting over the fact that people went into a theater and paid money to see NeNe Leakes do stand-up.

We don’t think that she’s talentless or that Real Housewives stars in general aren’t capable of doing stand-up — far from it.

(NeNe Leakes fat paycheck alone should be enough to convey that she has serious skills when it comes to being an entertainer)

But while we knew that NeNe made for great reality television, not everyone can make the jump from feuding on camera for cash to standing alone on stage and making your audience laugh.

And apparently, some members of NeNe Leakes’ audience agreed.

On Saturday night, NeNe took the stage in Oakland to perform stand-up.

One segment bombed especially hard.

She was trying to tell a joke about Uber drivers attempting to have sex with their passengers, which is already an uncomfortable topic because some of those drivers might just be making a wildly inappropriate pass, but we’ve all heard horror stories of drivers who didn’t take “no” for answer.

That’s probably why her audience wasn’t loving it. Rape is, uh, the absolute opposite of funny. Maybe she was going somewhere funny with that joke, but … yikes.

Some of the audience members booed, which is fine to do at your television or good-naturedly with a friend, but not polite if you’re somebody’s audience.

But it absolutely did not warrant NeNe Leakes’ response.

“I ain’t even gonna tell you about the goddamn Uber driver,” Leakes said, singling out one dissatisfied audience member in particular. “I hope he rape yo’ ass tonight when he take you home, bitch. And steal yo funky hello kitty, bitch.”

Completely unacceptable.

NeNe has issued an apology over multiple social media platforms:

“I truly regret and apologize for what I said from the stage in Oakland over the weekend.”

That’s a good start, but the next line gets … weird.

“Sometimes words can cut deep and hurt when you have no intentions of them doing so.”

How could those words have had no intention of cutting deep, though? A “funny accent” that exploits stereotypes might be made in fun but hurt someone by accident. An expressed desire for someone to be raped? No.

“As a woman and someone who has survived abuse, I regret the words that I used.”

Some might accuse NeNe of hiding behind her status as an abuse survivor. Others would say that she mentions this because she wants people to understand how sincerely she understands her mistake.

We do believe that she regrets the words that she used.

“I made a mistake and I should have known better. I hope people accept my deepest and sincerest apologies. I am sorry.”

That last line is good, though. Overall, it’s a pretty good apology.

This isn’t the first time that NeNe Leakes has crossed a line, even in the past couple of weeks.

She recently went off on Brielle Biermann, daughter of her costar and rival, Kim Zolciak.

NeNe told Brielle that she “will never be Kylie Jenner,” telling her to stop changing her face’s appearance.

Now, Brielle is an adult (a young adult, but still), but many still consider feuding with someone’s children to be unethical. For a host of reasons.

NeNe has a reputation for speaking her mind in the most direct way possible, so it’s not a surprise that she’d go off on a 20-year-old or on a member of her own audience.

We just, you know, wish that she’d be a little better.


NeNe Leakes Apologizes for Rape Comment Aimed at Heckler

NeNe Leakes is making a full mea culpa for wishing rape upon another woman. NeNe posted her apology on Facebook Monday, saying … “I truly regret and apologize for what I said from the stage in Oakland over the weekend. Sometimes words can cut deep…


Nene Leakes to Fan: I Hope You Get Raped!

Fans love Nene Leakes for her straightforward, tell-it-like-it-is persona, but there"s a fine line between being outspoken and being the worst kind of bully.

A good way to know you"ve crossed the line is if you find yourself standing on stage in front of a large crowd and telling an audience member that you hope she gets raped.

For reasons that remain unclear, people paid to see Nene perform standup comedy in Oakland on Saturday night.

Perhaps we should"ve put "comedy" in quotes, because by all accounts, the set did not go well.

Nene joked about Uber drivers attempting to have sex with their female passengers, and apparently, the joke was so lame she was loudly booed by the crowd.

That"s when things really got ugly.

Leakes singled out one displeased audience member in particular, saying:

"I ain"t even gonna tell you about the goddamn Uber driver. I hope he rape yo" ass tonight when he take you home, bitch."

"And steal yo" funky hello kitty, bitch," she added for good measure.

