Showing posts with label Portwood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portwood. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Farrah Abraham: I Love that MTV"s Puppet Amber Portwood is Sick!

Over the weekend, Farrah Abraham’s mom Deb got married. It was a whole thing, but nobody from Teen Mom — except for Farrah herself — showed up.

Amber Portwood is pregnant, and couldn’t make it, even though she was invited.

Well, Farrah Abraham didn’t mind Amber’s absence, and took the opportunity to take some serious shots at her fellow Teen Mom star.

Debra Danielsen, Farrah Abraham’s mother with whom she has had a very complicated relationship, married Dr. David Merz.

Though Farrah and David haven’t always seen eye-to-eye (honestly, who does with Farrah?), Farrah was in attendance at their wedding.

The location that the happy couple picked was an aquarium. The motif that they selected was mermaids.


MTV and their cameras weren’t present.

(Because Farrah Abraham got fired from Teen Mom, maybe — a lot is still unclear about that)

And neither were any of Farrah’s Teen Mom costars.

(Because, well, nobody likes Farrah Abraham)

But Amber Portwood was actually invited and, despite her current and intense feud with Farrah, might have come — if she hadn’t been too sick.

Farrah Abraham and Amber Portwood got into a fight way, way earlier this year.

Long story short?

Farrah Abraham commented on how Matt Baier looks like a total creep. Amber did not care for Farrah’s comments and, well, now they’re totally feuding.

That nonsense is actually ongoing, and Matt Baier might be trying more of his shenanigans, because he’s just that classy.

This time, Matt Baier is defending Farrah and slamming MTV for (maybe) firing her over her recent sex work.

But … a lot of people are reading between the lines and wondering if Matt Baier is just trying to puff himself up and attract Farrah’s notice.

He’s tried before, you see, allegedly tweeting his thirst at Farrah before things heated up with Amber.

Anyway, so, at the wedding, Amber couldn’t make it because pregnancy isn’t all fun and games, folks.

Speaking to The Ashley, Farrah had some less-than-subtle shade to throw in Amber Portwood’s direction.

“You see who really showed up to the wedding.”

Farrah then goes on to bash … all of the Teen Mom folks. And Amber in particular.

“Not all the fake people who are production puppets like Amber, or any other whackjob that you’ve been seeing in the press before today. They’re not here.”

Farrah also spoke to InTouch about Amber’s absence, and she was a bit more … direct.

“[Amber] wasn’t going to be here anyway, so I wish her all the best with her unplanned pregnancy and all of her bulls–t.”

Full disclosure: I laughed out loud at that line.

Deb, whose actual wedding this was, didn’t bear Amber any ill will, as she told The Ashley:

“I told Amber, ‘I love you, you look beautiful.”


“I told her that I just hoped that she was feeling better because I remember how much morning sickness she had [when she was pregnant] with [her daughter] Leah. She was sick the whole time.”

Remember that some people have morning sickness worse than others. Some, much worse.

“[I told her] I hoped it was much better this time.”

We’re sure that Amber hopes so too.

We don’t know that Farrah’s goodwill is anywhere near so strong.


Saturday, November 4, 2017

Amber Portwood Confirms Pregnancy, Makes Surprising Confession

Amber Portwood has ended all doubt and speculation:

The veteran Teen Mom star is pregnant with her second child.

Strong talk of Portwood’s expecting state has been circulating around the Internet for days, but the MTV personality herself came out on Friday and confirmed the news.

“Thank you everyone for all the kind words. I’m very excited for my future with Andrew and our little family we are starting together! Love,” Portwood Tweeted this evening.

Indeed, Amber will be having either a boy or girl with Andrew Glennon.

She met him while filming Marriage Boot Camp and the two have been dating for only three months or so.

The brief dating history between Portwood and Glennon suggests this pregnancy was not planned, a possibility that Amber didn’t deny when speaking to Us Weekly about the bun in her oven.

“When I first found out, I was a little scared,” the 27-year old told this tabloid, adding:

“I just kind of sat down and thought about it and realized that it was a big step in my life and it was a good thing actually, and I was really happy within 30 minutes.”

Portwood is already the mother to an eight-year old daughter named Leah.

He shares custody with ex-fiance Gary Shirley.

