Showing posts with label Olympios. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Olympios. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Corinne Olympios Admits Mixing Prescription Drugs with Booze During "BiP" Filming

Corinne Olympios was popping pills and mixing booze during “Bachelor in Paradise” filming before the infamous swimming pool hookup with DeMario Jackson … TMZ has learned. Sources close to production tell TMZ … Corinne made the admission…


Friday, August 4, 2017

Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson: Bachelor in Paradise Will Air Their Poolside Sex Romp!

We were pleasantly surprised (thrilled, to be honest) when we found out that, despite everything, Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson will appear on the Bachelor in Paradise Special episode even though they didn’t end up being on season four.

A single episode is better than nothing, right?

Well, it turns out that we’ll be seeing more of Corinne and DeMario on Bachelor in Paradise than we’d ever expected to … and we are genuinely shocked. Because the world is basically going to see their sex tape.

Though a thorough investigation concluded that there was no sexual assault, the Bachelor in Paradise scandal rocked fans.

And the concern over what might have happened was so serious that producers shut down production on Bachelor in Paradise after they’d started filming and sent everyone home.

According to reports, after a lot of drinking, Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson were hooking up in a pool.

A producer was concerned that the two were too drunk to consent to what they were doing and what was going on, including being filmed.

It’s important to note that no one — including Corinne — ever accused DeMario Jackson of sexual assault.

He was reportedly too drunk to even pop an erection, which is why the reported sexual activity was very much centered upon Corinne’s genitals and took the form of, it is said, both licking and fingering.

The concern was that both Corinne and DeMario were being victimized by being filmed while hooking up while so thoroughly intoxicated.

There were some whispers that perhaps an overeager producer had deliberately arranged that they hook up.

Since Corinne was too drunk to remember events, she — as much as those of us reading up on events at home — was forced to listen to reports and statements and rumors in an effort to piece together what had happened.

All of that was a big deal, even if the investigation ruled that a sexual assault didn’t take place.

More importantly, Corinne Olympios closed the book on the case and expressed satisfaction with the findings.

And while that’s great, and while she and DeMario are going to appear on the season four special even though they won’t appear as planned on the full season, the Bachelor Nation still has a lot of questions.

Chris Harrison tells Entertainment Weekly that viewers will get a clear picture of what happened in the infamous poolside romp.

In fact, what we get might be more vivid than we’d ever imagined.

“It’s going to be literally dealt with the moment we come on the air.”

That’s smart — to clear the air but also to draw in more viewers.

(You gotta hit those ratings, especially with your premiere)

“We’ll start talking about it right away and start dealing with it. If you don’t, it’s the elephant in the room and then it will taint the entire season.”


Imagine if they filmed the fourth season and literally just didn’t address it.

This isn’t a TLC show where reality stars just get to pretend the bad things that they’ve said and done never happened after spending a little time off camera.

“So we want to show everybody and then get on with Paradise because there are some wonderful things that are going to be happening.”

That’s exciting, for sure.

Chris Harrison had more to say, though.

“There’s been a lot written and assumed and said about what we’re going to do and what we’re not going to do.”

Well, obviously.

If you don’t tell people the whole story right away, people have to connect the dots themselves.

“We had already shot for three days [before the shutdown] and a lot had actually happened — a lot of people had arrived, there had been dates, we’d gotten to the point where there was about to be our first rose ceremony — so we had a week’s worth of stuff.”

It’s good that all of that isn’t going to waste, then.

“We didn’t want to just throw that away because that’s what impacted the show and it’s what led to the shutdown.”

It’s all part of the same story, really.

Just like in real life, few things on Bachelor in Paradise happen in a total vacuum.

Chris Harrison tells us exactly what we can expect:

“We thought you needed to see that. So you’re going to see a lot of it, including Corinne and DeMario on the show.”

That’s something … but not the extent of what we’re going to see of Corinne and DeMario.

“When we restart, it will be me back in Mexico walking you through what happened and then we’re going to watch what happened.”

That’s a little more hands-on narration than usual, but it makes sense, given the circumstances.

“And then we’ll cut back to me and I’ll kind of shed some more light on things and then we’re going to go back and you’re going to see more of what happened, [and] not just the controversial.”

And, of course, there’s the show’s usual content:

“You’re going to see a lot of things, people falling in love, a lot of dates happening.”

“I think people have this preconceived notion of what it was like and what was going on and really the only way to prove anything or show you anything is to all watch it and you can judge for yourself.”

