Showing posts with label Scheana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scheana. Show all posts

Friday, December 8, 2017

Scheana Marie: Pissed About Mike Shay"s New Girlfriend?!

Your totes enlightened friend who curates her ex’s Tinder profile might disagree, but we all know that there’s a winner and a loser in every breakup.

Sometimes, it’s not immediately clear who came out on top.

Other times it’s a blow-out victory, such as in the case of Scheana Marie and Mike Shay.

If you’re a Vanderpump Rules fan, then you’re likely aware that Scheana and Shay’s divorce was an ugly one, and Scheana emerged from the wreckage looking like a courageous survivor …

… while Mike came off as more of an uncaring, unemployed, drug-addicted adulterer.

It wasn’t a great look.

Anyway, Scheana continued her victory tour by being the first to move on from the marriage with a guy who not only has a job, but appears to not have any serious drug addictions, thus making him considerably less likely to drain her bank account.

Scheana began dating Robert Valletta almost immediately after parting ways with Shay.

She revealed on the Vanderpump Rules Season 6 premiere that she and Valletta have been “friends with benefits” on and off for seven years.

(She also revealed that Valletta is considerably more blessed in the dong department, which probably wasn’t Shay’s favorite moment of the episode.)

But like the Atlanta Falcons in the second half of Super Bowl LI, Scheana appears to have taken her considerable lead for granted.

We’re not saying Mike will ever be victorious–dude’s like 30 and still trying to make it as a rapper–but he’s been making major gains lately.

Apparently, Shay even has a new girlfriend, whom he’s describing to friends as the love of his life.

“Mike is finally over Scheana and has been posting about his new girlfriend non-stop on social media,” an insider tells Radar Online.

“He is telling his friends that the new girl is the love of his life!”

Scheana’s reportedly been seeking comfort with Valletta, but seeing as he’s also her ex these days, that might not be a totally effective strategy.

“Scheana has been spending time with Rob more so lately while he is in L.A. at her premiere party and other festivities,” a source tells Radar.

“However, the two are not back together and she has recently been trying to reach out to Mike.”

Yes, it seems like Scheana just didn’t know what she had until it was gone.

Or she’s just pissed that she’s single and Mike isn’t anymore.

Either way, most unemployed 30-year-olds rarely find themselves in the situation of being fought over by two girls, so enjoy it, Mike!

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to relive the short-lived trainwreck that was Mike and Scheana’s marriage.


Monday, December 4, 2017

Scheana Marie: My Split From Mike Shay Has Made Me Stronger!

A new season of Vanderpump Rules is upon us, and while we"re sure to see plenty of new beefs and breakups among the staff at SUR, at least one cast member has been enjoying a steady upswing in recent months.

After enduring a painful divorce from Mike Shay, Scheana Marie has moved on and found love again with actor Robert Valletta.

Those who know her best say they"ve never seen Scheana happier, and they claim this new relationship couldn"t be more different from her short-lived marriage.

But while Scheana is understandably eager to leave the past in the past, she"s also admirably candid in discussing the ways in which she"s been changed and strengthened by the struggles that brought her to where she is today:

1. The Newcomer

Scheana marie image

When we first met Scheana back in Season 1, she was the new girl at SUR. As Vanderpump fans know, that’s a difficult position to be in, but Scheana met the challenge with grace and courage.

2. Scheana and Shay

Scheana marie and mike shay

At the time, Scheana was in what appeared to be a stable relationship with Mike Shay, and both parties openly discussed their desire to get married and start a family.

3. A Memorable Wedding

Scheana marie shay wedding dance

The couple tied the knot in a swanky ceremony befitting Scheana’s unique sense of style. Unfortunately, not long after they exchanged vows, life for the Shays took a sharp downturn.

4. A Secret Addiction

Mike and scheana shay

Shortly after the wedding, it was revealed that Mike was struggling with an addiction to prescription painkillers. He had reportedly gone to great lengths to hide his substance abuse from Scheana.