“After the initial shock, it was nothing but happy thoughts and just enjoying my time with my boyfriend,” Portwood added to Us, saying simply of she and Glennon:

“We’re both very happy.

After revealing the baby news on social media and in this interview, Portwood received a slew of well wishes from other Teen Mom stars.

“CONGRATS AMB! We are so happy for you & can’t wait to meet that little baby,” Tweeted Tyler Baltierra, while added:

“Congratulations babe. I love you and can’t wait to see you at Friendsgiving.”

ap tweets

Portwood responded to these messages by writing the following:

“Thank you hun! Love you guys always.”

She also posted the sweet photo below, further hammering home the status of her womb:

were preggers

We don’t know when Amber is due.

Nor do we know if she’s having a boy or a girl.

However, if this pregnancy is anything like pregnancy by other members of the Teen Mom cast, we’ll be finding out the answers to all these questions and many more as the days, weeks and months go by.

Expect Portwood to milk this news for all it’s worth.

In the meantime, we’ll simply send her the best of wishes for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby son or daughter.


Thursday, November 2, 2017

Amber Portwood Pregnancy: Was It Planned?

What began as an unlikely rumor has been confirmed to be a stunning reality:

It’s true: Amber Portwood really is pregnant with her second child!

We definitely did not see this news coming; not because it’s so shocking that a Teen Mom cast member would be expecting a baby…

… but because Portwood has only been dating boyfriend Andrew Glennon for three months.

Granted, it only takes about three seconds for one to get impregnated. And it’s not as though Portwood is known for making great decisions in life.

But still.

This development simply took us by surprise.

It also begs the question: Was the pregnancy planned?

Did Portwood simply fall hard for Glennon and decide to expand her family (which is comprised of eight-year old daughter Leah) with the 33-year old?

Perhaps, an insider tells Us Weekly.

This insider acknowledges that Amber has been experiencing some morning sickness of late, but that, overall, “she’s really, really happy.”

This would certainly imply that Portwood either wanted to have a baby with Glennon or that she’s totally fine with the accident that occurred in their sex life.

The couple met while Portwood was filming Marriage Boot Camp and made its red carpet debut in August at the MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles.

Shortly before this event, the Teen Mom veteran gushed to Us Weekly about their romance.

“We’re going slow and we’re just trying to be smart about everything, which is good to find somebody on your level like that,” Portwood told the tabloid at the time.

Pretty interesting and ironic to hear her use the words slow and smart in light of this latest news, huh?

Glennon was working as a lighting technician on Marriage Boot Camp and pursued Portwood romantically after her season wrapped production.

“It was definitely butterflies there, but then again, as we started talking, strangely I felt so comfortable, which was amazing,” he told Us Weekly in August, adding:

“I feel like that’s hard to find.”

In another bit over unfortunate foreshadowing, Amber also said at the time:

“We’re trying not to put too much pressure on a relationship.”

Sorry, guys. But a baby equates to A LOT of pressure.

The MTV star was first featured on 16 and Pregnant way back in 2009.

She shares little Leag wiith ex-fiance Gary Shirley.

After plenty of ugly fights and battles between the former lovers, Amber and Gary are now on very good terms.

Portwood served 17 months in jail about five years ago on drug possession charges and called off her wedding to Matt Baier after he offered fellow Teen Mom Catelynn Lowell a Xanax during an MTV press day in April.

Let’s really hope things go between between her and Glennon.


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Amber Portwood: Pregnant with Second Child!

One of the most magical things about Teen Mom is the amount of gossip it generates — and, as you can imagine, pregnancy rumors make up a big, big part of all that gossip.

At least once every month or so, we’ll hear whispers that one of the moms is expecting again.

Sometimes the rumors turn out to be true — remember all the speculation about Jenelle Evans last year, all that talk before her pregnancy was confirmed in a police report?

(Still one of the most incredible moments in TM history, by the way.)

But unfortunately — or fortunately, depending on who we’re talking about — the pregnancies are usually just tabloid fodder.

We thought that was the case with the latest round of pregnancy rumors surrounding Amber Portwood. After all, she’s been dating her new boyfriend, Andrew Glennon, for just three months.

And that’s a generous estimate.

Surely she wouldn’t be expecting a child with a man she’s just known since the summer, right?


