Showing posts with label Orange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Orange. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 9 Recap: Drag Bingo Bombshell

Maybe Kelly should just keep her distance from the other ladies. 

That thought crossed my mind several times during The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 9 when it became apparent that the ladies could not seem to stay friends for very long. 

When the episode got underway, Kelly was about to flip the eff out because she thought Shannon had been filming her when they were out drinking. 

For Kelly, she thought all of the arguments between her and Shannon had been for a good reason. She thought she made a mistake by making things right with her.

It’s obviously not a very friendly relationship if one of them is recording the other. Is it?

Kelly and Meghan were out shopping, and Kelly needed some advice about how best to handle the situation.

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you will know that Kelly generally lashes out in the worst possible way. 

So, this was a rare moment that proved she had turned a corner and wanted to be a good person. Kelly came to the conclusion that Kelly should hear Shannon out to make sure what she thinks she saw actually happened. 

But, before Kelly got to meet up with Shannon, Meghan called and ran her mouth about the whole situation. Did she think that was going to help matters?

In turn, Shannon immediately called Kelly to claim she did not know enough about technology to even think about doing that. This is coming from the woman who has spent most of her life in front of the cameras. 

Kelly then decided it was best to let the feud die and forgave Shannon, but Meghan did not get off quite as easily and rightfully so. 

The ladies then attended drag queen bingo and got dressed up as men for the occasion. Kelly then realized Meghan was, indeed, a pot stirrer when she caused some more drama between Vicki and Shannon. 

When the ladies get to the event, Shannon’s psychic, Scott is in attendance and is very clearly there to cause some drama between the ladies. 

He thought it would be fun to predict who was going to fall out with whom and it was pretty absurd.Before long, everyone was talking about Vicki and Kelly was not amused by it. 

She was still so widely associated with Vicki that she felt it was sick to trash her when she was not around to defend herself. Despite what some may say, Kelly, is loyal. 

But her loyalty to someone comes to an end the moment she realizes they could cut her off at any given moment. 

The drama went into overdrive when Kelly heard Tamra asking Scott if Kelly was going to be nice to her. That set Kelly off, and she then turned her attention to Meghan. 

She wanted to know if Megan was going to be nice to her, or if she was going to continue to be a two-faced pot stirrer. Not one to leave any stone unturned, Meghan recalled the time Kelly said that her (Meghan’s) husband was having an affair while she was pregnant. 

Kelly did admit it was retaliation to the torment that Meghan put her through. Kelly also called Meghan out about speaking to Vicki about the infidelity accusation. 

Kelly was not ready to let everyone trash her friend, so she yelled at Meghan that she was a bad mom. Meghan then disappeared before saying good night to Kelly. 

That’s what she gets for causing all of the drama. 

What did you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 8 Recap: Run For Your Wife

Vicki Gunvalson likes to have a group of minions at her disposal. 

That much was confirmed on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 8 when the veteran cast member found out that Kelly was hanging around with her enemies. 

When the episode got underway, the ladies were preparing for the Spartan Race, which is a five-mile obstacle course that will push the ladies to their limits. 

All of the couples wanted to be present at the event, but that was not to say they were all going to get on. With Bravo’s TV cameras at the event, would we have it any other way?

It seemed like Shannon was having some issues with her husband because he did not want to spend much time with the family. Instead, he had been spending every waking moment doing some exercise. 

But it was not all doom and gloom for Shannon. Remember how she was adamant she wanted to lose some weight? She lost four pounds, and that’s a big achievement when you just start losing weight. 

Shannon’s newfound confidence found her trying to get involved in all of the drama with Peggy and Tamra, and it did not go well. 

When Peggy was cornered at lunch, Shannon tried to imply that she knew nothing about the situation and should probably keep her mouth shut. 

Peggy, however, decided to hit the ladies where it hurt and started speaking positively about Vicki. As you are probably well aware, Vicki has been on the outs with them for years. 

Peggy then switched gears and spoke breast cancer, and Shannon seemed genuinely intrigued to hear Peggy’s story. Maybe they will not agree on who they should be feuding with, but at least they can still be civil to each other. 