5. Toughing It Out

Scheana marie mike shay

Scheana stood by her husband’s side as he battled his personal demons, but as Mike withdrew deeper into himself, kept her at a distance, and began disappearing for days at a time, she began to feel she was left with no choice but to bring the marriage to an end.

6. An Example to Others

Scheana marie shay bikini pic

Now, Scheana is opening up about the painful decision to call it quits, and the challenges of being married to an addict. As opioid abuse continues to destroy lives in record numbers, Scheana’s is sadly a situation that millions can relate to.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Vanderpump Rules Season 6 Trailer: Is Scheana Being Cheated On?!

Well, fall is here again, which means it"s time to find out exactly how the men and women of SUR effed their lives up over the summer.

Yes, another season of Vanderpump Rules is upon us, and things are a little different this year.

For one thing, Season 6 doesn"t debut until December (boo).

But on the bright side, Lala Kent will return after abruptly quitting the show last season (yay).

As for your favorite couples–we"re afraid we have some bad news.

With the exception of Tom Sandoval and Ariana Madix, it seems just about anyone everyone on the cast has endured a breakup since last season.

The dissolution of Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright, of course, was chronicled in the little-watched Jax and Brittany Take Kentucky.

(Count your blessings if you skipped that ill-conceived slog.)

The rest of the splits, however, will apparently be documented on VPR.

The trailer focuses primarily on the Scheana Marie-Robert Valletta breakup what we learned about last week.

One scene explains the split by showing Lala inform Scheana that Robert cheated on her.

A bit ironic, perhaps, given that Lala walked away from the show last year due to scrutiny of her love life, but whatever.

As long as there"s drama we"re happy … and it certainly looks like this season delivers.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up in time for Season 6, and check out the full trailer below:

Vanderpump rules season 6 trailer is scheana being cheated on

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Scheana Marie: Totally Naked on Instagram! (For a Good Cause)

We’re just a few weeks away from a new season of Vanderpump Rules, and while Jax and Brittney’s spinoff series is boring viewers to tears, one of the couple’s co-stars is demonstrating that she knows exactly how to stay at the forefront of her fans’ minds.

Scheana Marie and boyfriend Robert Valletta may have stripped down in support of PETA, but they’re no doubt aware that posting the first image from the campaign will also bring in some always-welcome free publicity for their own careers.

Don’t get us wrong; we’re not hating.

It’s a win-win situation, as even though PETA occasionally goes a bit too in its tactics and ad campaigns sometimes (and by “occasionally,” we mean almost always), the cause this time is bringing an end to the unethical treatment of orcas at Sea World and similar theme parks, which is something everyone can get behind.

Here, we’ll resist the urge to indulge in any “get behind” innuendo even though we’re talking about a naked couple, because we’re totes mature and classy grownups.

Anyway, the campaign doesn’t officially launch until November, but as you can see, Scheana and Robert couldn’t resist giving fans a peak at what’s in store.

It seems Scheana is trying to turn #BareForCare into 2017’s ice bucket challenge, but we’re no so sure it’ll catch on in the same way.

After all, the 2015 social media trend only required people to dump a bucket of ice on their heads, while this one demands that we strip down in front of an audience of our friends and family, which sounds like a literal nightmare.

Fun for the West Hollywood CoolSculpting set, not all that interesting for those of us who spent our summers continuously making sure burritos and beer still taste good together.

In a seriously lengthy caption for the photo, Scheana challenges friends Ariana Madix and Lala Kent to strip down next.

“Take a pic and post it with #bareforcare and tag your friends, challenging them to do the same. Also, make a pledge to donate your time, supplies, or a financial contribution to an animal rescue of your choice,” Schena writes.

“Together we can make a difference. Don’t just stare, go bare for CARE!”

Like we said, it’s a good cause, and we’re totally with you on the pledging time and money thing, but we’re gonna go ahead and do it with our clothes on.

Or maybe naked, but at home, with a piece of duct tape over our webcams just to be safe.

