Showing posts with label Ryan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ryan. Show all posts

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Ryan Lochte Causes Car Crash After Alcohol-Fueled Hotel Door Kicking Incident

Ryan Lochte has clearly been spinning out of control because after his drunken door kicking incident on the West Coast, he caused a bad car crash on the East Coast the very same day … TMZ Sports has learned. Lochte was driving in Gainesville, FL…


Friday, October 5, 2018

Ryan Lochte Reveals "Serious Alcohol Addiction," Seeking Treatment

Ryan Lochte is now acknowledging that he has a “serious” alcohol problem after a booze-fueled incident at a Southern California hotel and he’ll be seeking treatment, TMZ Sports has learned.  We’ve confirmed … Lochte was involved in an…


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Ryan Edwards: Will He Miss the Birth of His Son While In Rehab?

As we reported earlier today, Ryan Edwards is headed back to rehab.

If you’ve been following the sad saga of Edwards’ downward spiral, you know that’s undeniably good news.

Edwards has been arrested three times in the past 18 months as a result of his addictions, and his erratic behavior has endangered his loved ones on multiple occasions.

So it’s encouraging to learn that he’s finally getting serious about getting sober.

But the road to recovery is never an easy one, and according to a new report from Radar Online, Edwards will be making a major sacrifice early on in his sobriety journey.

Edwards’ wife, Mackenzie Standifer, is currently pregnant with the couple’s first child.

(Ryan and Mackenzie each have one child from previous relationships.)

Unfortunately, Edwards will be in treatment for the foreseeable future, and one insider tells Radar that Mackenzie is less than one week away from. giving birth.

“Mackenzie is expected to be induced on October 8,” says the source.

“She is naming her son Jagger Ryan Edwards.”

The insider goes on to confirm that Mackenzie has no expectation that Ryan will be present when her son enters the world:

“I believe her mom and her aunt will be in the delivery room with her,” the source adds.

Not only will Ryan miss the birth of his child, it may be several months before he even meets little Jagger.

“[Ryan] isn’t supposed to be out [of rehab] until February or March,” a different insider claims.

Meanwhile, it remains unclear if Ryan and Mackenzie are still a couple.

One source claims that even before Ryan checked into rehab, he and Mackenzie were no longer living together.

“Mackenzie moved out of the lake house they were living in,” the insider says.

“[She] is now living with her parents.”

Despite that development, Mackenzie recently claimed that she and Ryan are still going strong:

“I’m so sorry but I will continue to stand up for what I believe in no matter how chopped, edited, and jumbled it may be,” Standifer wrote in an Instagram post.

“I have stuck by my husband through some of the darkest times imaginable,” she added.

“Have mistakes been made? Hell yes,” Standifer continued.

“Have they been accounted for, dealt with and resolved, yep.”

So it sounds like, for the time being at least, Mackenzie is planning to ride this thing out.

We wish her and Ryan all the best through the difficult time ahead.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Ryan Edwards: Off to Rehab for a Long, Long Time

Ryan Edwards’ arrest record has been cause for alarm, and so has his substance abuse. Plus, you know, that time he threatened to murder Taylor McKinney.

But though we don’t get to say this often, folks, but we have actual good news about Ryan.

He is in rehab — and it looks like he’s in for the long haul.

RadarOnline reports that Ryan Edwards is in rehab.

This isn’t his first time — he went last year, after nodding off en route to his own wedding.

His first time in rehab was apparently in 2012.

But according to RadarOnline‘s source, “[Ryan] isn’t supposed to be out [of rehab] until February or March.”

That means that he may be in for a 6-month stint … and may miss the birth of his son.

“Mackenzie moved out of the lake house they were living in,” the insider shared. “And is now living with her parents.”

RadarOnline also reached out to Larry Edwards, Ryan’s father, for confirmation.

The tabloid did not receive confirmation — or a denial.

When asked about rehab, Larry said: “You know I can’t comment on that.”

When asked about whether Ryan will miss the birth of his son, Larry said: “You know I can’t say.”

The Tennessee court system was also unable to confirm or deny whether Ryan’s rehab stint was voluntary or court-ordered.

As the good folks over at The Ashley have noted, Mackenzie has taken to social media and publicly doubled down on supporting her troubled husband.

Mackenzie wrote: “I’m so sorry but I will continue to stand up for what I believe in no matter how chopped, edited, and jumbled it may be.”

“I have stuck by my husband through some of the darkest times imaginable,” she affirms.

