Showing posts with label Melania. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melania. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Melania Trump Wears Stilettos for Hurricane Trip, Outrage Ensues

To some critics, Donald Trump’s visit to Texas on Tuesday was appalling due to the President’s self-serving statements and behavior there.

He didn’t utter a word of empathy or even refers to the victims of Hurricane Harvey at any point, instead using the brief visit as a photo and PR op, bragging about the size of the crowd on the street and the response of authorities to the natural disaster.

If it wasn’t so disturbing and depressing, it would have been hilarious.

To others, however, the real sin of the President’s trip had nothing to do with the nonsense that spewed from his mouth.

And everything to do with what his wife wore on her feet.

Yesterday morning, Melania Trump was photographed departing the White House in weather-appropriate attire that included a bomber jacket, tailored black pants and a black top, which she paired with a functional pair of aviators.

​Fair and practical enough, right? Even if the couple didn’t encounter a single rain drop during its visit.

But Mrs. Trump also rocked sky-high snakeskin stiletto pumps.

And it was on these shoes that the Internet focused its outrage.

melania backlash

In Melania’s defense, she sounded far more sympathetic to the plight of those affected by Harvey than her husband, who sounded as if only he was affected by the storm…

… and in a positive fashion, no less.

“The effects of Hurricane Harvey will be felt in Texas, Louisiana, and other parts of the country for many months and years to come,” she said in a statement, adding:

“So far, 1.7 million people are under orders to evacuate their homes, and, as the floodwater in Houston rises, sadly, so will the number of evacuees.

“I want to be able to offer my help and support in the most productive way possible, not through just words, but also action.  

“What I found to be the most profound during the visit was not only the strength and resilience of the people of Texas, but the compassion and sense of community that has taken over the State.  

“My thoughts and prayers continue to be with the people of Texas and Louisiana.”

Still, Twitter could not stop talking about those stilettos:

clueless diss

Upon arrival in Texas, however, the First Lady changed her clothing, slipping into a pair of sneakers.

She joined her husband in Corpus Christi while donning black skinny jeans, a white button down, Adidas shoes, aviators and a FLOTUS baseball cap.

Said her spokesperson to CNN shortly afterward:

“It’s sad that we have an active and ongoing natural disaster in Texas, and people are worried about her shoes.”

That’s a fair point.

However, that’s sort of how social media rolls.

And it’s hard not to focus on fashion when the President is wearing a baseball cap that is for sale on his website.

Do the proceeds go to disaster relief in the wake of Hurricane Harvey? HA! Of course not.

They go to his reelection campaign fund.


Saturday, July 1, 2017

Donald & Melania Trump Portraits on the Way to White House

Donald and Melania Trump’s portraits are already making their way to the White House, courtesy of Congressman Mike Kelly, but not the official ones. The portraits are a surprise gift from one of Kelly’s constituents. They were painted by artist…


Monday, June 12, 2017

Melania and Barron Trump Officially Move into the White House (PHOTOS)

Donald Trump’s White House is now complete with 1 First Lady and 1 First Kid … Melania and Barron Trump have officially moved in. President Trump touched down in D.C. Sunday evening with his wife and 11-year-old son, along with Melania’s…


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Melania Trump Holds President"s Hand in Sistine Chapel After Meeting with Pope (PHOTO)

Put another feather in Michelangelo’s cap — dude got the First Lady to hold President Trump’s hand. Melania and the Prez held hands under Michelangelo’s “The Last Judgment” fresco above the altar of the Sistine Chapel. The First Couple toured the…


Luenell Says Melania Trump Didn"t Sign Up for All this Mishigas (VIDEO)

Comedian Luenell says it’s no wonder Melania Trump swatted her Prez hubby’s hand … because she’s been thrown into a life for which she didn’t sign up. The ‘Borat’ star touched down at LAX Tuesday and didn’t hesitate to psychoanalyze the…


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Donald and Melania Trump Arrive in Rome, Still No Hand-Holding (VIDEO)

President Trump flew over 1,400 miles — from Israel to Rome — and he’s STILL in the no holding hands zone. The Prez and Melania touched down in Rome Tuesday, and waved hello from the steps of Air Force One. Melania gives Donald a hard pass on…


Monday, May 22, 2017

Melania Trump Swats Donald"s Hand Away in Viral Video!

Donald Trump is touring the Middle East this week, and while he may have once looked at the region as a giant sand trap in his global golf course, the Donald has been going out of his way to demonstrate respect for the region and its inhabitants.