But then things took a turn when the Brooks situation was brought up, and Peggy was not amused. She essentially said that Shannon holds a lot of hate in her heart and should learn to love. 

When Peggy learned that Tamra was not pleased with her for inserting herself into the drama, she decided to meet up with her for lunch and to chat about their issues. 

Peggy blamed everything on Tamra, and Tamra was surprisingly okay with taking the blame. Maybe she did not want another big feud amongst the ladies. 

Elsewhere, Vicki opened up to Briana about how awkward things are with Tamra and Shannon. Does she want to put the past behind her and move on with her life?

This is Vicki, so we think not. 

The Spartan Race was actually one of the most pointless five minutes to fill an episode. The main takeaway was that Tamra was not as fit as she wanted everyone to believe. 

She was legit on the floor barfing. 

Later, Shannon, Kelly, and Meghan meet up for some drinks, and they all get on like a house on fire. They air their thoughts, and they all realized they could co-exist in the series with one another. 

But what about Vicki? Is she being left out in the cold? Look for her to cause the mother of all fights next week when she learns that Kelly is so over her. 

What do you think about this episode?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 7 Recap: A Brand New Feud

Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador have been at odds with Vicki Gunvalson for months on end, but is there any hope for them to kiss and make up?

That’s what Lydia McLaughlin was hoping for on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 7 as she got set to launch her joint magazine venture with her husband. 

When the episode gets underway, Lydia felt like it was time for Vicki and Tamra to put their beef aside in the hopes of partying like the good old days when they were less toxic to one another. 

She manages to get them to agree on a time and place to meet up and hash out their differences. The good thing about Lydia is that she will not take no for an answer. 

Things take a crazy turn when Peggy takes it upon herself to imply that Tamra is the one in the wrong and should probably stop bickering with Vicki and let the feud die… before it’s too late. 

With Peggy trying to play a peacekeeper, will Lydia want to argue with her on camera? That sounds like a possibility. Two peacekeepers in the same friendship circle tend to go to war. 

As expected, Tamra is not impressed that Peggy meddled in her feud with Vicki. And so, a brand new feud is born, but does that mean Vicki is off the hook?

Well, would there be a show without Vicki being trashed by her co-stars? I think not. Lydia stayed out of Peggy’s comments because when you think about it, what does Peggy really know about the women she is telling to get a grip?

Lydia has years of friendship on her side, so it’s evident she is just wanting her pals to sip some martinis together again. Peggy, on the other hand, is likely trying her hand at getting some air time. 

Lydia’s relationship with Doug seemed to be thriving, but could part of that be down to the fact he is showering her with gifts?

I mean, it’s great they have the new venture and are making it a success and all, but he’s spending SO MUCH on her. Maybe I’m just a little jealous because she got two cars, but still, SO MUCH money. 

Tamra got some time to shine and chatted about her daughter. Yeah, the one who has been trashing her mother all over social media over the last few weeks. 

Tamra seems to think Eddie is to blame for her daughter’s self-imposed exile from her life, but is there some underlying issue we are privy to?

The main reason Tamra is pissed with Vicki is because of the crazy ass comments Vicki had about the marriage.

It’s difficult enough to put things in the past, but when you know people think your marriage is a sham, how do you really mingle with them without hurling a few cocktails in their direction?

With the growing tensions between Tamra and Peggy, will that allow Vicki fall through the cracks and forge a friendship with Tamra again?

Probably not, but I can’t wait to find out. 

What do you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 6 Recap: The Sip-N-See Stand Off

Vicki Gunvalson has been on the outs with her fellow cast members for the better part of a few years. 

On The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 6, she was forced to be in the presence of them after months apart, and it paved the way for some drama. 

When the episode got underway, Vicki was looking after Briana’s boys and noted that they were difficult to look after because they were so full of energy. 

Luckily, she had her new boyfriend, Steve, on hand to help her out with them, and she seemed very thankful for it. She felt a sense of relief that she had a boyfriend her family liked to be around. 

Meghan continued with her plan to have all the ladies attend her Sip-N-See party to meet her baby. Everyone gets to meet the baby, and have a little drink of alcohol, so what could go wrong?

