Showing posts with label Lohan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lohan. Show all posts

Monday, October 17, 2016

Lindsay Lohan in Full Meltdown Mode at LOHAN Night Club

Lindsay Lohan can’t catch a break – or even the attention of “fans” at the newly-opened Greek night club, LOHAN. 

Watch in horror as Lindsay attempts to settle the crowd as the crowd just crows and laughs. 

Oh man, so embarrassing, right? 

Is Lindsay’s star fading after her worst year of troubles since going entirely off the rails and losing most of the enamel off her teeth? 

We think perhaps. 

In the video, Lohan can clearly be heard, pleading with the crowd. 

Initially, she asked the crowd for a moment of quiet so she could speak. 

When the crowd completely blew her off, she got a little more vulgar. 

She said – repeatedly – “Shut the f–k up,” though nobody listened to her admonishments.  

“This is a a really important thing,” she continued. 

“I just want everyone to …” she trailed off. 

“Shut the f–k up!” she then yelled. 

It got worse from there. 

You’d think being told by a former international superstar to “shut the f–k up,” the crowd might listen. 

Oh hell no. 

“No, seriously, please,” she begged. 

“Just stop talking and listen for a second.” 

“I’m not going to speak until you stop,” she whined. 

The crowd only continued laughing and jeering, and did not give Lohan the quiet moment she begged for. 

After she realized that the crowd didn’t give a flying rat’s ass about what she had to say, she ordered the DJ to shut the music down. 

“Turn it off,” she said. “Turn the whole thing off.” 

Too sad, as this has easily been the worst year of Lindsay’s life in a long time 

After suffering through an embarrassing, abusive relationship with her ex, Egor Tarabasov – who she claimed tried to kill her – she nearly lost her finger in a freak accident. 

Donald Trump even publicly shat on Lindsay’s terrible 2016 by claiming that he wanted to sex her up in the worst way. 

If that didn’t cap off her crap year as it were, this latest night club debacle surely put the nail in 2016’s coffin. 

Thank heavens that the year is nearly over, and some of us – ahem – can start afresh, right? 


Lindsay Lohan -- Sealing the Deal ... We"re Biz Partners Who Happen to Kiss (PHOTO)

 Lindsay Lohan keeps calling him just a business partner/dear friend, but photos say otherwise. LiLo was swapping spit over the weekend with Greek restaurateur Dennis Papageorgiou at Bouzoukia nightclub in Athens. He’s the money…


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Lindsay Lohan -- Hey, It"s MY Club ... "Everyone Shut the F*** Up!" (VIDEO)

Lindsay Lohan’s finding out having your name above the door of a nightclub, doesn’t mean everyone inside will show you respect … no matter how much you ssshhh ‘em and cuss at ‘em. LiLo jumped into the DJ booth during Saturday night’s opening of…


Lindsay Lohan: Goes TOPLESS in Racy Deleted Photo

Lindsay Lohan decided to go topless on Instagram just two days after Donald Trump said he wanted to bone her (which has nothing to do with Ken Bone; sorry). 

Lohan shared the pic on her social media account, and just hours later, had a brief thought of remorse and removed it. 

She replaced the pic with a photo of a club performance, where a woman with Kylie’s old turquoise ‘do commanded the stage. 

Lohan captioned the replacement pic, “#LOHAN #GHOSTBUSTERSTYLE #MINTANINE I would love to host one night with @KylieJenner.”  

While we have zero idea what she’s talking aobut in this pic – and might’ve been better off hashtagging it #SuckItTrump, we’re gonna give her a pass on this one, since she apparently doesn’t realize that Kylie’s high, turquoise ponytail is, like, so over. 

Not the fetch-est, girl. 

The photo was to support the grand opening of the Lohan nightclub (LOL FOREVER) in Greece, helmed by businessman and unconfirmed boyfriend, Dennis Papageorgi. 

So there you have it. 

Lindsay Lohan has a night club named after her – of which she’ll pocket some of the proceeds – but she’s busy helping refugee children out in poverty- and famine-stricken lands. 

Is there nothing our girl LL can’t do? 

Nah, probably not.

When you have all the time in the world on your hands to do … well, whatever it is that you want … it’s easy to be a Jill-of-all-trades and slap your name on whatever business venture you see fit. 