Did he just say what we think that he just said?


“So that will involve seeing Corinne and DeMario and it will also involve Carly and Evan’s wedding.”

Imagine getting married on television only to be upstaged by that scandal.

Chris Harrison isn’t really subtle about what we can expect to see from the poolside sex romp.

Because, with obvious censorship, it sounds like they’re going to show it.

“To the best of my knowledge, you’re going to see more than enough to show you what was happening that led up to the shutdown, within certain taste and values of what we can show on network TV.”

Obviously, nobody’s going to see any boobs.

Or anybody’s platinum vagine.

After all, this is Bachelor in Paradise, not Bachelor in Westeros.

Now that would be a show.

We have to assume that they’re only showing this (censored) video with the public after getting some sort of permission from both Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson.

They might not technically need approval, contracts being what they are.

But the optics would be terrible if they aired it over Corinne and DeMario’s objections.

First of all, this is an incident that Corinne apparently doesn’t remember.

Second of all, this is something that one of the producers witnessed and believed to be a sexual assault.

But they must have agreed to it, right?

They’re both appearing on the special.

We have to wonder what Corinne Olympios’ famously supportive boyfriend will think when he sees the controversial poolside sex romp in all of its censored glory.


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Corinne Olympios Appearing on "Bachelor in Paradise" Reunion Special

Corinne Olympios could come face-to-face with DeMario Jackson on the “Bachelor in Paradise” reunion show, ‘cause she’ll be there … according to Corinne herself. Corinne put out a statement Wednesday, saying, “I am very happy to be appearing…


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Corinne Olympios Breaks Social Media Silence!

It was such a huge relief to hear Corinne Olympios put things to rest, because the Bachelor in Paradise pool sex scandal had taken so many upsetting turns.

There were people slut-shaming Corinne Olympios. There were insinuations that DeMario Jackson was some sort of predator. There were worries that 

But finally, after a month of the social media equivalent of “dead air,” Corinne has broken her social media silence.

That’s not a super big deal on its own — it’s just a photo.

But we think that it signals more than just the fact that Corinne was celebrating the Fourth of July with a star-spangled selfie.

To us, it represents Corinne getting ready for things to get back to normal.

Look, however you feel about Snapchat filters …

(Even if you feel that Snapchat itself drains what little lingers of your youth and callously mocks you whenever you use it)

… You have to admit that it’s good to “hear from” Corinne.

It’s been, what, a month

Since Bachelor in Paradise production was shut down in the first place, we mean.

That was the poolside sex romp that started it all.

(Honestly, there’s still so much that we don’t know and will never know)

DeMario Jackson wasn’t shy about speaking out, out of fear that people would see him as the aggressor in the situation.

(Even though no one, Corinne included, ever pointed the finger at him — but a bunch of fans wanted to blame him for some reason)

(Racism — the reason was racism)

And except for a few of Corinne Olympios’ public statements — super stilted language, likely worded by her legal team — Corinne herself has been 

We gotta be honest, like, Warner Bros determining that no assault took place during an internal investigation didn’t mean a lot on its own.

Like, that’s the sort of thing that could be completely legitimate.

But given the obvious interests involved, that’s also the sort of thing that could sound like a non-subtle cover-up.

Kind of like when Trump says that his team didn’t collude with Russia, you know?

We don’t mean to imply that Warner Bros is sinister or incompetent or orange by that comparison.

Just that, understandably, investigators would have had to have been conscious of the fact that determining that something terrible took place would reflect on everybody involved.

Tough to be impartial when your paychecks come from the corporate entity that might take a hit.

But if Corinne’s satisfied — remember, she didn’t remember what happened and had to put it all together after-the-fact — then we’re satisfied, you know?

Though we do hope that DeMario and Corinne get to talk.

For both of their sakes.

So, admittedly, Corinne’s Snapchat photo for the Fourth of July wasn’t the big social media comeback that people expected.

But not everybody has to pen a long-ass open letter that they post to Instagram for some reason after something major happens.

Corinne can just go back to sharing photos of herself and marketing her platinum vagine (shirts! shirts that say those words, we mean).

She doesn’t really owe the world an essay.


Friday, June 30, 2017

Corinne Olympios Closes the Book on Bachelor in Paradise Scandal

Corinne Olympios has a few more things she would like to say.

Following the announcement that a slightly revamped Bachelor in Paradise will resume filming on Season 4, the controversial contestant at the center of the show’s latest scandal has issued a new statement.

