Showing posts with label Puppet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Puppet. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Stormy Daniels Slams Ex-Lawyer as a "Puppet" for Trump & Michael Cohen

Stormy Daniels just sued her former attorney … claiming he was in cahoots with President Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, to get her to falsely deny she had an affair with Trump. Stormy — real name Stephanie Clifford — filed…


Monday, January 22, 2018

Nick Young Gets Hypnotized, Proceeds to Make Out with Puppet

Why was Nick Young making out with a puppet and grooving like Michael Jackson over the weekend?  Don’t worry — it’s ‘cause he was hypnotized … and there’s video!! It all went down at the 30th birthday bash for Warriors…


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Farrah Abraham: I Love that MTV"s Puppet Amber Portwood is Sick!

Over the weekend, Farrah Abraham’s mom Deb got married. It was a whole thing, but nobody from Teen Mom — except for Farrah herself — showed up.

Amber Portwood is pregnant, and couldn’t make it, even though she was invited.

Well, Farrah Abraham didn’t mind Amber’s absence, and took the opportunity to take some serious shots at her fellow Teen Mom star.

Debra Danielsen, Farrah Abraham’s mother with whom she has had a very complicated relationship, married Dr. David Merz.

Though Farrah and David haven’t always seen eye-to-eye (honestly, who does with Farrah?), Farrah was in attendance at their wedding.

The location that the happy couple picked was an aquarium. The motif that they selected was mermaids.


MTV and their cameras weren’t present.

(Because Farrah Abraham got fired from Teen Mom, maybe — a lot is still unclear about that)

And neither were any of Farrah’s Teen Mom costars.

(Because, well, nobody likes Farrah Abraham)

But Amber Portwood was actually invited and, despite her current and intense feud with Farrah, might have come — if she hadn’t been too sick.

Farrah Abraham and Amber Portwood got into a fight way, way earlier this year.

Long story short?

Farrah Abraham commented on how Matt Baier looks like a total creep. Amber did not care for Farrah’s comments and, well, now they’re totally feuding.

That nonsense is actually ongoing, and Matt Baier might be trying more of his shenanigans, because he’s just that classy.

This time, Matt Baier is defending Farrah and slamming MTV for (maybe) firing her over her recent sex work.

But … a lot of people are reading between the lines and wondering if Matt Baier is just trying to puff himself up and attract Farrah’s notice.

He’s tried before, you see, allegedly tweeting his thirst at Farrah before things heated up with Amber.

Anyway, so, at the wedding, Amber couldn’t make it because pregnancy isn’t all fun and games, folks.

Speaking to The Ashley, Farrah had some less-than-subtle shade to throw in Amber Portwood’s direction.

“You see who really showed up to the wedding.”

Farrah then goes on to bash … all of the Teen Mom folks. And Amber in particular.

“Not all the fake people who are production puppets like Amber, or any other whackjob that you’ve been seeing in the press before today. They’re not here.”

Farrah also spoke to InTouch about Amber’s absence, and she was a bit more … direct.

“[Amber] wasn’t going to be here anyway, so I wish her all the best with her unplanned pregnancy and all of her bulls–t.”

Full disclosure: I laughed out loud at that line.

Deb, whose actual wedding this was, didn’t bear Amber any ill will, as she told The Ashley:

“I told Amber, ‘I love you, you look beautiful.”


“I told her that I just hoped that she was feeling better because I remember how much morning sickness she had [when she was pregnant] with [her daughter] Leah. She was sick the whole time.”

Remember that some people have morning sickness worse than others. Some, much worse.

“[I told her] I hoped it was much better this time.”

We’re sure that Amber hopes so too.

We don’t know that Farrah’s goodwill is anywhere near so strong.


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 4 Recap: We Have a New Puppet Master Now

How did the ladies manage to move on from the latest big bust-up?

With another party, of course. 

On The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 4, Vicki found herself reeling in a fun new ally in her quest to destroy her fellow housewives, and we’re totally along for the ride. 

When the episode got underway, the ladies were still reeling from the drama at the close of last week’s episode. In case you missed it: Kelly Dodd appeared at a dinner party, and things got heated between her and Shannon. She essentially called Shannon fat. 

Tamra was shocked that Kelly even felt the need to attend the dinner, but Shannon was very open about herself being responsible for some of the drama.

While Shannon was remorseful for her actions, Kelly was happy with the things she said. Despite all of her flaws, Kelly makes for good TV, and that’s about all we can ask for on this show. 

