Showing posts with label Ryan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ryan. Show all posts

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Maci Bookout: I"m SO HAPPY Ryan Edwards is in Jail!

Ryan Edwards was arrested on Monday evening, and as far as we know, he’s still in jail.

And thank goodness for that, right?

After all, if he’s in jail, he can’t get arrested again, and we’d hope that heroin is a little more difficult to come by in jail than it is outside jail.

Because as if it wasn’t clear enough already, Ryan seems to have a very, very big issue with heroin.

This whole mess started last year, when he was arrested for possession of heroin and sentenced to a year of probation.

Then, back in March, just before the probation was over, he was arrested again after failing a drug test.

Surprise, surprise, he had heroin in his system.

After that six more months was added to his probation, and on Monday, of course, he was arrested yet again.

Some media outlets are reporting that he got another charge of possession and some are reporting that he violated his probation for missing a court date.

But either way, it’s not great.

A Nashville attorney has explained that if he has been charged with possession again, then he could be facing nearly three years in prison.

Even if that’s not what happened, he’s facing at least a year and a half from his last two arrests.

Considering that this time around, Ryan is being held without bond, it wouldn’t be too big a surprise if he did spend a bit of that time in jail.

And according to a new report from Hollywood Life, Maci Bookout would be thrilled by that!

“Maci’s heartbroken to see what drugs have done to Ryan,” a source explains.

“She lives in fear that he’s going to overdose and die so getting the news that he was in jail was actually a huge relief because at least he’s still alive and still has a chance to beat this illness.”

The source adds that “Now that he’s back in jail there is hope that he might finally get the longterm help he needs, that’s what Maci is praying for.”

Just so we’re clear, she’s not wanting him to stay in jail out of spite or anything like that.

“While jail seems bad on the outside, Maci is praying that it will save Ryan’s life and help get him sober,” the insider continues.

Demi Lovato’s overdose apparently really shook her up, and “she’s terrified Ryan will overdose too if he doesn’t get sober once and for all.”

And believe it or not, another source claims that Ryan has those same fears.

According to this person, “Ryan can’t help feeling like he’ll never be able to get himself back on track.”

“The past couple of years have been nothing but non-stop drama, and Ryan is just burned out and exhausted.”

As sad as it sounds, “He truly regrets the day he first took heroin” because “it’s really wrecked his life and everything has been downhill ever since.”

“Ryan just hopes and prays that when he gets out of jail he can stay clean, and work hard to regain the trust of all those he loves and has hurt over the years because of his addiction.”

If any of this is true, and we really hope it is, then maybe things will be different this time around.

And with Ryan expecting his first child with Mackenzie Standifer in just a couple months, they really, really need to be.

But on a more tragic, more realistic note, he’s proven time and again that he has a serious problem, and it may take more than a little bit of time in jail to fix that.

Here’s hoping he’s able to pull through anyway!


Friday, July 27, 2018

Ryan Edwards Facing HOW MUCH Time in Jail?!

Things aren’t looking too good right now for Ryan Edwards.

But then again, have they ever?

Still, things are looking especially bleak for him right now, considering he’s been in jail for the past few days.

There have been a few conflicting reports about what happened, but we do know that Ryan’s legal troubles started last year, when he was arrested for possession of heroin.

He was sentenced to a year of probation, which he broke back in March by failing a drug test — for that, he was sentenced to six more months of probation.

On Monday, he was arrested for a third time.

There have been conflicting reports about what happened, with some outlets claiming he was arrested for possession again and others claiming the arrest was for failing to appear in court back in May.

Either way, it’s bad news for Ryan — bad enough that he’s being held without bond.

That means that he’ll be hanging out in jail until his next court date, which is on August 6th.

And after that?

Well, it’s not looking great.

Nashville attorney Ben Raybin is speaking out about Ryan’s case, and although he’s not working for Ryan or connected to him at all, he does have a good idea about how the law works, and especially how it works in Tennessee, Ryan’s home state.

About the possibility of Ryan spending any real time in jail, he says “It really depends on the case, as far as whether somebody would be going to jail or rehab after getting busted for heroin possession.”

“Usually in this state we do try to send people to treatment for when they’re found with drugs,” he explains.