Most notable about the deleted pic, perhaps, is the fact that she’s still wearing the emerald engagement ring from abusive ex, Egor Tarabasov. 

Though she’s still “allowed” to keep it, she’s either really, really savvy for flaunting the rock, or really, really pathetic for hanging onto a memento of a relationship in which your partner tried to “murder” you

If we were you, girl, we’d hock it – you don’t want what happened with Kim K’s robbery to happen to you, do you? 

You’re smarter than that – and though we don’t always understand the workings of your mind, friend, we’re gonna support you as long as you avoid doing dumb s–t.  

Which has to happen sooner or later, right? 


Lindsay Lohan -- I Will Rule the World ... With Spas and Delicious Drinks

Lindsay Lohan wants to eclipse the Kardashians by opening a slew of nightclubs worldwide, and then conquer the spa world. We’ve already told you Lindsay struck a deal with rich friend Dennis Papageorgiou to open LOHAN Nightclub in Athens,…


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Screw YOURSELF, Trump!

Lindsay Lohan isn’t taking Donald Trump’s perverted sexposé’s lying down. 

As previously reported, Trump said that he wished he could have banged Lohan during her more destructive days.

If that doesn’t set your teeth – and your private parts – on edge, maybe you need another cup of coffee, or a good slap upside the head. 

In a statement via her rep, Lohan said, “Right now, Lindsay is choosing to focus on the positive things happening in her life.” 

“[She’s] decided to disregard the comments made about her by presidential nominee Donald Trump.”  

“[Lindsay] is focused on helping children around the world in need, and that’s where her passion is.”  

Good to know that her passion doesn’t reside within hooking up with “political figures.”

… If we can even call this scum by that term. 

Also, hold up: Lindsay Lohan has a rep? 

About Lohan, Trump previously said, “She’s probably deeply troubled.” 

“And therefore, great in bed,” he reasoned. “How come the deeply troubled women – you know, deeply, deeply troubled – they’re always the best in bed?” 

Though he slammed her freckles, and said that he just wasn’t that into them, it’s better than what he recently had to say about Khloe Kardashian – who he called an ugly “piglet.”

Even former costar, Jamie Lee Curtis hopped to Lohan’s defense.  

She blasted the presidential nominee (gag, cough, choke, death) on Instagram and said, “I am appalled.”

“Lindsay needed help and guidance,” she blasted.

“Not your gross, lecherous, lewd commentary. You are the Republican nominee for the presidency,” she concluded. 

She also took her venting to Twitter, and simply said, “How dare you.” 

How dare he indeed – but he did, and things aren’t seeming to go very well for the freak show that we’re calling a presidential nominee. 

As of today, there are over 12 women that Donald has allegedly harassed, either physically or verbally, and doesn’t that say enough? 

It should, if you’re paying attention, and at this point in the game, there’s no excuse for anybody’s attention to be directed elsewhere when it comes to this man and his bid for the presidency. 


We’d say “he should be ashamed of himself,” but we have a feeling that he doesn’t even know what that term means.

(“Shame,” not “himself” – he apparently thinks he’s the only one in the universe that matters.) 


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Dina Lohan -- Lindsay"s Gonna Make A Comeback ... In The Boyfriend Department Too (VIDEO)

Lindsay Lohan is ready to make a comeback after a failed, and allegedly abusive, engagement … according to her mom, Dina. We got DiLo in NYC where she was out pitching TV shows. Unclear if any involve Lindsay since Dina’s got 3 other kids,…


Monday, August 22, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: BACK TOGETHER With Abusive Fiance?!

Earlier this month, Lindsay Lohan accused her fiance, Egor Tarabasov, of cheating in a bizarre late-night social media rant in which she also hinted that she was carrying his baby.

We now know that Lohan is not pregnant – but the situation with Tarabasov is far worse than previously thought.

Video that emerged on August 5 showed Lohan and Tarabasov engaged in a physical altercation in public.

The clip seemed to suggest that Lohan was in, at best, a disturbingly unhealthy, unstable relationship.

At worst, it appeared to reveal that she’s a victim of domestic abuse.

In the midst of the public outcry that followed the video, Lohan announced that she had broken up with Tarabasov.

Fans were relieved, as it seemed that after years of self-destructive behavior, the troubled actress was finally acting in her own best interest.