It’s official, y’all: Amber is pregnant.

For real.

Feel free to take a few moments to gather yourself, to try to recover from the shock …

Though Amber hasn’t commented on the matter herself, People did confirm the pregnancy, which is about as official as it gets.

A report from The Ashley’s Reality Roundup offers up a few additional details — now we know that the pregnancy is the reason Amber didn’t show up for the big Teen Mom party in L.A. last month.

“The official word told to everyone was that she didn’t come because she was sick,” a source revealed, “but basically everyone knew it was morning sickness.”

“She’s been having a hard time so far, but Amber is totally thrilled about the pregnancy.”

Look, we’re happy if Amber is happy, but there are quite a few reasons to not be thrilled about this pregnancy.

One, another source told The Ashley that Teen Mom OG producers have known about this whole thing since Amber and Andrew’s vacation to Hawaii.

That was mid-September, so if Amber was far enough along to know she was pregnant and to start telling people, that means she’d have to have conceived pretty much the second she and Andrew started dating.

Is it really that hard to wait to have a baby with someone? Just at least until you’ve known them, say, six months?

Two — and this one goes along with that first issue — there wasn’t a lot of downtime between Amber’s breakup with Matt Baier and the start of her relationship with Andrew.

She broke up with Matt for good at the end of June, when they wrapped up filming their season of Marriage Boot Camp.

That means that there’s a chance this could be Matt’s baby. Hey, we know his sperm is up to the task, right?

Three, in case you forgot, Amber wasn’t all that great a mother the first time around. Sorry, but it’s true.

It’s been a while, so you may have forgotten, but she was never that interested in parenting, to the point that she’d leave baby Leah crying in a crib without sheets, with nothing but a bottle of Kool-Aid for comfort.

Child protective services were even called on her at one point, because she beat Gary in front of Leah.

Though they were both immature and kind of awful in the beginning, Gary was able to step up and be the parent that Leah needs, while Amber continues to flake even on visitation.

Will Andrew be able to step up like that?

Which brings us to our fourth point — Andrew is a terrible person.

Two of his ex-girlfriends have restraining orders against him that were filed after he allegedly stalked and threatened them. He’s not exactly prime baby daddy material.

And finally, Amber has said in the not-so-distant past that she’d never have more children because of the medications she takes to maintain her mental health.

She suffers from borderline personality disorder and she’s also bipolar, and she relies on her medication to keep her stable.

She explained on an old Teen Mom episode that she needs to take those medications “for the rest of my life,” and “I can’t, I can’t get pregnant on this medication.”

Well, she could technically get pregnant, but the meds “would mess up the fetus.”

In addition to that, she said that it would also be a bad idea for her to get off her meds just to have a baby, because “If I do not have medication, I will not be normal. I would have crazy mood swings.”

So … what happened with all that?

Look, best wishes and all, but there’s no way this pregnancy is going to be nice and sweet and drama-free. There’s literally no way.

At least we’ll able to see it all go down next month when Teen Mom OG returns!


Monday, September 11, 2017

Farrah Abraham: I"m Too Good to Be Friends with Amber Portwood!

Those wacky Teen Mom girls … even when they actively try to be drama-free, they just can’t help who they are.

It’s amazing, right?

A good example of what we’re talking about — because to be fair, most of the trainwreck-iest Teen Moms don’t really try to be anything other than who they are — is a statement Amber Portwood made last month.

In the statement, Amber discussed her issues with Farrah Abraham: issues she claimed just came about because “She has a very strong mind and strong opinions, and so do I.”

Because of that, she said that it was “just natural” for them to “kind of clash.”

We’d argue that saying Amber and Farrah “kind of clash” is a bit of an understatement.

Mostly because of that one time that Amber tried to punch Farrah in the face on national television.

Still, Amber said that although Farrah is “crazy” and “just kind of did things for publicity,” she still loves her.

“I know that for me, I’m ready to let everything go,” she added.

However, she tacked on that she was “not really putting any effort into it or thinking about it.”

It was kind of a lackluster apology, if you could even call it an apology, but that’s what Amber offered.

And in a new interview of her own, Farrah doesn’t seem too keen on accepting it.

“I would want to bury that hatchet, too,” Farrah says now, “but I’m never wrong.”