Obviously, seeing the cast of Vanderpump nude is nothing new, as this might be the nakedest cast on television.

But we salute gratuitous nudity in all cases, particularly when its done in the name of a good cause.

So keep it up, Scheana!

Along with the orcas of the world, we thank you.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online for more from antics from ridiculously good-looking people.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Scheana Marie Reveals New Vanderpump Rules Cast Members!

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, then the thought of DJ James Kennedy probably brings to mind the image of a shaved ferret furiously pounding the play button on iTunes and wondering why women aren’t lining up to have sex with him.

Or maybe that’s too harsh.

Perhaps for you, DJ James conjures thoughts of a Harry Potter prequel that focuses on young Voldemort’s time as a West Hollywood club douche.

Whatever the case, we’re all in agreement that James is the absolute worst.

Unfortnuately, we have bad news for the James Haters out there, as it looks like Kennedy will be back for another season of pretending he has any reason to hang out around the rest of the Vanderpump crew.

This year promises to be even more awkward than last, as James’ one pseudo-ally, Lala Kent, quit the show last summer.

James needs someone to talk to other than the unseen middle-aged dude he rents a corner from (we assume his name is Ron), which might explain why Raquel Leviss is apparently being added to the cast.

The news comes to us courtesy of a post on Scheana Marie’s Instagram page:

Scheana posted the above pic during a day of filming, and the introductory tone of the caption led many fans to the impression that the folks she’s flanked by will be joining the Vanderpump family for Season 6:

“My pageant queen and SUR’s newest!” Scheana wrote alongside the pic.

The woman, of course, is pageant competitor and noted bad decision maker Leviss.

She’s dating Kennedy, who we can only assume has some Trump pee tape-level dirt on her.

The dude is a male model named Adam Spott, who is now, according to Scheana, SUR’s newest.

We’re not sure what sort of ties Spott has to the rest of the cast, but it’s not the first time producers have tried to liven things up with a newcomer who never appeared on the show as a friend of an existing SUR-ver.

It didn’t work out so well for Lala, or the ill-fated Vail Bloom (We miss you, baby girl.), but maybe the third time will turn out to be the charm.

If nothing else, Spott will give the ladies of SUR something to look at other than Kennedy’s rage-contorted mug, and we’re sure they’re grateful for that.


Friday, June 9, 2017

Scheana Marie vs. Rest of Vanderpump Rules Cast: Ongoing Feud Alert!

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know that the show’s past season wasn’t particularly kind to SUR hostess/aspiring pop singer/fake eyelash enthusiast Scheana Marie.

In addition to chronicling her divorce from Mike Shay, VPR Season 5 featured a storyline about Scheana being booted out of the chick clique that’s since dubbed itself the Witches of WeHo.

The politics of the group are complex, and providing a full explanation would take about as much time as giving you a full history of the Soviet Union, and it would feature just as many nefarious characters.

Suffice it to say, Stassi Schroeder was in charge, she fell from power, she maneuvered her way back into the group, and while she allows Katie Maloney to serve in a sort of figurehead capacity, Stassi is totally back in charge.

That’s bad news for Scheana, who has little choice but to accept the current power structure and serve up the occasional pinot grigio.

The cast is currently filming Season 6, and sources say Scheana is more on the outs than ever before, to the point that she has yet to film with the other ladies.

Judging from their Instagram pics, the rest of the cast is getting along just fine …

… They’ve just replaced Scheana with Jax Taylor’s girlfriend, Brittany Cartwright.

Stassi’s squad posted the pic above to celebrate National Best Friend Day, which is the latest dumb thing the Internet expects you to care about.

Not to be outdone, Scheana posted her own Besties Day pic.

Hers, of course, featured her BFFs Ariana Madix and Lala Kent.

So it seems she’s not completely without allies.

The only problem is that Lala quit the show last year, and Ariana’s storylines mostly center around her relationship with Tom Sandoval.