But in cases like Ryan’s, when a person has violated probation multiple times, “then at that point the judge says enough is enough and says they are going to jail and at that point they can put all the offender’s sentences into effect.”

For Ryan specifically, he says “I can tell you he is facing up to 11 months and 29 days in jail just on this most recent charge of simple heroin possession.”

“But that’s not all because he has a prior suspended sentence as well as probation that the judge could choose to add to his sentence.”

“To break it down,” he continues, “Ryan has the six months of probation he was sentenced to (in March 2018) as well as a suspended sentence of 11 months and 29 days stemming back to his very first arrest.”

“He was able to get that sentence suspended but that does not mean it’s gone.”

“It’s hanging over his head,” he says, “and since he has violated probation, if the judge chooses to he can do what I call un-suspend it.”

Essentially, a judge could take all that time, add it up, and Ryan could spend two and a half years in jail.

Ben does add that he thinks “it’s probably unlikely that he would get totally maxed out on all of that but he is potentially facing two and a half years total in jail at this point.”

We’re not lawyers, of course, but it does seem unlikely that a judge would just throw a few more months of probation to Ryan at this point.

Which is especially unfortunate, considering his wife, Mackenzie Standifer, is pregnant with his child and is due in just over two months.

It’s also a little embarrassing, considering Ryan and Mackenzie were going on and on last week about how sober he is and how hard he’s been working on his recovery.

Remember, Mackenzie said that MTV told them that they were letting them go because “they don’t want to show Ryan as a recovering addict.”

But reports claimed that what actually happened was that Maci Bookout told the network that she refused to film if Ryan was filming — Bristol Palin was hired while MTV tried to figure out what to do.

Maci’s reasoning behind her demand was allegedly that she believed Ryan was still on drugs and she didn’t want Bentley to be able to watch his father spiral even further out of control.

Knowing what we know now, it seems like there’s quite a bit of truth to that.

Whatever happens, whether it turns out to be years in jail, we hope Ryan is able to get clean, for real this time.

Goodness knows we love Teen Mom drama, but this is just too much.


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Ryan Edwards to Serve 3 YEARS In Prison?!

Earlier this week, we reported on the news that Ryan Edwards was arrested for the second time in less than six months.

The troubled Teen Mom 2 star is currently behind bars awaiting trial for heroin possession and a probation violation, and legal experts say it’s unlikely that he’ll walk away with another slap on the wrist.

For one thing, the judge isn’t taking any chances that by allowing Ryan another opportunity to mess up.

His trial isn’t until August 6, but Edwards will remain in jail until then, having been denied bail at his arraignment.

As for what awaits him in court — well Ryan has squandered multiple “second chances” in the past, so he should probably prepare himself for the worst this time around.

“It really depends on the case, as far as whether somebody would be going to jail or to rehab after getting busted for heroin possession,” Nashville-based criminal defense attorney Ben Raybin tells Hollywood Life.

“Usually in this state we do try to send people to treatment for when they’re found with drugs, but a lot of times once they’ve given them multiple chances, like in this case where Ryan is violating probation, then at that point sometimes the judge says enough is enough and says they are going to jail and at that point they can put all the offender’s sentences into effect.”

Yes, it seems that Edwards — who recently got fired from Teen Mom 2 along with his wife, Mackenzie Standifer — will almost certainly spend at least a few months locked up.

And the situation could wind up being far worse than that:

“In Ryan’s case I can tell you he is facing up to 11 months and 29 days in jail just on this most recent charge of simple heroin possession,” Raybin says.

“But that’s not all because he has a prior suspended sentence as well as probation that the judge could choose to add to his sentence,”

“To break it down, Ryan has the 6 months of probation he was sentenced to (in March 2018) as well as a suspended sentence of 11 months and 29 days stemming back to his very first arrest.”

It’s a lot of legal mumbo-jumbo that adds up to one thing — Ryan has demonstrated time and again that he’s incapable of remaining sober, which means, the state will likely keep him under lock and key in one way or another:

“They could potentially put those things together with the year he is facing on this most recent arrest,” says Raybin.

“Worst case scenario he could actually be looking at 2 1/2 years in jail.”

Raybin adds that he believes it’s “unlikely” that Edwards will received the maximum sentence, but it’s certainly not unheard of.