Vicki was told from the get-go that she would have to meet with the other women, and she was surprisingly alright about it. Despite being friends with Vicki, Meghan was still not impressed with her actions. 

Lydia decided that for her own launch party, she would use Meghan’s event to see who she would invite. She does not want trouble makers ruining the launch, and we can get on board with that. 

Tamra and Shannon decide to find an excellent gift for Aspen and that it would make sense to do it together for some reason. Yes, they apparently want to get one up on Vicki. 

Shannon worried about people branding her fake, so she said she would not be too nice to Vicki, or it would look fake. Yeah, she clearly does not know she’s on a reality TV show. 

She noted that it would be great to speak to Kelly before she went to the event and hash out their differences. Maybe she’s turned a corner, but we’ll see. 

In the other boutique, Kelly told Vicki that she and Tamra were back on good terms, but Vicki could see through Tamra’s plan. She knew she wanted to look like the good one in all of it. 

Surprisingly, Tamra called Kelly to invite her for some smoothies, and she agreed, but the meeting did not go very well. Kelly said that all of the drama in the restaurant was a miscommunication as opposed to her stirring the pot. 

Kelly then turned her attention to Vicki as she wanted them to forgive her for all the crap she caused. When Shannon starts complaining about her weight gain, it was clear Tamra and Kelly zoned out. 

They did not want to forgive Vicki … yet. 

When the party came around, Kelly had been filling Vicki in on what Shannon was saying about the weight gain. Vicki was shocked because she felt like they were all as bad as each other. 

When the ladies met up, Vicki disappeared so that she did not have to apologize. She thought it was their duty to apologize for some reason. Surprisingly, they managed to avoid a fight, and Lydia invited them all to the party. 

In the end, Kelly and Vicki left, and the other women worried that Vicki was going to go ham on them again. 

Time will tell. 

What did you think of the drama?

Hit the comments!


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 5 Recap: Mingling With the Enemy

Working on a reality TV show with some of the people you hate the most means that you’re going to have to cross paths with your enemies at one point. 

Yes, on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 5, Vicki Gunvalson, Shannon Beador and Tamra Barney all realized they had to go to the same event. 

When the episode got underway, the topic of conversation was sex. Lydia and Doug were on vacation and thought it would be a good time to have the talk with one of their sons. 

The kid looked embarrassed, to say the least, and it made for an awkward opening. The mother and father looked like they did not know what to say. 

During her confessional, Lydia revealed that she was a freak in the sheets. 

“Now that we’re married, we have sex a lot, and I like it, and it comes easy,” she revealed. 

Meanwhile, Vicki had sex on her mind. She wanted to know whether her son, Michael and his girlfriend, Dani, were serious, or if it was one of those romances that would fizzle out. 

Vicki seemed worried that their new romance could lead to an unexpected pregnancy and wanted to ensure that there were no surprises. 

She also said something about making them sign a prenup, so it was the standard questions a rich parent asked when their kid wound up in a relationship. 

Elsewhere, Meghan was still adjusting to her life as a mother. Let’s face it; she’s not been on the same wavelength as the other women recently. 

It’s like she’s not even a main housewife, so she likely wants to rectify that before the season is over and she inevitably loses her place on the cast. 

At a lunch date with Tamra and Shannon, the ladies talk about everything getting on their nerves of late, and Vicki was high on Shannon’s list.  

She continued to blame Vicki for the weight gain, but Meghan was not having it and said in her confessional that “Vicki is bad, but not 40-pounds bad.”

Um, alright then. 

Meghan then opened up about her having a party that includes drinking and parading your baby around. 

Kelly Dodd finally decided it was time to put her beef with the women aside, and met up with Tamra for a coffee. 

They quickly put their beef aside and wind up laughing with each other, so is everything finally good between them?

Well, Kelly took to her confessional to say that her plan was to “out-puppet the new puppet master.” Yeah, so she’s using Tamra. 

The final event of this episode found everyone at Peggy unveiling her brand new Lamborghini. The housewives then got talking about the upcoming event at Meghan’s. 