Some of his followers are upset, as Trump talks tough about "radical Islamic terrorism" (which is up there with "beautiful" and "bigly" as one of his favorite terms) and slammed prior administrations for being too friendly with the region"s leaders.

And yet there he is – hobnobbing, participating in the customs, touching the weird glowing orbs, and appearing on the billboards:

But while Trump is getting a mostly favorable reception in countries like Saudi Arabia and Israel, it seems things are a bit more hostile on the homefront.

No, we"re not talking about the fact that a Trump impeachment pretty much seems like a foregone conclusion at this point.

We"re talking about the apparent tension between Donald and the most reluctant FLOTUS in American history.

Yes, when she"s not reminding him to put his hand on his heart for the national anthem, Melania is busy pretending to enjoy the company of her Day-Glo cash cow, and that can"t be an easy feat.

So it"s not surprising that there"s an occasional crack in her facade.

Watch as Melania hilariously rebuffs the president"s attempt at PDA in the clip below.

It just hasn"t been a great year for the Donald"s tiny, tiny hands.

Melania trump swats donalds hand away in viral video

Melania Trump Slaps Away the President"s Hand (VIDEO)

President Trump got slapped down moments after touching down in Israel … from the First Lady. Melania and the Prez were walking away from Air Force One Monday after landing in Tel Aviv … when he reached for her hand, but Melania wasn’t having…


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Melania Trump: Throwing Shade at Donald Trump on Twitter?!

Melania Trump isn’t known for voicing opinions that might be unpopular amongst her husband’s supporters.

In fact, Melania doesn’t seem to be big on voicing any sort of opinions at all.

She seems content to take the job of first lady in a markedly old-school direction.

Like, Dolly Madison and pretty much every other presidential wife from the quills-and-powdered-wigs era makes Melania look a progressive women’s rights activist by comparison.

But for all the criticism she’s endured for the minor part she’s played in helping her husband dupe the American people, Melania has played the role assigned to her with a smile on her face.

For the most part, she’s stayed hundreds of miles away from her husband in order to attend to household duties (which, in this case, means supervising those who actually attend to the household duties).

On those rare occasions when Melania does swing by the White House, she even helpfully gives Donnie a nudge when he zones out during the national anthem.

But even the most devoted puppet occasionally feels the need to speak for itself.

It’s a pain the Donald knows all too well.

So perhaps it’s not surprising that a crack has appeared in Melania’s facade via some very interesting social media activity.

Either that or the first lady isn’t entirely clear on how Twitter works.

Whatever the case, millions were shocked to see this tweet pop up last night:

Melania Trump Tweet

As you can see, it appears the FLOTUS “liked” a tweet from writer Andy Ostrow that takes a clear jab at the nature of her relationship with her husband.

“Seems the only #Wall @realDonaldTrump‘s built is the one between him and @FLOTUS #Melania #trump,” Ostroy wrote, prompting Melania to … agree?

We may never know for sure as the tweet was quickly “unliked.”

Melania defenders will likely claim that her account was hacked, but it’s interesting that she’s not making any such claim herself.

Also, if you were gonna bother to hack the first lady, wouldn’t you do something a bit more scandalous than favoriting a four-month-old tweet.

Although maybe if you want to perpetuate the idea that Melania is miserable as first lady, it’s more convincing if you employ a bit of her trademark Slovenian subtlety.

Yes, “Slovenians are subtle” is a new stereotype we just invented.

Spread it around.


Friday, April 28, 2017

Trump Tower Security in NYC Will Still Be Tight After Melania and Barron Leave for White House

Trump Tower will remain what resembles a police zone — barricades and all — even after June when Melania and Barron Trump pack up and move to the White House. NYPD sources tell TMZ … security detail will remain mostly unchanged. A…


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Queen Noor of Jordan Says It"s Impossible To Compare Her to Melania Trump (VIDEO)

Queen Noor of Jordan clearly does not want to be compared to First Lady Melania Trump. The Queen arrived at the Refugees International 38th Anniversary Dinner at Mellon Auditorium. She’s big on refugee and missing persons work, as well as…


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Melania Trump Gets Formal Apology From Daily Mail in Defamation Lawsuit

The Daily Mail has formally apologized to Melania Trump for falsely claiming she once worked for an escort service, and it paid a lot of money to boot. The First Lady settled her defamation lawsuit against the outlet … reportedly for $ 2.9 million.…


Monday, April 3, 2017

Melania Trump Reporting for First Lady Duty! (PHOTO)

Melania Trump’s making it official … she’s ready to slip into her new gig. The White House just released Melania’s official First Lady portrait. They somehow managed to keep that massive wedding ring in frame while taking the shot in her new White…


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Melania Trump and Donald Trump: Distant! Sexless! Sad!

