Showing posts with label Selena. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Selena. Show all posts

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Selena Gomez to Hailey Baldwin: Enjoy My Sloppy Seconds!

Selena Gomez knows a thing or two dozen about getting back together with Justin Bieber.

So, with the latter singer very clearly having reunited recently with ex-girlfriend Hailey Baldwin, what does his other ex-girlfriend have to say about this development?

LOL! Good luck with that, Hailey, basically sums it up.

Gomez, of course, jumped into bed once again with Bieber late last year, shortly after her split from The Weeknd and also shortly after she underwent a kidney transplant.

Sources claimed at the time that it took this sort of life-altering procedure for Bieber to realize how much he truly loved Selena and to realize that he couldn’t live without her.

The Internet thought that maybe this reconciliation would be the final one and the stars truly would end up together.

Instead, they broke up after just a few months.

Most insiders agree that it was actually Selena who ended the latest version of this romance, as she clashed with loved ones over Justin’s influence on her and, we guess, at last concluded that the artist just wasn’t worth her time.

She could do a lot better.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago and rumors that Bieber was dating Baldwin, with whom he had enjoyed a fling back in 2016.

The model and the singer were spotted making out in public this past weekend during a visit to New York City, prompting many to wonder how Selena must be feeling at the moment.

And Radar Online claims to have the answer:

She’s feeling just dandy, thanks for asking!

“Hailey must recognize now that she will always be Justin’s second choice,” Radar quotes a friend of Selena’s as saying, adding:

“Selena doesn’t care what Justin does with his love life anymore.

“In the end, Justin turned out to be exactly the same person he [always was], a selfish and immature kid who only cares about himself.”

Wow, well… okay then!

Bieber may not be touching her bush any longer, but Gomez apparently isn’t interested in beating around any bushes, either, when it comes to her take on her ex.

Don’t get this report wrong, though.

It’s not as if Gomez is sitting back and refreshing her social media feed every two seconds for an update on Justin and Hailey. She has moved on.

“Selena is relaxing on vacation in Italy with a hot European hunk,” this insider actually tells Radar, concluding:

“Justin is the farthest thing from her mind right now and she is just glad that she decided to leave him when she did.”

Amen, sister!

You deserve SO much better than Justin Bieber and we’re confident you will someday find it.

Just keep doing you, girl. Oh, and keep doing whichever hot Italian hunks you please as well. Well earned.


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Loser Designer Blasts Selena Gomez as "Ugly," Fans React in Horror

You can say many things about Selena Gomez.

You can say you don’t like her music because you’re entitled to that opinion.

You can say you she has bad taste in men because Justin Bieber has never treated her well.

You can say she makes poor decisions with her hairstyle at times.

But you cannot say what Stefano Gabbana just said about the singer, not if you want to avoid very deserved backlash from millions of people on social media.

The Italian designer, who co-founded the fashion label label Dolce & Gabbana, went out of his way on Instagram this week to attack Gomez.

In the comments of a photo on The Catwalk Italia’s Instagram account, Gabbana wrote the following alongside a collage of Selena picture:

È proprio brutta!!!

This translates, very simply and extremely rudely, to: She’s so ugly.

The insult was many things; unprovoked, cruel, sexist and objectively untrue.

And while Gomez has thus far taken the high road, refusing to even acknowledge Gabbana’s existence, her friends and fans online have been unable to show similar restraint.

“@stefanobabbana you’re tired and over. your homophobic, misogynistic, body-shaming existence will not thrive in 2018,” Tweeted 13 Reasons Why actor Tommy Dorfman, who plays Ryan Shaver in the Netflix drama.

He added:

“it is no longer tolerable or chic. please take many seats.”

And then there was this from a Gomez follower:

“Shame on you for online bullying. Doesn’t matter if 1 million people see it or 1 person, it’s bullying. It’s wrong.”

And then this from another Gomez follower, who kept it short and simple and supportive:

“We love this beautiful queen.”

Julia Michaels, a singer-songwriter and close friend of Selena’s tweeted:

“@selenagomez just here to tell you that you are one of the most beautiful women I know, inside and out. I love you always.”

This really is true.

While the merits of what Gabbana said are really beside the point, it might as well be pointed out while we’re here:

Selena Gomez is a very pretty young woman. Full stop. This statement really can’t be debated.

