Showing posts with label Obsessed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obsessed. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Tinashe Frightened by Obsessed Fan Who Traveled from Boston to L.A.

Tinashe’s petrified of an obsessed fan who traveled from Boston to L.A., because she says he thinks they’re married and will ultimately end up hurting her. The singer requested and obtained a restraining order against Martin Murphy … alleging the…


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Carmen Electra"s Obsessed Fan Filled Notebook with Intel on Her and Loved Ones

The Carmen Electra fan who told police he was engaged to her, was caught sitting outside her home with a notebook filled with all sorts of personal info … on her and the people closest to her. TMZ broke story … Daniel Leblanc was spotted outside…


Sunday, July 16, 2017

Carmen Electra Fears Obsessed Man Who Showed Up at Her House

Carmen Electra no longer feels safe in her own home after a man showed up there … convinced he’s engaged to marry her. Sources close to Carmen tell us Daniel Lablanc showed up at her house back in June. She noticed him sitting in his car…


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Khloe Kardashian: I"m Still Obsessed with My Dad"s Ghost!

The passing of Robert Kardashian Sr. clearly impacted all of his children.

And while arguably the long-term effects have been the most detrimental on Rob — poor Rob — it’s clear that Khloe’s still massively attached to her father.

So attached, in fact, that she seeks communications from him on Hollywood Medium.

This is definitely not the first time that Hollywood Medium Tyler Henry has read for Khloe, but she keeps coming back for more.

Previously, he’s met with her and with Kris Jenner for the taping of his own show. Before that, he appeared on a Season 11 episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, where he got a sense of the smell of neckties the moment that he entered her home.

And once Khloe got a taste of that opportunity to cross-promote her brand spiritual experience, she knew that she had to repeat it.

Back when he met Kris, Tyler had mentioned getting something about a little monkey, but Kris Jenner had had no idea what he meant — but Khloe did.

Khloe had known that it referred to a stuffed monkey that had been her father’s since childhood and which he’d had on his hospice bed with him.

Understandably, Kris Jenner had been less focused on the stuffed animal during her ex-husband’s final days.

Khloe, however, had held onto it ever since he died and she’s carried with her from house to house.

For Tyler Henry’s sort of reading — because there are all types of mediums, folks — he does best if he touches an object of significance to form a connection to the person who has passed.

So, as revealed in an E! sneak peek, Khloe gives him the monkey to hold in the hopes that it will help him contact her late father.

“There’s a feeling that comes across and it is in reference to dad’s passing,” Tyler tells her. “There’s a feeling of not having full closure, of not being there in the moment of passing.”

Oh, right to talk about his death, huh? Not the most cheerful topic but, obviously it’s gonna come up.

“There’s a feeling of like, ‘I don’t want you to be there when I’m actually passing away,’ It’s like, ‘For your sake I want you to just not have that in your memory.”

Watching this from the other room, Kylie quietly notes that it’s interesting, because, as she recalls, Robert Kardashian passed when family wasn’t there.

Of course, Kylie would have been, what, five at the time? Somewhere around there.

Tyler Henry continues.

“And there’s a feeling when this comes through that he actually would’ve timed his passing.”

People can sort of will themselves to live a little longer or give up on life — not as dramatically as Padme Amidala in Star Wars, but there are people who died right after retirement or who cling to life just long enough to make sure that their affairs are in order and then pass away days later.

“The feeling is that he was holding on and he was waiting and that would’ve been done with purpose and with intention.”

We don’t think that Tyler’s suggesting that Robert Kardashian chose to die or anything like that. But everyone, even the terminally ill, tries to put on a brave face for the ones they love.

In this case, Khloe says that Robert held on long enough to say goodbye to his entire family, and then finally passed when he wasn’t in their presence.

“That was his way of having closure,” Tyler Henry concludes.

Presumably, there will be more in the full episode, because Tyler telling Khloe stuff that she basically already knows isn’t the most riveting television.