Forget building an actual wall between the United States and Mexico.

Donald Trump may want to work on the figurative wall between himself and his wife, if a new Us Weekly report is to be believed.

Following previous claims that Melania Trump is miserable as First Lady, sources now tell the tabloid that this is only partially true.

In reality, the magazine writes, Melania Trump is REALLY miserable.

In a bombshell exclusive, an insider first talks to the magazine about a March 17 incident in which the First Family was together on the White House lawn.

Once the obligatory photo opportunity was complete and Trumps (11-year-old son Barron included) were finished smiling for the press, husband, wife and child boarded Marine One for a trip to Palm Beach, Florida.

And the instant they were on board, “Melania dropped the act,” according to the publication.

She also Donald’s hand.

“Melania does not keep hidden from everyone around her how miserable she is,” the report states.

The First Lady and the Commander-in-Chief, who are 24 years apart in age, have been living apart ever since the latter was actually elected President in November.

Melania and Barron have remained in Trump Tower in New York City while the child finishes his latest school year, although they are eventually expected to move into the White House.

But does this mean Melanie will moving into the same bed as her husband? Not necessarily.

“They have separate bedrooms,” an insider says of the Trumps, referring to both Trump Tower and the White House and adding:

“They never spend the night together – ever.”

Another source disagrees with this account, alleging that Melania and Donald do, in fact, sleep in same room … but they keep separate beds. 

“It’s very ‘royal’ of them!” this insider says.

Or very I Love Lucy of them. Either way.

Melania Trump, of course, gave a speech at the Republican National Convention (which she partly stole from Michelle Obama) and said her platform as First Lady would be to campaign against online bullying.

Insert whatever joke you can think of here about how her powerful husband is the biggest online bully who has ever used the Internet.

“Melania wants as little to do with Donald as possible,” adds a family source. “She is not interested in Donald, the presidency or anything involving him.”

Since Donald Trump’s inauguration in January, Melania has kept a low profile.

She has done very few public event.

Last month, she escorted Akie Abe, the Japanese prime minister’s wife, around Palm Beach, but “only because she was going to be at Mar-a-Lago already,” according to the family source insider, who emphasized:

“She refused to do it in Washington.”

In response to this scathing story, a rep for Melania denies nearly ever claim.

“It’s unfortunate that you are going to feature unnamed ‘sources’ that have provided fictional accounts,” the rep simply says in reply.

In other words: This is supposedly, yes, fake news.

Which is may very well be, when you consider the source.

But stop and ask yourself this:

Based on what you know of Melania Trump and Donald Trump, based on the interactions you’ve seen between them, does any of this come across as surprising?


Friday, March 17, 2017

Melania Trump: FINALLY Moving Into the White House?

As you’re probably aware, Donald Trump unveiled his 2018 budget proposal this week, and he’s pretty much the only one who likes it.

The plan calls for massive cuts to several vital government agencies, in particular those tied to health, human services, and the arts.

Democrats are balking at the tremendous human toll, and key Republicans believe the budget will prove impossible to pass.

Yes, Trump’s first federal budget appears to be DOA, but there’s still one person who can swoop in and save the day …

We’re talking, of course, about the seldom-seen Melania Trump.

You see, ever since her husband’s inauguration back in January, Melania has spent less time in the White House than people taking guided tours.

The Trump administration initially responded to concerns about the cost of round-the-clock Secret Service protection for the Manhattan faction of the Trump clan with vague promises of Melania and son Barron Trump eventually making their way to D.C.

But the consensus among insiders seemed to be that Melania never intended to move into the White House.

(In fairness, she was probably just as shocked as the rest of us when he won the election.)

Now, however, it seems that in a move to appease voters, Donald will make the ultimate sacrifice and live under the same roof as his wife.

According to TMZ, insiders close to the situation say that Melania and her son are “absolutely moving after the school year.”

One source claims a school has already been selected for Barron, and White House staff members are readying Melania’s living quarters with a fresh coat of paint.