It"s the second high-profile conflict in as many weeks for Nene.

Last week, Leakes clashed with Brelle Biermann, daughter of her former co-star Kim Zolciak-Birermann.

Leakes slammed Biermann as "racist trash" and a Kylie Jenner wannabe in a rant that left fans divided.

Watch Nene"s bizarre rant in the clip below:

Nene leakes to fan i hope you get raped

Nene Leakes Tells Audience Member She Hopes She Gets Raped By Uber Driver

Nene Leakes held nothing back in lashing out at a heckler … telling the female audience member she hoped she’d get raped by an Uber driver on her trip back home. Leakes was performing standup at a show in Oakland Saturday night and the crowd…


Saturday, October 7, 2017

Brielle Biermann Mum on NeNe Leakes Feud, But Smirk Says it All

Brielle Biermann’s taking the high road for now after being blasted by NeNe Leakes … but it looks like she finds the situation kind of funny. We got Kim Zolciak’s daughter leaving Catch in Weho Friday night with her MLB boyfriend, and asked her…


Friday, October 6, 2017

NeNe Leakes to Brielle Biermann: Shut the Eff Up, Pathetic Kylie Jenner Wannabe!

NeNe Leakes is not just returning to The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

She’s also returning to the beef that made her famous.

The long-time reality star made a name for herself back in the day by feuding with fellow cast member Kim Zolciak.

The rivalry earned so much attention for the women at the center of it that Bravo once considered a spinoff series that would focus entirely on NeNe and Kim.

It never came to fruition, however, and now Leakes has upped the ante in her never-ending fight with Zolciak… by going after her daughter!

This fresh feud started when Biermann shared video in which she claimed NeNe’s home was infested with roaches.

Random, right? Also: GROSS!

On Thursday, Leakes responded to this weird and disgusting allegation by posting an old video that depicted Biermann in her bathroom with what appeared to be black bugs.

“On the way back to the A, I fell asleep thinking about how imma live in my ROACH infested brand new home,” Leakes wrote on Instagram adding the harsh hashtags:

#pottymouthtrashychildren, #jealousprejudicebitch and #blackpeopleneedtostopsupportingtheprejudice.

But she wasn’t done dragging the heck out of Biermann.

In a separate Instagram rant, Leakes WENT OFF on the 20-year old.

Tagging Brielle directly, to make it clear just whom she was addressing, Leakes wrote the following:

We don’t have roaches! If you found one, you brought it with you or it fell outta yo funky pussy!

Please know I will get you all the way together when you start f-cking with me and mine!

Go somewhere and let the air outta those fake lips, fake titties and fake ass because you will never be @kyliejenner.”

Oh, yes, NeNe went there.

nene message

Now, you may be thinking that Biermann is only 20 years old and that it’s way out of line for Leakes to address a co-star’s kid in such a manner.

But Brielle has slammed Kenya Moore as ugly and has never met a racy selfie she didn’t pose for. (See the gallery below.)

The comparison to Kylie Jenner is both apt and a perfect burn.

“Yo trashy mama should have taught you better!” Leakes added on Thursday, referencing Kim, of course, while adding:

“My home is brand new but you guys were so jealous of it, you couldn’t even give a compliment.

“You had to stoop so low and be so disgusting #racisttrash #jealous#KKK #thirsty you better run yo ass back to a child’s place #youwannaactgrown?”

With The Real Housewives of Atlanta set to return on November 5, it would be easy to see this as scripted fodder in order to boost attention and ratings.

That may very well be the case, too.

If so, however, producers have gone to impressive lengths in their encouragement of this feud.

Consider NeNe’s latest social media comment, in which she accused Kim, Brielle and their relatives of being racist.

“Kim & her daughter oops whole family are racists! What her daughter did at my home, (which she nor kim were invited to so be clear abt that as well) was pure disgusting, racist, learned behavior etc.

“Children are NOT off limits when you allow your child to talk to adults any kind of way, post disrespectful things on social media and so on.

“Kim is a calculating bio polar racist with a horrible mouth, who uses black folks for her come up.” 

It is so very much on once again between these co-stars.


