Showing posts with label Robert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robert. Show all posts

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Robert Kraft"s GF Reportedly Births Secret Baby

Age ain’t nothin’ but a number for Robert Kraft … the 76-year-old Patriots owner’s 38-year-old girlfriend has reportedly given birth to a secret baby — and signs point to Kraft being the daddy. Kraft’s GF, Ricki Noel Lander, gave birth to the…


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Scheana Marie: SLAMMED For Delusional Relationship With Robert Valletta!

If you’ve been watching Vanderpump Rules this season, then you’re likely aware that Scheana Marie was dating Robert Valletta during filming.

It’s pretty much impossible to miss this fact, as every word out of Scheana’s mouth has had something to do with Rob.

Yes, despite the fact that she was not yet divorced from Mike Shay at the time, Scheana fell head over heels for Rob over the summer.

Unfortunately, it seems like the attraction was primarily one-way.

While Scheana has spent much of the season gleefully describing Rob’s penis and television-mounting skills to her increasingly uninterested friends, Valletta has pretty much behaved like the human embodiment of the phrase “he’s just not that into you.”

This is the woman who rose to fame by banging a married Eddie Cibrian and then grinned her way through a disastrous, short-lived marriage, so it’s not like we’re used to seeing her in healthy relationships.

But even by her own manic standards, Scheana’s behavior has been absolutely bonkers this season.

Needless to say, fans have taken notice.

“Is it embarrassing for you to watch the show and see how pathetic you look chasing Rob and not even being with him anymore when you acted like you were married already?” wrote one user on Scheana’s Instagram page.

“Tonight’s episode f-cking embarrassing!!! [You’re] delusional and need professional help!!!” opined another commenter.

“This season is hard to watch. I’ve never seen someone come across so desperate and insecure. Honest to God I’ve never seen anything like it,” remarked a third.

The situation is made even more cringe-worthy by the fact Scheana and Rob broke up before the current season of Vanderpump even made it to air.

The 32-year-old former pop singer has been outspoken in her own defense, claiming that she’s simply a victim of bad editing.

Fans remain unconvinced because of course Scheana is defending herself.

So now Rob is speaking out on his ex’s behalf, and basically telling viewers to STFU:

“A lot of people are watching a TV show that was shot months ago, and TV shows are shot to create drama and intrigue. No one knows what happens behind closed doors and or when the cameras are off,” he tweeted this week.

It’s hard to think of a more self-defeating phenomenon than the weird habit reality stars have of informing the public that their popular reality show is total bullsh-t.

We know producers have gone to great lengths to convince us Rob is a Super-Successful Hollywood Guy, but really this is the only project he’s ever been involved with that people have actually seen.

If you don’t believe us, just check out his Wikipedia page.

Oh wait … you can’t because Famous Actor Man doesn’t have a Wikipedia page. In 2018.

Look, we’re sure Rob does alright for himself at … whatever it is he actually does for a living, but maybe he and Scheana should both pipe down and learn to shrug the hate off a bit.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to relive Scheana’s season of denial.


Robert De Niro and Bobby Cannavale Display Raw Meat on "The Irishman"

Robert De Niro and Bobby Cannavale displayed raw emotions on set … with a side of beef. The duo was filming Martin Scorsese’s mobster thriller “The Irishman” on Tuesday in Queens. Robert and Bobby looked a little perplexed as a slab of beef…


Saturday, February 24, 2018

U.S. Navy SEAL Robert O"Neill Listened to The Game"s "Red Nation" Night of bin Laden Raid

The U.S. Navy SEAL who’s credited with firing the kill shots on Osama bin Laden says he listened to a banger the night of the raid, and we gotta say … it’s an excellent choice. We got retired Navy SEAL, Robert O’Neill, heading into the…


Monday, February 5, 2018

Robert Kraft to Fans: "Sorry We Disappointed You"

Robert Kraft — who’s brought 5 championships to New England — was all apologies after the Super Bowl … telling fans, “Sorry we disappointed you.” The Patriots owner took center stage at the official team after-party in Minnesota — telling fans…


Friday, February 2, 2018

Robert Pattinson and Katy Perry: Spotted! Making Out!!!!!

Into whom Robert Pattinson may or may not be sticking his penis these days is a matter of national debate and discussion.

According to a recent rumor, the British actor is dating Emma Watson, making the dreams of all Harry Potter and Twilight Saga fans into a stunning and incredible reality.