Edwards wife, Mackenzie Standifer is pregnant with his child and set to give birth in October.

Sadly, it’s looking more and more likely that Ryan will not be on hand for the occasion.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Ryan Lochte "Grams His Own Rule-Breaking, Gets 14-Month Doping Suspension

There are some who say that Ryan Lochte, who just welcomed the birth of his son last year, is the dumb man’s Michael Phelps.

Remember when some douche recorded Phelps smoking weed at a party and got him suspended? Well, the stupid version of that just happened to Lochte.

Ryan Lochte has been given a 14-month suspension … over a rule-violating photo that he himself uploaded to social media.

The famous (and infamous) Olympian was due to make a comeback at the U.S. National Championships this week.

This suspension is such that he’ll also miss next year’s Championships.

In fact, even his participation in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics is in question.

Why? Believe it or not, it isn’t over marijuana use. He didn’t use any illegal substance.

Take a look at the photo that he uploaded to his own Instagram:

According to the USADA, this just-for-fun IV of vitamins is a policy violation.

“On May 24, 2018, Lochte, 33, posted an image on social media depicting himself receiving an intravenous infusion.”

Folks with a fear of needles must be shaking their heads at the idea of a man being hooked up to an IV without any medical need.

“A subsequent investigation by USADA,” the report reads. “With which Lochte fully cooperated …”

The investigation “revealed that Lochte received an intravenous infusion of permitted substances at an infusion clinic.”

Unfortunately, thought he substances were permitted, he received them “in a volume greater than 100 mL in a 12-hour period without a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE).”


“Intravenous infusions or injections in a volume greater than 100 mL within a 12-hour period are prohibited at all times,” the USADA explains.

So you can’t get pumped full of anything, apparently.

He wasn’t getting some kind of supersoldier serum — he was getting what sounds like a vitamin-laced placebo.

This policy isn’t unreasonable, as they say “except for those legitimately received in the course of hospital treatment, surgical procedures, or clinical diagnostic investigations under the USADA Protocol.”

In other words, actual medical needs won’t disqualify you.

Getting an injection for funsies, on the other hand, and you’re looking at 14 months out of the pool.

Lochte’s estimated net worth is $ 6.2 million, build out of endorsement deals based upon his Olympic record and, of course, his famous goofy persona.

So the good news is that he won’t spend the next 14 months working odd jobs or crashing on a friend’s couch, as most people might if they found themselves forbidden from their profession for over a year.

The bad news is that this is still an embarrassment for him, personally.

He’s also a father now — his son just turned one year old last month.

He’s going to need to supplement his small fortune over time in order to plan for his family’s future.

That means that he needs to retain his career as a swimmer in order to get future endorsements. This puts his role in the 2020 Olympics in jeopardy.

When some little beast decided to record Michael Phelps taking a hit off of a bong and share that video with the world, it didn’t hurt Phelps’ brand because, well, only Jeff Sessions cares about pot.

This incident is similarly unlikely to hurt Lochte’s reputation.

Why? Because his reputation is mostly that he’s a loveable idiot.

This little suspension is exactly something that you’d expect from him — at least, if you’re familiar with USADA rules.

Clearly, Lochte was not familiar with those regulations. But now he is.


"Teen Mom" Star Ryan Edwards Arrested Again for Drug Possession

‘Teen Mom’ star Ryan Edwards is in a familiar spot — back behind bars for alleged drug possession.  Ryan was arrested Monday in Hamilton County, Tennessee on an active warrant from a previous drug case. According to jail records,…


Ryan Edwards: Arrested AGAIN! Held Without Bail!

Teen Mom OG star Ryan Edwards has been arrested yet again and is currently being held without bail in the Hamilton County jail near his hometown in Tennessee.

The news comes to us courtesy of The Ashley"s Reality Roundup, who reports that Ryan was taken into police custody on Monday on charges of possession of a controlled substance.

Ryan, of course, is no stranger to the inside of a jail cell, having been arrested at least twice previously.

This marks the second time in less than a year that Edwards has been taken custody.

And this time, he might be facing a very serious penalty.

Here"s what we know about the situation thus far:

1. A New One For the Collection

Ryan edwards mug shot new

Ryan Edwards has been arrested in his home state of Tennessee yet again. It’s the second time this year the troubled Teen Mom OG star has been taken into custody.