Thursday, October 5, 2017

NeNe Leakes Launches War with Kim Zolciak"s Daughter, Brielle Biermann

NeNe Leakes just put Kim Zolciak’s daughter in check over a video that makes it look like NeNe has bugs in her house — and now she’s dragging Kylie Jenner into the mess. Brielle Biermann posted a video she shot throwing major shade at NeNe’s house…


Friday, September 15, 2017

NeNe Leakes Says Jennifer Lawrence Doesn"t Hire or Fire "The Real Housewives"

NeNe Leakes isn’t afraid of Jennifer Lawrence giving her two cents on who should be fired from ‘Housewives’ … in fact, she says when it comes to Atlanta, the actress has no pull at all. You’ll remember — Andy Cohen told us Lawrence is an…


Monday, July 31, 2017

NeNe Leakes & Cynthia Bailey Tell Their Truth in Kim vs. Kenya War

Cynthia Bailey and NeNe Leakes are not down with fake news, and they think that’s what Kim Zolciak’s pushing when it comes to her beef with Kenya Moore. We got the ‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ duo at LAX … and our photog…


Monday, June 19, 2017

Bethenny Frankel: FURIOUS Over NeNe Leakes" Fat Paycheck!

Most of the time, Real Housewives feuds are limited to their respective shows.

Teresa Giudice doesn’t flip tables on The Real Housewives of Orange County. Lisa Rinna doesn’t smash wine glasses on The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

But even from New York, Bethenny Frankel is reportedly fuming at a certain Real Housewives of Atlanta star star … for a very big reason.

Remember how we already told you about NeNe Leakes’ big fat paycheck?

The reality personality confirmed her return to The Real Housewives of Atlanta, but apparently it came at a steep price for the network.

As in, 2 million dollars for one season.

She’s an original cast member of that show and she’s a big name, even outside of the Real Housewives fandom.

So, we get it.

Some actors are extremely well-paid for television.

And reality stars are definitely actors, too.

But at the same time, that’s a huge amount of money.

And apparently none of the other Real Housewives of Wherever are getting that much.

Reportedly, Bethenny Frankel is furious about this.

“Bethenny saw reports about what Nene is getting and is livid.”

Yeah, apparently Bethenny Frankel can’t stand that Nene Leakes is getting paid more, according to RadarOnline.

“She wants to be the best paid housewife!”

Don’t we all?

Well, give or take the housewife bit.

Now, the report doesn’t state that Bethenny is planning to take any particular action.

So we’re not expecting, like, a walkout or, worse, for her to speak about it publicly.

Sometimes all that you can do when you’re pissed is just seethe about it.

And maybe quietly start badgering the network for a bigger cut.

Honestly? We have our doubts.

Bethenny’s always seemed us to be a grounded person.

Relative to other Real Housewives, we mean.

Not so much in the real world.

Like, Eileen Davidson is nuts enough to be a Real Housewife, right?

But opposite someone like Kim Richards, Eileen has this glacial calm.

Bethenny falls into that category.

Her zingers can be a bit much sometimes, but that’s part of her job.

That means that she’s usually one of the people you want to root for.

But not necessarily one of the ones who hooks people’s attention in a must watch kind of way.

But even people who are otherwise pretty chill can totally change when we’re talking about money.

NeNe Leakes is expected to have a central storyline in the upcoming season of RHOA.

Stars who get more airtime generally get paid more.

And the “storyline” bit is a great reminder that every single reality show is a story sculpted by producers, carefully crafted in the editing room.

Not to mention the fact that everyone in front of the cameras is very conscious that they’re there.

So if Bethenny wants to push for more pay for herself, she might need to get herself a central, compelling story.

As we said, we don’t expect Bethenny to openly talk about this money situation.

Though it does occur to us that “Real Housewife jealous of another’s income” wouldn’t be the worst supervillain origin story we’ve ever heard.

She’d be called “Fake Housewife,” of course.

We’re just not sure that Bethenny Frankel has that kind of disposition.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

NeNe Leakes Confirms Real Housewives Return: Hail THIS Queen!

Money has apparently talked.

And now NeNe Leakes is ready to walk…

… back to the show that made her famous.