Below, Corinne reiterates her belief that she was made into a victim, while she also makes a final declaration regarding her role on the ABC series.

“In light of the overwhelming amount of misinformation that has been spread in the media, I want to clarify a few things,” Olympios begins.

“My intent over the past few weeks has been to learn and understand what happened on June 4.”

On that date, of course, Corinne and DeMario Jackson ended up naked in a pool after downing many alcoholic drinks together.

They got very far sexually, with Jackson recently describing the raunchy hook-up in detail, only for a producer to tell executives that Olympios may have been too drunk to give DeMario consent.

Once this allegation was leveled, production was shut down and the cast sent home.

About two weeks later, an internal investigation determined no misconduct had taken place and Warner Bros. confirmed Season 4 would air this summer as originally scheduled.

In a previous statement, Olympios had described herself as a “victim,” while her attorney came out last week and implied his client may still press charges.

But it doesn’t sound as if that will be the case any longer.

“While I never filed complaints or accusations against anyone associated with Bachelor In Paradise, my team and I felt it was very important to be thorough in getting to the bottom of what occurred,” Olympios said on Thursday, adding:

“I felt victimized by the fact that others were judging me through conflicting and unsubstantiated reports, while I myself had no recollection of the events that transpired.”

We can’t say for certain what happened between Olympios and Jackson.

But DeMario has outlined how aggressive Corinne was during their hook-up, even thrusting her naked crotch directly in his face at one point and demanding oral sex.

It’s certainly possible she was blackout drunk at the time… later learned that a third party had serious questions about all that took place between her and Jackson… and then freaked out because she really had no memory of her nude actions.

Jackson even stood up for Corinne in an interview with E! News this week.

Continued Olympios in her statement:

“My team’s investigation into this matter has now been completed to my satisfaction. I am also happy about the changes that have been made to the production of Bachelor In Paradise.”

(Warner Bros. has announced that contestants will be limited to two drinks per hour and that crew members will be asked to keep a much closer eye than before on their level of sobriety.)

Concludes Corinne:

“While I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to have been a participant on The Bachelor, and while I was invited to return to Bachelor In Paradise when production resumed, I respectfully made the decision not to.”

So there you have it.

Olympios will not rejoin the Bachelor in Paradise cast for Season 4 and DeMario is also unlikely to do so.

Every other reality star who was sent home from Mexico earlier this month is expected back, however, with the premiere date of August 8 remaining intact.

This ought to close the book on what has been a crazy few weeks, even by the standards of The Bachelor or The Bachelorette.

Considering there was a videotape of Corinne and DeMario’s hook-up, we’re not sure how things spiraled out of control to this point, considering executives could simply have viewed the material as soon as an accusation was made.

But we’re glad no one was really hurt.

We’re glad no inappropriate actions took place.

And we guess we’re glad, from a selfish point of view, that Bachelor in Paradise is coming back. It will be fun to write about this summer.


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Corinne Olympios Ends Her "Bachelor in Paradise" Investigation

Corinne Olympios is satisfied with her legal team’s investigation into the “Bachelor in Paradise” pool incident with DeMario Jackson. Corinne says, “I felt victimized by the fact that others were judging me through conflicting and unsubstantiated…


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

DeMario Jackson Details Corinne Olympios Hook-Up: "We Went For It"

WARNING: The following article contains a few details that may rated NC-17.

Proceed with caution and/or only read after putting all children to bed.

Okay? Ready? Here we go…

On Monday night, DeMario Jackson sat down for his first extended interview since being involved in a controversy that halted production on Bachelor in Paradise Season 4.

As you no doubt have read all about by now, the former Bachelorette contestant was at the center of an investigation by Warner Bros. after a drunken sexual encounter with Corinne Olympios.

Due to allegations of misconduct that stemmed from whether or not Corinne had given consent for these naked actions, filming was shut down and all contestants sent home from Mexico just a few days into shooting.

Late last week, the production company announced that video evidence did NOT back up any allegations of inappropriate behavior.

No charges will be filmed. Jackson’s named has been cleared. And Season 4 will even continue filming and air as scheduled this summer.

“It was stressful. For me, mostly for my mother,” DeMario said in an excerpt from his Q&A with E! News that leaked yesterday, adding:

“It’s hard to see your mom cry every single day. It was very difficult.”

That’s the clean part of the interview.

Revealing more sordid details, however, Jackson spoke at length with E! about the hook-up itself.