And, trust us, we’d love to believe this story.

We get giddy at the mere thought of Watson and Pattinson procreating beautiful, intelligent children with really cool accents.

But we never really bought this chatter.

It has been clear, however, that Pattinson and Katy Perry have a tight bond.

Neither has been especially tight-lipped about their friendship, with sources claiming Perry was psyched to swoop in and comfort Pattinson after he split from FKA Twigs last fall.

Now, however, comes seemingly legitimate evidence that something romantic is brewing between the artist and the actor.

According to Life & Style insiders, Pattinson and Perry were spotted on January 26 inside Los Angeles restaurant Taix.

And a witness tells this tabloid that the stars didn’t act like two people who had NOT seen each other naked.

“They sat in the corner and were drinking a lot,” an onlooker alleges, adding that the celebrities were all over each other and making out.

Whoa there, right?!?

We added the bold above for emphasis. Because this is a pretty big deal if true.

“They came in together really late and stayed until 2 a.m.” this report continues, with another witness saying Robert and Katy were on hand with a group of friends and:

“They really blended in. People didn’t even recognize them!”

Rumors of a romance between the singer and the stud muffin first went viral in August of last year.

And why not, right?

At the time, there were numerous sightings of the superstars together; both were either single or on breaks from a significant other; and both are very attractive.

You don’t need much more than that for celebrity gossip sites to start writing.

Pattinson, of course, most famous dated Kristen Stewart, prior to getting together with FKA Twigs and even getting engaged to her.

Perry, meanwhile, has dated her fair share of famous men, most notably Russell Brand and Orlando Bloom.

About a month ago, a source told People Magazine that Bloom and Perry were most decidedly not back together, while also acknowledging that they “will continue to see each other when their schedules allow it.”

Which is fine and dandy and which doesn’t discredit the article here at all.

It’s not like we’re saying Pattinson and Perry are getting married or anything.

Just that they are, at the very least, swapping spit; and, most likely, bodily fluids.

We’re talking about sex, readers. Robert Pattinson and Katy Perry are probably having sex.


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Robert Wagner Named Person of Interest in Natalie Wood Investigation

Back in 1981, actress Natalie Wood drowned off the coast of Catalina Island.

The beloved star of such film classics as West Side Story, Miracle on 34th Street and Rebel Without a Cause was just 43 years old.

In the decades since Woods’ death, the suspicion that she was murdered by husband Robert Wagner has persisted – and with good reason.

In 2014, Wagner was questioned by police in connection with his wife’s death.

In 2016, it was widely rumored that the actor would be taken into police custody, but the arrest was never made.

Speculation about Wagner’s possible motives has varied widely over the years, but the most popular theory these days seems to be that Wood walked in on her husband in bed with friend Christopher Walken while the three actors were on an overnight yachting expedition.

Wagner chased Wood on deck, the story goes, and she either slipped, hit her head, and fell in the water, or he struck her and dumped her unconscious body overboard, where she drowned.

It may sound outlandish, but it’s not just tabloids and social media gossip hounds who are still interested in the details of that fateful night.

In 2011, the investigation was re-opened, and Wood’s cause of death was officially changed from “accidental drowning” to “drowning and other undetermined factors.”

On Saturday night, a new 48 Hours special entitled “Natalie Wood: Death in Dark Water” will debut on CBS.

The episode features conversations with some of the authorities who have been investigating Woods’ passing for six years now – and they say they’re ready to interrogate Wagner:

“As we’ve investigated the case over the last six years, I think he’s (Wagner) more of a person of interest now,” says John Corina, of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

“I mean, we know now that he was the last person to be with Natalie before she disappeared.”

Public suspicion of Wagner and Walken began shortly after Wood’s death when it was revealed that they claimed she unexpectedly set out by herself in a dinghy in the middle of the night.

When family and friends revealed that Wood had a crippling fear of water and drowning, the actors changed their stories.

“I haven’t seen him (Wagner) tell the details that match all the other witnesses in this case,” Corina says.

“I think he’s constantly changed his story a little bit. And his version of events just don’t add up.” 

The special also features an interview with Detective Ralph Hernandez. who recently evaluated Wood’s autopsy report and confirmed that the actress had fresh bruises on her body at the time of her death.

“She looked like a victim of an assault,” Hernandez says.

Producers of 48 Hours say Wagner declined their request to comment on the story.