Lydia threw a lavish movie-themed party that found Vicki and Peggy getting closer together. With all of the drama going down with the ladies, it’s not uncommon for one to want a new ally. 

Vicki has proven she can be opportunistic at times and felt like going after Peggy to fight her battles was a good move for her. It was. 

Vicki was unsurprised to hear about what happened at the dinner party and noted that the Housewives would “be your friend, then turn on you.” That’s a pretty rock-solid assessment. 

Vicki then pushed to learn more about the big cancer scare Peggy had, and just like that, we were reminded of the big cancer scam that followed Vicki around a few years ago. 

The veteran housewife then took to her confessional to reveal that Peggy should be keeping all of this private. But Vicki wanted someone else to be on her side in her war with the other ladies, so she will just have to do. 

Elsewhere, Kelly went to visit Meghan, and the ladies tried to focus on repairing their relationship, but it seemed apparent that they were still very much against one another. 

The reason? Meghan quizzed Kelly about hitting bone town with another man, and Kelly was not entirely amused by it. Kelly retaliated by telling Meghan her husband was cheating on her. 

Yes, they’re still very toxic, but it makes for good TV, so who are we to judge?

Kelly then brought Vicki along to her vaginal rejuvenation appointment and thought it would be a good idea to speak about things being inserted into her. 

While all of this was going down, Tamra tried to fix some tension in her family. She turned to her son Ryan to cry some tears of joy that he was getting along with her ex-husband. 

He noted that it was good the dude was hard on him because it pushed him to succeed, or something. 

Tamra found herself thinking a lot about family this week, and that was because she was invited along to a dinner party for a documentary about estranged family members. 

Her father and brother went along with her, but her mother kept her distance. We also got the reveal that Tamra recently bumped into Sidney and that they shared a hug. 

So, maybe there is hope for them. Tamra’s relationship with her family has always been a bit all over the place throughout her life, but it sounds like things are on good terms for a change. 

What do you think of all the drama for the ladies?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Nick Cannon Gropes Nicki Minaj Puppet, May Actually Be Crazy

When Nick Cannon quit his post as America"s Got Talent host a few weeks ago, it was initially seen as an admirable example of sticking to one"s morals.

The star explained, via a lengthy Instagram post, that he felt as if NBC was treating him "like a piece of property," going on to write:

"There is no amount of money worth my dignity or my integrity."

Like we said: admirable, right?

But follow-up reports proceeded to quote a number of sources, some of which wondered whether Cannon was suffering from some kind of mental breakdown.

They pointed to Cannon"s rant against NBC as evidence of his instability, along with his recent dedication to "spirituality" and multiple social media posts in which Cannon refers to "depression" and insanity.

Aware of this chatter, Cannon has filmed a video of himself in which he states early on:

“People think I’m crazy."

He then goes on sort of validate this possibility.

“They had reports that I have mental issues. Tell us some shitt we don’t know! Nigga, a I was dressing in drag at 17,” he says below, adding:

“I been crazy! They call me crazy ’cause I turned down millions, and millions, and millions … of dollars. I am moving on to bigger and better things, like my mixtape.”

Later on, Cannon compares himself to Albert Einstein, Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.

Cannon also makes mentions of:

  • Donald Trump’s State of the Union address.

  • The ongoing feud between Nicki Minaj and Remy Ma.

  • A puppet of Minaj, which Cannon gropes and fondles.

By the end of the footage, Cannon has exposed himself in more ways than one and even suggested he should "f-ck Miley Cyrus."

You need to watch this entire thing. And you need to then grow a bit concerned over Cannon"s mental state…

Nick cannon gropes nicki minaj puppet may actually be crazy

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Puppet Strings, Tamra"s Wings

On The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11 Episode 17, the Ireland trip ended with the conclusion of the bus ride from …

Hell. It was hell. No other word can do it justice.

Back in Orange County, meanwhile, the women try to make sense of their war on foreign soil, while Meghan fled to St. Louis, Missouri.

Why? Let’s break down that and much more …

Kelly Dodd decided that she was done playing nice with Vicki Gunvalson. These two just can’t seem to get along with each other, so it’s probably for the best they steer clear of each other. 

However, Kelly decided to go nuclear on her enemy and it was pretty damn crazy. Vicki implied that she didn’t like the drunk version of Kelly, but Kelly was having absolutely none of it. 

Kelly felt it was time to reveal that Vicki told her Shannon Beador’s husband, “beat the sh*t” out of her. It was a moment we thought would never play out on the hit reality series, but Kelly was just over it. 