“That night was probably one of the wildest nights of my entire life,” Jackson told Melanie Bromley first night of filming. “Like, we went for it.”

How did he and Olympios get to that point?

Did producers set them up? How well did they even know each other before their private parts started flying all around in a pool together?

“Our first real conversation was at the bar,” he says below, explaining:

“We were hanging out. We kind of were just complimenting each other on being villains. I was like, ‘Look, I’ve accepted this role.’ We were kind of just laughing, like, ‘Oh, we’re about to dominate Paradise!’

“Like homie stuff, like really, really like friends. And then, you know, we started having a little bit more fun…and had a few drinks.”

Olympios earned a reputation for promiscuity and shamelessness due to her often-topless behavior on The Bachelor this spring.

Jackson, meanwhile, was sent home by Rachel Lindsay after The Bachelorette learned he had a girlfriend while appearing on the show.

“From the bar scene, it got a little hot and heavy,” DeMario says of his interactions with Corinne. “She got in my arms, and we started making out at the bar.”

Did Olympios seem unaware of what was happening?

Was she in control of her decisions?

“She’s like, ‘Let’s go to the pool, let’s go hang out,"” he said, emphasizing that Olympios was the aggressor and adding:

“It’s crazy because when you’re a man – mostly African American man – no matter where you’re at, you always look for things that can help you out. And at that moment, I made sure the cameras followed us.

“It just seemed too perfect in a sense for me, and at the point, that’s when my spidey senses got up.”

Olympios continued from there to push the sexual envelope, according to Jackson.

“[We were] kissing, rubbing, touching. It’s nothing too sexual yet,” he says. “Things got wild because it was more her being the aggressor, which was sexy…

“When you have a very attractive girl telling you what she wants, it’s like a very, like, ‘Wow, OK! This is hot. This is very…I like it."”

Both reality stars were naked at this point, DeMario says.

And Corinne made it clear she wanted some oral sex from her partner at the time.

“I get out of the pool, and I have my legs in the pool, and I’m just hanging out,” he says, referring to his penis and continuing:

“This is when she gets up out of the pool and puts her lady parts right on my face.”

This is similar to the initial accounts of the encounter, as witnesses said soon afterward that Corinne put her vagina right up to Jackson’s mouth and made her desires clear.

Jackson says he saw Corinne the next day, the two hugged, went to breakfast and everything seemed fine.

“She wasn’t mad. We were hanging out. Actually, I offered her a shot, and she said that the production had cut her off from drinking for the day.”

And that’s when he sensed something was wrong.

Two days later, a producer tried to convince Jackson to leave, hinting that something “bad” would happen if he stuck around for the rest of Season 4.

Olympios is still threatening legal action and says her legal team will be conducting its own investigation.

To hear more from Jackson, tune in to E! tonight at 7 p.m. EST.


Monday, June 26, 2017

DeMario Jackson: Corinne Olympios and I Need to Talk!

DeMario Jackson might be feeling vindicated after Warner Bros determined that there was no assault, but he’s not quite satisfied.

But what he wants now might be a little harder, for complicated legal reasons and maybe even for personal ones.


TMZ reports that DeMario Jackson wants to meet face-to-face with Corinne Olympios to clear the air.

For everything going on with the Bachelor in Paradise pool sex scandal that got production abruptly shut down, there hasn’t been all that much he-said, she-said.

Probably because of the possibility of legal action.

And also probably because not everyone involved remembers all of the details of the poolside romp heard ‘round the world.

See, from DeMario’s perspective, he thought that everything was fine with Corinne and that a producer had been upset by what happened, getting everyone sent home.

So he was “blindsided and confused” to hear that Corinne was unhappy.

And even though she didn’t come out and place blame at his feet, he feels like they need to talk to each other, in person, to move past this.

While that would undoubtedly make for great television — if possibly not for the most genuine and heartfelt talk — there’s almost zero chance that it’ll take place on Bachelor in Paradise.

DeMario’s desire to talk to Corinne isn’t so great that he’s willing to make the first move, however.

Apparently, he wants her to approach him for their talk.

Her legal team may advise her against it, as any statements that either of them make could be used against them.

So … he may be stuck waiting for a while.

The way that we see it, here’s what may be going on.

Bear in mind that this is speculation.

Speculation after keeping up with this story way too much, but still.

So, whatever exactly happened in the pool or lead up to it, Corinne doesn’t seem to remember but DeMario does.

A producer saw what happened and was freaked out, believing — correctly or otherwise — that a sexual assault had taken place.

