Showing posts with label Pete. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pete. Show all posts

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Pete Davidson: I"m Getting Ariana Grande Pregnant with a Trap Baby!

It"s been a few months now since Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson got engaged.

Well, to be specific, it"s been a few months now since they started dating and then immediately got engaged.

But hey, they"re still going strong, and that"s what"s important!

These two have definitely had a whirlwind relationship though, that"s for sure.

They started dating in May, a few days after that he started getting tattoos in her honor, and a few days after that he began designing her engagement ring.

About two weeks later, he received the ring and proposed.

And we all know she said yes!

There"s been several rumors about them since then, like the one about how they"re moving so fast because she"s pregnant.

It"s been a while since that one started, so it"s kind of been forgotten about.

But according to some things Pete said during last night"s season premiere of Saturday Night Live, there may just be some truth there!

During the Weekend Update segment, host Colin Jost brought Pete out "to talk about how he spent his summer."

About his eventful summer, Pete said "I got engaged, and no one could believe it, and I can"t believe it."

"Yeah, I get it," he continued. "She"s the number one pop star in the world and I"m the guy from SNL that everyone thinks is in desperate need of more blood.""

He also said that things have been pretty wild since he started dating Ariana.

"You remember when that whole city pretended that kid was Batman "cause he was, like, sick?" he asked.

"That"s what this feels like."

When asked about all the new attention he"s been getting for the past few months, he laughed and said "I hate it, it"s awful."

He said that it was "so scary," and that he"d been getting death threats.


"It"s Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Pete Davidson are all people who have gotten death threats," he joked.

Next, Colin asked about a prenup, which Pete said that he "obviously" wanted.

"God forbid we split up and she takes half my sneakers!" he explained.

On a slightly more serious note, he insisted that he"s "totally comfortable being with a successful woman," and that they even live in an apartment that belongs to Ariana.

"She pays like 60 grand for rent and all I have to do is stock the fridge."

When Colin said that men don"t have to be the breadwinner in relationships, Pete strongly agreed.

He also said "Last night I switched her birth control with Tic Tacs."

When the audience audibly reacted to that, he defended himself with "No, I believe in us and all, but you know, I just wanna make sure that she can"t go anywhere."

Colin finished up the interview by bringing up Ariana"s song on her new album named after Pete, which Pete said was "sick."

As he pointed out, he actually gets royalties for the song.

Which is neat, he argued, because if they ever break up, then in ten years "there will be a song called "Pete Davidson" playing in speakers at K-Mart, and I"ll be working there."

Obviously this whole interview is a joke, even if it is based on Pete"s real relationship.

But it"s nice to see that he"s comfortable enough with Ariana that he can make jokes like this, you know?

Watch the full interview in the video below:

Pete davidson im getting ariana grande pregnant with a trap baby

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Pete Davidson: Chevy Chase Is a Racist Douchebag!

If you’re under the age of 30, there’s a very good chance that the name Chevy Chase doesn’t mean much of anything to you — and with good reason.

While he was once thought to be one of the country’s top comedic talents, much of Chase’s work has not aged well, and he’s repeatedly torpedoed his own career with bigoted remarks and other acts of supreme douchebaggery.

Though he’s attempted to revive his career several times in recent years, those efforts have proven ill-fated, largely as a result of the fact that Chase’s co-stars tend to find him insufferable.

Chase likely sees this as a result of jealousy over his self-appointed status as a comedy legend, when in reality, it’s simply a consequence of the fact that people prefer not to work with racist jackasses.

(See the incident in which Chase hurled racial slurs at Donald Glover on the set of Community for evidence of how much this guy sucks.)

At this point, it seems Chase has all but given up on making a comeback and has instead opted to burn every bridge between himself and the people who cursed us all by making Chevy Chase famous. 

Chase got his start on Saturday Night Live, and many were shocked this week when he decided to attack the show for its decline in quality.

“First of all, between you and me and a lamppost,” Chase recently told The Washington Post.

“Jeez, I don’t want to put down Lorne [Michaels] or the cast … But I’ll just say, maybe off the record, I’m amazed that Lorne has gone so low,” he added.

“I had to watch a little of it,” he said of the show. “And I just couldn’t f–king believe it.” 