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Robert Valletta Blames Vanderpump Rules Cast For Scheana Marie Breakup: They"re Savages!

Long before Vanderpump Rules Season 6 debuted at the beginning of December, word got out that Scheana Marie and Robert Valletta had broken up after just a few weeks of dating.

It’s a strange situation for viewers, who are just now getting their first real insights into Rob’s character and personality, despite the fact that he has no real ties to the cast any longer.

Of course, it sounds like if Scheana gets her way, he’ll soon be welcomed back into the fold.

Yes, as you may have noticed if you caught Monday night’s episode, Scheana–to borrow a phrase coined by Tom Sandoval–is a bit “Rob-sessed.”

At one point, she openly discussed her desire to marry Valletta, even though they’d only been formally dating for a few months and she was still married to Mike Shay at the time.

But the clearest indication that Scheana would lay down in traffic if Rob asked her to may have been her willingness to ignore the many obvious signs that Valletta was cheating.

In the past, Scheana has harshly criticized friends of hers for being naive about their boyfriends’ infidelity, but she was hearing none of it when several members of her inner circle tried to convince her that Rob had been unfaithful.

Even now that their relationship is over, both parties claim they called it off for reasons that have nothing to do with infidelity.

Scheana appeared on Watch What Happens Live Monday night, and Rob called in, seemingly for no other reason than to blame her friends for their breakup:

“The truth is, it’s really hard in her circle of friends,” Rob said. 

“Individually, when they’re by themselves, they’re really great people, but you put that group of people together and they’re savages. They come after you, and it’s really hard to have a successful relationship with those people coming and attacking you from all sides.”

“Friends say Rob is using her,” an insider claimed.

Here’s the thing:

Despite the fact that he’s the sort of unrepentant d-bag who toasts to “falling in love with something new every day,” we’re actually with Rob on this one.

Scheana’s friends are a pack of sociopaths, and we can’t imagine any healthy relationship existing in that environment.

But that doesn’t mean Rob isn’t shady as hell.

These days, Valletta and Scheana are friends with benefits, and those who know the couple best say he’s only maintaining ties with the SUR girl in order to help his career.

“Every single time Rob is in town, she invites him to an event with her,” one insider tells Radar Online.

“They know that they are much more in-demand together than apart.”

Sadly, it seems Scheana doesn’t see the situation for what it is, and in fact still looks at Rob as husband material.

“Scheana would marry him in a heartbeat if he wanted to marry her,” the source claims.

“But he’s told her that he does not want to be tied down, and she keeps telling him that he will regret it.”

Scheana, you’re helping this guy’s career and having no strings attached sex with him, all the while assuring him that you’ll happily settle down and get married if he ever decides he wants to.

Believe us when we say you’re not giving him a ton of incentive to hurry up and settle down.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online for more bad decisions and horribly unhealthy relationships.


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Scheana Marie: Is She Getting Cheated On By Robert Valletta?

Obviously, the scene from last night’s Vanderpump Rules that’s attracting the most attention today is the one in which Brittany Cartwright flipped out on Jax Taylor after hearing a recording in which he trash-talked her to the woman he later slept with behind her back.

(She already knew about–and was cool–with the cheating.)

But it wasn’t the only interaction that has VPR obsessives buzzing today.

Though he made his debut in the season premiere, last night’s episode offered the deepest insight yet into the character of Scheana Marie’s then-boyfriend, Robert Valletta.

Turns out he’s a giant douche.

Okay, that might be a bit harsh, but Rob is the type of dude unironically toasts to “falling in love with something new every day.”

And it seems he may also be the type to sleep around on his girlfriend.

These days, Rob and Scheana are broken up, but back when the show was being filmed, they were still moving at warp speed.

Or perhaps we should say Scheana was moving at warp speed.

On last night’s episode, she discussed her desire to get married to Valletta the moment her divorce with Mike Shay was finalized.

Valletta dodged that topic of conversation, for the obvious reason–Scheana is clearly a smidge insane–but also because he almost certainly banging someone else at the time.  

In the episode, Kristen Doute informed Scheana that Rob made out with some random hostess well after the two of them had gotten serious as a couple.

Scheana–who has criticized several of her female friends for being naive about their boyfriends’ infidelities–refused to believe Kristen, explaining that Valletta “isn’t a kisser,” whatever the hell that means.

The fact that Rob and Scheana recently downgraded their relationship to “friends with benefits” status has led many VPR fans to conclude that Scheana eventually discovered the truth.