As you can probably expect, Shannon was not amused at her dirty laundry being aired in front of the Bravo cameras. I mean, even if what Kelly said was true, she crossed a line by choosing that time to reveal it. 

It was a passive-aggressive move on her part to try and turn the tide on Vicki on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11 Episode 17.

Yes, we get she and Vicki have beef, but Shannon’s marital woes did not need to become part of the drama. 

However, Kelly was quick to point out that she done nothing wrong. It may be true that Vicki should not have been lifting the lid on news that was not hers to begin with, but Kelly should have known this was not the time, or the place. 

It was clear Vicki was desperate for a hole to open up and for the ground below her to to just swallow her up, but she tried to sugar coat what she did and it was blatantly obvious. 

Vicki implied that the only reason she opened her mouth, was because she feared David was going to hit her at a party. How convenient.

Poor Shannon had no idea how to process what the heck had just went down and settled for reminding Vicki that her kids used to refer to her as “Aunt Vicki.”

Oh, the drama. 

If you thought things could not get any worse, they most certainly did. 

Tamra Judge felt the need to ask Kelly if Vicki told her anything else. Selfish? Yes, but I guess she was trying to make sure everything was aired at that point so they did not need to revisit anything that came out of Kelly’s mouth down the line. 

There was some word that Vicki was talking about Tamra and Eddie’s fractured relationship. This paved the way for Tamra to run up to Vicki’s face and scream, “F*** YOU!”

Vicki tried to play the innocent card, but we all know just how devious she can be if she wants to.

Kelly then took aim at Heather Dubrow for apparently looking down on her. Umm, all of the people watching the show were probably looking down on her at that point. 

Heather probably wanted to steer clear of the drama. It’s not like she was the one blabbing about things she shouldn’t be. 

Back home, Tamra and Shannon are not letting Vicki’s claims go, but they did point out that they were funny. 

Briana was the one to point out that Vicki is in the wrong and never wants to admit when she’s done something wrong. She does have a point. 

However, Kelly continued to place the blame on Heather and that rubber her husband the wrong way. He pointed out that Kelly can work separately with the ladies to mend their relationships. 

Later, Vicki and Kelly met up for lunch and Vicki actually apologized for her actions. Kelly nearly choked on her lunch because Vicki has probably never apologized before. 

Kelly did admit that she needed to take ownership of her wrong doings, but she’s over it. 

As much as Vicki apologized to Kelly, she took to blaming alcohol on all of the things she said. That’s an easy way out of a really tough situation. 

When it was all said and done, the ladies all attended the fitness competition. 

Sure, the friendships are still fractured as hell, but at least they can put things aside to help a friend in need. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you know there will be a lot more arguments to come from the ladies!


Friday, June 17, 2016

Taylor Swift Throws MAJOR Shade at Kim Kardashian: She"s Kanye"s Puppet!

Earlier this week, photos of Kim Kardashian nude on the cover of GQ made the rounds online.

The Internet responded with a collective yawn, as Kim has pretty well flooded the market with nudity at this point. But once the interview that went with those pics went public, things got interesting:

In response to a question about Taylor Swift’s comments about Kanye West after he rapped about her in unflattering fashion on his latest album, Kim went off on the “Shake It Off” singer.

Kim is usually pretty coy on these matters, but when it comes to defending her controversial husband the mother of two does not mince words.

Kim flat-out called Taylor a liar, insisting that she had approved the lyrics in a phone conversation with Kanye months before the album was released:

“[Taylor] totally knew that that was coming out. She wanted to all of a sudden act like she didn’t,” Kim told the men’s mag.

“She totally gave the okay. Rick Rubin was there. So many respected people in the music business heard that [conversation] and knew.”

She added that Taylor slammed West in the press and in her acceptance speech at the Grammys simply because she enjoys “playing the victim.”

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Taylor has fired back through a statement issued by her team:

“Taylor does not hold anything against Kim Kardashian as she recognizes the pressure Kim must be under and that she is only repeating what she has been told by Kanye West,” her rep said in a statement.

“However, that does not change the fact that much of what Kim is saying is incorrect. Kanye West and Taylor only spoke once on the phone while she was on vacation with her family in January of 2016 and they have never spoken since.

“Taylor has never denied that conversation took place.”

So it seems we have a classic case of she-said, she-said here.

But unlike most petty arguments, this one involves two of the most famous women in the world, and one seriously volatile dude.

So get your popcorn ready, because we feel like this thing is just starting.

Taylor Swift Throws MAJOR Shade at Kim Kardashian: She"s Kanye"s Puppet!