Now, ragging on SNL is a fun activity that we should all engage in as regularly as possible, but a former cast member attacking the current cast with such vitriol is a violation of an unwritten law among performers.

For a while there, it looked as though no one would push back against Chase, but thankfully, Pete Davidson eventually rose to the challenge.

Yes, folks, Pete is more than just Ariana Grande’s fiance.

He’s also one of the more outspoken SNL cast members, and he’s having none of Chevy’s nonsense.

Davidson sat down with Howard Stern this week, and he really let loose on the topic of Chase.

“He’s a f–king douchebag,” Davidson said.

“F–k Chevy Chase. He’s just a genuinely bad, racist person and I don’t like him. He’s a putz.”

Davidson added:

“It’s disrespectful to Lorne, too, a guy who gave you a career … No matter how big you get, you can’t forget what that guy did for you.”

Now, to be clear, Pete Davidson is a better person than Chevy Chase by every measure.

But can we dispense with this notion that Lorne Michaels is some unassailable comedy god and SNL is his flawless gift to the world?

Go ahead and watch a full episode from any point in the show’s 4,300 years on the air, and you’ll find that it’s always been mostly unwatchable.

It’s true of Chevy’s cast, and Pete’s, and it goes quadruple for the Joe Piscopo days.

That said, Kanye is gonna be on this week, so we’ll totally be watching.


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Pete Davidson: Hell Yeah I Used to Jerk Off to Ariana Grande Before We Met!

When he appeared on Howard Stern, Pete Davidson finally addressed his penis size … but he also spoke about a lot more.

Pete admitted to having masturbated to the thought of his current fiancee, Ariana Grande, before they ever met. He also discussed his marijuana use.

This boy has no filter, folks.

Howard Stern, who seems to be so adept at getting people to talk to him that he should probably be working for U.S. intelligence, spoke to Pete Davidson.

Obviously, Pete Davidson famous on his own, but the fact that he’s engaged to one of the biggest talents on the planet definitely came up.

“Any time we’re intimate,” Pete shares. “I’m always apologizing and saying thank you.”

He gives an example of the way that he speaks to Ariana in bed: “‘You’re awesome for doing this, thank you so much."”

That sounds very courteous — and courtesy is exactly what Ariana deserves.

Pete knows that he is the envy of the world when it comes to his romance with Ariana.

“I get it,” Pete says. “I was jerking off to her before I met her!”

That is … well, totally normal. It’s just weird to admit so bluntly, but as we said, Pete has no filter. It’s part of what makes him such a good comedian.

Some worry that Ariana will be upset by his oversharing. Please remember that Ariana started Pete Davidson’s dong rumors

She’s not a little kid — in fact, she’s a few months older than he is. She’s just short.

But when Pete admits that he’s the envy of the world for getting to bone Ariana Grande, he’s not really kidding.

“I got a death threat!” Pete tells Stern.

“Someone wanted to shoot me in the face… because [Ariana] is so hot,” Pete says. “You know how insane that is?”

To be clear, Pete is not maligning the mentally ill — he has been open and direct about his mental health.

“Am I that ugly that people want to shoot me in the face?” Pete jokes. “They’re like, ‘no, f–k this guy,’ like what did I do?”

Pete also opened up about how he addressed his substance abuse issues after going to rehab in 2016 — but he still uses marijuana.

Why? Because it was never an actual problem.

“It wasn’t the weed,” he explains.

He did excise marijuana from his system for a quarter of a year, but realized that unlike other substances, the weed made his life better, not worse.

“I was sober for three months at one point,” Pete shares. “And was like this f–king sucks.”

“I have Crohn’s disease,” Pete says. “So it helps more than you can imagine.”

Those of us lucky enough to only be able to imagine how unpleasant that must be for him should be grateful that we do not understand first-hand.

“There was a point where I couldn’t get out of bed,” Pete reveals. “I was 110 pounds… I also just love smoking weed.”

You know what? That’s not everyone’s thing, but that’s fair. And it is finally becoming decriminalized in more parts of the country.

With the exception of those three months, Pete says, “I’ve been smoking weed every day for eight years.”