Now, however, it seems that reports about Lohan lying about her breakup were accurate, and she is still planning to marry the Russian billionaire.

Seemingly as a means of announcing that she and Tarabasov were back on, Lindsay posted this photo of herself wearing the lavish emerald engagement ring with which he proposed:

She removed it shortly after the video leaked earlier this month.

Lohan gave no explanation for the reconciliation, but several fans expressed concerns about the 30-year-old continuing her relationship with Tarabasov.

She’s made no formal announcement, but at this time it seems that Lohan is planning to proceed with her plans to marry Tarabasov.

Hopefully those closest to her are monitoring the situation closely.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: LYING About Egor Tarabasov Breakup?!

The bizarre and troubling saga of Lindsay Lohan and Egor Tarabasov appears to be ongoing, as insiders are now claiming that Lohan’s claims that she dumped Tarabasov are bogus.

As you’ve probably heard, disturbing video of a physical altercation between Lohan and Tarabasov emerged online last week.

The footage appears to show Lohan throwing Tarabasov’s phone out of his car before leaping out of the vehicle herself.

Tarabasov pursues the actress and violently wrestles the phone away from her.

Needless to say, it’s an unsettling sight, especially as Lohan hinted that she was “a victim of domestic abuse” early on in the relationship.

So it came as a relief to many when Lindsay seemed to publicly declare that the relationship was over in a recent interview with the Daily Mail

“No woman can be hit and stay with that person if that person isn’t prepared to say sorry,” Lindsay said.

“I realize now you can’t stay in a relationship just for love.”

Unfortunately, if you look at her remarks closely, it seems Lindsay never actually said that she had kicked Egor to the curb.

Friends now say that it was Lindsay’s sought to appease those who are encouraging her to breakup with Tarabasov without actually ending the relationship.

“Even after all this, Lindsay still refuses to leave Egor,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“This entire thing has turned into such a mess. Lindsay put Egor on blast in the interview to save her own face. But truth be told, she is not done with him.”

The insider adds that Lindsay has assured friends that the instance of abuse was an isolated incident brought about by too much alcohol.

Those closest to the actress are reportedly planning an intervention to convincen her to leave her Russian billionaire fiance.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Pic Reveals HUGE Bruise On Star"s Arm

She may not know this, but Lindsay Lohan just showed followers a massive bruise on her arm.  It wouldn’t be all that concerning if Lohan hadn’t revealed to the Daily Mail on August 7th that she is a victim of abuse.

Lohan is engaged to 22-year-old Russian businessman, Egor Tarabasov, whom she revealed has abused her more than once.

Fishwrappefirst noticed the photo, which featured Lohan rinsing off after a dip in the ocean.  

“No woman can be hit and stay with that person if that person isn’t prepared to say sorry,” Lohan told the Mail‘s Katie Nicholl at a hotel in Sardinia.

“I realise now you can’t stay in a relationship just for love.”

Lohan admitted that her fear of what he will do if she remains quiet prompted her to speak out.

“I wanted to do this interview because it’s time to tell the truth,” Lohan said.

“There have been so many lies printed about me recently. I’ve kept quiet for so long but now I’m scared of what Egor might do to me and to himself.”

“I need closure,” she continued.  “I genuinely fell in love with him but he broke my trust and made me feel unsafe.

“I know I’m not an angel but I’ve tried to fix things. It’s down to him now. I had suggested we go for couples’ counselling but there comes a time when I have to put myself first, my family, and also think about my career which I’ve worked so hard for.

“I also don’t want to let my fans down by not being the strong woman I have become.”

Fans were first made aware of the abuse after video of Lohan screaming for help from her London flat surfaced.  The actress claimed that Tarabasov was choking her and wanted to kill her.

Police were called to the scene, and after knocking the door down, found no one inside.

Then last week, video of Tarabasov and Lohan physically fighting pushed Lohan to realize that she couldn’t hide her secret anymore.

As of press time, Lohan and Tarabasov are still engaged.

Lindsay Lohan: Pic Reveals HUGE Bruise On Star"s Arm

She may not know this, but Lindsay Lohan just showed followers a massive bruise on her arm.  It wouldn’t be all that concerning if Lohan hadn’t revealed to the Daily Mail on August 7th that she is a victim of abuse.