… Yeah, not a great start.

“I’m a great friend,” she says of herself. “I’m a stand-up individual and in the same sentence she wants to be friends with me, she always says I’m crazy.”

It seems like Farrah really took offense to Amber calling her “crazy,” which is fair. She does have her issues to be sure, but it’s still not a nice thing to say about someone.

And let’s be real, it’s not like Amber is without “crazy” issues of her own.

Farrah addresses that too, saying “She’s the only one who is diagnosed with a split personality disorder among other things, which is not a joke. It’s very serious.”

To clarify, Amber doesn’t have “split personality disorder,” she has borderline personality disorder, and she’s also bipolar.

Regardless, when asked if she would accept a phone call from Amber to privately settle their problems, she says “I believe she’s blocked.”

“I just am on a whole other level of my life and I’m focused on my daughter and not on her,” she explains.

Still, she says “I wish she would take other people in her circle more seriously so that she could be the happiest Amber.”

“I think producers and production play off of that so I would just strive to keep people around you who are there for you.”

That’s some startlingly good advice from Farrah Abraham, right?

And she just keeps surprising us — she also says that she’s “happy” Amber finally dumped Matt Baier, because “I told her years ago to ditch him and I’m happy to have finally found out.”

She’s not lying — early on in Amber’s relationship with Matt, Farrah did call her up and warn her that he’d tried to get with her first, but she wouldn’t listen.

So really, it sounds like she was the kind of friend she could have used on her side all along.

Funny how things work out, right?

And, though it seems a little premature right now, we’re going to go ahead and say that, when things do finish working out, things will be too far gone for these two ladies to make amends.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Debra Danielsen: Farrah Abraham"s Not Coming To My Wedding ... But Amber Portwood Is!

Farrah Abraham isn’t great at maintaining healthy relationships with … well, anyone, but her most contentious battle might be the lifelong one she’s been waging against her mother, Debra Danielsen.

Debra is getting married in November, and as a way of making it all about her, Farrah has announced that she won’t be attending.

It’s unclear when Farrah went from frequently screaming in her mother’s face to giving her the silent treatment, but for whatever reason, the two aren’t on speaking terms.

Danielsen recently spoke to Radar Online and revealed that Farrah is sticking to her guns and refusing to attend her mother’s nuptials.

“Right now they’re not participating in the wedding,” Danielsen told Radar.

“They’re not coming to the wedding.”

Danielsen described Farrah’s actions as “very hurtful” and stated that blamed the decision on her the Teen Mom: OG star’s disapproval of her fiance:

“Family is family and blood is blood,” she explained. “I don’t intend on getting married again. If she married someone I didn’t like, I would be there front and center.”

Sounds like Deb is pretty broken up about it.

Which may be why she’s pulling a passive-aggressive boss move and inviting Farrah’s biggest rival to the ceremony.

Last year Farrah and Amber Portwood nearly came to blows at the TM:OG reunion show

“We’re friends,” Danielsen said of her decision to invite Portwood.

“We all started together, we are family. We have a bond and I take that seriously.”

And that’s not the only surprising guest.

Deb has also invited Jenelle Evans’ ex-husband, Courtland Rogers, who was released from prison back in March.

“Courtland has always wanted to meet Farrah,” Danielsen explained.

“There might be a prospect for Farrah there if she comes since Simon [Saran] is out of the picture.”

Yes, Deb thinks Farrah should get together with Jenelle’s ex.

Come to think of, it we think it’s a great idea, too.

But only because we’d give anything to see Jenelle’s reaction to the news.

We’re guessing there would be no survivors.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Farrah and Deb’s horrendously dysfunctional relationship.


Amber Portwood: Breaking Up with New Boyfriend Over Stalking Allegations?!

Amber Portwood sure can pick ‘em, huh?

Meaning she sure can pick out the sleaziest, sketchiest guys and convince them to fall madly, creepily in love with her.

Really, this seems to be a special skill of hers.

Considering that her entire adult life has been documented on reality television, we pretty much know her entire romantic history … and none of it is good.

Let’s see, she started dating Gary Shirley when she was a young teenager — he was her brother’s friend, and he knocked her up while her brother was overseas in the military.

Gary’s really grown up since he was with Amber, but their relationship was always extremely toxic and just very, very bad.