One of the reasons that we were so overjoyed when Pete and Ariana first hooked up, aside from the fact that they’re both good people who deserve the world, was that Pete has his life together.

His borderline personality disorder is diagnosed, and he tackled his substance abuse issues directly and successfully.

(Smoking marijuana on a daily basis as self-medication sounds fine, so long as the person is functional — a lot of us know people who do the same who lead successful, healthy lives)

As for his oversharing, well, that is what Pete does. A lot of comedians tend to have less of a filter, which is what makes them so funny.

We somehow suspect that Ariana won’t mind his oversharing. She might object to his self-image issues, though.


Saturday, September 22, 2018

Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande Get Matching Tattoos

Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande are doomed … because they got matching tattoos.  The tattoo reads, “mille tendresse” — which translated means “a thousand tendernesses.” It’s actually from “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” when Audrey Hepburn’s…


Friday, August 31, 2018

Ariana Grande: My First Kiss With Pete Davidson Was So F--king Epic!

Pete Davidson has been pretty blunt about how he’s always horny for Ariana Grande. But there’s more to these two than sexual chemistry and a major height difference.

Now, Ariana is speaking about their first kiss, and sharing some surprising details.

More than once, Ariana has destroyed claims that she cheated on Mac Miller. To those conspiracy theorists, she and Pete secretly hooked up years ago.

In real life, though, Ariana’s relationship with Pete began in late May — and now, speaking on Nicki MInaj’s Queen Radio, Ariana describes their first kiss.

“It was sick,” Ariana gushes. “It was so dope!”

Ariana gives a little more detail about the kiss, and even before their lips touched, she says, “It was so cute.”

She reveals: “He asked me for permission to kiss me!”

Asking for consent before your first kiss is not only cute, it’s a good sign. What’s the opposite of a red flag when it comes to dating?

“It’s kind of complicated,” Ariana says. “Because it wasn’t too naughty of a kiss.”

Naughty kiss sounds like a goofy British euphamism akin to sweep the special chimney, but clearly she just means that it was an emotionally charged but relatively chaste kiss.

Ariana then struggles to describe the passion between them, saying: “But it was like … there was so much … in there, you know?”

Go ahead, get all of the jokes about Ariana’s phrasing here and Pete Davidson’s impressive dong out of your system. We’ll wait.

Ariana meant that there was so much emotional significance in their kiss.

“It was really sweet,” Ariana continues to gush.

She says that, lack of naughtiness aside, it was a huge turn-on.

“But,” Ariana dishes. “It was also really sexy.”

Though a lot of people have wanted to keep seeing Ariana as young and innocent, she’s been a grown woman for years, even if she’s still the height of a fourth grader.

Ariana has made very adult nature very, very clear in her music, interviews, and music videos.

Ariana also shares that, kissing aside, she loves her engagement to Pete.

“We have a lot of fun,” she shares.

The two of them just click with each other and have similar sense of humor on top of all of that infamous sexual chemistry.

“He’s like my best friend …” Ariana affirms.

In terms of their overall relationship, which is still just a few months old, she reveals: “it gets better every day.”

Ariana continues to gush about Pete, saying that they seem to mirror each other.

“We’re the boy-girl version of each other,” Ariana explains.

Of course, physically speaking, they’re more like fun house mirror versions of each other.

Ariana resorts to hyperbole, saying: “He’s, like, 70 feet tall, and I’m 4 inches tall!”

That’s not the literal case, of course, but Pete does have a good 15 inchest on Ariana’s 5-foot-0. And that’s not counting his penis.

There is statistical evidence that suggests that their height difference might help Pete and Ariana’s relationship last.

If we had to guess, we’d say that this famous first kiss took place on, like, May 20th at the Billboard Music Awards, or within the next few days.

Maybe, like, the day before. But we wouldn’t be surprised if that kiss took place backstage.

Good for Ariana and for Pete for living their best and sexiest lives.

We really are rooting for them, as individuals but also as a couple.


Monday, August 27, 2018

Ariana Grande Claps Back at Bullies: Pete Davidson Does NOT Have Butthole Eyes!

News that Ariana Grande is engaged to Pete Davidson was greeted with shock and confusion by many of the singer’s fans, and not only because Pete popped the question just a few weeks into the relationship.

