Showing posts with label Male. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Male. Show all posts

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Holly Madison Sues Male Enhancement Company: WHAT?!

Holly Madison has lived quite the life, hasn’t she?

She’s now a married mother of two and a bestselling author, but before that she spent her time at the Playboy Mansion as Hugh Hefner’s girlfriend.

She had several questionable experiences at the mansion, which she’s detailed in her book and in interviews — and she’s gotten into a pretty heated feud with Kendra Wilkinson over the sharing of those experiences.

Oh, and she’s also promoted some male enhancement pills.

… Wait, that last part isn’t right? It never happened and that’s why Holly is currently in a legal battle with a company called Blackcore Edge?


But it’s true — Holly recently filed a lawsuit against Blackcore Edge, a company that produces a natural testosterone supplement that’s supposed to help with erectile dysfunction.

Her issue, she claims in the documents, is that there’s an article she saw online that states she did an interview with Dr. Oz, and in the interview, she said that when she was with Hugh, he’d take Blackcore Edge to get the old motor running.

She allegedly said that “When Hefner took a pill, 15 minutes later his blood would start pumping! He got stronger, bigger, and lasted as long as an 18 year old.”

Because that sounds like something Holly would say, right?

Holly, who has said that she was “miserable” during her time with Hugh, that he would “talk down to his girlfriends and make them cry,” and that when it came to sex, “Everyone wanted to get that kind of thing over with very quickly.”

She’s bragging in detail about Hef’s penis. Right.

But it turns out that that’s the issue — it doesn’t sound like something Holly would ever say because she never said it.

In her court documents, Holly says that she never said anything about this drug, and that she never even did an interview with Dr. Oz.

She also says that Blackcore Edge made the article look like it was from Men’s Health, but really it was just some shady knock-off site.

So because of all that, Holly is suing Blackcore Edge — which, while obviously not a great company, just has the greatest name, right? — for using her name and image without her consent.

And, you know, for that entire fake interview.

So Holly not only had to deal with being Hugh Hefner’s girlfriend in the first place, now she has to deal with people claiming she’s made remarks about his junk, all these years later.

Poor, poor Holly.


Friday, February 17, 2017

Holly Madison Sues Male Enhancement Pill Company for False Claims About Her and Hef

Holly Madison never had Hugh Hefner take any testosterone pills before they got busy — or at least she never endorsed it — according to a new lawsuit she’s filed. Madison says she discovered an article online saying she did an interview with Dr.…


Friday, January 6, 2017

Vivica A. Fox Insists Her Male Strippers Don"t Dance for Gay Guys (VIDEO)

Vivica A. Fox is drawing a line in the strip club when it comes to gays and her ‘Black Magic’ male revue. Vivica and a couple of the dancers from her new reality show hit up “The Breakfast Club,” and things got kinda homophobic when Charlamagne tha…


Friday, December 2, 2016

Joe McKnight -- Shooter Is 54-Year-Old White Male ... Cops Say

The man who shot and killed Joe McKnight is a 54-year-old white male named Ronald Gasser … the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office tells TMZ Sports.  Law enforcement says Gasser is currently detained and being questioned about why he shot the…


Thursday, June 23, 2016

Kailyn Lowry Chats With Male Friend, Gets Slut-Shamed on Instagram

Teen Mom 2 Season 7 may have officially come to an end, but that doesn’t mean fans are through scrutinizing Kailyn Lowry’s every move.

In fact, ever since she confirmed her separation from Javi Marroquin, TM2 obsessives have been combing through Lowry’s social media accounts like freakin’ Sherlock Holmes in desperate search of signs of a new relationship. 

First, the theory was that Kailyn was dating Becky Hayter, a longtime mutual friend of her and Javi’s.

Earlier today, however, sources close to Kailyn denied that she’s dating Hayter, but that hasn’t stopped the army of amateur Insta-sleuths from trying to figure out exactly is going on with Lowry’s love life.