After that, she started dating that guy who’d just gotten out of prison and who told her on their first date that the day he met her at Walmart was the best day of his life.

Eventually she dumped him to get back with Gary, and again, things were remarkably unhealthy.

She may have had a few flings here and there, but basically it was all Gary until she went to prison, and shortly after she got out and saw that he’d moved on, Matt Baier weaseled his way in.

Matt manipulated her, controlled her, stole money from her … it was bad.

After what sounded like a failed stint in Marriage Boot Camp in June, she finally kicked Matt to the curb, and a few weeks later she was with her current boyfriend, Andrew Glennon.

At first, Andrew seemed like a great catch for her. He has a steady career in TV production, he was the final nail in the Mamber coffin.

But it didn’t take long for the truth about him to come out.

As it turns out, not one but two of Andrew’s former girlfriends have filed restraining orders against him.

The first ex claimed in court documents that he’d gotten extremely upset after she broke up with him, and he began harassing her.

Immediately after the breakup, he hid her keys so she couldn’t leave, and the next day he showed up at her apartment and wouldn’t leave until her father came and threatened to call the police.

He let the air out of her tires, tried to deliver flowers at her work place using a fake name, keyed a car that was parked in her parking space.

He also threw rocks at her window and laughed at her when she caught him, and he sent her creepy emails about how they “had something special that will never change.”

As for the second ex, she claimed that she got her restraining order against him because since their breakup, she’d “received hundreds of emails, phone calls, text messages and Facebook messages from him harassing me.”

“He has shown up at my work, home and the bus stops I take to and from work as well.”

He sounds like a sincerely scary guy, right?

Andrew has since denied most of these claims, saying that he “would never consider stalking nor harassing any women.”

And now, in yet another new interview, he’s revealing that the news of his restraining orders is giving Amber second thoughts about him.

“This is jeopardizing our relationship, which tears my heart,” he says. “She is still processing. Right now everything is up in the air.”

“Amber is such a beautiful soul, I love her so much, and I really want to start this relationship with nothing but honesty,” he continues.

“I feel like a total idiot for not bringing this up to her first, but it was such a difficult time in my life that I blocked it out of my mind.”

… Yikes.

So not only does this guy have two restraining orders against him, but he also let Amber find out about it on the internet instead of straight from him.

And not only that, but he’s really going on about how much he loves her, after they’ve been dating for a month?

There are too many red flags here to count, but still, Andrew throws up a few more with his next statement …

“I apologize to you, Amber, her fans, and anyone following us,” he says. “I know I can be the man she’s waiting for, I’ve been waiting for her in my life, and we both had to go through some real life experience to realize that.”

“Our love is real, and I want to see it through.”

Amber, girl, run. Run hard, run fast, and don’t look back.


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Amber Portwood to Farrah Abraham: Let"s Make Up!

Amber Portwood and Farrah Abraham have one of the most interesting relationships out of all the Teen Mom ladies.

And that’s probably because Amber tried to knock Farrah’s teeth out on national television.

These two women go way back, obviously — all the way back to when they were both 16 and Pregnant.

We can’t be sure of all the specifics, but we at least know they met during the reunion show for the first season of Teen Mom, and after that, they were friendly with each other.

There was actually a period of time, believe it or not, when they were close.

It’s hard to say exactly when that changed, but it was probably right around the time that that video was released where Catelynn Lowell referred to Farrah as a “ho bag.”

Amber was right beside Catelynn when that happened, and she didn’t exactly defend Farrah.

Then again, their issues could have began when Farrah called Amber up and tried to warn her about Matt Baier — remember, Amber didn’t seem too receptive to any criticism of her man.

No matter how very, very valid that criticism was.

But basically, they had a falling out, and things were tense between them before that fateful reunion show.

During her interview with Dr. Drew, Farrah made a comment that Matt looked like a pedophile, and that was enough for Amber to storm the stage and take a swing at her.

After that, they had traded insults through social media and interviews.

Farrah referred to Amber as “Miss Piggy,” Amber threatened to quit the show altogether.

It was a great era of Teen Mom drama, we won’t lie.

But for the past few months, their feud has seemed to die down a bit — after all, Amber’s probably been very busy with her messy Matt Baier breakup and finding a new creeper to love.