We assume the stench of goat blood and charred flesh all of Steve Bannon‘s scrifices to the Prince of Darkness, but it’s nothing a little Lysol won’t fix.

So what does all of this have to do with Trump’s budget proposal?

Well nothing, really, but an oft-cited statistic is that the cost of keeping Melania and Barron in Manhattan is greater than the entire annual buget for the National Endowment for the Arts, a program that’s marked to be gutted by Trump’s budget.

So will the program be saved now that Melania is taking one for the team and pretending to share a bed with Donnie?

Of course not, silly!

That would amount to compromise and we’re pretty sure The Art of the Deal could basically be summarized as “compromise is for pussies.”

Besides, that money can be easily wasted elsewhere.

Now the whole family can take costly trips to hobnob with pay-for-play oligarchs at Mar-a-Lago!


Melania and Barron Trump White House Bound in June

Melania and Barron Trump will become full-time residents of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in June … TMZ has learned. Sources familiar with the situation tell us, contrary to some reports the president’s wife and son may stay in NYC indefinitely, we’re…


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Bow Wow Went Too Far with Melania Trump, Says His Pal Sincere Show (VIDEO)

One of Bow Wow’s friends is breaking ranks, speaking out against him for threatening to pimp out Melania Trump. We got Sincere Show, a former “Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood” star, Wednesday night at Nightingale Plaza, and he summed it up this…


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Bow Wow Drags Melania into Snoop Dogg-Trump Beef

Bow Wow just upped the ante in the war between Snoop Dogg and the prez by threatening to pimp out Melania Trump. Shad Moss, aka Bow Wow, tweeted President Trump … “Ayo @realDonaldTrump shut your punk ass up talking shit about my…


Melania Trump"s Home Country Selling "First Lady" Wine Before Its Time

Melania Trump already has a line of fine foods and wines for sale in her homeland of Slovenia, but the problem is … she never signed off on the deal. Slovenia’s Sevnica Castle – yup, a real-life castle — is now hawking fancy products…


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Melania Trump: Miserable as First Lady!

Melania Trump reportedly feels our pain.

With odds of a Donald Trump impeachment stronger than ever, and millions of American unhappy about the identity of their President, a new report claims that Melania is also pretty sad at the moment.

She short of wishes more Democrats had turned out to vote in Wisconsin and Michigan.

When asked by Us Weekly how Melania is doing as First Lady these days, Trump family friend and stylist Phillip Bloch said the following to the tabloid:

“This life wasn’t her dream. It was Donald’s. Truthfully, it’s a lot to cope with.”

That’s for sure.

And Melania is doing all she can to NOT cope with it, considering she plans to keep living in New York City with her 10-year old son, Barron.

But even this arrangement has made Trump the butt of various jokes, such as when Jimmy Kimmel quipped that she’s “trapped like Rapunzel” in her Trump Tower penthouse.

Then there was the time Vogue faced boycott threats after editor-in-chief Anna Wintour said on February 9 that she expected  to appear on a future cover.

And then there was Melania’s libel lawsuit against newspaper The Daily Mail, in which she alleges harm was done to her “unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity … to launch a broad-based commercial brand.”

Yes, Trump admitted that she has plans to literally cash in on the presidency.

And then there was The New York Times reporter who referred to Melania as a hooker.

“Melania is unhappy with how her life ended up,” claims a anonymous source. “She is miserable.”

Trump hails from Sevnica, Slovenia. She moved to the United States in 1996 to launch a fashion career and, despite being married to an attention-starved maniac, has mostly shunned the spotlight since getting married to The Donald.

Since inauguration day in January, Melania has spent most of her time holed up in her lavish Big Apple apartment.

“She is staying hidden more,” says Bloch.

For comparison’s sake – which isn’t totally fair, we know – Michelle Obama hosted an open house for certain members of the public, plus a party for White House staffers, during her first week as First Lady in 2009.

With protestors often outside her apartment building’s front door, Melania has been forced to tighten up her son’s security detail as well.

“Melania has the Secret Service take Barron to school and retrieve him,” writes Us Weekly.

We really do feel badly for the 10-year old.

The First Lady does love spending time at her husband’s private resort in Palm Beach, Mar-a-Lago. But still.

Don’t be fooled when you see her smiling up a storm alongside her husband. This is a role she’s learned how to play well over the years.

“Don’t let her smile in those photos fool you,” claims the tabloid source. “She hates this.”