Their latest clue popped up yesterday in the form of this seemingly innocuous photo:

Kailyn captioned the above pic:

“He can put a smile on my face no matter what! My friend since the 7th grade! I love you! @mjuneallen”

So Kailyn was FaceTiming with her friend “@mjuneallen” (His IG is private, so we don’t know his real name.), and she decided to post a screen shot on Instagram?

Seems harmless enough.

But this is the Internet, and Kailyn is a reality TV celebrity and a mom, which means every person on the planet feels qualified to criticize her every move.

If you want to ruin your day and think a little bit less of humanity, go read the comments on that photo.

We don’t recommend it.

“The only one who should put a smile on your face is ur husband,” wrote one angry fan.

Another simply called her a “slut monster.”

One would think that those commenting on Kailyn’s IG page would be huge TM2 fans, but apparently not, as shockingly few were aware that this dude has been on the show before, and he’s a longtime (platonic) friend of hers.

Not that that should really matter.

How about we just stop attacking people for what they choose to do with their love lives, even if they happen to be public figures?

Ah, we kid Internet trolls. Sadly, we know you’ll never change.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive all of the ups and downs of Kailyn’s relationships.

Friday, April 29, 2016

9 Male Stars Have Who Shown Us WAY Too Much

Not all male celebrities can keep it in their pants. These guys have all been exposed online… if you know what we mean!

(We mean the World Wide Web has unfortunately seen portions of their penis.)

1. Brett Favre

Brett favre

Brett Favre didn’t just send another woman a photo of his penis in 2010. He did so while married… and the other woman was an employee of the team for whom he played.

2. Anthony Weiner

The dirty anthony weiner

Perhaps Rep. Anthony Weiner thought he had to live up to his name when sending shots of his crotch to an online mistress.

3. Kanye West

Kanye west

Did Kanye West admit to sending this photo? Sort of. The first line of “Runway” reads: She find pictures in my email/I sent this girl a picture of my, hey!

4. James Franco

James franco

James Franco Tweeted this shot of his crotch to his followers in March 2011. He didn’t provide an explanation.

5. Chris Brown

Chris brown

Chris Brown took a break from beating on woman to send this selfie to… someone.

6. Paul George

Paul george

Paul George plays for the Indiana Pacers. But a man claims the small forward sent him a photo online that wasn’t exactly small… if you know what we mean!

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Friday, March 25, 2016

John Travolta Wants Male Masseurs ONLY in His Hotel Rooms

Poor John Travolta.

Just when the public was starting to forget that he allegedly fondled a bunch of male masseurs a few years ago, a pesky source with access to a hotel rider is having us relive it all over again.

According to his specific hotel room requirements, the actor “needs a male masseur,” a source in the know tells Page Six.

This wouldn’t come as a shock at all if he hadn’t already been through legal and PR hell after the scandal broke in 2012.

Multiple male massage therapists had accused Travolta of sexual battery and soliciting them for sex, which he vehemently denied.

But that’s not the weirdest thing the star demands from his temporary living arrangements.

He also makes the following stipulations:

  • Dark curtains and aluminum foil are to be placed upon the windows so no one can look in

  • He brings his own sheets so forget whatever 200-thread-count garbage you cover your mattresses with

  • No one may enter the room for 24 hours prior to his arrival, lest he catch a whiff of someone else’s lingering stank

Unsurprisingly, this last crazy request stems from Travolta’s even crazier religion of Scientology, which instructs all members to reject scents.

I can only imagine the scent Travolta leaves behind after all those “massages.”

For years and years, Travolta has tried to fight off gay rumors, but they always come back to haunt him.

I say, if this Urban Cowboy is indeed gay, for the love of Pete, BE GAY. 

There’s never been a better time for it, plus coming out would likely shift the public’s opinion of him from eccentric oddity to beloved hero.

To be sure, if Travolta were gay, it might very well be the most normal thing about him.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Bill Gothard: Male Plaintiffs Come Forward in Sexual Assault Case Against Duggars" Minister

Back in March of 2014, Institute for Basic Life Principles founder Bill Gothard resigned in disgrace amidst allegations that he had sexually abused dozens of young women, many of them former employees.