Indeed, following reports that Leakes was being offered $ 2.5 million to return to The Real Housewives of Atlanta, the veteran reality star has come out and confirmed the not-so-shocking news.

She’ll be a mostly full-time cast member on Season 10.

And she’ll be making her return with an eye on reclaiming the show’s most prominent throne.

“It’s been a long process but we’ve finally reached an agreement! All hail the Queen for season 10 of #RHOA @bravotv #thethreatisback,” Leakes wrote on Instagram as a caption to the photo below.

As you’re about to see, it includes a crown, a champagne glass and a decent amount of cleavage:

In a second Instagram message shared on Wednesday night, Leakes appeared to talk some smack to her impending co-stars, writing:

Got my eyes closed thinking bout how imma get you bitches together! Let’s go #RHOA #thethreatisback #Queen #eatmypeach.

A source close to production says Leakes will appear “in a majority of the season’s episodes.

NeNe left the series after Season 7, but made a brief return during season 8 after Cynthia Bailey arranged a reunion to reunite with her friend and mending their broken relationship.

Although she wasn’t seen on camera at all during Season 9, Leakes was clearly among those who tuned in to watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online or on television each week.

Earlier this spring, Phaedra Parks was fired from the program after admitting that she spread a rumor about Kandi Burruss and Porsha Williams.

During a reunion special, Parks confessed to telling Porsha that Kandi and her husband had schemed to drug and sexually assault her.

Asked by Andy Cohen about this development, Leakes held little back in slamming Parks.

“Phaedra been doing this bullshit for a very long time,” she said on an episode of Watch What Happens Live, adding at the time:

“Phaedra did the exact same thing to me, as we already discussed before, years ago on the show when she first came on. She tried to take me down and it didn’t work…

“Phaedra’s been doing stuff like this, she just got caught.”

NeNe won’t have Phaedra around on Season 10 to feud with, but this is just an example of how she’s unafraid to speak her mind.

Since ending her Housewives run a couple years ago, Leakes has appeared on The New Normal, The Celebrity Apprentice and Dancing With the Stars season 8, where she was eliminated fifth after competing with pro partner Tony Dovolani.

She also starred on Broadway, debuting as Madame in Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella in 2014; and appearing in 2015 as Matron “Mama” Morton in Chicago.

She’s actually gone on to a rather impressive career, perhaps the most successful of any Real Housewife in terms of mainstream notoriety.

But she was reportedly paid $ 1 million for her Season 7 role on the show.

If these new claims are accurate, she has received a raise of $ 1.5 million for Season 10.

Moreover, Kim Zolciak is also set to return to The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

So between a hefty pay increase and the chance to go at it with her long-time rival once more, is it any wonder why Leakes arrived at this decision?


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

NeNe Leakes Signs On for "RHOA" Season 10

You didn’t really think NeNe Leakes was going to let Kim Zolciak hog the spotlight — she’s finally signed on for Season 10 of ‘RHOA.’ Sources connected to production tell us NeNe signed on the dotted line Wednesday, ending months of negotiations to…


Friday, March 24, 2017

NeNe Leakes Says Her Contract"s Gotta Be Richer than Kim"s (VIDEO)

NeNe Leakes knows ‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ producers would never say how much money Kim Zolciak is getting for her comeback, but NeNe thinks it’s gotta be less than her booty. We got NeNe at LAX Thursday where she told us there’s a reason she…


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Kim Zolciak and NeNe Leakes Negotiating to Return to "RHOA" for Season 10

Kim Zolciak and NeNe Leakes are deep in negotiations to return to “The Real Housewives of Atlanta.” Sources close to production tell us Kim and NeNe both have offers on the table from Bravo for Season 10 this Fall, and we’re told the network…


Friday, February 17, 2017

Kandi Burruss Says She"s All For NeNe Leakes" "RHOA" Comeback (VIDEO)

Kandi Burruss insists she’s down for the return of NeNe Leakes on ‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ … even if NeNe’s already cranking up the drama. We got Kandi Thursday at LAX where she refused to clap back at NeNe. Remember, she talked some…


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

NeNe Leakes Fires Off Warning to "RHOA" Castmates (VIDEO)

NeNe Leakes delivered a stern message to ‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ stars bitching about her possible return to the show — I’m the straw that stirs the drink and best get used to it. NeNe was at Catch Monday night in WeHo and we asked her…


Friday, February 10, 2017

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Cast: We Don"t Need Kim Zolciak or NeNe Leakes!