Corinne got wind of this and, correctly or otherwise, came to believe that she’d been a victim based upon what she was told.

(Presumably a victim of sexual assault, but Corinne hasn’t said all that much except to announce that she is a “victim”)

So, horrified by this secondhand account of what happened, Corinne spoke out, reportedly blaming producers without pointing the finger at DeMario Jackson.

DeMario Jackson, however, hears Corinne’s words and worries that she’s accusing him of being the perpetrator behind the alleged assault.

At the very least, he must have been concerned that some fans would accuse him of being some sort of predator in the situation.

(Even though he was reportedly so intoxicated at the time that he couldn’t get it up)

If this was some scheme cooked up by producers in a misguided attempt to get better ratings, then he and Corinne would both be “victims” in the scenario.

So, basically, it sounds like a producer, Corinne, and DeMario have all been assuming the worst about this situation.

We’re glad to hear that he wants to clear the air with Corinne so that DeMario, at least, can probably put his assumptions to rest.

But we’d understand if, legal caution aside, Corinne is feeling traumatized by all of this and doesn’t feel ready to see anyone associated with it just yet.

Honestly, with there being almost no chance that DeMario and Corinne will be on this season of Bachelor in Paradise, that’s kind of a blow to the season.

But we think that it’s fair to say that a lot of viewers will be interested to see how much others on the show do or do not discuss what happened.

Other contestants were there on the set, even if they weren’t poolside.

And, if we know nothing else about what happened, it’s that almost everyone from the show seems to have an opinion.

But the loss of Corinne is going to be a blow to the show independently of the pool sex scandal.

Because she’s Corinne.

She’s wild, she’s impulsive, and she’s aggressively inappropriate.

Those qualities make her a fantastic reality show personality.

Even if they’ve earned her the “villain” label in the past.

Though, as with Disney movies and most superhero media, “villains” like Corinne tend to be so much more interesting than their costars.

The fact that DeMario’s wishes have leaked to TMZ tells us at least one of three things:

-DeMario Jackson needs better, more trustworthy friends

-DeMario Jackson or someone close to him wanted Corinne to know that he wants a meeting and to sprinkle a little public pressure into the mix

-DeMario Jackson or someone close to him wants to float the idea for this talk to various television outlets

Like … Dr. Phil hosts all sorts of “heartfelt confrontations” because, for whatever reason, he has his own show.

Plenty of shows would be happy to air something like this. Guaranteed ratings, you know?

Though anything on ABC or owned by Warner Bros might be a little hesitant, because of legal complexities.

Honestly, this whole situation is such an unfair mess.

Not just unfair to viewers who are missing out on what Season 4 could have been.

(Though that, too)

Also unfair to Corinne and DeMario.

If they were both intoxicated beyond the point of consent, then it’s wildly unfair that their poolside sex romp happened at all, and worse that it was filmed.

That kind of sketchiness harkens back to the gross days of Girls Gone Wild.

There really are no winners in this story.


DeMario Jackson Wants to Talk Privately with Corinne Olympios About "Bachelor in Paradise" Incident

DeMario Jackson is looking for answers, and thinks a 1-on-1 with Corinne Olympios could help him finally get some peace of mind … but she’s gotta make the first move. Sources close to the “Bachelor in Paradise” outcast tell TMZ … he wants to…


DeMario Jackson Wants to Talk Privately with Corinne Olympios About "Bachelor in Paradise" Incident

DeMario Jackson is looking for answers, and thinks a 1-on-1 with Corinne Olympios could help him finally get some peace of mind … but she’s gotta make the first move. Sources close to the “Bachelor in Paradise” outcast tell TMZ … he wants to…


Friday, June 23, 2017

Chad Johnson: I Would Never Hook Up With Corinne Olympios!

Ever since Chad Johnson appeared on appeared on The Bachelorette and Bachelor in Paradise last summer, he has cemented himself as one of the most polarizing figures to ever grace reality TV. 

With his devilish good looks and fiery attitude, he kept viewers on the edge of their seats throughout both shows he appeared in. The odd thing about his appearance on Bachelor in Paradise was that he claimed he wanted to show the real him. 

If you watch Bachelor in Paradise online, you will know he did not make the best impression. He was drunk from the get-go and may or may not have pooped his pants.

He then became embroiled in an argument with host Chris Harrison when he gave him the pink slip from the luxury house. 

He even went as far as mocking fellow cast member Sarah Herron’s arm. In short, he is not a good person, and the likelihood of him ever appearing on a Bachelor franchise series again is pretty much nil. 