Vicki decided she would be civil and would not get into a fight with anyone. 

Meghan says, “Yes, you would!” 

With that, the episode came to a close, and we have to wait for that big meeting until next week. 


What did you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 4 Recap: We Have a New Puppet Master Now

How did the ladies manage to move on from the latest big bust-up?

With another party, of course. 

On The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 4, Vicki found herself reeling in a fun new ally in her quest to destroy her fellow housewives, and we’re totally along for the ride. 

When the episode got underway, the ladies were still reeling from the drama at the close of last week’s episode. In case you missed it: Kelly Dodd appeared at a dinner party, and things got heated between her and Shannon. She essentially called Shannon fat. 

Tamra was shocked that Kelly even felt the need to attend the dinner, but Shannon was very open about herself being responsible for some of the drama.

While Shannon was remorseful for her actions, Kelly was happy with the things she said. Despite all of her flaws, Kelly makes for good TV, and that’s about all we can ask for on this show. 

Lydia threw a lavish movie-themed party that found Vicki and Peggy getting closer together. With all of the drama going down with the ladies, it’s not uncommon for one to want a new ally. 

Vicki has proven she can be opportunistic at times and felt like going after Peggy to fight her battles was a good move for her. It was. 

Vicki was unsurprised to hear about what happened at the dinner party and noted that the Housewives would “be your friend, then turn on you.” That’s a pretty rock-solid assessment. 

Vicki then pushed to learn more about the big cancer scare Peggy had, and just like that, we were reminded of the big cancer scam that followed Vicki around a few years ago. 

The veteran housewife then took to her confessional to reveal that Peggy should be keeping all of this private. But Vicki wanted someone else to be on her side in her war with the other ladies, so she will just have to do. 

Elsewhere, Kelly went to visit Meghan, and the ladies tried to focus on repairing their relationship, but it seemed apparent that they were still very much against one another. 

The reason? Meghan quizzed Kelly about hitting bone town with another man, and Kelly was not entirely amused by it. Kelly retaliated by telling Meghan her husband was cheating on her. 

Yes, they’re still very toxic, but it makes for good TV, so who are we to judge?

Kelly then brought Vicki along to her vaginal rejuvenation appointment and thought it would be a good idea to speak about things being inserted into her. 

While all of this was going down, Tamra tried to fix some tension in her family. She turned to her son Ryan to cry some tears of joy that he was getting along with her ex-husband. 

He noted that it was good the dude was hard on him because it pushed him to succeed, or something. 

Tamra found herself thinking a lot about family this week, and that was because she was invited along to a dinner party for a documentary about estranged family members. 

Her father and brother went along with her, but her mother kept her distance. We also got the reveal that Tamra recently bumped into Sidney and that they shared a hug. 

So, maybe there is hope for them. Tamra’s relationship with her family has always been a bit all over the place throughout her life, but it sounds like things are on good terms for a change. 

What do you think of all the drama for the ladies?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 9 Episode 3 Recap: Hurricane Kelly

Dinner parties on The Real Housewives franchise are high-class events in which the women speak about their lives and plan fun vacations together. 

Yes, that whole sentence was sarcasm, and there was a dinner party on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 9 Episode 3 that descended into sheer mayhem. 

When the fun episode got underway, Vicki was preparing to make a move. Unfortunately for the other women, she was not leaving Orange County behind. 

Instead, she was moving into a brand new office building as a result of her business being a success. Vicki then opened up about one of her employees embezzling her funds. 

So, yes, she let him go. Still, her business is a hit, so she should be proud of what she’s achieved. It will be fun to see her boast about it to the other ladies. 

This act of betrayal from a colleague, however, has Vicki wanting to keep a closer eye on the rest of her staff. It’s pretty lame, but she’s clearly paranoid something happens again. 

While one business was flourishing, another was all over the place. Lydia was stressing out over at Nobleman because she felt like her husband was missing all of his deadlines. 

Tamra interrupted Lydia’s duties at the magazine by calling her up to mediate the situation between her and Shannon. Tamra manages to get both women to attend a dinner to try fix things between them. 