Lohan is engaged to 22-year-old Russian businessman, Egor Tarabasov, whom she revealed has abused her more than once.

Fishwrappefirst noticed the photo, which featured Lohan rinsing off after a dip in the ocean.  

“No woman can be hit and stay with that person if that person isn’t prepared to say sorry,” Lohan told the Mail‘s Katie Nicholl at a hotel in Sardinia.

“I realise now you can’t stay in a relationship just for love.”

Lohan admitted that her fear of what he will do if she remains quiet prompted her to speak out.

“I wanted to do this interview because it’s time to tell the truth,” Lohan said.

“There have been so many lies printed about me recently. I’ve kept quiet for so long but now I’m scared of what Egor might do to me and to himself.”

“I need closure,” she continued.  “I genuinely fell in love with him but he broke my trust and made me feel unsafe.

“I know I’m not an angel but I’ve tried to fix things. It’s down to him now. I had suggested we go for couples’ counselling but there comes a time when I have to put myself first, my family, and also think about my career which I’ve worked so hard for.

“I also don’t want to let my fans down by not being the strong woman I have become.”

Fans were first made aware of the abuse after video of Lohan screaming for help from her London flat surfaced.  The actress claimed that Tarabasov was choking her and wanted to kill her.

Police were called to the scene, and after knocking the door down, found no one inside.

Then last week, video of Tarabasov and Lohan physically fighting pushed Lohan to realize that she couldn’t hide her secret anymore.

As of press time, Lohan and Tarabasov are still engaged.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Egor Tarabasov: Lindsay Lohan Reveals Scary History Of Abuse

The violent fight Lindsay Lohan and Egor Tarabasov were seen having in Mykonos, Greece on July 5th was upsetting, to say the least.

Now, Lindsay tells the Daily Mail‘s Katie Nicholl about her fiance’s abusive past, revealing that this isn’t the first time Tarabasov has put his hands on her.

“No woman can be hit and stay with that person if that person isn’t prepared to say sorry,” Lindsay said.

“I realise now you can’t stay in a relationship just for love.”

The disturbing footage, released by Radar Online, shows the couple in a jeep and reportedly arguing.

Lindsay threw Egor’s phone out the window, so he got out of the car to retrieve it.  Lindsay got out as well, and tried to get to the phone before her fiance.

Egor managed to grab Lindsay from behind, and twisted her arm behind her back.  When he finally got his phone, Ego went back to the jeep.

Lindsay later explained that Egor, 22, had taken her phone, so she threw his on to the beach in retaliation.

Without going into much detail, she said that he “drank too much” and “went crazy.”

Lindsay did, however, explain what led to their last public fight on July 23rd, when Lindsay screamed for help from the balcony of her London flat and claimed that Egor was trying to strangle her.

“Egor and I had been out for dinner. We danced, it was fun,” Lindsay explained of the series of events that led to the incident.

‘When we got home I went to bed and Egor went out. A few hours later he came back and when I woke up he was standing over me. He wasn’t himself, he was being very aggressive and he attacked me."”

Why is Lindsay talking about this now?   She’s scared of what might happen to her if she stays silent, especially now that there is hard evidence that Egor has put a hand on her.

“I wanted to do this interview because it’s time to tell the truth,” Lindsay said.

“There have been so many lies printed about me recently. I’ve kept quiet for so long but now I’m scared of what Egor might do to me and to himself.

Still, Lindsay admits, she wears her emerald engagement ring.  The relationship, though, may well be over.

“I haven’t taken it off, even after all this,” Lindsay said.

“The truth is, I wanted to make things work, but now I’m not sure that I can.”

Lindsay said she has tried to get in touch with Ego to talk things out and figure out how to move forward.

“I need closure,” she explained. ‘I genuinely fell in love with him but he broke my trust and made me feel unsafe.”

Lohan also revealed that she and Egor planned on getting married next May in Lake Como, and that she has cut her father, Michael Lohan off again for falsely telling the press that she’s pregnant (Lohan blames her rounder belly on pasta and “good Mediterranean living.”).

“My father is known for talking to the press and selling stories,” she said.

“He loves the attention. In the past he’s said I’ve done drugs, he put my number on the internet. ‘Who does that? Some of the stuff he’s done proves to me he doesn’t care about me.”