Part of the surprise stems from the fact that Ariana and Pete are products of two very dissimilar cultures.

The worlds of comedy and pop music are quite different, to say the very least.

Whereas Ariana has spent her adult life surrounded by adoring fans and yes men (some of whom have been known to literally “carry her like a baby“), Pete hails from a world in which clever putdowns are considered the highest form of praise.

Previously, both Ari and Pete pretty much stayed in their lanes and dated people within their career fields.

Now that they’ve branched out, they’ll both need to make some adjustments — and it seems like the process hasn’t exact;y been painless thus far.

If your the type of young man who spends a lot of time plotting creative revenge porn plots against your ex-girlfriends or defending Tom Brady’s right to make out with his son

If you’re not familiar, the fact that Vanderpump Rules star and cartoonish embodiment pf dudebro douchiness Jax Taylor is weirdly obsessed with Barstool should tell you all you need to know.

Anyway, the “Sports” part of the name is pretty much a loose suggestion, and the bro-bloggers of Barstool comment on a wide range of topic.

While the site’s signature brand of trash-talk is mostly harmless — and occasionally pretty amusing — it’s attracted some pretty bitter enemies over the years — most recently, Ariana Grande and her entire fan base.

Barstool staffer Chaps recently published an article entitled “Does Pete Davidson Have Butthole Eyes?”

You can guess where his musings went from there.

Chaps certainly isn’t the first to observe that Davidson’s deep sockets lend him the bedraggled appearance of an extra on Breaking Bad.

But he might be the first to make such a vivid comparison.

Less than thrilled with the allegation that her fiancee is rocking a pair of anuses where his peepers should be, Ariana immediately shot back at Bartsool.

“Y’all do kno this man has an auto immune disease …… right ? ….. like you do understand what you’re doing when u do this right ? jus wanna make sure,” 

Grande is referring to the fact that Davidson suffers from Crohn’s disease.

But while her choice to stick up for Pete may be admirable (though it would be more admirable if he stuck up for himself, tbh), Ariana’s knowledge of her dude’s condition is a bit lacking.

Several medical experts have spoken out about her claim (this is 2018, folks!) and each has confirmed that there’s no reason Crohn’s should affect the appearance of Pete’s eye sockets.

So Ariana might want to read up on Davidson’s ailments.

And more importantly, she might want to learn how to take a joke.

Pete is an NYC-based comic.

It’s a world that requires a thick skin and next-level ability to laugh at one’s self.

Ari doesn’t necessarily need to be in on the joke, but she certainly needs to let her Pete fight his own battles, lest she do damage to the reputation he’s worked so hard to build.


Monday, July 30, 2018

Pete Davidson"s Ariana Grande Bunny Mask Tattoo Goes Missing

Pete Davidson appears to have wiped a symbol of his fiancee, Ariana Grande, off his body … and now the question is … why?  The ‘SNL’ star was spotted Sunday in L.A. without Ariana by his side — but, more importantly, WITHOUT his…


Monday, July 23, 2018

Pete Davidson Deletes Instagram Page. But Why?!?

It is all over for Pete Davidson.

His presence on Instagram, that is.

But also his relationship with Ariana Grande? That’s the major question here, folks.

On Monday, fans took note of Davidson taking an axe to his entire Instagram page — and doing so on the same day that Grande’s ex-fiance, Mac Miller, commented on the singer’s romance with the comedian.

“I was in love with somebody. We were together for two years. We worked through good times, bad times, stress and everything else. And then it came to an end and we both moved on,” Miller said in an interview, adding:

“It’s all positive energy. I am happy for her and [the fact that she’s] moving forward with her life, just as I’m sure she is with me.”

So… why would this prompt Davison to do away with his social media presence?

Does this mean he and Grande really are about to break up?

Not necessarily.

The move also came just hours after Davidson got into it with a few online trolls.

On Sunday, Davidson shared a note on Grande’s recent Instagram post about the artist’s late grandfather in honor of the anniversary of his passing, writing “omg what a cutie.”

Some fans interpreted this remark as one directed at Grande, thinking it was wildly inappropriate of Davidson to comment on his lover’s looks, considering the basis of the photo.