2. The Specifics

Ryan edwards a photo

Details regarding the charges against Ryan are scarce at the moment, but the situation is serious enough that Edwards was denied bail.

3. The Beginning

Ryan edwards on teen mom photo

Ryan’s legal troubles began last year when he was arrested for heroin possession.

4. Downward Spiral

Ryan edwards is mad

In March of 2018, Ryan was picked up for a probation violation stemming from that earlier arrest. Prior to that point, Edwards had managed to keep his legal difficulties hidden from fans.

5. An Eventful Week

Ryan edwards and mackenzie standifer selfie

Ryan’s latest arrest comes just days after he and wife Mackenzie Standifer announced that they had been fired from Teen Mom OG, as MTV did not want to show Ryan in recovery.

6. Too Much Reality

Ryan and mackenzie edwards pic

“We’re not returning to Teen Mom this season,” Standifer told E! News. “The network told us they don’t want to show Ryan as a recovering addict.”

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Monday, July 23, 2018

Ryan Lochte Busted for Breaking Anti-Doping Rules After Snitching on Himself

Ryan Lochte has found himself in hot water again … this time, the Olympian has been busted for violating the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency’s rules … and he basically snitched on himself. Lochte — who was part of the Team USA swim team’s infamous gas…


Ryan Lochte Busted for Breaking Anti-Doping Rules After Snitching on Himself

Ryan Lochte has found himself in hot water again … this time, the Olympian has been busted for violating the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency’s rules … and he basically snitched on himself. Lochte — who was part of the Team USA swim team’s infamous gas…


Saturday, July 21, 2018

Ryan Edwards: I"m Not on Heroin Anymore! Maci Bookout is a Liar!

Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer have been out of the spotlight for several months now, but they"re back, and they"re making up for lost time.

Mackenzie recently returned to social media after a couple of months of being away — she"s been sharing photos of her baby bump, mostly.

And it seems like now we know why.

Yep, Ryan and Mackenzie are no longer going to appear on Teen Mom OG, and according to many sources, the reason is pretty dark.

But according to them … look, let"s just get right into this, there"s a lot to cover.

1. These Two, Right?

Ryan edwards and mackenzie standifer selfie

Ryan and Mackenzie were never exactly fan favorites on Teen Mom OG, but things got way worse for them back in the spring, after Ryan was arrested for violating his probation, because apparently he’d been arrested for having tons of heroin on him a while before that.

2. Oh, Ryan

Ryan edwards not sober

It wasn’t a good look, to say the least, since the second arrest seemed to indicate that he was no longer sober, and since Mackenzie was pregnant with their first child.

3. An Honest to Goodness Mess

Ryan edwards a photo

It turned into a great big ordeal: Mackenzie made statements insisting it wasn’t a big deal and that Ryan had never relapsed after leaving rehab, but around the same time, Maci was seen on Teen Mom claiming that several people had told her he was using again.

4. Yikes

Maci bookout on teen mom o g

Right around the same time, Maci filed restraining orders against Ryan for her entire family. In court documents, she stated that Ryan had been threatening to kidnap Bentley, and that he’d even threatened to murder her husband, Taylor McKinney.

5. Well …

Ryan edwards at teen mom og reunion

Eventually, the truth came out, and we learned that Ryan was arrested because he’d failed a drug test (he had opiates in his system), and another six months was added to his probation. Maci also was able to get her restraining orders.

6. When It Rains, It Pours

Ryan edwards on teen mom photo

Oh, and right after Ryan was arrested? The news came out that he’d been trying to hook up with random ladies from Tinder again. Because there wasn’t enough drama already, right?

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Ryan and Mackenzie Edwards to MTV: Suck It! We Quit!

Teen Mom OG continues to undergo a massive cast overhaul.

In the most stunning news of the week, Bristol Palin confirmed that she’s coming on board Season 8 of this long-running MTV franchise.

And now Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Edwards have their own statement to make…

… they will NOT be interacting with Palin when new episodes premiere later this year.

For what reason? Because the couple is leaving Teen Mom OG behind.

But not before hurling producers far under the bus first.