“Have mistakes been made? Hell yes,” she admits. “Have they been accounted for, dealt with and resolved, yep.”

“Why do I post pictures of my husband and myself?” she asks. “Because we do love each other. And that is real life.”

“If you want to fault me for standing by my husband and sticking to my vows,” she says. “Then don’t follow me.”

Ryan Edwards’ criminal history is troubling enough.

But his latest incident is much more alarming than your more garden-variety heroin possession.

After Taylor McKinney made a relatively mild jab at Ryan and Mackenzie, subtweeting that they were unable to function as adults, Ryan lost it.

He reportedly contacted Taylor and threatened to show up and murder him.

That did not go well for Ryan. Not with the legal system, and not with fans.

His behavior has appeared to worsen with time rather than improve.

That is why fans were encouraging Mackenzie to move on without Ryan.

That, of course, and the fact that many don’t see Ryan as a good father. Even Maci Bookout thinks Ryan is a danger to Bentley.

We of course hope that Ryan can turn things around in terms of his behavior during this lengthy rehab stay that RadarOnline is reporting.

(It is, of course, not quite confirmed — but we hope that it’s true)

He needs to get better for himself, but also for everyone around him.


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer: Desperately Trying to Change Ryan Edwards?

If you"ve been paying attention to his life over the course of the past year, then you"re probably aware that Ryan Edwards has had a rough go of it lately.

Granted, many of Ryan"s problems are self-created, but that doesn"t make the situation any less sad for the loved ones who have had to witness his self-destruction.

Currently, Ryan"s wife, Mackenzie Standifer, is pregnant with his child, and fans believe she"s desperate to help her husband change his ways before she gives birth in October.

Will she be able to turn their situation around in such short time?

Here"s what we know about the situation thus far …

1. The Expectant Parents

Ryan edwards and mackenzie standifer selfie

Ryan and Mackenzie both have kids from previous relationships, but the son who’s due next month will be their first as a couple.

2. The Downward Spiral

Ryan edwards teen mom og picture

Unfortunately, news of Mackenzie’s pregnancy coincided with the start of an extremely difficult time for Ryan.

3. He Fought the Law

Ryan edwards mug shot new

Ryan’s legal troubles have made the most tabloid headlines, and with good reason — the former Teen Mom OG star has been arrested three times in the past 18 months.

4. The Ravages of Addiction

Ryan edwards on teen mom photo

Most of Ryan’s legal troubles have stemmed from his continued struggles with substance abuse.

5. Slaps on the Wrist

Ryan edwards is mad

Thus far, despite being busted for possession and failing a court-ordered drug test, Ryan has managed to avoid serious jail time.

6. Every Kind of Bad Behavior

Ryan edwards not sober

But believe it or not, despite his many arrests and the severity of his addiction, Ryan has found time to engage in just about every other sort of bad behavior, as well …

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Friday, August 31, 2018

Ryan Edwards: Is He REALLY the Father of Mackenzie Standifer"s Unborn Child?!

Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer … well, they"ve had an eventful relationship, we"ll say that much.

They"ve only been together for a couple of years, but boy, have they been through a lot.

And now, after two weddings and several arrests, they"re expecting their first child together, a boy due in October.

But could there be a chance that Ryan isn"t the baby"s father?

1. A Fairytale Romance (Or Not)

Ryan edwards and mackenzie standifer selfie

It feels like we’ve been hearing about drama centering around Ryan and/or Mackenzie for decades, but if you can believe it, these two crazy kids have barely been together for two years now.

2. Moving Fast

Mackenzie standifer pic

Yep, Mackenzie got divorced from her first husband in July of 2016, she met Ryan sometime after that, and by December, they were engaged.

3. Making It Official

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

They were married in May of 2017, a quick little affair down by the river for reasons we’re still not entirely sure about. Ryan was super high when it happened.


Mackenzie edwards pic

But at that time, Mackenzie insisted that she didn’t know Ryan was even using drugs, much less that he was shooting heroin. Like, he was arrested that March for having heroin and a bunch of needles in his car, but she claimed that she had no idea.

5. Anyway …

Mackenzie standifer and ryan edwards going strong

But regardless, they got married, then Ryan went to rehab, but he graduated from his program early, and Mackenzie seemed to think that was a good thing.