But Davidson grew quickly irritated at anyone making this claim.

“Are you guys all insane?” he wrote to these critics, adding:

“I was talking about how cute her grandpa is. What’s wrong with that? You guys will really look for anything to attack people. It’s sad.”

pd insta

As a result of this frustrating exchange and result, it’s very possible that Davidson deleted his Instagram page because he simply didn’t want to deal with idiots any longer.

It’s very possible he and Grande are happier than ever and really may get married in the near future.

The thing is… Davidson made this decision shortly after Grande Tweeted something cryptic:

“The energy u put out is exactly what u get back, please create a beautiful life for yourselves.”

Could this have been directed at the aforementioned trolls? Yes.

Could it also have been directed at Davidson? Yes.

This is the price Ariana and Pete are going to need to pay until they’re together for a very long time.

That’s what happens when you get engaged after about a month of dating; questions arise quickly and easily regarding the stability of your relationship.

Recently, for example, Grande had to defend her choice to include the song “Pete” on her upcoming album “Sweetener.”

“He’s my fiancé. This is my album. I’m an honest and emotional artist and human being and if my openness in my work isn’t for you, that’s OK,” she wrote to one fan, concluding:

“I won’t be offended. Still wishing y’all all the love in the world.”

But do Ariana and Pete have real, true, long-lasting love for each other?

That’s the big question.


Friday, July 20, 2018

Ariana Grande & Pete Davidson: Wedding Happening MUCH Sooner Than Expected?!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson are engaged, and they really, really enjoy telling the world just how in love they are.

But for all their gushing about the loveliness of love, the couple has been silent about certain key details of their relationship.

For one, they refuse to reveal exactly when they began dating, which has prompted rumors that Pete and Ariana cheated on their exes with one another.

The other big secret they’re keeping from fans is how soon they’re planning to tie the knot.

We know that the preparations are already underway, and it was previously reported that the couple is planning to exchange vows before Pete heads back to work at SNL in September.

Now, it seems these two are planning to make it legal even sooner than expected.

Fans believe that Grande and Davidson will get married in two weeks, on August 4, due to the numerical significance of the date.

(The FDNY badge number of Pete’s late father began with the digits and eight and four. Both Pete and Ari have tattoos of the number.)

Now, the above photo of Ari is being interpreted as yet another sign that there’s a wedding just around the corner.

Ari recently posted the pic below in order to show off her new hair color. 

Fans think the lavender shade is part of the color scheme for her wedding ceremony.

It’s a bit of a stretch, but nothing this couple does surprises us anymore.

The theory conflicts with another recent rumor about Ari and Pete, this one claiming that they’re on the verge of calling it quits for all the reasons that everyone assumed they would call it quits:

“Ariana didn’t know who Pete really was and fell in love with the idea of being in love,” says one insider.

“Her friends and family, as well as her team, are already starting to see this relationship fall apart.”

Pete’s joke about the Manchester bombing that remains a fresh source of trauma for Ariana reportedly caused the singer to engage in some serious self-reflection.

“Ariana wants the fairytale so bad, but Pete has already started to take a toll on her image, and she’s tired of constantly having to stick up for him,” 

Further complicating the matter is the issue of Pete’s sobriety … or lack thereof.

Just months after checking into rehab for substance abuse issues, Davidson is proudly off the wagon, and many within Ari’s inner circle see that as a major red flag.

For one thing, Ari cited the rapper’s addiction troubles as one of the major reasons she decided to end her relationship with Mac Miller.

Her brother, Frankie, who recently celebrated one year of sobriety, has reportedly made it clear that he does not approve of the relationship and believes that Pete needs to sober up before he can be the sort of husband Ari deserves.

Sounds like a complicated situation —  no wonder these two have (allegedly) decided to just elope.


Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson: This is Why It Might Be Over... Already!

According to a brand new report, we may need to amend a question we posed earlier this week.

Will Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson get married in two weeks, we wondered?

No, this report states.

And why not?

Because they might not get married at all!

This is a shocking development, we know.

But Radar Online spoke to a friend of the singer who claims Grande is “having some serious cold feet” about her future with the Saturday Night Live cast member, specifically whether or not they really ought to walk down the aisle.