(Despite her insistence that she has no interest in marriage, we’re guessing Ariana and Tom will be the next Vanderpump couple to get hitched.)

These days, Scheana is dating Robert Valletta, but there’s no word on whether or not he’ll appear on the series.

Stassi, meanwhile, is back together with boyfriend Patrick Meagher, who will be joining the cast on a part-time basis this season.

Sounds like Stassi is only becoming more and more powerful.

It’ll take a lot of white wine to get her fall off her throne now.


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Scheana Marie & Robert Valletta: Engaged?!

It’s only been seven months since Vanderpump Rules star Scheana Marie filed for divorce from Mike Shay, but Scheana has wasted no time in moving on to what appears to be a much healthier relationship.

(In fairness, Mike spent the last few months of their marriage sleeping in a studio and recording terrible hip hop with Nicole Arbour, so Scheana may have felt single long before she actually was.)

Before the Mike and Scheana divorce drama even made it to air, word got out that Scheana was dating Robert Valletta, an actor with whom she’s been friends since childhood.

Now, it seems as though another Vanderpump wedding may already be in the works, as Radar Online is reporting that Scheana and Robert are planning to get hitched in the near future.

“Scheana wants a ring from Robert,” a source close to the hostess/aspiring pop star tells Radar. “She’s super into him.”

Yes, the debauched denizens of SUR seem to be going after the Duggars’ record for most televised weddings on a single reality show, but there’s a hip hop-loving roadblock standing in their way.

For obvious reasons, Scheana wants her divorce to be finalized before Robert pops the question, but that might be easier said than done.

Sources say Shay is shuffling his feet, mostly because he wants to secure a more favorable spousal support deal, but also because he’s less than thrilled that his ex is moving on so quickly.

The tipsters claim that Scheana is growing increasingly frustrated and is ready to give Shay just about anything he wants in order to reach a settlement.

But it seems that in all her haste to finalize her divorce and get remarried, Scheana may have forgotten one important detail:

Robert, it seems, is not in as big a rush to get to the altar as she is.

The 35-year-old actor is reportedly on the verge of a career breakthrough, and sources say he feels that now is not the time for him to settle down and get hitched.

“He wants to focus on his TV shows,” notes one source, adding that he “doesn’t want to go there.”

So it seems like Scheana might just have to cool her heels, which is probably driving her nuts.

It was confirmed earlier this week that Stassi Schroeder is back together with Patrick Meagher, and the sports radio host has finally consented to appear on the show that made her famous.

The race for the ring is officially on between VR’s most bitter frenemies.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to relive the bumpy road that is Stassi and Scheana’s “friendship.”


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Scheana Marie: I Only Got Married Because of Vanderpump Rules!

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know that the show’s fifth season wasn’t particularly kind Scheana Marie.

In addition to finding herself at the very bottom of her chick clique totem pole, Scheana got divorced from Mike Shay in a messy split that played out over the season’s final episodes.

To make matters worse, Shay appeared on the Vanderpump reunion show, making for one of the most awkward moments in Bravo history.

Scheana sat down with the Juicy Scoop podcast earlier this week, and she was surprisingly candid in her discussion of the show, her marriage, and the way they each made the other more difficult:

“Contractually, he didn’t have a choice,” Scheana said of Shay’s odd decision to appear on the reunion show.

Some have fans have contested that explanation, pointing out that Mike didn’t seem to have much in the way of contractual obligation during the rest of the season.

The troubled aspiring music producer and rapper barely appeared on camera, chalking his absences up to “late nights in the studio.”

But Scheana says that while Shay’s enthusiasm for the series may have waned during the past season, he was completely on board earlier in the show’s run.

“We signed up to do this show together so I’m so sick of people being like ‘You dragged him into this. You can tell he never wanted it,"” Scheana told the host.

“We were together for a whole year before there was Vanderpump Rules.”

She added:

“He knew I wanted to be in the entertainment industry and when the idea of this show got brought up, we had a really long talk about it. What should we do? And we both agreed that we wanted to do it.”