6. Cool, Cool


Oh, and during this whole time (and now, probably) Mackenzie blamed Ryan’s drug problem on Maci Bookout, because apparently she was a “trigger” for him, and also because she knew about everything and didn’t magically stop him somehow.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Ryan Edwards Pleads Guilty to Yet Another Crime

Ryan Edwards is getting to be very familiar with his local courthouse these days.

Edwards has been arrested three times in the past year, and many are baffled by the fact that he’s not currently behind bars.

(We suppose you can never underestimate how much easier it is to navigate the criminal justice system if you’re both white and mildly famous.)

The charges against Ryan have ranged from serious to relatively benign, but despite his many, many brushes with the law, it looks as though the troubled Teen Mom OG star has no intention of changing his ways.

Edwards’ latest arrest was for a speeding ticket, but because he’s currently on probation in connection with 80,000 other infractions, it could have carried serious legal consequences.

In fact, Ryan spent a week in jail following his latest run-in with the cops, and he was originally supposed to remain behind bars until his arraignment.

But once again, his lawyers worked their magic (“Judge, I’d like to remind the court that my client is both Caucasian and a reality star …”) so he strutted into court on Tuesday having spent the past several weeks at home as a free man.

According to Radar Online, Ryan pled guilty to the speeding charge, having apparently reached a plea deal with prosecutors.

That may sound like a lot of courtroom drama for a simple moving violation.

But Ryan has reached the point where a jaywalking ticket could land him behind bars if he winds up in front of the wrong judge.

All these legal troubles began in March of 2017 when Ryan was arrested for heroin possession near his hometown in Tennessee.

While still on probation for those charges Edwards failed a drug test and was once again taken into custody.

He received a suspended sentence, probation, and five days community service.

Also during this time, Edwards baby mama, Maci Bookout, was granted a restraining order against him after Ryan allegedly threatened to murder her husband.

Needless to say, the man has been incredibly lucky in court — but his employers have been far less forgiving.

Recently, MTV fired Edwards and his wife, Mackenzie Standifer.

Accounts vary as to why the network reached that decision with Ryan and Mackenzie insisting that they’re discriminating against him because of his addiction, and others claiming that Maci demanded the network give her ex the ax.

We’d say it’s a blessing in disguise, as Ryan can use this time away from the spotlight to focus on getting his life in order.

But let’s face it — that’s never gonna happen.


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Ryan Edwards: I Spent Too Much Money on Heroin, Now I Owe the IRS $120,000!

Ryan Edwards is in big trouble, guys.

And not even for drug stuff this time.

Well, maybe for drug stuff … he did just get arrested a few weeks ago, and he’s still on probation.

But right now, for once, we’re not talking about Ryan’s heroin addiction.

And that’s because we’re talking about the ridiculous amount of money he owes the IRS!

Radar Online just revealed that the IRS filed a federal tax lien against Ryan back in March for $ 119,416.24.

According to a county clerk out in his neck of the woods, he hasn’t paid any of that, but a source close to Ryan claimed that he totally paid it off right after he heard about it.

Wonder who we should believe?

It might be hard to understand how Ryan, who reportedly made $ 325,000 for the latest seasons of Teen Mom OG, is in so much debt.

But if you break it down, it all starts to come together.

Cast members of Teen Mom are independent contractors, meaning MTV doesn’t withhold taxes from their paychecks.

A responsible person would set aside some money from those paychecks so they could pay their taxes every year, but we all know that Ryan is not a responsible person.

And Ryan did not set aside money to pay his taxes.

Remember, Mackenzie Standifer claimed last year that before he went to rehab, he was spending $ 10,000 a week on drugs, and if that’s true, it’s easy to see how he could have gone through his MTV money so fast.

But still … $ 120,000 is a lot of money, especially since Ryan was fired from Teen Mom.

How can he possibly pay that back now?

Don’t worry, Mackenzie is going to try her very best to provide for her family while Ryan continues to violate his probation and generally be a mess!

She recently revealed that she’s working an office job full-time, and she’s also been posting some ads on Instagram, so there’s quite a bit of income there.

There’s also that event planning business she just announced!

As she explained in a post on her website this week, “My personal mission is to see your dreams come to fruition.”

“Sometimes it can be hard to take all of the thoughts, dreams, and visions in your head and turn them into a reality. That is where I step in.”

She says that if you hire her as your planner, than she “will be here to help and guide you every step of the way.”

If you think about it, this is actually a very smart move — the girl had three weddings before her 21st birthday, so she probably knows what she’s talking about.

And sure, one of those weddings was in a parking lot by the river, and the only guests were the groom’s parents who sat quietly nearby and cried some not-so-happy tears during the ceremony.