Remember, Grande and Davidson dated for, like, a month prior to getting engaged.

Even Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin probably thought that was a bit fast!

“Ariana didn’t know who Pete really was, and fell in love with the idea of being in love,” the pal explained to Radar, adding of those close to the artist:

“Her friends and family, as well as her team, are already starting to see this relationship fall apart.”

This is just an anonymous insider speaking out, of course.

Ariana and Pete, however, have been well aware over the past several weeks that many folks out there have been critical of their romance.

Recently, in fact, there’s been chatter that manager Scooter Braun actually arranged for Grande to get engaged to Davidson because, this weird theory goes, he thought it would help her career.

In response to an Instagram user floating this idea out there online, Grande shot back as follows:

“You do realize we are human beings who love and have lives …… right …. ?”

No, not really. A lot of people do not realize this.

In early July, however, Grande was forced to comment on a joke Davidson made last year about the horrific Manchester bombing that took place at one of her concerts last year.

“This has been very tough & conflicting on my heart,” Ariana said after this joke was brought up, adding:

“I of course didn’t find it funny. it was months ago & his intention wasn’t/ is never malicious. But it was unfortunate.”

That’s a fair reply, but this same Radar source says examples such as this from Davidson may be negatively affecting Grande’s brand.

“Ariana wants the fairytale so bad, but Pete has already started to take a toll on her image, and she’s tired of constantly having to stick up for him,” the source alleges.

It’s also been reported previously that Ariana’s brother, Frankie, who just celebrated one year of sobriety, does NOT approve of the relationship.

For what reason?

Because Davidson has admitted to checking into rehab for substance abuse issues…

… yet he actively promotes smoking marijuana on social media.

Other family members, meanwhile, worry that the up-and-coming comic may be using the superstar singer for fame and fortune.

We’re not certain about that, but still:

In the end, we do not think Grande and Davidson will get married.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson: Getting Married In TWO WEEKS?!

There are couples who move too fast, and then there’s Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande.

Either Pete and Ariana cheated on their exes with one another — which seems very likely — or they’ve only been dating out for about three months.

In either case, they should probably let the dust settle a bit before they tie the knot, as there are few things in life that take as tremendous a toll as divorce.

But if you’ve been following this whirlwind romance, we probably don’t need to tell you these two have no intention of getting to know one another a bit better before making it legal.

Grande and Davidson made it clear pretty much from the very start that they have no time to waste when it comes to racing for the altar.

So it should come as no surprise that the wedding planning is reportedly already underway.

And fans think they’ve pinpointed the exact date of the couple’s big day.

Pete recently bestowed upon Ariana an incredibly meaningful present — a necklace with the FDNY badge of his late father, who was killed during 9/11 rescue efforts.

The number on the badge is 8418, and both Pete and Ari have the number tattooed on them in honor of Pete’s dad. 

(Side note: We’re guessing there’s an inverse correlation between the number of matching tattoos a couple gets and the length of their relationship, but that’s a conversation for another time.)

The number is so significant to Davidson and Grande that many fans are now convinced the couple will tie the knot on August 4 — just two weeks from this Saturday.

It sounds crazy but then again, so does everything else about this relationship.

Neither party has confirmed or denied the rumor, but this could be a situation in which their silence speaks volumes.

After all, Pete speaks out on pretty much every rumor about his personal life that comes down the pipe.

Take, for example, the controversy over his dad’s badge.

Pete broke up with Cazzie David just weeks before going public with his relationship with Ariana.

Davidson is very big on the grand gesture, so he and Cazzie aslso have some matching tatts.

And she also wore Pete’s dad’s badge on a necklace.

When fans called him on the re-gift, however, Pete was quick to blurt out an explanation:

“actually i didn’t give that to my ex. yes she had one but it was a replica,” he replied to one fan.

“I had a bunch of replicas made,” he continued. “my sister and grandpa also have one. the one that ari has is the one my dad actually died in and the one [he] wore his entire career and the one i’ve worn for 17 years.

i’ve actually never taken it off other than for snl or work. so it means a lot of me. hope this helps. please learn to be nicer and not to assume the worst in people.”