Following weeks’ worth of rumors about their status on the series — Would Ryan step away to focus on rehab? Did Palin’s addition force Ryan out? — the couple released a statement to E! News that shot down all of this chatter.

In doing so, Mackenzie and Ryan made it clear they are finished filming… while doing all they could to paint the show in a negative light.

“We’re not returning to Teen Mom this season. The network told us they don’t want to show Ryan as a recovering addict,” Mackenzie told E!, making a rather scathing accusation.

She wasn’t done making it, either:

“But they did want to enter a contract with our unborn baby and have the baby film with Ryan’s parents so it would look like someone else is raising it.”

Uhhhh, excuse you?!?

Mackenzie is pregnant with the twosome’s first child, this much is true.

However, she’s really claiming here that producers were hoping JUST the baby, and not its parents, would appear on Season 8?!? Wow.

Ryan, who has wrestled with substance abuse for nearly as long he’s been in the spotlight and who was arrested earlier this year for heroin possession, also talked to the aforementioned outlet.

The ex-husband of star Maci Bookout, with whom he shares a son named Bentley, Edwards argues that executives refused to let him stand on his own.

He alleges they only wanted him to appear again on Teen Mom OG under the condition that Bookout essentially speak for him. And he was not having that.

Not when his ex has laid down her version of the law to him.

“They also want to take Maci’s word on how I’m doing,” Ryan says. “Maci’s said she’s not going to film unless I enter rehab again and quit the show.

“But I’m sober.”

Mackenzie went on to explain that the couple was told Teen Mom OG is trying to recreate the dramatic magic of Teen Mom 2.

“I know they did want five girls to begin with after Farrah [Abraham] left to sort of resemble Teen Mom 2,” she says, adding:

“But they didn’t want to see another recovering addict storyline. So they’re writing us out of the show right now and making it seem like we dipped out on our baby, on Bentley and on everyone.

“And that’s just not the case.”

As for other details of their departure?

“The show had been paying for my healthcare and for the baby so they could film the visits and then a week ago they let me know that would no longer be the case,” Mackenzie tells E! News.

“They’re not going to film the birth. We’re not going to be on at all. Maci can’t speak to Ryan and Ryan can’t speak to Maci – that was a mutual decision.

“But she doesn’t know what’s going on in our lives.”

Mackenzie says she and Ryan are finished with the program, even if producers approached them down the line to return.

Neither wife nor husband says their decision has anything at all to do with Bristol Palin, who has said the following about her addition to the cast:

“I am excited to join MTV’s Teen Mom OG. I look forward to sharing my experiences and hope that I can help others on their journey.”

Will she actually help viewers?

That remains to be seen.

But we’ll be tuning in each week to find out, that’s for sure!


Friday, July 20, 2018

Ryan Edwards Fired From Teen Mom OG to Make Way For Bristol Palin?!

If you"re a follower of all things Teen Mom, then by now, you"ve probably caught wind of the biggest development to the franchise since Farrah Abraham got fired for being Farrah Abraham.

We"re talking, of course, about Bristol Palin joining the cast of Teen Mom OG.

The news has already prompted several important questions:

Will Bristol be able to deliver the ratings?

Does the average MTV viewer even remember the 2008 election?

Does seeing Russia from one"s house count as collusion?

And, of course, how does the rest of the cast feel about Bristol"s casting?

Now, it turns out the answer to that last query could create some serious problems for the show"s producers:

1. New Girl

Bristol palin looks crazy

Bristol is one of the most famous former teen moms in the country, but the news of her casting came as a total shock, nonetheless.

2. Classified Info

Bristol palin new face

MTV reportedly went to great lengths to keep the news under wraps, even going so far as to refer to Bristol by a codename in meetings and internal documents.

3. The Maci Connection

Maci deshane mckinney

An insider revealed yesterday that Maci Bookout was directly linked to the decision to cast Bristol.

4. A Failed Gambit

Maci bookout on teen mom o g

It seems that at one point, Maci refused to continue filming unless producers assured her that they would no longer feature her first baby daddy, Ryan Edwards, on the show. It seems she didn’t want her eldest son to see his father struggling with addiction on TV.

5. Whoops

Maci bookout and ryan edwards

The move backfired, however, as producers decided to continue filming Ryan while simultaneously seeking out a suitable replacement for Maci.