Fast forward a few months, and Corinne Olympios was welcomed into Bachelor Nation with open arms. 

With her good looks and platinum vagine, viewers questioned whether she and Chad would make a good couple. Like, could you imagine the two of them in the same house causing all of the drama?

It would make for an exciting reality TV series. There’s no denying that, but Chad has come out and dashed all of those dreams by saying he would never hook up with the blonde beauty. 

Speaking to US Weekly at the premiere for Famously Single Season 2 at Avenue in Los Angeles, Chad opened up about his thoughts on the potential pairing. 

“People kept pushing that, but that wouldn’t have happened anyway. I have a type.”

“It’s not her. There’s a certain look I go for, a certain attitude and I don’t really like her attitude or look.”

Despite not wanting to hook up with her, Chad was quick to point out that he did not harbor any bad feelings for her. 

“She’s a good person, fantastic person I’m sure,” he added.

“She’s just not my type. I thought if I did go on we would have had some funny banter, but it’s not like we would have come out of that married, you know what I mean? We could have been friends.”

So, there you have it, Bachelor Nation. Chad thinks he and Corinne could have fun, but nothing more. 

Oh, and Chad is part of the cast for the new season of Famously Single, which returns to E! this Sunday. 

What do you think about this?

Sound off below!


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Alex Woytkiw Shuts Down Corinne Olympios Hookup Rumors!

Of the many, many rumors surrounding Bachelor in Paradise‘s controversial first attempt at a fourth season, one was that Corinne Olympios had hooked up with fellow contestant Alex Woytkiw.

Well, Alex is putting those rumors to rest … and he has a few things that he wants people to know.

We guess that he wants to clear the air before season four resumes filming.

“I have never hooked up with Corinne. I’ve never had any kind of intimate moment with her. We did not kiss.”

Based on this statement to Entertainment Tonight, it’s pretty clear that Alex Woytkiw and Corinne Olympios did not hook up.

But there’s more.

He’s also conscious enough to make it clear that he’s not, like, bragging about his own self-control or virtue or whatever.

And that he’s also not talking about her like she’s some sort of plague-bearer.

“She did not put me in a position where I even had to turn away from her. It never happened.”

He probably didn’t have to include that clarification, but he did.

He kinda seems like a good guy, you know?

We’re guessing that the rumors about them hooking up came from Corinne’s “wild girl” TV persona and the fact that Alex is an attractive man with a pulse.

Unfortunately, Corinne’s reputation as a party girl with a platinum vagine might make her a first-rate reality personality, but it can lead to slut-shaming.

Because society’s awful to women, basically.

And slut-shaming leads to still more rumors.

Honestly, if you believed every ridiculous rumor that’s come out of Bachelor in Paradise since the pool sex scandal, Corinne wouldn’t have had time to drink or get into a pool because she’d be too busy bouncing from male costar to male costar.

Again, that’s just, you know, people using her reputation against her.

Alex, however, is pretty diplomatic about his denial.

“I never saw any of that happen with my own two eyes. I’ve heard about that being a thing, but while we were filming, that was never a thing.”

He’s clearly not going to bat for Corinne, here — it sounds like he’s just being honest.

While making sure that nobody thinks that he’s speaking for someone else.

“I don’t know what the deal is with the other guys.”

Maybe Entertainment Tonight will just get literally every guy to sit down for an interview.

That would clear up some things, anyway.

To be clear, hookups are totally allowed on Bachelor in Paradise.

Hell, that’s all part of the show.

But they have to be consensual, and Corinne has made it very clear that the pool sex romp was not consensual.

Corinne has a boyfriend, which might seem like a waste when she’s going on a show like that.

But sometimes you gotta follow your heart, and it looks like Corinne’s led her to boyfriend Jordan Gielchinsky, who’s standing by her through this crisis.

And also led her to, you know, pursue fame and ride the fame train while it lasts.

We hope that this assault that led her to share with the world that she’s a victim doesn’t kill her love for the spotlight.

It’s always sad when dreams die.

Though he says that he has no firsthand eyewitness knowledge of what happened in the pool, Alex generally praised how Warner Bros, ABC, and the producers handled the shutdown.

He also says that his reason for being on the show is to look for a connection.

Coming from him, we actually want to believe him.

Most of them are just there to, you know, get more reality exposure an collect a paycheck and maybe increase how much they can charge for product endorsements on Instagram.