Woof. Look, Pete can do whatever he wants with his dad’s badge, and we’re pulling for these two as a couple.

But the speed with Pete goes from zero to pissy toddler when defending this relationship doesn’t bode well for the future.

Folks who are secure in their relationships tend not to give a sh-t what others think about it, ya know?

For further evidence of this phenomenon, go to your Facebook and find the couple that posts the most cheesy, Hallmark-ass memes.

Now count the days until their ugly breakup.

Anyway, best of luck, you crazy kids!


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Cazzie David Taunts Pete Davidson With Her Sizzling Revenge Body

As we all know, Ariana Grande is engaged to Pete Davidson and is enjoying their relationship and Pete’s impressive dong.

Cazzie David, Pete’s ex — whom he dated for years — knows it, too.

And she’s sending a message loud and clear by flaunting her mind-blowing revenge body in a bikini.

Sporting a red-hot bikini and a hotter body, Cazzie David is flaunting her epic bikini body to full effect.

Cazzie captioned her epic thirst trap: “Idk. Beach?? Summer? ? [red heart emoji]?? W/e”

By the red heart emoji, we assume that she is teasing the possibility of romance or love.

(And “W/e,” by the way, just means whatever)

Once they lifted their jaws off of the ground and were capable of processing complex thoughts again after looking at this gorgeous pic, many people arrived at the same conclusion.

Cazzie David is reminding Pete Davidson of what he’s missing.

See, Cazzie David is the daughter of comedian and Seinfeld creator Larry David.

Cazzie is also a comedian in her own right.

But, though she is perhaps best known for her career and for her father, she is also Pete Davidson’s ex-girlfriend.

In fact, the two of them dated for nearly three years.

And it was a very short time — like, about a month — between Pete and Cazzie’s breakup and Pete and Ariana’s engagement.

Cazzie made a subtle reference to Pete’s relationship with Ariana on instagram, posting a caption that was a clear nod to the news.

In the post in early June, Cazzie wrote: “Been in Africa, what’d I miss ??”

That’s a cute way of acknowledging that you know about something without stirring up any additional drama.

But that, of course, was before the news came out that Pete had proposed to Ariana and Ariana had said yes.

Even if you love Pete and want what’s best for him and admire Ariana and want her to get the happiness that she deserves, you have to admit:

This whole thing is probably a little weird for Cazzie.

Some people have gone on vacations that last longer than the space between Cazzie’s breakup with Pete and Pete’s engagement to Ariana.

That said, we don’t know that her flaunting her body on Instagram is necessarily a ploy to give Pete a walk down memory lane.

Sometimes you’re hot, and you just want to show it.

If anything, Cazzie might be reminding the world that she’s young, hot, and will have no problem finding new love, new experiences, and a new man — if and when she chooses to.

Good for her.

Some are still weighing in on how long Ariana and Pete will actually last.

It’s possible that they could break off their engagement as soon as the honeymoon phase of their relationship is over.

You come down from that hormonal high and you discover that things aren’t working out. That can happen in months or in years. Or in decades.

But we don’t expect to see Cazzie David waiting around, pining after Pete to take her back.

She has her own career and her own life, folks.


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin or Ariana Grande & Pete Davidson: Who"s More Likely to Actually Wed?

Millennial heart throbs Justin Bieber, Hailey Baldwin, Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson have all made headlines with abrupt engagements.

They’re young. They’re hot. They’re celebrity gossip and pop culture staples, and they’re head overheels in love right now. 

But will either couple actually tie the knot?

That’s the million-dollar question THG’s staff debates below. We’re spilt on the subject, so read our views and share your own below.

JUSTIN & HAILEY by Tyler Johnson

When word got out that Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson were engaged, fans were flat-out stunned – and rightfully so.

After all, here was one of the world’s most famous and beloved women coupled up with an SNL bit player who seems incapable of playing any character other than himself. 

It’s one of those Julia Roberts-Lyle Lovett mismatches that makes you fully believe in the power of that intangible attractant that’s recently been dubbed “big dick energy.”

Ariana has enthusiastically tweeted about Pete’s massive dong, but my best guess as to what really draws her to Davidson is the fact that he represents a sort of down-to-earth groundedness that can be hard to come by in the world of an A-list celeb.

