Showing posts with label STICKS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label STICKS. Show all posts

Friday, July 29, 2016

Justin Bieber Turns Down MASSIVE Payday, Sticks It to GOP

Unlike Katy Perry, Demi Lovato and Lenny Kravitz, Justin Bieber did not perform at the Democratic National Convention this week.

But that doesn’t mean the singer didn’t make his political leanings very well known.

He just did so in a more subtle manner.

And a more impressive manner, some might argue.

According to TMZ, Bieber was offered $ 5 MILLION to perform at a Republican-sponsored event during last week’s Republican National Convention.

The performance would not have taken place at Quicken Loans Arena, where the gathering was held, but at a venue nearby.

Insiders tell TMZ that the offer was made to CAA, Bieber’s talent agency, and that a promoter got in touch with Bieber’s people to ask if Justin would sing in Cleveland for about 45 minutes.

(For those doing the math, that comes out to over $ 100,000 per minute.)

The promoter tried to assure Bieber that the concert would not be political in any way; that he would not be asked to endorse Donald Trump or discuss policy or anything of that nature.

But the event would have been bankrolled by GOP donors.

Moreover, Bieber would be paid up front and the donors would cover all production costs.

It would have been the single biggest payday of all-time for Justin Bieber.

And he turned it down.

Sources tell TMZ that Bieber did ponder the offer for a bit.

He’s Canadian, after all, and could have argued that he doesn’t have much of a stake in an American election.

But Bieber’s manager and close friend, Scooter Braun, is a huge Hillary Clinton supporter. He even held a fundraiser for her at his Los Angeles mansion.

Braun and others at CAA believed that, regardless of the impressions they were given, the event would have been “100 percent political.”

Scooter reportedly tried to negotiate with the promoter who made the offer, asking, for instance, if Bieber could hang a “Black Lives Matter” banner inside the venue while he performed.

But the answer was no. And it was also made clear that Bieber could not insult Trump in any way at the show.

Still… Bieber was the person who made the final decision.

He actually spoke with LeBron James in order to do so because Conservative insider told Justin that the famous basketball player would also be appearing in Cleveland last week; also in a non-endorsement capacity.

But LeBron told Bieber this was incorrect information.

He was staying far away from his adopted hometown during the Republican National Convention.

In the end, with Bieber’s all-African-American band also being turned off by the possibility, Bieber turned down the invitation.

Pretty cool, huh?

Pretty interesting to go inside the machinations of a political campaign and how it tries to recruit celebrities to its cause…

… and even cooler of Bieber to say no to such a massive payday.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Selena Gomez Sticks It to Justin Bieber on Instagram

Selena Gomez probably won’t say it.

She’s too mature and classy and professional to say it. 

So we’ll go ahead and say it for her:


Thanks to her 89.1 million followers – yes, 89.1 million followers – Gomez has set an Instagram record, sharing a photo online two weeks ago that has now become the Most-Liked image in that platform’s history.

As of this writing, the following photo has been Liked over 4 million times.

It features Selena using a straw to take a sip from a Coke bottle; a Coke bottle with the lyrics “You’re the spark” on it.

Those lyrics come from the Gomez track “Me & the Rhythm.”

“when your lyrics are on the bottle,” Selena wrote as a caption to the picture, including the emoji of a smiley face with its tongue sticking out.

So… where does Selena’s famous ex-boyfriend fit into all of this?

Back in May, Bieber earned the Most-Liked in History honor on Instagram, though he needed Selena’s help to set that record at the time as well.

The picture that received over 3.7 million Likes was a throwback image that featured the stars planting a kiss on each other’s lips from their days as a couple.

Check it out here:

Prior to this picture receiving the most-ever Likes, Kendall Jenner’s artistic selfie was the most popular snapshot in the annals of Instagram.

Here’s a look at that one:

Back to Gomez, however.

She has one of the most passionate and dedicated fan bases on the planet.

She is currently on tour after releasing a new album and has sold more than 6.7 million albums total, along with 22 million singles worldwide, according to Billboard.

Not shabby, huh?

Perhaps people can stop just referring to her as Justin Bieber’s Ex-Girlfriend now. We’re pretty sure she’s earned it.

Unlike other popular females on Instagram, the artist doesn’t resort to semi-nude photos or anything like that to build her fan base.

She shares cute images of herself and her fans; herself and her friends; herself and her pets.