Over the years, Gabbana has bullied stars on social media numerous times, including Kate Mossand Victoria Beckham.

Most recently, he went after Kate Moss on the same Catwalk Italia Instagram page, dissing a Saint Laurent look she was wearing … just because.

In 2015, celebrities such as Elton John, Courtney Love and Ricky Martin boycotted the fashion brand over insensitive comments Dolce and Gabbana made about IVF and LGBTQ families.

Moreover, the brand released a $ 245 “#BoycottDolceGabbana” graphic T-shirt inspired by the negative response to First Lady Melania Trump wearing their designs.

In other words: it courts controversy like this.

So the best thing to do is what Selena has done, which is to totally and completely ignore the misguided and pathetic messenger.

This will be the last time we write about him.


Friday, June 8, 2018

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Jennifer Aniston Cutting Ties With Justin Theroux ... Because of Selena Gomez?!

It’s been four months since Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux ended their marriage, but they’re a modern couple with a lot of mutual friends, so they’ll probably stay on amicable turns, a la Chris and Gwyneth, Ross and Rachel, right?

Wrong! It turns out this situation is closer to when Rachel left that dentist at the altar or … every other non-Hollywood divorce you’ve ever heard about.

According to Life & Style, Jen and Justin are at war, and Aniston is planning to go nuclear on Justin’s career and social life.

But it wasn’t the breakup that left her so angry.

No, those who know them best say Jen and Justin parted on good terms.

Unfortunately, after the fact, the fact Justin went tom-catting about town with various young starlets, a practice that Jen took as his attempt to embarrass her publicly.

Sources say Aniston was particularly upset over rumors that Theroux is dating Selena Gomez, a woman with a well-known affinity for Justins.

Justin, Jen, Selena

“As far as Jen’s concerned, it’s her or Justin and she doesn’t want to be a part of Justin’s social chain,” a source tells L&S.

Selena may have been the final straw, but she’s not the first young starlet Justin’s been spotted with.

“Jen was angry enough to see [Justin] at dinner with Emma Stone, whom she considers a friend,” says the insider.

“But then she has to contend with new photos of him schmoozing all over Selena Gomez and it’s really tipped her over the edge.” 

Unfortunately for Jen, it seems she might be seeing a whole lot more of Jen and Justin canoodling.

“They’ve known each other for years through their manager,” the source claims.

“Initially, they leaned on each other for emotional support after going through messy breakups.”

The insider adds that Jen and Justin have “become closer than ever” in recent months, adding:

“It’s turned into something more than friendship.”

And if the insider is to be believed, Aniston has come up with a sort of sad revenge plan:

“Jen’s telling friends that she wants to date a younger guy,” the insider claims.

Seems to us that getting back together with Brad Pitt would be an even bigger eff-you, but maybe that’s just because we want to see that happen.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Selena Gomez: Avoiding Alcohol After Latest Stint in Rehab

Selena Gomez was recently spotted wearing semi-disastrous makeup. It’s also become clear that she regrets reuniting with Justin Bieber.

But she has bigger concerns, including her health. But she’s taking the steps that she needs to stay well.

Including, it’s reported, avoiding alcohol at all costs following her latest stint in rehab.

Page Six reports that Selena Gomez held a dry party at her California home last week to celebrate a friend’s birthday.

“Alcohol was not at the party.”

That’s what a dry party means.

“Selena is really focusing on her health.”

They mention that Selena did a two week stint in a luxury rehab facility, Prive-Swiss in Connecticut, back in February.

It is also mentioned that she reportedly continues to receive support of some kind from their program, though that could mean … almost anything.

“It was a family friendly party with a bouncy house and kids.”

Perhaps alcohol wouldn’t have been a good fit for that party, anyway.

In case you’re wondering if Selena has just decided that she’s done being fun, a couple of things.

One, drinking can be great, but if you need to drink to have fun, you have a problem. That’s not an insult, that’s a fact.

Two, we suspect that Selena’s focus on her health has to do with her ongoing battle with Lupus and the fact that she has only one kidney … a kidney donated to her by her very good friend Francia Raisa.

Kidneys are responsible for filtering your blood. A lot of people associate drinking with the liver, which is accurate, but heavy drinking can be hard on your kidneys.

We’re not suggesting that Selena is or has been a heavy drinker.

We’re just saying that she’s playing it safe and playing it smart because she values her life and her health.