Interestingly, Scheana admits that her role on the show influenced her decision to get married, and they she may not have tied the knot were it not for the pressure to drum up storylines:

“I’ve thought about that so much and I want to say yes, but I feel like we did maybe rush it a little. I was twenty nine and I felt like that was a time when I was ready,” Scheana says.

“We’d known each other for a long time, we’d been together for three years at that point. In hindsight, there a lot of red flags that I just kind of swept under the rug. It built up to be quite a large pile and I just kept walking over it.” 

In a revelation that probably won’t do much for Scheana’s reputation for being “fake,” the SUR hostess admits that marrying Shay for the show started as a joke … then quickly became a reality:

“Jokingly, we were like we are going to get engaged Season 2 and get engaged Season 3, have a kid Season 4 or 5. We were joking about it,” she tells the podcast.

That’s one joke that turned out to have a less-than-amusing punchline.


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Scheana Marie on Divorce Settlement: I Hate Giving Money to an Addict!

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, then you’re likely aware that the brief marriage between Scheana Marie and Mike Shay didn’t exactly end on amicable terms.

Scheana and Shay’s divorce became public knowledge before we saw it fall apart on the show, but in the Vanderpump Season 5 finale (and the show’s 47-part reunion show), we finally found out just how ugly things really got.

Obviously, one of the main issues was Shay’s drug problem, but there were other factors in Scheana’s decision to split, as well.

For starters, it seems Shay had decided to devote his free time (which, as an unemployed dude, he had a lot of) to sexting other women and making terrible music with Nicole Arbour.

Unfortunately for Scheana, the divorce came just as she was starting to make some serious bank from her reality TV career.

She and Shay never signed a prenup, so naturally, she was forced to shell out a goodly amount of cash in the divorce, but it seems she feels it was all worth it in order to be free of a dude that was only dragging her down:

“Well, he got paid last year, so I would assume that’s already gone,” Scheana said in a recent discussion with WWE star Sean “X-Pac” Waltman (we live in strange times).

She added:

“He wasn’t a person who was ever really good with money. It was very amicable, and as much as I didn’t want to give $ 50 thousand to a person with a drug problem, I felt like… I don’t know, like he deserved it for just, you know, being a part of the show for so long and my life and my story.”

That’s actually awfully mature of Scheana.

Of course, these days she’s reportedly making close to half a million a season for Vanderpump (just one of her many revenue streams), so forking over 50 G’s to make a problem go away probably wasn’t all that hard on her.

She went on to say that she hoped Mike would be smart with the money – but she now fears he’s already blown it:

“And I’m like, look, I’m not trying to cut you out and leave you high and dry so like, here’s how much we have, is this OK? And he agreed,” Scheana said.

“And I was just like I recommend that you put $ 10 thousand into like SEP-IRA, start a retirement account or something that you know you can start getting interest on. And he was like, yeah that’s a great idea. I doubt he did that.”

She added:

“I don’t know, but I just hope that he’s doing something useful with it and not just wasting it like he wasted a lot of mine.”

Money aside, Scheana has indisputably “won” the divorce.

She’s already dating actor Robert Valletta, and she now gets to take the high road with meme-worthy comments about how she hopes he finds the contentment he’s searching for:

“I just wanted him to be happy,” Scheana told the wrestling dude.

“I put my life and my career on hold for the last couple years ‘cause I just wanted him to be happy. I wanted him to have everything, and I think that, I don’t know, maybe I did that a little too much.”

That comment is basically the divorce equivalent of a Mortal Kombat finishing move. #FlawlessVictory


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Kristen Doute: Scheana Marie is LYING About Her Eating Disorder!

Vanderpump Rules Season 5 may have come to an end, but the contentious cast is certainly not through taking shots at one another.

The only difference is that these days the drama is playing out not on camera, but on social media.

The latest round of trash talk was prompted by Monday night’s Vanderpump reunion show.