Scroll through the following long look at various Selena Gomez Instagram photos and then try to decide:

Which celebrity might unseat her down the line for Most-Liked photos of all-time?

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Paris Jackson Sticks It To Debbie Rowe On Mother"s Day

The relationship between Paris Jackson and her biological mother, Debbie Rowe is – for lack of a better word – nonexistent, at least to the public.

On Mother’s Day, Jackson unfollowed Debbie via Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, which prompted the her to write an open message via Facebook.

“One of the saddest things in this world is to see a child grow up hating one of their parents because they only got one side of the story,” Debbie wrote.

The nurse married Michael Jackson in 1996 and gave birth to two of his children, Paris and her older brother, Prince.  

The couple divorced in 1999 and Rowe signed over all parental rights to Jackson.

Following Jackson’s 2009 death, Debbie fought for (and won) supervised visitation rights from Jackson family matriarch, Katherine Jackson.

Some allege that Debbie is not the biological mother of Paris and Prince, but rather their surrogate, which she has fervently denied.

Shortly after her father’s passing, Paris and Debbie met at Jackson’s Neverland Ranch.

“They talked about the weather, they talked about Neverland and the various places they’ve been to around the world,” a source told the New York Post after the meeting.

“It was delicate, I’m sure, for Debbie, who let Paris do most of the talking. Now, it’s both of them; they gab a lot.”

In 2003, Debbie revealed to ABC News how she and the king of pop got together.  He had just split with Lisa Marie Presley, and had desperately wanted to be a dad.

“‘Let me do this. I want to do this. You have been so good to me,"” Debbie recalled telling Jackson.

“‘You are such a great friend. Please let me do this. You need to be a dad, and I want you to be."”

In what could be a painful statement for Paris to read, Debbie explained why she had her and her older brother.

“I did it for him to become a father, not for me to become a mother,” Debbie said.

“You earn the title parent. I have done absolutely nothing to earn that title.”

Monday, May 9, 2016

Kaley Cuoco STICKS IT to Ryan Sweeting in Divorce Settlement!

Even though Kaley Cuoco and Ryan Sweeting got divorced after less than two years of marriage, it was widely believed that the former tennis pro would make out like a bandit in terms of spousal support.

After all, it was just a few months after their wedding that Kaley signed a $ 90 million contract for three more seasons of The Big Bang Theory, thus making her one of the highest paid actresses in TV history.

Unfortunately for the unemployed Mr. Sweeting, it seems Kaley spent a large chunk of that fortune on hiring the best divorce lawyers money can buy.

TMZ is reporting today that Sweeting will get next to nothing from Cuoco thanks to an ironclad prenup.

In fact, it seems that all of the cash in that record-breaking contract will remain in Kaley’s bank account.

That’s right – Ryan won’t see a cent of the sweet TBBT money that’ll allow Kaley to retire at 35 if she wants to.

Instead, Sweeting walks away with a lump sum payment of $ 165,000 and whatever “cash and gift certificates” are already in his possession.

Kaley has also agreed to pay the $ 195,000 bill for his two personal trainers.

Sounds like a decent deal by regular non-celebrity standards, but you have to remember that Ryan probably thought he would never have to work again.

$ 165,000 is a nice chunk of change, but it’s not “go live out the rest of your days playing shuffleboard in Cabo” money.

The fact that Kaley sicced her legal team on Sweerting in such ruthless fashion has been taken by some as an indication that the split wasn’t as amicable as the ex-couple initially pretended.

Whatever the case, we think it’s safe to say Ryan will probably no longer watch The Big Bang Theory online after the settlement is finalized.

Friday, March 4, 2016

James Kennedy Music Video: Glow Sticks + Drunk Driving FTW!!!

WTF am I watching?

James Kennedy- DJ, SUR bus boy and aspiring music producer (I guess?) – has released a music video for his techno single, "Don"t Look Down."

If there"s a storyline, then I"ve missed it.  

The video"s director choose a few different locals for the shoot, none of which have anything to do with the song"s title (unless the luxury hi-rise has meaning in the literal sense).

In the opening, Kennedy wakes up in said luxury hi-rise in Century City (the same one where Candy Spelling owns a place).  From his bed, Kennedy takes a shot of Patron, ready to take on the day.

In the next scene, Kennedy takes yet another shot with Max Vanderpump-Todd while valet brings someone else"s Rolls Royce around.