Earlier this week, photos of Kim Kardashian nude on the cover of GQ made the rounds online.

The Internet responded with a collective yawn, as Kim has pretty well flooded the market with nudity at this point. But once the interview that went with those pics went public, things got interesting:

In response to a question about Taylor Swift’s comments about Kanye West after he rapped about her in unflattering fashion on his latest album, Kim went off on the “Shake It Off” singer.

Kim is usually pretty coy on these matters, but when it comes to defending her controversial husband the mother of two does not mince words.

Kim flat-out called Taylor a liar, insisting that she had approved the lyrics in a phone conversation with Kanye months before the album was released:

“[Taylor] totally knew that that was coming out. She wanted to all of a sudden act like she didn’t,” Kim told the men’s mag.

“She totally gave the okay. Rick Rubin was there. So many respected people in the music business heard that [conversation] and knew.”

She added that Taylor slammed West in the press and in her acceptance speech at the Grammys simply because she enjoys “playing the victim.”

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Taylor has fired back through a statement issued by her team:

“Taylor does not hold anything against Kim Kardashian as she recognizes the pressure Kim must be under and that she is only repeating what she has been told by Kanye West,” her rep said in a statement.

“However, that does not change the fact that much of what Kim is saying is incorrect. Kanye West and Taylor only spoke once on the phone while she was on vacation with her family in January of 2016 and they have never spoken since.

“Taylor has never denied that conversation took place.”

So it seems we have a classic case of she-said, she-said here.

But unlike most petty arguments, this one involves two of the most famous women in the world, and one seriously volatile dude.

So get your popcorn ready, because we feel like this thing is just starting.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Kim Kardashian: I Am the Puppet Master, Not My Mom!

Kim Kardashian is setting the record straight: SHE is the brains behind her family’s phenomenal (and mind-boggling) success, not her mother.

As reported by Daily Mail, the most successful Kardashian sister claims that it is indeed she that calls the shots, even though mom Kris Jenner gets all the credit.

“It’s so funny, because I’ll hear stories like, ‘Kris Jenner is the puppet master, having all of her kids do this and that,’ and I’m like, ‘If they only knew,"” Kim said in an interview with Editorialist magazine.

“I’m the one that will be like, ‘Kylie, do this. Kendall, you should do this."” 

And now we do know, Kim. Because you told us.

Let’s just let that settle in for a second. KIM is the smart one.

We’ll give you a moment to process that (and by “process that,” we mean “control your laughter”).

“I definitely see the shift from magazine to digital, and that’s exactly what I envision,” she said about launching her app.

“I did want my own avenue to tell my story, to show my fashion pics, to offer my beauty tips, my secrets.

“I was doing so many interviews with so many different magazines, and I would find that it wouldn’t be written right or maybe the product was off or I didn’t feel it was truly representing me.”

Kind of ironic she’s giving herself such pats on the back now, since just a couple days ago satirist Saint Hoax posted a video of Kim morphing into Kris. Perhaps a harbinger of what’s to come?

In addition to this revelation, Kim shared a sneak peak at photos from her super smart – you guessed it – swimsuit shoot from the magazine on her app and website,

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Justin Bieber Talks Marriage with a Puppet

Justin Bieber had two very contrasting talk show experiences this week.

First, we previously depicted, the singer was asked some very strange questions by a trio of radio hosts, eventually getting up and leaving after things turned awkward.

But then Justin stopped by The Diego Show, which is a program hosted by a Mexican puppet who was sort of interested in what the superstar had to say.

But, really, all he wanted to do was discuss how much he disliked his wife.

"What’s it like to be Justin Bieber?,” Diego asks at first, barely giving Bieber time to respond before giving his own take:

“For me it’s terrible. My wife is crazy. She checks my phone every day."

Then just "be good," Justin offered. Be loyal. Be loving.

"No," Diego hilariously responded.

Later in during the Q&A, Bieber said that his upcoming album took three years to make, to which Diego replied:

"Three years ago, I was not married, and it was much happier days."

This sounds ridiculous, we know. But it"s pretty hilarious to watch unfold, as you can see Bieber breaking at times and laughing out loud for real.

Bieber and Diego each free style rap at one point as well, but the latter only unleashes a few lyrics and – yup, you guessed it – they all center on his disdain for his wife.

Watch Bieber show off a lighter side (while keeping his shirt on; sorry, ladies) in this interview and, of course, look forward to picking up the album "Purpose" when it drops on November 13.

Justin bieber talks marriage with a puppet