After being called out for “bullying” Scheana Marie by Ariana Madix, Stassi Schroeder went nuclear on Twitter, posting an article that reveals Ariana’s brother was once arrested on domestic assault charges.

Now, it seems a comment made by Stassi during the reunion has sparked a second feud, and this one is getting equally ugly.

When shown a clip in which she joked about Scheana having an eating disorder, Stassi insisted that the remark was a compliment.

In a recent episode of her podcast, Scheana revealed that she didn’t see it that way, and that at one point she legitimately struggled with an eating disorder.

“I was 20 years old,” Marie told her audience.

“I was going to be moving out to Hollywood. I wanted to be an actress. Thin was in 11 years ago. Kim Kardashian was not a thing. It wasn’t cool to have a big butt. 

“For me, I was just like, ‘I don’t want to work out, so the only way I know how to get skinny is to stop eating.’”

She went on:

“I remember stepping on the scale the day of my college graduation, and I was 102. I was like, ‘Yes, I’m almost under 100.’ I was proud of myself.”

Scheana added that she no longer starves herself, and these days she keeps trim through exercise and a healthy diet.

Now, Scheana’s co-star Kristen Doute has come under fire for her response to Scheana’s revelation.

To the surprise of many Kristen seems to doubt the severity of Scheana’s condition, stating:

“It infuriates me that Scheana is making it a thin.”

Scheana has yet to respond, but we wouldn’t be surprised to see this ignite another round of irate tweets.

These people should probably just film the show year round.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to remind yourself what sort of drama we’re missing out on at this very moment.


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Vanderpump Rules Reunion: Scheana Reveals New BF to Mike Shay ... SO Awkward

On part three of the Vanderpump Rules reunion recap last night on Bravo, Scheana and Mike Shay’s divorce once again took center stage.

What did we learn this time around, if anything?

Kicking off Vanderpump Rules Season 5 Episode 24, perhaps the most boring reunion show of all time, was a whole lot of rehashing.

We know that’s the entire point, but unless there are some new revelations mixed in, or punches thrown, it’s all a bit of a snoozefest.

That being said, if you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know that the divorce of Scheana Marie and husband Mike was a BFD.

At the reunion, she laid eyes on Mike Shay for the first time since telling him she wants a divorce in November, which was super awkward.

So why did Scheana and Mike Shay get divorced?

Shay has a penchant for cheating, ghosting and using drugs, basically. That’s quite the trifecta for a new wife to put up with, admittedly.

In addition to revealing what caused their split, the reunion saw the on-camera revelation that Scheana is dating Robert Valletta now.

Shay did not know this and was blindsided.

“You follow him on Instagram,” Scheana told Shay about her new actor boyfriend’s identity, in perhaps the most 2017 moment to date.

To put it mildly, the whole thing was harsh.

Even Scheana knows it, too, reaching out to Shay after the taping in hopes of making things right and moving forward with life amicably.

I had sent him an email after the reunion … I felt I was very harsh in certain parts, I felt a little cold in other parts of it,” Scheana said.

“And then, the way he found out about Rob, I felt I needed to just give a little more of an explanation. I felt like I just owed that to him.”

“We’ve been friends for half our lives.”

At the reunion, Mike was clearly taken aback when he learned Scheana is dating, saying that he isn’t, since he’s “still technically married.”

He also accused her of talking about his drug use on the show, which he felt was very uncool, but Scheana wasn’t walking that back.

“My job is to tell my story and put my life out there,” she responded. “I’m sorry I’m not going to keep my mouth shut about that anymore.”

“We’re not together anymore,” she said of her former husband, adding that “me opening up about this has helped so many women, too.”  

All in all, it was an emotional experience.

That was true for Shay, who despite his many flaws, has gone through a lot and is struggling to get to a better place mentally and physically.

It was also the case for Scheana, who was wracked with anxiety to the point where she could not stop fidgeting with her hair and makeup.