Which is good, really, when you think about it. They’ve both got enough going on in their lives without fighting with each other.

Except Amber just did a new interview with E! News, and she was asked about Farrah …

And what she has to say may actually shock you.

At first, she was asked why she “hates” Farrah, and she laughed and said “No!”, because she doesn’t hate her.

So she was asked why they don’t get along, and she explained that “She has a very strong mind and strong opinions, and so do I.”

“So I think it’s just natural for us to kind of clash.”

“Plus,” Amber added, “she’s crazy.”

Well, we can’t argue that.

“We used to be friends,” she continued, “but I don’t know what happened, I really don’t. She just kind of did things for publicity, honestly.”

“But I still love her to death. She knows that.”

When she’s asked if they’ll ever be friends again, Amber claimed that “I know that for me, I’m ready to let everything go,” but with Farrah, things have to be “on her terms.”

And for that reason, she said “I’m not really putting any effort into it or thinking about it.”

But just because Amber isn’t tight with Farrah doesn’t mean she’s not close to any other members of the Abraham clan!

You know how Debra Danielsen, Farrah’s mother, is getting married soon to that sketchy doctor?

Amber said that she was invited to the wedding, and she’s definitely going because she and Deb are “very close.”

Now that’s a spin-off the world deserves, right?

Hopefully, Farrah will see this little interview somehow, and instead of hitting back with a statement that makes no sense, she’ll actually think about it.

Maybe she can forgive Amber for everything, maybe they can go back to being the weird, trashy buddies they used to be.

We can dream, can’t we?


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Amber Portwood: New Boyfriend"s Sketchy Past Revealed?

If you follow her on social media, then by you probably know by now that Amber Portwood has a new boyfriend.

Amber frequently gushes about Andrew Glennon, a Marriage Boot Camp producer, whom she ironically met on set after her previous boyfriend Matt Baier flew the coop.

Of course, Amber was quick to offer the highest praise possible by assuring fans that Andrew is nothing like Matt.

Baier was sketchy, controlling, verbally abusive, possessive, and unstable.

Portwood apparently believes that Glennon is none of those things.

But it’s worth noting that at one point, despite mountains of evidence to the contrary, she believed Matt wasn’t like that either.

Fans are hopeful that Amber has learned from her past mistakes and thoroughly vetted Glennon before becoming involved in a relationship with him.

Unfortunately, new evidence points to Glennon being as unstable and controlling as his predecessor.

Radar Online has obtained court documents from an ex of Glennon’s, who filed for a restraining order after their relationship ended.

“I broke up with him and he was very upset,” she wrote. “[He] hid my keys as I had to leave out of fear. The next day he wouldn’t leave [my] apartment until my dad threatened to call the police.”

“In May, he showed up uninvited and after I asked him to leave he secretly let the air out of my tire till it was flat,” she continued.

“On my birthday, [he] showed up at my work under a false name delivering flowers. Security at my work turned him away.”

Believe it or not, it gets worse.

The ex claims Glennon’s harassment continued for weeks, and the situation reached the point where she feared for her safety.

“I suspect he vandalized my neighbors car that was using my parking spot over night,” she said, adding that someone had keyed the words “f-ck you” into the vehicle.

The documents detail one frightening incident that prompted the ex to call the police:

“[Glennon] threw rocks at my window and smiled and laughed when he saw me look,” she said, adding:

“He is extremely tall and large at 6’7″ 315 lbs. His behavior is escalating and I am very scared.”

She also submitted as evidence an “obsessive email” that Glennon had written to her shortly after their breakup.

“You were my first love and my true love, that will always be so,” Glennon wrote.

“After all of the heartache, sadness and never-ending pain, I know. You and I had something special that will never change. Because I love you and loving someone else will always seem strange.”

The unidentified ex was granted a three-year restraining order that expired last year.

Amber has yet to comment on the situation.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive all of Ms. Portwood’s questionable decisions.


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Amber Portwood: Ex Gary Shirley Dishes on Her New Boyfriend!

Amber Portwood sure seems to love shoving her new boyfriend down our throats, huh?

She’s been dating him for right about a month now, and we’re already sick to death of hearing about the guy.