Properly lubricated with at least two shots of tequila at this point, Kennedy gets behind the wheel of the Rolls Royce as Max takes his seat on the passenger site (their bottle of Patron in his hands).

The joyride consists of changing lanes without a signal, Kennedy tapping arrogantly along to his beat and Vanderpump-Todd sticking his entire body out the window.


The next scene finds Kennedy waving glow-sticks in a traffic tunnel in broad daylight, followed by him pacing through an English garden, looking equal parts sullen and perplexed.

The music video ends with a rewind of blue painted pour all over Kennedy"s body, which he then glitterbombs.

I don"t get it.

James kennedys music video glorifies glow sticks and drunk drivi

Monday, February 22, 2016

Courtney Stodden Sticks Naked Butt in the Air, Acts Natural

Whew! For a minute there, we’d thought we’d lost naked Courtney Stodden.

First, she posts a makeup-free selfie, revealing a face (and just her face) that’s totally unrecognizable. Okay, she’s pretty much unrecognizable to most folks, anyway, but you know what I mean.

Then she posts a photo of herself in her version of a “classy” outfit: a skimpy leotard and a hoodie.

Geez, Courtney. You may as well be the next Sister Wife.

But nah, that was all just for funsies, because naked Courtney is back on Instagram, nuder than ever.

In this naked photo, she’s in bed, which we know because she captioned the photo with the hashtag “#bedbug.”

When I see a pic like this – you know, one that’s supposed to be “candid” but in reality is anything but – I always ponder the logistics that went into it.

For example:

  • How many shots did she take before getting a good one?

  • How many times did she have to move before getting the right lighting?

  • Who is actually taking the photo?

  • Is someone crouching down on the side of the bed or is Courtney doing a reach around with her right arm?  

  • How many times did she have to reposition her ass to get that curved look?

Any woman who’s ever tried to take sexy selfies like this (yep, I’m guilty) knows that it’s not like, “Oh, I’m just hanging around naked in bed in full hair and makeup with my ass thrust skyward and thought I’d capture the moment with a selfie.” 

Nah, girl, it takes time, effort and commitment.

But then again, this is kind of Courtney’s job.

However, believe it or not, she does have another job. She’s set to appear on Lifetime’s new reality show, The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition with her mom Krista, plus Kim Richards and Heidi Pratt.

We’re positive it’ll be a doozy.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Taylor Swift Wins Album of the Year, Sticks It to Kanye West

Taylor Swift did it, folks.

She got the last laugh in her ongoing feud with Kanye West in the most impressive of fashions:


The superstar reacted in shock upon hearing her name called, prior to hugging good friends such as Selena Gomez and going through an elaborately awesome handshake with Jack Antonoff:

But it was Taylor’s acceptance speech that has folks talking today.

Because she took a pretty clear swipe at Kanye West while become the first woman to EVER win Album of the Year twice.

“I want to say to all the young women out there – there are going to be people along the way who are going to try to undercut your success or take credit for your accomplishments or your fame,” Swift said at one point.

This was a clear reference to a line in Kanye’s new song in which the rapper ponders having sex with Swift and says he made her famous by interrupting her speech at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards.

West also calls Taylor a “bitch” in that same track.

Added Swift to conclude her speech on Monday night:

“If you just focus on the work and you don’t let those people sidetrack you, someday when you get where you’re going, you’ll look around and you will know that it was you and the people who love you who put you there.

“And that will be greatest feeling in the world.”

Well said, Taylor,

And very well done.

Swift, meanwhile, also won won Best Pop Vocal Album and Best Music Video for “Bad Blood.”

So you just go ahead and keep Tweeting, Kanye. Swift will go ahead and keep winning.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Chris Brown Accuser Speaks Out, Sticks By Her Story

The woman who has accused Chris Brown of battery is now speaking out online.

As previously reported, Liziane Gutierrez claims she was a guest at a party inside Brown"s Las Vegas suite late last week.

As her story goes, Gutierrez managed to get her cellphone past the singer"s security team and, at one point, snapped a picture of the artist.

Brown supposedly reacted in extreme anger, screaming at Gutierrez and, according to the alleged victim, punching her one time in the right eye.

She did not go to the hospital, but she did file a police report and authorities are investigating the incident.

Gutierrez, however, has a history of reacting poorly when she feels she"s been mistreated by a celebrity.