Nevertheless, she said she has found herself in a better place following the demise of her two-year marriage, heartbreaking as it was. 

“I have my closure,” she told said.

“I’ve clearly moved on. I’m in a very good place, and I feel like I’ve never been happier,” Scheana added … do you believeher? 


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Scheana Shay: Already Thinking About Marrying Robert Valletta?!?

It seems like just yesterday Scheana Shay, and Mike Shay walked down the aisle on Vanderpump Rules. 

That marriage, however, was built on lies and Scheana constantly worried Mike was back on drugs. Also, it was revealed earlier this week that Scheana wanted to work through Mike’s infidelity. Yes, he apparently was getting flirty via text message with an unknown recipient. 

These days, Scheana has moved on from her tough relationship with Mike to Robert Valetta. 

Scheana had previously dated Robert before things got serious with Mike. Now, Scheana has revealed that her views on marriage are very different now from a few months back.  

“If you asked me four months ago if I’d ever get married again, my answer was very different. I was like, ‘Hell, no. Never doing this again.’ And now I’m like, ‘I would love to marry him one day,"” Scheana said.

“I mean, we’re taking things very slow, but I wouldn’t be dating someone I don’t see a future with, because that’s just a waste of time at my age. So I definitely see a long future with him. Hopefully, he feels the same.”

It’s great that Scheana appears to be moving on with her life, but she seems to still be sticking to her rule about having no prenup. 

“Even if I were to remarry, I’m still not about a prenup. Yeah, things didn’t go well with Shay and I, but I don’t regret not having a prenup because if I’m marrying someone, I trust them. They’re my best friend. They’re someone I’m gonna spend my life with,” she explained.

“I mean, I know Katie described it as having insurance on your marriage, but I don’t think that’s something that I would need or want, because I do feel that puts a slight damper on the relationship. It’s like, well just in case, my money’s mine, and yours is yours.”

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you will already know that Katie Maloney compared a prenup to marriage insurance. She did have a point, but everyone is different. 

Some people will want to take these precautions, while others are too blinded by love to think that anything is going to go wrong. Scheana did think it was something she would think about more next time. 

“But we haven’t had this discussion. We’re not even close to being there,” she said.

“I mean, if that’s something he wanted, then we would talk about it. But we’re two people who don’t really believe in that in general. So I wouldn’t recommend it, but if whoever I marry wanted it, then that’s a discussion we’ll have to have at that time.”

It sure sounds like a discussion they could be having soon enough. 

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below!


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Scheana Marie Reveals the REAL Reason She Spilt From Mike Shay

If you watched the Vanderpump Rules Season 5 finale on Monday, then you bore witness to a (clearly staged) scene in which Scheana Marie and Mike Shay decided to call it quits.

While most of the season focused on the Katie Maloney-Tom Schwartz wedding, producers occasionally took a moment to address the ongoing issues in the ill-fated Shay marriage.

Though the topic was given surprisingly little screen time, we developed a sense of the main hurdles Scheana and Shay were struggling to overcome:

There was her suspicion that Shay was back on drugs, his sudden workaholism (especially strange coming from a man whose income from 2012-2016 = $ 0.00), the fact that he seemed increasingly annoyed by her annoying group of friends, etc.

But it wasn’t until this past week that we learned that Shay had betrayed Scheana’s trust in a far worse fashion than we originally thought.

In fact, he committed the cardinal sin of just about any marriage.

We’re talking of course about his decision to make atrocious hip hop with Nicole Arbour.

We kid! (Kind of.)

We now know that Shay was unfaithful to Scheana (at least in the form of explicit texts to an unknown recipient).

Amazingly, Scheana (who was previously derided by fans for her overbearing behavior toward her husband) was willing to overlook the infidelity and continue to work on her marriage.

As Shay continued to spiral out of control and become more and more detached, however, she eventually realized that the relationship was a lost cause.

Now, she’s revealing that she feels partially responsible for her ex-husband’s downward spiral.