And yeah, her groom was high as a kite as he said his vows.

But she’s probably going to do just fine at planning other people’s weddings!

Also on her site, she has different plans you can purchase, along with the prices.

The cheapest plan costs $ 150, and for that, you get 30 minutes for a phone call or a Skype session with Mackenzie herself, help with the itinerary, design, and concept, and a two hour session to “get your plan on paper.”

The most expensive plan runs for $ 1,500, and that includes multiple in-person consults with Mackenzie as well as unlimited texts, emails, and phone calls.

She’ll also coordinate and attend your rehearsal dinner, make sure everything runs smoothly on the day of the wedding, and come with you to meetings with your vendors.

We’re not sure how much wedding planners generally charge, but it seems like she’s got some pretty reasonable rates, right?

Especially since there have got to be Teen Mom fans out there who are also getting married and who have $ 150 to blow for a Skype call with Ryan Edwards’ wife.

So she’s doing event planning, an office job, and all kinds of ads on Instagram, all while seven months pregnant.

Hopefully she can help Ryan get his tax stuff sorted, or, at the very least, she can inspire him to get a job, since he doesn’t seem to be doing much besides getting arrested these days.

Seriously, get it together, Ryan.


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Maci Bookout Opens Up on Ryan Edwards Arrest: I Wish He Was Still In Jail!

Maci Bookout is in a difficult spot.

Her first baby daddy, Ryan Edwards, has been arrested three times in the past 18 months and is currently facing a year in prison if convicted on the latest charges against him.

Ryan, Maci Split Pics

Maci currently has a restraining order against Edwards as a result of an incident in which he allegedly threatened to murder her husband.

It may sound like she can now easily wash her hands of her troubled ex — but it’s not that simple.

Bookout has made it clear that she very much wants her eldest son, Bentley, to have a relationship with his father.

Unfortunately, she wants more than anything to ensure her son’s safety.

And for the time being at least, that means keeping him away from Ryan.

Maci has mostly kept quiet about Edwards’ struggles with addiction, but she opened up this week in an interview for Kailyn Lowry’s Coffee Convos podcast.

Her comments on Ryan’s legal issues underscore Maci’s conflicting feelings toward her ex.

“I’ll be honest, I have no idea what state he’s in because he’s not allowed to be around any of us. He can’t just be in the same location as me and the family,” she told Lowry.

“So I have no idea. He’s not allowed to contact us or anything like that. But I mean, he did get arrested, I don’t know … I mean, I do know why, but I don’t want to say.”

Bookout then revealed that she actually felt better about the situation when Ryan was held in jail for a week last month.

“I feel better that he is in jail because I know he’s safe there, if that makes sense,” Maci said.

“I know he’s not driving around. He’s not doing something that could potentially hurt him or an innocent person. So it sucks, crappy situation for everyone.”

Edwards is currently out on bail and serving six months probation.

He’s due back in court on August 23 to be tried for his latest probation violation.


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Ryan Edwards Opened Up About Latest Arrest: I Messed Up! Again!

Last month, Ryan Edwards was arrested for the third time in less than 18 months.

This time around, local authorities were understandably less confident in Ryan"s ability to keep from messing up again, so they held him in police custody for a week.

These days, however, he"s a free man — for the time being.

Ryan is due back in court on August 23, and if he"s convicted for his latest probation violation, he could face up to a year in prison.

So it"s a bit surprising that the usually press-shy Ryan has decided to speak to the media about his legal troubles.

His lawyers probably weren"t crazy about the decision, but if we"ve learned anything about Ryan over these past two years, it"s that the man is not big on following rules:

1. Hard Times

Ryan edwards mug shot new

On July 23, Ryan was taken into police custody after being pulled over for speeding. As this was a violation of his probation, he was held without bail.

2. An Unexpected Release

Ryan edwards wedding photo

While it was expected that he would be held until his court date, Ryan was released from jail in the wee hours of August 2.

3. A Slap on the Wrist

Ryan edwards on teen mom o g

To the surprise of many — including, probably, himself — Ryan received a suspended sentence and six months of additional probation for failing a court-ordered drug test earlier this year. But he’s not out of the woods yet …

4. Not Out of the Woods

Ryan edwards on teen mom photo

Ryan still has plenty of legal headaches ahead of him. In July, he was taken into custody not only for speeding but for failing to complete his last round of community service.