Last year, after being denied access to a party hosted by Jason Derulo, she went up to a TMZ photographer and went off on that famous singer.

This time around, of course, Gutierrez swears she is telling the truth.

But Brown says he is going to sue her for defamation, standing up strongly against this latest accusation of violence against him.

In response to Brown"s response, Gutierrez recorded the following video and shared it on her Facebook page.

It brings up Brown"s abusive past; it emphasizes that Gutierrez was invited to Brown"s Vegas party by friends; and it takes issue with Brown"s assertion that Gutierrez is ugly.

Watch now and try to decide if you believe Brown or his accuser:

Liziane gutierrez fires back at chris brown

Monday, November 30, 2015

Young Boy Sticks It to Hiccups, Sings National Anthem

Nice try, hiccups! You may want to set your sights on a different young man in the future!

Over the past several months, The Hollywood Gossip has shared with our readers a number of memorable national anthem performances.

But most of these performances were memorable for all the wrong reasons; such as Minnie Driver flubbing a couple lines of our country"s theme song… or Aaron Lewis getting the words all wrong.

This is not the case with the following video, however.

From our friends at My Fanatic, it features a seven-year old boy singing the Australian national anthem prior to an Australian Baseball League game.

After realizing that the Australian Baseball League is a thing that actually does exist, we then honed in on the impressive vocal range of thing young man.

Along with his perseverance and bravery. We"re nit kidding.

Nearly as soon as he opens his mouth, the boy is unfortunately hit by a wave of hiccups… and we all know how it feels when this happens.

You feel utterly powerless. You are at the mercy of the almighty, and so very annoying, hiccup. You try and you try, but you can"t do anything about it.

Still, that does not stop this boy from completing his mission.

It"s funny to watch him sing through the hiccups, but it"s also inspiring. We could all learn a lesson or two about life from this footage, don"t you think?

Don"t scoff. We"re serious.

Watch now and see if you agree:

Young boy fights through hiccups completes inspiring rendition o

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Dunkin Donuts Unveils Holiday Cups, Sticks It to Starbucks

Dunkin Donuts would like to make something very clear:

Unlike certain other famous establishments out there, it does NOT hate Jesus Christ.

The popular chain unveiled its 2015 holiday coffee cups on Wednesday, releasing to the public a styrofoam container with the word “Joy” surrounded by a clear symbol of the season:

Branches of a Christmas tree.

This design stands in stark contrast to the plain red cups favored by Starbucks this year, items that have resulted in protests around the country.

One patron believes that Starbucks really does hate Jesus, while Donald Trump is threatening a Starbucks boycott.

It’s not hard to understand why. Just look at these abominations!

Dunkin Donuts has clearly won this round.

Just consider the following Tweets, all of which were written without jest or irony in response to the chain’s joyful cup selection:

  • Joy. I love that word – it’s profound – and captures true meaning of Christmas. @DunkinDonuts gets it right.

  • Hey @Starbucks, while you y’all are busy being The Grinch, @DunkinDonuts is running circles around you guys.

  • There’s nothing like waking up and worshiping God with your friends in the morning at dunkin donuts.

  • Way to go Dunkin Donuts …the coffee tastes better, doesnt cost and you kept  it festive ! 

  • In response to Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks, Chick-Fil-A now offers fresh coffee in a replica of the actual Holy Grail.

Okay, that last one was written in jest. But effectively so!

Time to sound off, readers.

Does Dunkin Donuts really love Jesus and Christmas more than Starbucks? Is this a legitimate controversy?

Or is it the most ridiculous thing in the history of all of mankind?

Thursday, October 15, 2015

SportsCenter Anchor Sticks Up for the Real Lamar Odom

Lamar Odom is not some reality star.

He is not the product of his marriage to Khloe Kardashian and he was famous long before he ever appeared on E!.

So argues Scott Van Pelt in this perfectly-said clip from SportsCenter, as the anchor takes issue with the recent headlines in the wake of Odom"s tragic hospitalization.

Odom earned his fame, Van Pelt says, he did not become a celebrity due to an "absence of accomplishment," which is a clear and valid shot and Kim Kardashian and her family.

This is someone who has traveled an "unspeakably difficult road" and who is now fighting for his life inside a Las Vegas hospital. He"s a real person with an actual name, not merely a former co-star on a popular reality series.

Profound words. Watch them for yourself now.

Sportscenter anchor sticks up for the real lamar odom