But, to recap, her new beau’s name is Andrew Glennon, and he lives out in L.A., where he’s been working for several years in the television industry.

He had a gig on the most recent season of Marriage Boot Camp, and that’s where Amber met him — she was there trying to repair her ridiculously toxic relationship with Matt Baier.

They didn’t get together then, but a couple of weeks after filming wrapped up, he reached out to her.

After chit-chatting for a minute, he flew out to Indiana to visit her, and it seems like they’ve been attached at the hip ever since.

It’s a little alarming, considering that this is a lot like how her relationship with Matt began.

He approached her, she was receptive, he came to visit and he never, ever left.

But for now, we’ll have to go ahead and give Andrew the benefit of the doubt.

After all, it’s not like he could possibly be worse than Matt. Right?

(Please let that be right.)

Though they haven’t been together very long, Amber is moving pretty fast with this guy.

He’s already met her daughter, Leah, and she brought him out to Sunday night’s MTV Video Music Awards.

And according to Amber’s ex and the father of Leah, Gary Shirley, she may be moving a little too fast.

“I don’t know him enough,” Gary says in a new interview with In Touch.

“I’m not saying she should’ve waited on him. I think she should’ve dated.”

We’re not exactly sure what that part means, but he also reveals that “I think the last time they talked — I don’t know what they’re doing — but I think he was trying to relocate or something.”

Wait, so they’re already talking about him moving out to Indiana?!

Forget the fact that they’ve only been dating for a month — she’s known him for three months, at best.

After everything that happened with Matt, all the stealing and manipulating and possible cheating, she’s really willing to bring a relative stranger across the country and into her home?

And on top of that, what’s wrong with Andrew that he’d be willing to leave his whole career behind to be with Amber?

Last we heard, the film industry in Indiana isn’t exactly booming.

There are no words for how ridiculous this is turning out to be — but don’t worry, Gary’s got a few more.

“I think she should’ve stayed single longer and really gotten to know herself and get over someone before getting with someone else because that’s how you do it, man,” he wisely states.

“The correct way.”

He adds that “You don’t need someone to make you feel like you’re living.”

When did Gary Shirley become Teen Mom’s voice of reason?

It’s hard to say — but probably sometime around the time that he dug up the truth about Matt’s many, many children and all the child support he’d been failing to pay.

It feels kind of weird to say this, but Team Gary.

Team Gary all the way.


Sunday, August 27, 2017

Amber Portwood: My New Boyfriend is NOTHING Like Matt Baier!

Is anyone else a little alarmed by how fast Amber Portwood’s new relationship is moving?

Because you really, really should be.

Sure, this new guy, Andrew Glennon, seems nice enough, and at least he has a job.

Plus, as far as we know, he doesn’t have a slew of secret children he refuses to support.

What we’re saying is that at this point, he seems miles better than Matt Baier, and that’s definitely a good thing.

But the fact remains that Amber has never, ever been in a healthy relationship. Not ever.

She was with Gary Shirley for a while, and they may win the crown for the most toxic relationship in Teen Mom history.

After that, she dated that guy she met at the Walmart who later, on their first date, revealed that he’d just been released from prison and that meeting her was the best day of his life.

She missed out on dating for a little while when she went to jail herself, but after she was released, she promptly began dating Matt.

It’s all bad, and honestly, we kind of have to automatically question any guy who would think dating her right now would be a good idea.

So sorry about it, Andrew.

Luckily for us and our hobby of boyfriend judging, Amber and Andrew just did their first interview together as a couple.

So let’s check it out and figure out what’s wrong with this guy!

To start, Amber confirmed what we already knew: they met earlier this summer while she and Matt were filming a new season of Marriage Boot Camp.

“He didn’t really know who I was and we didn’t talk on the show because, you know, he would get in trouble, and I would have gotten in trouble,” she explains.

“But I didn’t even know that he even liked me! It just simply was he had a little crush on me.”

Red flag number one: because seriously, can you imagine how much of a hot mess Amber must have been on Marriage Boot Camp? And he developed a crush then?

Amber says that two weeks after they finished filming — so mid-July — he reached out to her.

“We decided that we wanted to be friends at first because we were just having so much fun talking with each other and, you know, then when he came out to hang out, we just had even more fun together, so that’s just kind of how it started.”