5. Spilling the Tea

Ryan edwards a photo

Now, Ryan is speaking out about his most recent brush with the law, and he’s being much more straightforward about the ordeal than many fans expected.

6. What Did You Expect?

Ryan edwards not sober

Of course, this is still Ryan we’re talking about, so he couldn’t stop himself from making excuses to justify his behavior…

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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Ryan Edwards: Shocking New Arrest Details Revealed!

Last month, Teen Mom OG star Ryan Edwards was arrested for the third time in less than two years.

This time, local authorities were less inclined to give Edwards the benefit of the doubt, and he remained behind bars for a full week awaiting his arraignment.

Edwards was released from jail on July 31,  but his legal headaches are far from over.

Ryan is due back in court on August 23, and he still faces up to a year in prison.

If he misses his court date, he’ll likely be incarcerated immediately.

If he lands in front of a judge who’s less sympathetic to his plight than the previous ones, Ryan is likely headed for the slammer.

Edwards and wife Mackenzie Standifer have done their best to keep his legal troubles concealed from the public, but they haven’t been terribly successful.

Now, new details of Ryan’s arrest have emerged, and it’s led some to the conclusion that Ryan doesn’t care whether or not he goes to jail.

Until today, all we knew about Edwards’ latest brush with the law was that he had violated his probation yet again.

Now, we know that Ryan brazenly flouted local traffic violations by driving 36 MPH over the speed limit.

“I observed the above violator operating the above vehicle at a high rate of speed,” wrote the arresting officer in his citation.

“The vehicle’s speed was confirmed by a radar at 80MPH in a 55MPH zone.”

That may not sound like such a big deal — but when you’re on probation and facing prison time, every infraction is a big deal.

Though he was held without bail following his latest arrest, Ryan was eventually released with a slap on the wrist and sentenced to serve six months probation and five days of community service.

Needless to say, Ryan has to keep his nose clean if he hopes to avoid being sent away.

And as he’s proven many, many times in the past, the ability to stay out of trouble is not a skill Edwards seems to possess.


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Ryan Edwards: Refusing Rehab, "In Denial" About Heroin Addiction

Earlier this week, Ryan Edwards was released from jail after being arrested for yet another probation violation.

Ever since Edwards was arrested for heroin possession last year, he"s been stuck in a seemingly endless downward spiral of legal troubles and other misfortunes.

But remarkably, Ryan apparently doesn"t see things that way.

In fact, sources close to the situation say the troubled Teen Mom OG star is totally in denial about his addiction.

Jump into the gallery below to see what Edwards has to say about his growing problem.



1. Free At Last

Ryan edwards on teen mom photo

Edwards was released from jail this week after being arrested for the third time in less than two years.

2. A Lucky Break

Ryan edwards mug shot new

He was originally supposed to remain in police custody until his August 6 court date but was unexpectedly permitted to go free on Tuesday morning.

3. What Now?

Mackenzie and ryan edwards picture

Edwards keeps discovering new rock bottoms, and insiders say his family fears for his life.

4. They Tried to Make Him Go to Rehab…

Ryan edwards a photo

Ryan’s wife, Mackenzie Standifer, and parents, Jen and Larry Edwards, have reportedly done everything in their power to convince him to seek treatment.

5. He Said No, No, No

Ryan edwards is mad

Unfortunately, Edwards has been resistant to the idea and is reportedly in complete denial about the severity of his addiction.

6. No Plans

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

“There are no plans for him to go to rehab,” a source tells Us Weekly. Not surprisingly, those closest to Edwards are deeply concerned about his stubbornness…

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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Ryan Edwards: SENTENCED on Heroin Charges! Released From Jail!

Just about every time we bring you new news about Teen Mom OG star Ryan Edwards, it has to do with a new round of misfortunes for Maci Bookout"s troubled ex.

So in a sense, this is a refreshing change of pace.

Today, we can update you on some good news for Ryan … well, sort of.

You see, Edwards was released from jail today after spending the past week behind bars.

Unfortunately, that short-term victory precedes what"s likely to be a series of crushing defeats for Edwards.

Here"s what we know about the situation so far:

1. Another Brush With the Law

Ryan edwards mug shot new

Edwards was arrested for the third time in just over a year last week after allegedly violating the terms of his probation.

2. The Downward Spiral

Ryan edwards on teen mom photo

Ryan’s legal troubles began back in March of 2017 when he arrested on heroin possession charges.

3. Strike Two

Ryan edwards mug shot

Less than a year later, Edwards was arrested again, this time for failing a court-ordered drug test.