Where Linsday and Egor go from here is anyone’s guess, and the Russian businessman has not responded to the Mail‘s request for a comment.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: In Denial As Friends Urge Her to Leave Abusive Fiance?

Earlier today, video of a physical altercation between Lindsay Lohan and her fiance, Egor Tarabasov, was leaked online, drawing astonished reactions from fans.

The footage, which many have described as highly disturbing, is being taken by some as definitive evidence that Lindsay was desperately crying out for help when she described herself as a “victim of domestic violence” early on in her relationship with Tarabasov.

The accusatory post was quickly deleted, but it was only the beginning of Lindsay’s very public relationship troubles.

Red flags have been appearing for months, and last week, family and friends became deeply concerned when Lindsay accused Egor of cheating during a bizarre, late-night social media rant.

“Lindsay is trying to make this seem okay and it is just not okay,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“Her family and friends think that she is in danger now and she cannot hide it anymore.”

The insider adds that Lohan’s inner circle is concerned, as despite the fact that she’s made a number of shocking accusations against Tarabasov, she always ends up going back to him.

“It seems like there is nothing that anyone can do,” says the source.

“Lindsay cut herself off from all of her network of people and she has become Egor’s puppet,” the pal said, adding, “Lindsay said that she does not want to live without him!”

“No one knows what to do because she seems out of her mind right now.”

Sadly, it’s a cycle that’s familiar to many who have loved ones who have been victims of abuse.

“Many of Lindsay’s close friends hate him and have been begging her to leave him for good,” said the source.

“Lindsay flipped out on everyone and said that no one wants to see her happy.”

Lohan’s father, Michael Lohan, is particularly angry and has stated that he would relish the opportunity to give Tarabasov a taste of his own medicine:

“I welcome the opportunity for him to sit down with me face to face,” Michael said.

“I’d give him the opportunity to slap me, so I would have a reason to man-handle him like he did Lindsay.”

He added, “He isn’t worth going to jail for.”

Michael previously praised Egor and stated that he believed Tarabasov and his family had the power to “save Lindsay’s career.”

Even after several indications that Lindsay’s relationship was with Egor was unhealthy, Michael expressed his excitement over the possibility that his daughter was carrying Tarabasov’s child:

As for Lindsay throwing Egor’s phone, Michael says the 22-year-old Russian real estate 

Lohan has yet to respond to the controversy over the footage that was released today.

Tellingly, the 30-year-old actress made her Instagram page private shortly after the video appeared online.

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.

Lindsay Lohan & Egor Tarabasov: Physical FIGHT Caught on Video! WATCH!

We"ve known for quite some time that Lindsay Lohan"s relationship with her fiance, Egor Tarabasov, is far from stable.

In fact, there"s mounting evidence to suggest that LiLo is involved in an extremely unhealthy and possibly abusive relationship.

Lohan and Tarabasov got engaged back in April after just a few months of dating.

Red flags indicating that the relationship would be a troubled one began to pop up almost immediately.

First we learned that Tarabasov is likely lying about his wealth.

Shortly thereafter, Lohan accused him of cheating and hinted that she"s pregnant in a bizarre late night social media rant.

Now, disturbing disturbing new video has emerged that may indicate that there"s some truth to the rumors that Lindsay and Egor"s fights frequently get physical.

The footage, obtained by Radar Online, shows Lindsay jumping out of a Jeep with Tarabasov"s cell phone before being chased down by her future husband, who wrestles the phone away from her.

The incident reportedly occurred on July 5, just days after Lohan"s 30th birthday.

The video appears to show a long-rumored incident in which Lohan tried to throw Tarabasov"s phone after flying into a rage over a text message that she found.

Lindsay repeatedly laughed off the incident, claiming the whole thing was a joke that was misinterpreted by onlookers.

Amazingly, following the emergence of this shocking video, it appears she"s still pretending that all is well.

Just hours ago, Lohan posted the above photo, along with a caption reading:

"I love shaping all the food I make into a heart."

Just moments ago, the actress made her Instagram private, possibly in response to today"s developments.

We"ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.

You can watch the video of Lohan and Tarabasov"s bizarre beach scuffle below:

Lindsay lohan and egor tarabasov physical fight caught on video