In October, five of those alleged victims filed a lawsuit against Gothard in an Illinois civil court.

To the surprise of many, Gothard has stood his ground and refused to settle out of court.

Even after 10 more victims came forward last month, Gothard continued to vaguely admit to some sort of impropriety, but maintained that he was not guilty of any criminal offense.

Earlier today, Radar Online delivered another crushing blow to the reputation of the man who’s best known as the former minister of the Duggar family, reporting that three young men have come forward claiming they were repeatedly sexually molested by Gothard beginning when they were as young as 13.

With the alleged victim total at 18, the plaintiff’s attorney and many in the media are comparing Gothard’s scandal to that of former TV legend Bill Cosby.

Both men admit to behaving inappropriately, but insist that they have not done anything that should necessitate the involvement of the law.

“I was very wrong in holding hands, giving hugs and touching their hair or feet,” Gothard said in a recent statement.

“I was also wrong in making statements that caused emotional turmoil and confusion. My guilty is compounded by my hypocrisy of requiring standards for others but not following them myself.”

Thus far, the Duggar family has refused to comment publicly on the matter.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tom Cruise Paid Male Escort For Sex, Claims Top Hollywood Private Eye

Actress Leah Remini’s recent memoir turned out to be a PR nightmare for several Hollywood Scientologists, but no one’s reputation was battered as severely as that of Tom Cruise.

Remini made several embarrassing accusations about Cruise, claiming that the actor throws frequent tantrums and uses young low-ranking Scientologists as slave laborers.

Sources say Cruise threatened legal action, but ultimately decided against it, hoping that the fallout from Remini’s book would simply go away on its own.

Several months later, that hasn’t happened, and now, Cruise is dealing with more unwelcome media attention, thanks to yet another tell-all.

For years, Paul Barresi was one of Hollywood’s most sought-after private investigators. 

In 1999, he was imprisoned for illegal wiretapping and stripped of his detective’s license. 

Now, forced to find alternate means of supporting himself, Barresi has decided to spill the secrets of his biggest clients in an upcoming memoir, and he recently teased one of the book’s biggest bombshells in an interview with The National Enquirer:

Barresi claims that when lawyers for Cruise hired famed PI Anthony Pellecano to look into claims that a male escort named Nathan “Big Red” Hamilton had been hired by Cruise to perform sexual favors, Pellecano outsourced the investigation to Barresi:

“Pellecano  brought me in to do the legwork and I tracked him down,” Barresi says. “I got all the dirt — and now, years later, I’m going to tell it all in a new book.”

Barresi says he discovered ample evidence to support Hamilton’s claims that Cruise frequently hired male prostitutes, telling The Enquirer that the young man had kept a “detailed diary” and “had receipts from restaurants, hotels and nightclubs to support his claims of sex with Tom.”

“A mat had been spread out on the floor,” Hamilton writes in one diary entry. 

“Cruise dressed in what looked like a bodysuit…for wrestling. Grinning and gloating at me, he said, ‘Strip down to your underwear and play with me for a little while.’”

The Enquirer claims to have verified that Barresi was paid $ 5,000 for tracking down and interviewing Hamilton.

Thus far, the PI is not facing any legal action from Cruise, but many believe the actor will file suit sometime this week.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Selena Gomez Posts Bikini Pic, Hints That She"s Dating Male Model Christopher Mason

If you’re still questioning whether Selena Gomez is single, her latest Instagram pics may be enough to remove all doubt.

On the left, we have Selena in a bikini. Nothing we haven’t seen before, but always a sight to behold.

That pic was posted last night, and this morning, Selena posted the photo on the right.

It appears to be a candid shot of an up-and-coming model named Christopher Mason.

Selena didn’t caption the pic at all, so it’s possible that she just saw his photo elsewhere on the Internet and thought he was really ridiculously good-looking.

Still, the fact that the photos were posted back-to-back makes us wonder if Chris wasn’t the one to remove Selena’s skimpy two-piece last night.

Are we reading too much into this?

Almost certainly, but if nothing else, it seems to serve as proof that Selena is not back together with Justin Bieber these days, as several media outlets have reported. 