6. Enter Bristol

A bristol palin pic

And just like that, Bristol wound up joining the cast. Producers decided to keep Maci on the show, and in an ironic twist, Palin might wind up giving Bookout exactly what she wanted …

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Mackenzie Standifer Opens Up: Will She Divorce Ryan Edwards?!

For the past four months, rumors of Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer getting divorced have been circulating non-stop.

Ryan has given Mackenzie ample reason to leave his ass, and when she took a break from social media earlier this year, many took it as a sign that she had chosen to quietly end her marriage.

Ryan has cheated on Mackenzie; he"s been arrested; he"s stalked and harassed his ex — all in the past six months.

Standifer is notoriously shy of the spotlight, so it was widely assumed she had simply chosen to disappear from the spotlight while she and Ryan ironed out the terms of their divorce.

Now, however, she"s back on Instagram — and fans are more than a little surprised by what she"s been up to:

1. Standifer By Her Man

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

Mackenzie is doing her best to make her marriage work these days. And fans think she’s out of her mind for giving Ryan yet another chance.

2. Return of the Mack

Mackenzie ryan bentley

After a hiatus of several months, Mackenzie returned to Instagram this week. She posted this photo of her and Ryan, seemingly as a means of squashing divorce rumors.

3. Bump Close-Up

Mackenzies bump

Mackenzie also posted this pic of her own baby bump. She captioned the image, “Happiness is HOMEMADE!”

4. Turning It Around

Mackenzie standifer is pregnant

Needless to say, it looks as though the relationship between Mackenzie and Ryan is actually going quite well. But is it healthy?

5. Mack N Ryan 4-Eva

Mackenzie standifer and ryan edwards going strong

Seemingly as a way of assuring fans that all is well in her world, Standifer posted this photo earlier this week.

6. High Hopes

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer son

“Family,” Mackenzie captioned the pic, complete with heart emojis. “It means everything.” Certainly sound like she’s optimistic about her relationship! But it’s important to remember why fans are so skeptical …

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Monday, July 2, 2018

Ryan Edwards: Stepping Away From Teen Mom OG to Focus on Sobriety?

If you"ve been keeping up on the life of Ryan Edwards in recent months, you know that the controversial Teen Mom OG has not had an easy time of it lately.

Granted, most of Ryan"s problems are self-created, but nevertheless, many fans who remember Maci Bookout"s ex from his leas troubled days have expressed concerns and sympathetic thoughts on social media.

In the past year, they"ve seen Ryan get arrested, lose consciousness while driving to his own wedding, go to rehab, relapse, and nearly lose custody of his son.

While there"s much disagreement as to whether or not Ryan deserves a second chance, all seem to agree that if there"s any possibility of redemption, it has to begin with Ryan stepping away from the reality TV spotlight in order to focus on recovery.

Will he do it? Well, that"s a question only Ryan can answer …

1. Ryan’s Hope

Ryan edwards is mad

Believe it or not, not everyone has given up on Ryan. His wife, Mackenzie Standifer, and his long-suffering parents remain firmly in his corner.

2. Loyalty Put to the Test

Mackenzie ryan edwards

And if the Teen Mom-obsessed corners of social media are any indication, Ryan still enjoys the support of a surprisingly large group of extremely loyal fans.

3. Ultimatum Time

Ryan edwards a photo

But even those who have already been put through the wringer by Ryan have their limits. And it seems they’re beginning to lose faith in the troubled father of one.

4. Taking a Break

Ryan edwards not sober

It’s been rumored that Ryan’s loved ones have pressured him to take an indefinite break from filming in order to focus on getting his life back on track. Many fans have publicly expressed support for the idea.

5. A Hard Sell

Ryan edwards at teen mom og reunion

However, reality stardom has been Ryan’s sole source of income for the entirety of his adult life. He and Standifer are currently expecting their first child together, so he may be reluctant to step away from the camera at this time, even for a short period.

6. What’s Best For Everyone

Ryan edwards with mackenzie

Of course, as many fans have pointed out, this is an opportunity for Ryan to prove that he’s capable of putting the needs of those who rely on him ahead of his own self-interest. And it could be his last chance to do so …

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