If Kim Zolciak and NeNe Leakes really make their way back to The Real Housewives of Atlanta for Season 10, you can bet there will be a lot of drama. 

It was just yesterday we reported that the pair were in talks to stage a more permanent comeback to the reality series, but the current cast members are allegedly not impressed with the potential of the pair returning. 

Nothing is official as of yet. Kim and NeNe could be holding out hope that they are offered a tidy sum for the guaranteed drama they will cause. Hey, if they can bring the drama, why not bring them back?

If you watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online, you will know fine well that the pair are a force to be reckoned with in the drama department. 

They can flawlessly create drama out of thin air. It’s no wonder the producers are going above and beyond to try bring them back into the fold. 

One of the main concerns is that their fees to appear would eat into the budget of the show. How do you think the others would feel about taking a pay cut to have two of their enemies on the show?

Then again, the budget could be increased because of the potential ratings growth. Old viewers could return to watch the two ladies make their return. 

Apparently, the other ladies feel like Zolciak and NeNe force the drama and do anything for air time. Um, isn’t that what being on reality TV is all about?

A teaser for the second half of the current season of the Bravo hit has already confirmed Zolciak’s return and gave us our first glimpse at her feud with Kenya Moore.

Kenya was quick to point out Kim’s “duck lips.” Boy, it’s going to be thrilling end to the season. Have a look at the teaser below…

Sheree Whitfield, however, revealed to TMZ that she was on board with her former frenemies returning.

“We’re at our tenth year, so I think it’s a huge year,” Whitfield started her video chat.

“I think that bringing back some of the OGs, I think that would be awesome. We started this platform. We set the tone, so bringing Kim and NeNe back, to me, is a good idea.”

It’s just a shame the other ladies don’t feel the same about it and are calling up production to voice their displeasure at it. 

What do you think about all of this?


Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Real Housewives of Atlanta: NeNe Leakes & Kim Zolciak Returning?!?

We already knew Kim Zolciak was making a guest appearance on The Real Housewives of Atlanta later this season, but there’s a strong possibility she could be returning on a more permanent basis for Season 10.

In addition to Kim, the producers are said to be trying to get NeNe Leakes back for another season of drama, but would both women really return?

Kim has been starring in her own spin-off of the reality hit. Don’t Be Tardy Season 5 concluded recently, but there’s no word on whether that series will make the cut for another season. 

Ratings are not high for the show, but maybe an appearance on the show that made her a household name could sway Bravo to renew Tardy for another go around. 

Kim departed RHOA in Season 5, but she will be appearing at some point in Season 9.

A recent trailer for the second half of the season showed Kim in an explosive feud with with Kenya Moore. 

Is everything as it seems, or is this a classic case of the trailer firing up drama that was never really there to begin with?

Have a look at Kim’s return below…

NeNe appeared in Season 8 of the reality series, but she decided against appearing on the most recent season.

Getting Kim and NeNe back together would definitely be something that would get viewers excited. 

Their friendship was a big part of the earlier seasons. They managed to be in the center of all the drama and would likely cause a lot if they returned to the show together. 

The producers probably don’t want the series going stale like The Real Housewives of Orange County, so clinching the dynamic duo would be pretty much guaranteed to send the ratings through the roof. 

Ratings have cooled off in recent years for every show in the franchise, but the Atlanta version still rates considerably higher than the other shows in the franchise. 

There have been many attempts to have Kim and NeNe share the small screen again in the past, but none of them have materialized.

Their busy schedules have been said to have caused the problems in the past. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online, you probably already know the stories have hit a lull.

Most of them have been done before, so maybe it’s time for some of the originals to return and shake things up. 

Would Zolciak and Leakes returning signal the loss of some of the other housewives?

If so, who would you like to depart?

Hit the comments below!