Though it might have been if Khloe were one of the skeptics that Tyler’s had on his show.

For Khloe, though, this isn’t her first picnic with the ghosts of family past.

Hopefully the full episode won’t harp on Khloe’s unresolved daddy issues the whole time.

There has to be more to her … right?


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Trump"s D.C. Hotel Guest Arrested with Guns Obsessed with Timothy McVeigh, Cops Say

The Trump International Hotel guest who was busted with high-powered guns — blocks from the White House — has a troubling interest in Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. According to new police docs … Bryan Moles left a voicemail with a friend…


Monday, May 29, 2017

Rihanna"s Obsessed Fan Released After Arrest, Vows to Continue Pursuing Her (PHOTO)

Rihanna is still being targeted by the man who was arrested outside her NYC crib this week … TMZ has learned. Salmir Feratovic pled guilty to criminal trespass after his Tuesday morning arrest. Prosecutors wanted him locked up for 5…


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Moby"s Obsessed Fan Allegedly Strikes Again

Moby’s weekend took a turn for the worse when his obsessed fan — who’s already been ordered to stay the hell away from him — allegedly showed up at his home. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … Moby was home Saturday around 11 AM when security…


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Kylie Jenner Obsessed Fan Confesses to Murder, Suspect in Another (MUG SHOT)

The man who was arrested trying to get onto Kylie Jenner’s property multiple times … has now confessed to murder. Anaheim PD says Marvin Magallanes turned himself in and copped to killing a 49-year-old homeless man back in January. Cops say…


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Madonna"s Obsessed Fan Wants Trial Date Changed, Offended by 9/11 Start (VIDEO)

Madonna’s obsessed fan is ready to take New York City and its cops to court for an alleged beatdown, but he’s not down to do so on 9/11 … out of respect for his fellow firefighters. Robert Linhart’s suing the city, claiming NYPD officers roughed…


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Malia Obama"s Obsessed Fan Who Proposed Marriage Off the Hook

Malia Obama’s obsessed fan kept his distance from her, and that’s saving his ass from being charged with a crime … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us cops were considering booking Jair Nilton Cardoso for stalking and harassment,…


Monday, March 13, 2017

Madonna"s Obsessed Fan Seeks MILLIONS From NYC for Alleged Beatdown

Madonna’s obsessed fan has his eye on a $ 5 million prize for allegedly being beaten and arrested by New York’s finest. Robert Linhart — a retired FDNY firefighter — was busted back in 2010 after he camped outside Madonna’s pad, waving a sign that…


El Chapo Obsessed with Celebrity Status

El Chapo – the notorious drug lord once the subject of a worldwide manhunt — is worried sick in his prison cell over — READY FOR THIS?! — his celebrity status … NOT his criminal case. Sources close to the kingpin — yup, we’ve got those…


El Chapo Obsessed with Celebrity Status

El Chapo – the notorious drug lord once the subject of a worldwide manhunt — is worried sick in his prison cell over — READY FOR THIS?! — his celebrity status … NOT his criminal case. Sources close to the kingpin — yup, we’ve got those…


Friday, March 10, 2017

Taylor Swift"s Obsessed Fan Tweeted Clues He Was Up to No Good (PHOTO GALLERY)

Taylor Swift’s latest obsessed fan has been reaching out to her for years with some creepy social media posts that should have been a huge warning. Mohammed Jaffar — who was arraigned this week for stalking — but we uncovered tweets he posted at…


Taylor Swift Obsessed Fan Busted, Hangin" On Roof, Buzzin" the Bell

Taylor Swift should be super secure in her $ 20 million fortified NYC penthouse, but it didn’t stop an obsessed fan from wreaking some serious havoc. 29-year-old Mohammed Jaffar was hell-bent on getting a face-to-face with the singer, and according…


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Kristen Stewart: Donald Trump is OBSESSED with Me!!!

Donald Trump isn’t exactly presidential.