Alex might be doing a little of that, too.


Corinne Olympios" Boyfriend: I"m Standing By Her!

For the first time since the Bachelor in Paradise sex scandal first came to light, some fans breathed a sigh of relief after Warner Bros. investigators determined that no sexual assault took place.

But it turns out that Corinne Olympios’ boyfriend, Jordan Gielchinsky, isn’t reassured that Warner Bros. determined that their own property hadn’t engaged in any wrongdoing.

For some reason, he’s going to believe his girlfriend and multiple witnesses with whom he’s spoken. Imagine!

Jordan tells E! that he’s standing by Corinne Olympios, and that previous rumors about his feelings were just speculation at best.


“I have known Corinne for over 10 years and as a friend or boyfriend, she will continue to receive my unwavering loyalty and support until I decide that there is a legitimate reason not to give it.”

That’s pretty straightforward.

And super honest — he’s not claiming that he’s going to be by her side until the end of time.

He also speaks … very formally.

Now, it could be that he went over his statement with an attorney or something, but some people just talk like that.

Like, I did as a teenager. And then I realized that talking is about communication with others and, since nobody else talked that way, I needed to adjust, and I did.

But Jordan clearly hasn’t. The rest of his statement is even more formal.

“Anything the public may perceive that is coming from me is pure speculation.”

There have been rumors flying around about how he felt, but he clearly doesn’t believe that she cheated.

It’s not cheating if you didn’t choose to do it, folks.

He’s still pretty careful with his words, which comes across a little stilted, but it’s smart.

Especially given the circumstances.

“There is an ongoing inquiry that must follow a course to its conclusion before I can fully comment.”

It sounds like he’s talking about more than just the Warner Bros investigation.

“I pay very little attention to the media and try to ignore all the conjecture surrounding my relationship with Corinne.  The only two people who know the true disposition of our relationship is Corinne and I.”

He might be formal but he’s having some subject-verb agreement issues there at the end.

Also that sentence should definitely end with “Corinne and me.”

Other than that, though, he seems to be a good guy when it counts.

As in, his response to Corinne Olympios talking about being a victim isn’t to break up with her or to join the people who are blaming her.

There’s so much that we don’t know about what happened on the Bachelor in Paradise set.

There’s so much that Corinne Olympios herself doesn’t know, and that’s kind of the whole problem.

We’ve seen no indications that DeMario Jackson is responsible for what happened.

He was, after all, apparently nearly as drunk as she was.

DeMario has been understandably very defensive ever since, as — given the unpleasant and ongoing history of racism in this country — some people may perceive him as some sort of predator.

But if they were both too drunk to give consent, then the question of sexual assault is a lot more complicated.

And potential finger-pointing might be directed at producers and crew members who might have encouraged the pool romp to take place in a misguided attempt for better ratings.

If there really wasn’t a sexual assault, then it’s possible that the producer who reported what happened overreacted and then proceeded to mislead Corinne Olympios.

We may end up getting more of the story as Corinne’s lawyers conduct their own investigation.

Or, at the very least, Corinne should learn more.

In the mean time, Warner Bros is apparently so confident that nothing horrible happened on their set that they’re resuming filming of Bachelor in Paradise.

We’re assuming that, this time, the cast will be a little different.

Frankly, some folks were looking forward to Corinne’s antics.

Before this upsetting story broke, that is.

Because of the legally complicated situation, we don’t know if they’ll work contestants talking about the scandal into the show as a storyline.

But we know that a lot of people will be tuned in just to catch a whiff of the pool sex romp aftermath.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

"Bachelor in Paradise" Corinne Olympios Not Breaking Up with Boyfriend

Corinne Olympios’ boyfriend does not believe she cheated on him, does not believe the Warner Bros. investigation was kosher, and will not dump her. Jordan Gielchinsky has made it clear to friends … he still believes Corinne that she was in a…


Corinne Olympios to Bachelor in Paradise: This Isn"t Over!

The Bachelor in Paradise controversy that had prompted a production shutdown over the past two weeks centered on the alleged inability of Corinne Olympios to say no to a drunken hook-up with DeMario Jackson.

Which is ironic.

Because now Corinne Olympios is refusing to take no for an answer from ABC and Warner Bros.

On Monday afternoon, the network announced that it had completed its investigation into an incident between Olympios and Jackson.

It took place earlier this month. It featured the contestants having drank a lot of alcohol and then gotten very naked together in a pool.