Meanwhile, Shannon continued her plan to get back into shape, and she found herself in a little too deep with all of it. Her trainer, however, was not that great. 

He seemed to think that shaming Shannon about her body was a good tactic, but it was a little bit much, and we felt sorry for her. 

When the time came for dinner, Lydia was trying to introduce Peggy to everyone once again, and it was becoming a little lame. 

Peggy did not get a warm reception when seemed to trash Shannon’s plan to build a dream home. God, these women sure know how to bicker over silly things. 

When Shannon spoke about the weight gain, Peggy pushed to find out about what forced her to get to that point. Is anyone else getting Eden Sassoon vibes from this chick?

Just when things start to get heated between Peggy and the women, Kelly arrived, and well, things went nuclear. Kelly is not one to hold back. 

Despite saying she was not attending the dinner, Kelly showed up and was not entirely approachable about all of it. Kelly then thought Shannon was mean to her. 

While Kelly revealed that she knew how to push Shannon’s buttons in her confessional, Shannon flipped the eff out at the dinner table. 

Shannon told her to get the heck out of the restaurant, while Kelly said, “Maybe you need some hormones for your body!” That’s when the ladies hurled terrible insults at each other. 

Kelly is back and is ready to burn some bridges, and we’re along for every second of this ride. 

What do you think of it all?


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 2 Recap: Lydia Stirs The Pot

The ladies were ready to party, but that did not mean they were putting their drama on the backburner. 

Tamra planned a birthday bash on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 2, and she was stressing about who to invite. 

When the episode got underway, Shannon had her longtime feng shui consultant inspect her new house. Yes, we’re jealous because the consultant was a hoot. 

She wanted to make sure Shannon’s home was up to scratch, and part of that was firing out crazy phrases, and all Shannon could do was look on. 

Elsewhere, Vicki’s office manager, Linda was introduced to viewers and much like Shannon’s consultant, she brought some much-needed laughs onto the show. 

Because Vicki’s business was apparently doing solid business, she was upgrading offices this season, and she was worried about it. Vicki was being her usual petulant self and stressing the eff out. 

Linda, however, knows Vicki all too well and managed to calm her down without a big blowout confrontation. Vicki then noted that Shannon had used the same feng shui consultant she was planning on using. 

Yes, it’s frowned upon to use the same one, so let’s just say Vicki is not even going there and will need to find an alternative.

After another throwaway scene of Meghan being the doting mother, we switched gears to Lydia who had started a new magazine with her husband. 

It’s called Nobleman, and it’s about “what it’s like to be a gentleman in the world today.”

Um, alright then. 

Lydia’s husband then told her not to hug Peggy because she recently had a double mastectomy. However, upon meeting Peggy, Lydia went straight for the jugular. 

“They told me not to hug you,” she revealed to Peggy. Considering Lydia was the one who instigated the conversation, it was disheartening to find her being annoyed with Peggy for speaking about her illness. 

We then moved to Tamra’s birthday party for her granddaughter. Vicki did not make the cut for the guest list, but her daughter Breanna did. Tamra had unfollowed Breanna on social media after her fight with Vicki.

So, things were pretty darn awkward. Breanna made an early exit because she felt like all of the drama was unnecessary.

Things got tense when Lydia sat Tamra and Shannon down to let them know that she chatted with Vicki over lunch and felt they could still be friends.

On top of that, Lydia said they were “acting the same way almost [Vicki] acted.”

Shannon flipped out, and Lydia accused her of being hostile, and it did not go down well. Shannon was upset because of the party being ruined at the expense of her relationship with Vicki. 

That’s a wrap on all the drama, and something tells us it’s just getting started. 

What do you think of it all?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Tamra Judge Caught Off Guard by Diss Track on The Real Housewives of Orange County!

The Real Housewives of Orange County are back.

We have a RHOC episode recap if you missed it, but what we really want to talk about is one particular, musical aspect of the rivalry between Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge.

Because the former friends don’t just quarrel on the show — there’s an actual song bashing Tamra. And Vicki has it … and it got worse for Tamra from there.