In fact, the list of things that make him a poor choice for president is far longer than the list of things that that make him a good choice, which is a list that consists of approximately zero items.

He has no political experience, he has a terrible temper, he’s immature and ignorant, he’s shady as shady can get, etc., etc., etc.

And now we can add one more little fact to his unbelievably long list of wrongdoings:

He really freaked Kristen Stewart out!

This happened back in 2012, when Trump was just that super rich guy from The Apprentice, when anyone and everyone would have laughed and laughed if you told them that, in just a few years, he’d be president.

(OK, anyone would still laugh and laugh, it would just be accompanied with uncontrollable sobbing now.)

Also in 2012, Kristen was dating Twilight star Robert Pattinson. Unfortunately, that was the same year she cheated on poor R-Patz with director Rupert Sanders.

It was a bad time for everybody: Sanders was married with children, Kristen had her long-term fan-friendly relationship, we had hopes and dreams and so much naivety.

But really, no one was more hurt than Donald Trump.

In the time following the news of the affair, things were sort of touch-and-go between Rob and Kristen. And that deeply troubled Trump.

“Robert Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart,” he tweeted. “She cheated on him like a dog & will do it again–just watch. He can do much better!”

Hilariously, he insisted that “She will cheat again — 100 certain — am I ever wrong?”

He also wrote “Everyone knows I am right that Robert Pattinson should dump Kristen Stewart. In a couple of years, he will thank me. Be smart, Robert.”

It’s unclear if Robert has thanked Donald yet, but you know what is clear?

These weird tweets have bothered Kristen for a long, long time.

In a new interview with Variety, Kristen recalls that “He was mad at me a couple years ago, really obsessed with me a couple years ago, which is f-cking crazy.”

“I can’t even understand it,” she said. “I literally cannot even understand it.”

“It’s such a far-out concept that I don’t want to believe that actually is happening. It’s insane.”

As she points out, “At that point, he was just, like, a reality star. I had no reference. It wasn’t like really a thing.”

“But in retrospect, somebody reminded me of that and I was like ‘Oh my gosh, you’re right!"”

Kristen also predicted that “He’s probably, like, going to tweet about this.”

Not only did she talk about Trump’s weird obsession with her personal relationships, she also spoke out about the insane fact that he’s now president.

“I’ve never been the most politically charged person,” she admitted, “but I think at this point, it’s not political. “It’s f-cking so humanitarian.”

For the ladies who may look up to her, she advised “I would just say be a part of what you believe in, whichever way that is.”

“I’m not going to tell anyone how to feel, but I’m pretty sure that we all feel the same way.”

You can say that again, girl.


Friday, January 13, 2017

Dominick Cruz Says Cody Garbrandt Is Obsessed With Him (VIDEO)

Dominick Cruz says even though he lost to Cody Garbrandt at UFC 207 … he’s still in his head, claiming the new champion can’t get on with his life because Dominick is still haunting him. Cruz co-hosted with the gang on the “TMZ Sports” TV Show…


Thursday, December 29, 2016

Moby Gets Restraining Order Against Obsessed Fan

Moby’s had it with an obsessed fan whose behavior went from bizarre to threatening. Moby filed legal docs claiming a woman named Kelly Lord went ham last week by threatening to “f****** destroy” a car belonging to one of Moby’s houseguests. Lord…


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Jodie Foster"s Wife Gets Restraining Order Against Obsessed Fan

Jodie Foster has a new obsessed fan — on top of having to deal with John Hinckley Jr.’s prison release — and the new one is tracking her everywhere she goes … according to Jodie’s wife. Her spouse, Alexandra Hedison, got a restraining order…


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tom Leykis -- "Obsessed" Fan Vows ... "I"m Coming After You"

Tom Leykis has a not-so-secret admirer who’s gone from loving him to threatening him … according to the radio host. Leykis says a man named Trevor Garner called his private number and creeped him out … pretending they were old friends and…