But remarkably, both parties still claim Valletta was never unfaithful, and they’re offering up some incredibly lame “evidence” to support their claims.

Scheana appeared on Andy Cohen’s Watch What Happens Live last night, and Valletta called in to the show to basically say “who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?”

According to the “actor”, he and Scheana broke up not because of his cheating, but because of her catty group of friends.

Amazingly, Scheana sat there and co-signed his explanation.

“The truth is, it’s really hard in her circle of friends,” Rob told Andy.

“Individually, when they’re by themselves, they’re really great people, but you put that group of people together and they’re savages,” he continued.

“They come after you, and it’s really hard to have a successful relationship with those people coming and attacking you from all sides.”

When Scheana was informed by Cohen that 85 percent of viewers polled believe Rob cheated, she replied:

“Well, 85 percent of the people don’t know the man I was dating.”

Interestingly, Valletta never addressed the allegation directly.

We think that might tell you all you need to know.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online for more infidelity and horribly unhealthy relationships.


Robert Pattinson and Emma Watson Might Be Dating, And the Internet Can"t Handle It

Sit down, readers.

Stop operating all heavy machinery.

And take a very deep breath.

Because a new report is about to knock your socks off, while simultaneously causing your eyeballs to pop out of their sockets and your jaw to hit the floor.

We just want you to be fully prepared. Here we go…

… Robert Pattinson and Emma Watson may be dating!

We don’t have a ton of evidence on which to base this statement, except for an In Touch Weekly source who alleges the British superstars have been making love to each other for several weeks now.

Or at least building themselves up to said love making via a variety of romantic interactions.

“They’ve been texting and enjoying secret dinners together in LA and London,” this insider claims.

The actress and actor have known each other since 2005’s Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the film in which Pattinson portrayed Cedric Diggory.

(Watson, of course, is best known for having played Hermione Granger in this beloved movie franchise.)

Why might Emma and Robert be drawn to each other?

“They share the same sense of humor and have so much in common. They’ve always had chemistry, but the timing has never been right – until now,” writes the aforementioned tabloid.

It certainly is true that Watson and Pattinson looked like they were having a blast when presenting on stage this past Sunday night at the 2018 Golden Globe Awards.

The mere sight of these young icons together has set the Internet on fire.

Watson has almost never been involved in a high profile romance.

She has been candid in the past about the challenges she faces as a very famous person in this regard, once commenting:

“It’s difficult in my dating life because anyone I get photographed with is automatically my boyfriend. So it just makes it look as if I’ve had, like, 6,000 boyfriends!”

Pattinson, conversely, dated former Twilight Saga star Kristen Stewart for many years. (Perhaps you read about it… absolutely everywhere for about four years.)

He split with the actress a long time ago, but then found himself a subject of the paparazzi during his relationship with FKA Twigs.

There was even chatter that Twigs and Pattinson were engaged, only for the romance to fall apart in October.

Since then, he’s actually been linked to Katy Perry, although most outlets say that singer is merely close friends with the handsome actor.

In other words: he’s single!

And so is Watson!

Which means this rumor may not be complete malarkey.

You may not return to a state of hyperventilation. In fact, we’ll go ahead and join you:



Friday, January 5, 2018

Robert Kraft Chillin" in Hollywood Hours Before Bombshell ESPN Report

Pats’ owner Robert Kraft was chattin’ with TMZ Sports and hanging with fans hours before ESPN published a report about alleged issues with Tom Brady and Bill Belichick … but Kraft didn’t seem worried.  In fact, he was smiling and letting a…


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Robert De Niro Wears High Platform Shoes to Look Taller Next to Al Pacino

Robert De Niro had to get a leg up — or a shoe up, more like — standing next to Al Pacino in the new Martin Scorsese movie … thank God for close-ups. Bob and Al star in Scorsese’s new mobster flick, “The Irishman,” in which they filmed a scene…


Friday, December 15, 2017

Scheana Marie & Robert Valletta: Broken Up But Still Banging!

It can be tough to keep track of all the romantic comings and goings on Vanderpump Rules.

There are couples who have broken up, couples who should have broken up, and then there’s something in-between…

It seems Scheana Marie and Robert Valletta currently find themselves in the third category.

Scheana and Robert began dating at the beginning of this year, but Vanderpump Rules viewers just met Valletta on last week’s season six premiere.