So, a rap song that insults Tamra Judge played on the season premiere of The Real Housewives of Orange County.

That premiere was last night, folks.

And, apparently Tamra didn’t even know about it in advance.

“Tamra had no idea it was going to be on the show, and now she’s freaking out.”

Amazing to think that nobody in production thought to warn her.

This is such a big deal because the song isn’t exactly available online.

Like, if it were just floating around the interwebs, we’d be happy to make sure that everyone heard it.

But it’s basically scrubbed.

Except that Vicki got a hold of it, because of course she did, and she played a bit of it.

The song, “Lie Lie Lie,” doesn’t just make a rude reference to Tamra.

It’s a full-on diss track.

And there’s some collateral damage.

Cory Larrabee created it, and it seems that he has some interesting ideas about Tamra and her husband, Eddie.

“She found another man he was a gay sex slave.”

Well, we can’t speak to Eddie’s sexual orientation.

But that sounds more than a little far-fetched, right?

“She got him out of debt in exchange for a wedding day.”

That is a very inventive story.

It sounds like the backstory for a great episode of, like, a police procedural or something.

But, even if Eddie sets off some people’s gaydar … it doesn’t sound like a likely story.

You can see how it would get under Tamra’s skin, though.

Especially since the next set of lines might hit a little closer to home.

“Once upon a time there was a dumb hoe.”

That’s sure a creative way to begin, but continue.

“She snapped a dirty pic and sent it from her phone.”

Now those lyrics are especially damning.

Because, as you may recall, Tamra Judge is accused of distributing pics of Vicki Gunvalson’s boobs.

These are grown, adult women, but yeah.

Like, this is a little more ambiguous than Rob Kardashian posting revenge porn of Blac Chyna.

Because, first of all, it’s merely alleged that Tamra shared topless photos of Vicki.

And these weren’t photos exchanged between friends or intimate partners.

Vicki was showing her breasts in front of cameras, to a costars husband over FaceTime.

(Isn’t technology amazing?)

Though Tamra is accused of sending them to a 15-year-old, somehow, so maybe she doesn’t quite have the moral high ground.


Tamra Judge doesn’t care about haters, supposedly.

Everybody wants people to think that they don’t care, but most people, deep down, do.

They can’t help it.

That has to hurt.

Especially since Vicki Gunvalson is the queen bee of The Real Housewives of Orange County anyway.

Playing that song seemed like kicking Tamra while she’s down, you know?

Or maybe punishing her for returning for yet another season.

Maybe this is setting the stage and, during the course of this season, Lydia will repair the relationship between these two.

But if Vicki and Tamra were back to being friends by the time that this aired, surely Vicki would have warned her that the diss track would play on air!


The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: The Great Divide

The Real Housewives of Orange County returned to Bravo last night, where Vicki Gunvalson proved she can still hold court like no other.

She’s bonkers, and the central theme of The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 1 was how over it her co-stars are.

When the episode got underway, we witnessed a shot of a beautiful beach, but it was quickly ruined by the sound of some of the craziest arguments from Season 11. 

It was a striking visual that proved the feuds on this show were enough to ruin any tranquility. Even after all this time, The Real Housewives of Orange County can still pack a punch in the drama department. 

We quickly found out that the feuds from the previous season weighed heavily on the minds of all the housewives concerned. 

First up was Shannon who claimed Vicki’s comments about her husband abusing her paved the way for her to gain a lot of weight. 

In her quest to lose weight, she has changed her diet, as well as her children. She never really opened up about her husband, aside from saying that they were “distant.” 

Can Shannon really blame Vicki for that? We’re sure there will be more details on it as the season continues, but we think she and Vicki will make things right with one another. 

We switched gears to Vicki, who we found in a particularly happy state. The reason? Her business is booming, her relationship with her new boyfriend is going well and she’s a grandma. 

It posed an excellent juxtaposition for the way her life is compared to Shannon’s, but I still don’t feel like we can pin all the blame for Shannon’s drama on Vicki. 

One thing that irks Vicki about all of the drama is that Tamra is still making a go of her bodybuilding career. The two former friends have not spoken in months, but it’s obvious there is no love lost between them. 

