Friday, March 4, 2016

James Kennedy Music Video: Glow Sticks + Drunk Driving FTW!!!

WTF am I watching?

James Kennedy- DJ, SUR bus boy and aspiring music producer (I guess?) – has released a music video for his techno single, "Don"t Look Down."

If there"s a storyline, then I"ve missed it.  

The video"s director choose a few different locals for the shoot, none of which have anything to do with the song"s title (unless the luxury hi-rise has meaning in the literal sense).

In the opening, Kennedy wakes up in said luxury hi-rise in Century City (the same one where Candy Spelling owns a place).  From his bed, Kennedy takes a shot of Patron, ready to take on the day.

In the next scene, Kennedy takes yet another shot with Max Vanderpump-Todd while valet brings someone else"s Rolls Royce around.

Properly lubricated with at least two shots of tequila at this point, Kennedy gets behind the wheel of the Rolls Royce as Max takes his seat on the passenger site (their bottle of Patron in his hands).

The joyride consists of changing lanes without a signal, Kennedy tapping arrogantly along to his beat and Vanderpump-Todd sticking his entire body out the window.


The next scene finds Kennedy waving glow-sticks in a traffic tunnel in broad daylight, followed by him pacing through an English garden, looking equal parts sullen and perplexed.

The music video ends with a rewind of blue painted pour all over Kennedy"s body, which he then glitterbombs.

I don"t get it.

James kennedys music video glorifies glow sticks and drunk drivi