And it raised the question of whether Olympios was capable of giving consent to Jackson for what witnesses described at “touching, rubbing and fingering.”

In separate statements shortly after they and their fellow castmates were sent home, Corinne said she was a victim and Jackson said his character was being assassinated.

Yesterday, however, Warner Bros. tried to restore DeMario’s reputation.

The studio said the investigation into the sexual tryst was complete and there was no evidence of any wrongdoing.

Executives had seemingly watched a videotape of the hook-up and determined no party acted in an inappropriate or illegal manner.

As a result, no charges would be brought, no action would be taken and, in a shocking decision, filming on Bachelor in Paradise Season 4 would actually resume.

However, Martin Singer, the lawyer for Olympios, has responded to the findings and is promising his own investigation.

“It needs to be made crystal clear that production of Bachelor in Paradise was shut down because of multiple complaints received from BIP producers and crew members on the set,” he said in a statement.

Continued the attorney:

“It was not shut down due to any complaint filed by Corinne against anyone. It comes as no surprise that Warner Bros., as a result of its own internal investigation, would state that no wrong doing had occurred.

“Our own investigation will continue based on multiple new witnesses coming forward revealing what they saw and heard.”

According to insiders, Jackson has been asked to return to Mexico for the completion of Season 4.

So have Robby Hayes, Raven Gates, Vinny Ventiera, Amanda Stanton and all other cast members who had been sent away during the investigation.

It’s unclear whether Corinne has been asked back, but we can’t fathom she’d walk back into Paradise if she is still making a case that she was violated in some manner.

Jackson, meanwhile, has frequently said that he’ll be exonerated once the tape of what happened comes out.

It doesn’t sound as if that tape will be made public, but Jackson has been cleared all the same.

“As we previously stated, we recently became aware of allegations regarding an incident on the set of Bachelor in Paradise in Mexico,” said the production company in a statement yesterday, adding in detail:

We take all such allegations seriously.

The safety, security and well-being of the cast and crew is our number one concern, and we suspended filming so that the allegations could be investigated immediately and thoroughly.

Our internal investigation, conducted with the assistance of an outside law firm, has now been completed.

Out of respect for the privacy interests of those involved, we do not intend to release the videotape of the incident.

We can say, however, that the tape does not support any charge of misconduct by a cast member.

Nor does the tape show, contrary to many press reports, that the safety of any cast member was ever in jeopardy.

Production on this season of Bachelor in Paradise will be resuming.

We plan to implement certain changes to the show’s policies and procedures to enhance and further ensure the safety and security of all participants.

Will you watch Bachelor in Paradise Season 4 after all this?


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Corinne Olympios" Legal Team Doubts Warner Bros, Still Investigating "Bachelor in Paradise" Incident

Corinne Olympios isn’t ready to accept Warner Bros.’ word about what went down between her and DeMario Jackson on the “Bachelor in Paradise” set, and she’s continuing her own investigation. Corinne’s high-powered attorney, Marty Singer says, “It…


Sunday, June 18, 2017

Corinne Olympios and Boyfriend Jordan Gielchinsky Do Lunch During "BiP" Sex Scandal

Corinne Olympios and her BF are putting up a united front during her “Bachelor in Paradise” sex scandal with DeMario Jackson … even if they’re not talking about it. Corinne grabbed some lunch Saturday in L.A. with Jordan Gielchinsky, carrying…


DeMario Jackson and Corinne Olympios Resurface in Wake of "Bachelor in Paradise" Sexual Assault Claims

‘Bachelor in Paradise’ star DeMario Jackson resurfaced Saturday night after his co-star Corinne Olympios accused him of sexual assault. Jackson chowed down at Sista Mary’s in Glendale.  TMZ broke the story, DeMario insists Corinne was…


DeMario Jackson and Corinne Olympios Resurface in Wake of "Bachelor in Paradise" Sexual Assault Claims

‘Bachelor in Paradise’ star DeMario Jackson resurfaced Saturday night after his co-star Corinne Olympios accused him of sexual assault. Jackson chowed down at Sista Mary’s in Glendale.  TMZ broke the story, DeMario insists Corinne was…


Corinne Olympios Told BF She Wouldn"t Hook Up On "Bachelor in Paradise" But He Supports Her

Corinne Olympios’ boyfriend knew exactly what he was signing up for when she decided to go on “Bachelor in Paradise” … with one HUGE caveat. Sources close to the couple tell TMZ … Corinne and her BF, Jordan Gielchinsky, agreed she would NOT hook…