She caught up with Kelly and essentially said all of the other housewives are jealous of her success, and we may just have puked a little. 

She event went as far as saying: 

“They’re not the popular girls, we’re the popular girls.”

Kelly seemed like she wanted to be more reserved this time around. If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you will remember her cooking up drama out of nothing last season. 

It made for riveting television, but something tells us she had her head in her hands while watching the season back. 

We then found out just how much Vicki’s drama had affected Tamra. In case you missed it, Vicki was throwing around rumors that Tamra’s husband was gay. 

Tamra felt like the ordeal with Vicki brought her closer to faith and former housewife, Lydia, who returned to she show after a hiatus. 

At Bible study, Tamra started taking shots at Vicki and Kelly, but they were not even there to defend themselves. It speaks a lot about Tamra’s character. 

Lydia then offered to play mediator during a lunch date between her and Vicki. Tamra declined the meeting, but that did not stop Lydia from meeting up with her. 

Vicki felt like there was no way she and Tamra could salvage their friendship, but Lydia had some words of her own. 

“I think you guys hurt each other so much because you love each other,” she says. 

Um, no. They hurt each other because they wanted to secure their place on the show, and a salary increase. 

Okay, so that’s Episode 1 in the can, and things are actually shaping up to be interesting for the stars. 

We absolutely need to have them all meeting up and going at it. That would make my day.

What do you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

"Real Housewives of Orange County" Star Kelly Dodd in Violent Fight on 4th

Kelly Dodd’s 4th of July got real when she got into a fight with a guy who she says tried stealing from her. The ‘Real Housewives of Orange County’ star tells TMZ she was partying with some girlfriends at Descanso Beach Club on Catalina Island,…


"Real Housewives of Orange County" Star Kelly Dodd in Violent Fight on 4th

Kelly Dodd’s 4th of July got real when she got into a fight with a guy who she says tried stealing from her. The ‘Real Housewives of Orange County’ star tells TMZ she was partying with some girlfriends at Descanso Beach Club on Catalina Island,…


Friday, June 23, 2017

Terry Dubrow on Leaving The Real Housewives of Orange County: Phew!

We’ve known for a few months now that Heather Dubrow was parting ways with The Real Housewives of Orange County, and it’s becoming increasingly apparent her family is not finished talking about the show to stay in the headlines. 

Heather’s husband, Terry Dubrow opened up to The Daily Dish about what it was like working on the show with his family and how Heather’s relationship is now with her former costars. 

One of the most incredible, interesting experiences of our lives was being on the Orange County Housewives, but there’s a certain component of stress that’s been removed because there’s less conflict,” the reality star revealed.

“She still has actually quite a relationship with some of them,” he added of her costars.

Somehow, we doubt Heather will be making nice with Vicki Gunvalson. 

Heather confirmed her departure back in January on her PodCast One show. It did not come as a huge surprise. 

“If you’re wondering why I’ve decided to not come back, it wasn’t an easy decision,” Heather explained at the time.

“You know, it’s hard to walk away from something, first of all, that’s been successful for five years, and truly has given us so much. But I just feel like, right at this particular point in time, a couple of things [changed my mind].”

“First of all, my kids,” she continued.

“My oldest kids are now teenagers, and I just felt like they need to make their own decision about being on television and exposing their lives, and for me personally, I have some really cool, interesting opportunities that I want to explore.”

“I don’t know where they’re going to go, but I want the opportunity to explore them.”

“I felt like I was at a tipping point, and just… it was time,” she says. “But, it’s all positive, and I wish them all the best.”

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you will probably know the real reason Heather left the Bravo reality series: She hated Vicki Gunvalson with a passion. 

The most recent season was filled with bitter arguments between Gunvalson and her co-stars. It made for great TV, but it must have been horrible for everyone working on the show. 

Even with Heather gone, the drama is not dying down. The official teaser for Season 12 proved the show would go on and that the drama would continue to flow for the ladies. 

Have a look below. 

Considering the way stars come and go from the Bravo Real Housewives franchise, something tells us Heather could appear at one point down the line. 

What do you think about all of this?

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