Over the weekend, Selena joined her very good friend Taylor Swift at the Rose Bowl, which is a sporting event featuring college football.

Afterwards, Selena posted a selfie of the two of them being adorable together.

In the captions of the photo, she wrote:

“I’m grateful for those I surround myself with.”

Selena’s inner circle is very supportive.

“And this woman right here happens to be one of my favorites.”

That is so sweet.

“Love our tradition and I love you.”


Selena is obviously taking care of her health — her kidney transplant was less than a year ago, after all.

But some wonder if her party in California was as dry as it was for her sake, or for someone else’s.

First of all, it was a party for a friend.

Perhaps that friend is no longer drinking. Or hey, maybe a different friend who was invited isn’t drinking. A lot of people will go out of their way to accommodate those whom they love.

Or maybe there was no alcohol because it was a party featuring children. Not all parties are built alike, folks.

Someone who is avoiding alcohol for their health (or because they’re the designated driver, etc) rather than because they have a problem with alcohol can be around people drinking.

So let’s not make a mountain out of a molehill and assume that, if we see Selena toast with champagne, that she’s “off the wagon.”

But all of this is a reminder that Selena’s health issues did not go away when Francia gave her that life-saving kidney transplant.

Selena still has Lupus. And now she has to grapple with making sure that her body does not reject the donated kidney.

Her health battle will probably continue for a long time. She deserves so much better.


Sunday, May 20, 2018

Selena Gomez Surprise Guest at Taylor Swift Rose Bowl Reputation Concert

Taylor Swift brought her long-time bud Selena Gomez up on stage Saturday night at her Rose Bowl concert. Selena and Taylor sang “Hands to Myself” — Selena’s song — in the middle of the “Reputation” concert in Pasadena. The stadium packed for a…


Selena Gomez Surprise Guest at Taylor Swift Rose Bowl Reputation Concert

Taylor Swift brought her long-time bud Selena Gomez up on stage Saturday night at her Rose Bowl concert. Selena and Taylor sang “Hands to Myself” — Selena’s song — in the middle of the “Reputation” concert in Pasadena. The stadium packed for a…


daily-celebrities: Selena Gomez


Selena Gomez


Friday, May 18, 2018

golden-radiance: daily-celebrities: Selena Gomez 🌴🌴🌴



Selena Gomez



Jennifer Aniston to Justin Theroux: You Better Not Be Banging Selena Gomez!

It’s been three months since the world learned Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux have separated, and while both parties claim the split was amicable, their behavior during that time tells a different story.

Despite frequent rumors that Aniston is back together with Brad Pitt, there’s been no definitive indication that either party has moved on – and that might be by design.

Justin, Jen, Selena

Neither Jen nor Justin has come out and confirmed that they’re dating someone new, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re both still single.

In fact, Jen’s not the only one who’s been the subject of persistent rumors regarding an alleged rebound fling with an A-lister.

For several weeks now, rumors that Justin is dating Selena Gomez have been circulating on social media.

The whole thing seems very far-fetched, especially considering the fact that Justin is 21 years Selena’s senior.

But according to Hollywood Life, Jen has been considering the possibility that there’s some truth to these reports.

And she’s very, very unhappy about it:

“Jennifer is upset over the dating rumors swirling around her ex and Selena,” claims a source close to the actress.

“It hurts Jen to think that Justin would move on already,” the insider adds.

“To think of him with anyone else, especially someone so young and that Jen has a personal relationship with like Selena, is painful for her. Jen doesn’t want to think about it and definitely does not believe it.”

And it seems Selena isn’t the only potential rebound partner that Jen is concerned about these days:

“Jennifer is tired of hearing about all the women Justin may be dating since there split,” the source continued.

“From Emma Watson to Selena, Jen is furious over every picture she sees of her ex with another pretty face out in New York. Jen won’t believe any of the rumors until she hears from Justin himself that he is involved in a new relationship.”

Yes, it seems Jen is concerned that Justin is running around Manhattan sleeping with everything with a pulse, a la Joey Tribbiani.

We’re of the opinion that the only way for Jen to exact revenge is for her to engage in a high-profile fling with Brad.

Actually, we have no idea if that would bother Justin or not.

We’d just like to see Jen engage in a high-profile fling with Brad Pitt.

Give the people what they want, you two!


Wednesday, May 16, 2018