4. No More Second Chances

Ryan edwards a photo

As a result of his continued probation violations, Edwards was held in police custody after he arrested for a third time on July 23.

5. A Stroke of Luck

Ryan edwards is mad

It was originally reported that Ryan would remain behind bars until his August 6 court date, but today things went Edwards’ way for a change.

6. Free at Last

Mackenzie and ryan edwards picture

According to Radar Online, Edwards was released from Hamilton County Jail in Tennessee at around 2 am this morning.

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Sunday, July 29, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer: Quit Bullying Me Over Ryan Edwards and KISS MY ASS!

It’s been nearly a week now since Ryan Edwards was arrested, which means he’s spent nearly a week in jail.

It’s been a weird, sad time, right?

There have been conflicting reports about the reason for the arrest, with many reports claiming that he’d been caught with heroin again.

Other reports say that he was taken to jail for violating his probation by missing a court date back in May.

Either way, Ryan violated probation, which isn’t great, considering it’s the second time he’s done so.

Remember, the original arrest for possession of heroin happened last year, and he was placed on probation for a year.

When he was nearly done with that, he was arrested for failing a drug test with heroin in his system, and he was given six more months of probation.

So at this point, it seems pretty clear that probation isn’t working so great, which is probably why he’s being held without bond this time around.

His court date is set for August 6th, so he’ll be hanging out in jail for at least a little while longer.

So what’s his pregnant wife, Mackenzie Standifer, doing until then?

Doing photo shoots and telling off haters, apparently.

Remember earlier this year when she gave her Instagram account to her photographer friend?

She took it back recently, and she’s been sharing some photos of her baby bump, which is getting pretty big now, considering she’s due in October.

It seems like sometime in the past few days, she posed for some photos with her friend.

She shared this one on Instagram:

In her caption, she wrote “She has a kind soul, but a cold [heart emoji].”

Later, she edited it to add “This isn’t a new revelation, I’ve always been the ice queen.”

It’s not hard to figure out why she’s talking like this: a whole, whole lot of Teen Mom OG fans hate her.

A lot.

Some fans hate her so much that they blame her for Ryan’s drug use, because she’s an enabler, see?

She’s also been seen talking trash about Maci Bookout several times on the show, which hasn’t done anything for her popularity, either.

And that’s why the vast majority of the comments on her new post are so negative.

“You know it’s harder to be a bitch than it is to be nice and loving,” someone told her. “It’s nothing to be proud of.”

“Ice queen mom and drug addict convict dad,” another person wrote. “That poor baby.”

One person told her “I hope the father of your child sobers the hell up!”, and another pointed out “your husband is in jail and u taking pictures.”

One of her followers got super direct, telling her “Girl, get your f-cking head out of your ass and grow the f-ck up.”

Finally, Mackenzie’s photographer jumped into the fray to defend her friend, writing “I’d like to meet a single troll on this post who has a job, isn’t an addict themselves, isn’t miserable, and isn’t completely insecure.”

“You all have some major soul/hobby searching to do if putting down a hurting mom to be makes you feel satisfied or content.”

“She might have had TV time,” she continued, “but she is still human trying to figure sh-t out.”

“If you don’t know her personally your comments are baseless and a way to compensate for the sh-t in your own life.”

The friend actually made several comments on the post, and in one she wrote “Mack is one of the most selfless people I know.”

“She sees the best in people and is SO freaking loyal it’s blinding. You don’t know her, and you don’t want to.”

She went on and on about how wonderful Mackenzie is, and how nobody knows the kind of person she truly is, but before too long, Mackenzie herself stepped in to call her off.

“Lol these little phone bullies who have nothing better to do than comment ignorance on a picture can kiss my ass,” she began.

She suggested that the people “drilling me with facts you think you know about myself and my husband” take some time from doing that to “go volunteer your services at your local clinic/hospital/medical school research team.”

“I’m sure they’d be happy to have you and the breadth of your knowledge.”

So much sass in one little comment, right?

We imagine that she’s been hearing and seeing lots and lots of negativity since Ryan’s arrest — and also, you know, for almost the entire time she’s been with Ryan.

It’s understandable that she’d snap after a point.

Hopefully in addition to going off on strangers on social media, she’s also dealing with everything that’s happening in a healthier way.

After all, if Ryan’s going to be staying in jail for a while, she’s going to need to pull everything together to have that baby of theirs.

Best of luck, Mack.