The debut should have served as a sort of national coming out party for the happy couple, but there was one major snafu.

Just days before the episode aired, it was announced that Scheana and Robert had broken up.

The news was not entirely unexpected, as Robert and Scheana seemed to rush right into a relationship before she’d had time to fully process her divorce.

Those who know the SUR server best say they felt she was not looking for a boyfriend, but instead “another husband.”

So those Scheana’s friends were likely somewhat relieved when she and Rob called it quits–and they’re probably a bit concerned by news that the breakup is not entirely a done deal:

“They kind of broke up and they kind of didn’t,” a source tells Us Weekly.

“They are still talking. Their schedules have been tricky. When he’s in town they act like a couple. They are in between broken up and still on.”

In an interview with the tabloid, Scheana confirmed that she and Rob decided to take it easy, due largely to the fact that she’ll be spending most of the next few months in Vegas, performing in the stage show Sex TIps For Straight Women From a Gay Man.

“You’ll see a lot of me with Rob on the show, probably not a lot outside of that, because we’re not together right now,” Marie told Us.

“We’re still friends, we’re good, just timing-wise with where our careers are both at right now, it’s not a good time for a relationship, which we both agreed on. I’m moving to Vegas next week for four to six months.”

“We’re just friends right now. We tried the friends with benefits thing, but it’s hard.”

Shoutout to Scheana for the unintentional innuendo!

Marie says the transition from official couple to whatever they are now hasn’t been easy, but it seems they’ve been through this before … both in this life, and in others:

“I know. I’m still confused sometimes,” Scheana said.

“But now that it is so close to the time that I’m moving, I know that it is best to just be friends for now. We’ve done it before, we can do it again. He’s been in my life for like 12 years now.

“Apparently, I just found out from a psychic, that we’ve been together in past lives before. We have some karmic connection that keeps bringing us back together.”

Damn, we had so much sympathy for the girl until she started in with the psychic-babble.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online for more on Scheana and Rob’s short-lived romance.


Saturday, December 9, 2017

Robert Horry Says LeBron James" L.A. Mansions Don"t Make Him a Laker

Sorry, Laker Nation — Robert Horry says LeBron swoopin’ up another castle in L.A. does NOT mean King James is joining Lonzo and friends next year. We got the Lakers playoffs legend leaving Blake Griffin’s comedy show in Hollywood … and…


Robert Horry Says LeBron James" L.A. Mansions Don"t Make Him a Laker

Sorry, Laker Nation — Robert Horry says LeBron swoopin’ up another castle in L.A. does NOT mean King James is joining Lonzo and friends next year. We got the Lakers playoffs legend leaving Blake Griffin’s comedy show in Hollywood … and…


Saturday, December 2, 2017

Robert Horry Won"t Be Charged for Fight with Opposing Basketball Coach

Robert Horry’s off the hook for getting into a fistfight with another coach at his kid’s basketball tournament … no charges will be brought against him. We broke the story … Horry was being investigated for battery by the LAPD for an altercation…


Thursday, November 16, 2017

"Scorpion" Actor Sues Robert Patrick, Producers for Alleged Stunt Gone Wrong

Robert Patrick did a real number on one of his “Scorpion” co-stars … at least according to a lawsuit the actor’s filed against Patrick and the show. David Fabrizio, who had a recurring role on the CBS hit drama, says he was shooting a scene that…


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Robert Herjavec"s Ex-Girlfriend Danielle Vasinova Sues Claiming Repeated Rape

The ex-girlfriend of “Shark Tank” star Robert Herjavec has fired back at him with her own lawsuit, claiming he repeatedly raped and sodomized her. Danielle Vasinova filed suit hours after Herjavec filed a lawsuit against her, claiming she tried…


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Robert Herjavec Sues Ex-Girlfriend, She"s Extorting Me Over False Sexual Assault Claims

“Shark Tank” star Robert Herjavec says an ex-girlfriend of his is trying to exploit the Harvey Weinstein/Hollywood sexual harassment scandal by extorting him for millions of dollars over what he says are false claims of sexual assault. Herjavec has…


Robert Herjavec Sues Ex-Girlfriend, She"s Extorting Me Over False Sexual Assault Claims

“Shark Tank” star Robert Herjavec says an ex-girlfriend of his is trying to exploit the Harvey Weinstein/Hollywood sexual harassment scandal by extorting him for millions of dollars over what he says are false claims of sexual assault. Herjavec has…