Red flag number two: this is exactly how Matt worked his claws into her. He came to “hang out” and never left.

Andrew says that when he came to Indiana to see her, “It was definitely butterflies there, but again, as we started talking, strangely I felt so comfortable, which was amazing.”

Amber claims that “We’re going slow and we’re just trying to be smart about everything, which is good to find somebody on your level like that.”

“I think we just kind of fell into this groove of really enjoying life with each other for a while, so it’s kind of fun and it’s kind of serious in a way as well, but we’re trying not to put too much pressure on a relationship.”

Red flag number three: what the hell is she talking about, “we’re going slow”?

Last we checked, introducing your daughter to a guy you just really started talking to a month ago isn’t exactly “slow.”

But thankfully, Andrew lives out in Malibu, and he hasn’t moved in with her — yet. So for now, they have a long distance relationship.

Which, according to Amber, has ‘been good because we can give each other space. It balances everything out especially when you first break up with somebody.”

Because, as she says, “you don’t really want to jump right into another situation” immediately after a breakup, but “some men are worth it, some aren’t.”

And Andrew is “definitely worth my time.”

As for the fact that Amber already introduced Andrew to her daughter, she says “Leah sent me a message, like, pretty much she really likes him.”

“I think she just thinks he’s new and different which is a good thing, but like I said, nothing is forced and we’re not trying to jump that part of my life in, so it was very chill, very relaxing.”

She adds that “Leah was very comfortable,” which … sure, OK.

Amber also confirms that Andrew will appear on the next season of Teen Mom OG, because why wouldn’t he?

She then throws in this gem:

“I think the reason why we are where we’re at right now is because we both have kind of let it flow and then it became more serious and then we became committed.”

Again, these two have been dating for one month.

But hey, Amber, you do you.


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Amber Portwood to Matt Baier: Leave Me ALONE!

We’ve heard all about it, we’ve seen the proof on social media, it’s official: Amber Portwood has herself a brand new boyfriend.

And while we don’t know too terribly much about this new fella, it’s already clear that he’s miles better than Matt Baier.

Which, to be fair, isn’t exactly a feat.

She’d have to really try to find a guy worse than Matt.

Like, she’d have to start perusing Indiana’s finest crack dens, or she’d have to start up a correspondence with Charles Manson.

But so far — on paper, anyway — this new guy, Andrew Glennon, actually seems to be a big catch for her.

He’s got a long-standing career in television production, he doesn’t have an arrest history, he doesn’t seem to have a slew of children that he fathered and then ghosted.

Basically, Amber and Andrew forever.

But still, even though it’s been a few months now since she dumped Matt, and even though she seems to have a great thing going with Andrew, Matt still can’t seem to let her go.

And, according to a new report from Hollywood Life, she has had it.

“She wishes Matt would just move on and leave her alone,” a source reveals.

“Amber gave Matt opportunity after opportunity to make their relationship work, but he just kept messing up.”

And isn’t that the understatement of the year?

We’d have probably dumped Matt after Farrah Abraham called her to let her known that he tried hooking up with her before he got with Amber.

Or when she found out that he’d lied to her about how many kids he had.

Or, at the very least, after she found out all those terrible things he’d said about her when she refused to marry him that time in Las Vegas.

“The relationship was toxic,” the source continues, “she could never trust him and they were constantly fighting.”

“She finally managed to get the strength to walk away from him for good, but he’s still trying to pull her back in.”

Terrifyingly enough, the source claims that Matt is “constantly calling and texting Amber, begging her to give him another chance, but she’s done with him.”

“He had his chance and he blew it.”

Boy, did he ever.

All this is definitely easy to believe, and not just because Matt is the worst.

Ever since we learned that Amber got herself a new boyfriend, Matt has been giving interview after interview about her to anyone who will listen.

He’s said that he can’t help but to “hold out hope for a reconciliation,” and that he misses her so much because she was his “best friend” and his “family.”

Which is funny, considering that he has multiple children that are his actual family that he doesn’t have anything to do with.

It seems like Matt is having a really hard time letting go of Amber — or at least he’s having a hard time letting go of that sweet Teen Mom gig.

Here’s hoping Amber is able to stay strong, because goodness knows how long it will take for him to finally slither away into oblivion for good.