Scheana broke down the breakdown in a recent interview with E! News:

“There were a lot of things from the beginning of our marriage that kind of tainted the whole relationship. Three months in I found out he had a pill problem. Right before our one-year anniversary, I saw some inappropriate text messages,” said Scheana

“Then, fast forward to our second anniversary, and I’m just trying to pretend like everything’s fine, because in my mind, we’re married—for better or for worse.”

Scheana says she and Shay were able to rebuild their marriage between seasons of Vanderpump, but when the show started filming  again, she became distracted and he went off the rails:

“In the beginning of 2016, everything was genuinely good. Then the cameras turned on again, and then he changed. That’s when I found out he started using again. I didn’t know that at the time,” Scheana said.

“My mom and other people around me had noticed a change in his behavior. I was either oblivious to it or I just didn’t want to believe what I was seeing right in front of my face.”

Yes, despite her previous comments to Andy Cohen that reality stardom had no negative impact on her marriage, Scheana is now admitting that the spotlight may have been too much for Shay to handle.

These days Scheana is dating Robert Valletta and says she has zero contact with Shay.

It seems that while fans of the show were fretting over what appeared to be the unraveling of Tom and Katie’s relationship, a different tragedy was unfolding right under our noses.

Okay, maybe “tragedy” is a strong word, but c’mon…

making hip hop with Nicole Arbour? That’s pretty damn sad.


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Vanderpump Rules Recap: The Sad End of Scheana and Mike

Monday on Vanderpump Rules Season 5 Episode 21, Scheana Marie realized that Mike could be back on drugs after his erratic behavior. 

When the episode got underway, Katie Maloney was walking down the aisle to become Katie Schwartz with Tom Schwartz. 

“Never text with tequila,” Lisa grinned as she gave us all a throwback to Tom and Katie’s more troubling times in their relationship. 

“I had been told that romance in L.A. was fleeting and often short-lived, often lasting only one night — according to my roommate Jax Taylor,” Schwartz said after ripping his vows apart and apparently speaking from the heart. 

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you were probably shocked the pair actually said, “I do.”

“It’s with a full heart and much pride and love that I now pronounce you husband and wife,” Lisa said.

“It is my pleasure to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz.”

Then, our favorite TV crew partied the night away, but there was drama when Jax pulled Brittany aside to apparently call time on their relationship. 

“Listen, I don’t think things are going well for us anymore,” Jax revealed, but he took it back as soon as Brittany started tearing up. 

He was joking, you guys! Producers probably had a heart attack during filming because the apparent spin-off that is in the works for them. 

After Ariana was against the whole marriage thing, a deflated Sandoval was chatted to by Lisa about a new business venture that would include him and Schwartz. 

She had a dream of opening a new bar called “Tom Tom,” inspired by the two boys, of course. They were both ecstatic, but Schwartz was too busy being happily married to think it through. 

After all of the exciting wedding scenes, the show pressed forward three months to reveal that Scheana was at Lisa’s house revealing the details about her marriage breakdown. 

“I found out recently about Shay …” Scheana began.

“He goes MIA for six days, doesn’t answer any of my calls, doesn’t talk to me.”

“Since you got married, it’s been bulls–t,” Lisa said, looking at Scheana.

“Since the day you found out he was addicted to pills, it’s all been bulls–t.” Lisa claimed to Scheana.

Scheana then revealed that her former love had emptied her bank account to fund his drug addiction. 

“I started checking emails, and I noticed ‘overdraft protection,’” Scheana said.

“I’m like, ‘Overdraft? There’s $ 7,000 in that account.’ I open my app, and there’s $ 32.”

This helped Scheana understand that her marriage was over, so she met with Shay and confirmed they were totes over. 

At least she has moved on with Robert Valetta. As for Shay, there’s a good chance we won’t see him again on the show, but what the actual heck?

Scheana was completely broken. It was horrible to watch. It was such a dark contrast from the events earlier in the episode. 

Next week: Reunion! Lala Kent returns!