Whether she’s hittin’ it with Christopher or not, we don’t think the Biebs would be cool with Selena posting pics of some dude who could melt him with a single Blue Steel gaze on her IG page.

We know the Biebs has a reputation as a rational, level-headed type, but something tells us this situation might piss him off. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Lisa Ann: Charlie Sheen is a CRIMINAL Who Put Male and Female Porn Stars at Risk!

As you’ve probably heard, Charlie Sheen revealed that he’s HIV positive  in an interview with Matt Lauer that aired this morning.

Sheen says that he decided to go public with his diagnosis after a series of lawsuits from former partners, some of whom he described as “unsavory” prostitutes and porn stars.

Sheen accused the people he paid off of “a deluge of blackmail and extortion,” but one famous adult film star says that Sheen is the one whose guilty of unforgivable deception, and she even believes he should be prosecuted for it.

“Being in the industry, I met many people who interacted with him,” Lisa Ann tweeted moments ago. “This is a direct hit on the adult industry, he hired male/female performers.

“Hands down… this is the most bizarre & reckless celebrity scenario. If this were anyone else, the public tone would be totally different.

“Don’t get me wrong here, It is sad that he is in this situation, he made it criminal when he started paying off people & not disclosing it.”

Sheen admits to continuing to engage in reckless behavior after learning of his diagnosis. He blames those actions on depression and drug and alcohol abuse brought about by news of his condition.

He also says he disclosed his diagnosis to all of his partners, and the two people with whom he had unprotected sex were fully informed and under the care of his doctor. 

Sheen’s ex, former porn star Bree Olson, says Sheen never told her he had HIV when they were in a relationship several years ago.

No doubt more information will emerge in the coming days as Sheen’s former partners continue to come forward with their versions of events.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Demi Lovato Dances With Male Strippers, Gets Dangerously Close to Several Dongs

Demi Lovato is currently promoting her new album and upcoming tour with Nick Jonas, so it’s not surprising that she’s making lots of unannounced appearances lately.

What is surprising is Demi’s choice of backup dancers for some of those performances:

Yes, as you can see from the clip above, Demi isn’t the only thing that popped up unexpectedly at a male strip club in New York City last night. 

Demi has been a vocal supporter of gay rights throughout her career, so it’s no great shock that she chose a club with a mostly gay clientele. 

No, what’s caused this video to go viral isn’t the venue, but Demi’s awkward interactions with the dancer sporting an obvious erection. 

Given that Demi’s new single is called “Confident,” in a sense, the very excited guy up front was the perfect choice to join her on stage.

In another sense, he’s a sweaty dude with a giant boner who attempts to grab her by the back of the neck at one point. Not cool, Boner Dude. 

While Demi’s dong proximity is obviously the most noteworthy thing about this video, some fans have pointed out that there’s some serious hypocrisy on display as Demi – who’s often spoken about the importance of body positivity – watches as the only dude who’s not rocking a chiseled six-pack is escorted from the stage.

Needless to say, this performance didn’t go quite as planned.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Azealia Banks Goes On Homophobic Rant Directed At Male Flight Attendant — Calls Him A "F*cking F*ggot"! WATCH!

Absolutely terrible!

Early Tuesday morning, Azealia Banks was on a Delta flight from NYC to LA where she went ballistic on the plane!

According to sources, when the flight landed, the rapper tried to quickly exit the jet by passing a French couple who were in front of her.

Related: Azealia Starts Feud With All Of Australia!

When the man put his hand out blocking the 24-year-old’s path, witnesses say she started to attack him by spitting and punching!

When a male flight attendant tried to calm her down, the NYC-native went on an EPIC rant calling him a ‘f-cking f-ggot’!

Police caught up with Miz Banks at baggage claim, but the French couple refused to press charges as they didn’t want to disrupt their vacation.

On the flip side, Azealia claims it was the French man who attacked her!

She said:

“I don’t tolerate bitchassness and I don’t tolerate men putting their hands on me.”

To see the crazy clip, ch-ch-check it out (below)!

[Image via WENN.]