After back-to-back relationships with self-serious rappers, Ariana has found herself a goofy Staten Island stoner with a penchant for self-deprecation.

The problem is, she hasn’t been with Davidson long enough to know if his schtick will grow old.

And as someone who’s seen LOTS of Pete thanks to a non-existent social life that’s led to many a Saturday night in front of the TV, well …

… I can pretty much guarantee that it will.

That’s why you need to let the heady thrill of a blossoming romance subside before you make any major decisions about your future together.

Pete’s penchant for Harry Potter-inspired pot comedy might seem cute now (“More like Hufflepuff, puff pass, amiright?!” we imagine him quipping before coughing up a cloud), but world famous pop icons tend to get bored easily.

When Ari begins to realize that Pete’s humor leans more toward early Adam Sandler than the best of Seth Rogen, whatever he’s packing in those pricey sweatpants might not be enough to save the relationship.

Justin and Hailey win by default.

ARIANA & PETE by Free Britney

This is not a vote of confidence in Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson as much as a vote of no confidence in Justin Bieber. 

Forgive me if I’m not buying his newfound commitment to settle down with one woman for the rest of his life.

He’s shown no ability to keep one around (or not act like a lost puppy slash derelict of society) for more than a few weeks at a time. 

See above. And here.

Also, Hailey is 21 and just broke up with a 19-year-old. She’s model gorgeous and has her whole life ahead of her. 

You think she’s not going to wake up one day and realize she’s settling for a washed up pop star who can’t keep it in his pants (either when fornicating or urinating in public) and who obviously pines for someone else?

As for Ariana, well, at least she’s a serial monogamist, and Pete is so against type that there’s gotta be something absolutely electric there. 

Or just long and wide. In any case, both couples face steep odds, but give me Grandson to outlast Biebwin any day. 

JUSTIN & HAILEY by Hilton Hater

Oh, God.

No, this was not my reaction to the news that Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are engaged. This is my reaction to the haters who think they won’t last.

Such doubters appear to have overlooked not just Hailey, but the Higher Power to whom Justin has now pledged his life.

Have you not noticed that he hasn’t released new music in months? That he stopped touring early last summer?

That he brought Selena Gomez to church when those two got back together and that sources have said he’s been doing the same with Baldwin?

Bieber may have had problems with his ego, his temper and with commitment to his cacophony of lovers in the past, but the singer has clearly changed his ways. 

He’s on a different path now, one defined by things more important than albums recorded or arenas sold out – and he wants a true partner by his side for this journey.

I believe that person is Baldwin. I believe in their love.

ARIANA & PETE by Simon Delott

I’d have to put my money on Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson.

I’m the first to admit that I love Ariana and Pete too much to view either of them objectively, let alone their relationship. But …

… I can and will cite a pseudo-scientific indicator that these two are more likely to stay together.

Several years ago, sociologists at NYU used decades of statistical data from 4,500 families and found that couples in which the man was much taller than the woman were, for whatever reason, more likely to stay together.

Folks, Ariana Grande is 5 feet tall.

Pete Davidson is 6-foot-3.

Those 15 inches could see them through to the end. And, speaking of inches, Ariana herself started a rumor that Pete is what one might call genitally gifted.

We’ve all seen couples stay together for worse reasons.

It could very well be that Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin actually make it down the aisle. After all, they’ve dated before and they seem compatible. 

They both have very Christian parents and are outspoken Christians themselves. They’ve even been attending Hillsong Church services together.

But they are exes.

If they broke up before, they can and probably will break up again. Justin just got finished doing this same thing with Selena Gomez.

He calls her out of the blue, says that he wants to talk, and suddenly they’re spending time at Hillsong together as if Justin’s suddenly a brand new, much better person than he was.

Well, we all saw how long that lasted. 

So, sure, Justin and Hailey could be endgame. But it seems more likely that, as soon as that oxytocin high of reuniting with an ex dies down, the game will end.

Now it’s your turn, THG Nation.

Vote below and hit the comments!

And the Winner is?

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are engaged. So are Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson. Both face a chorus of critics doubting that it can possibly last, so we ask: Which duo is more likely to?! View Poll »
