Showing posts with label Sentenced. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sentenced. Show all posts

Friday, March 9, 2018

Martin Shkreli Sentenced to 7 Years in Prison!!!

Like many Americans, the early months of 2018 may have left you with the distinct sense that the world has lost its way, and truth and justice have fallen victim to the pressures and temptations of the modern age.

But it’s always darkest before the dawn, and today the citizenry of this proud nation can come together to celebrate the comeuppance of a world-class douche nozzle:

You may remember Martin Shkreli as the “Pharma Bro” who jacked up the price of a life-saving medication by more than 5,000 percent during his brief time as CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals.

The world quickly learned that Shkreli was not merely a calculating business man who saw an opportunity to widen his profit margins, but a full-blown cartoon supervillain who reveled in sowing chaos, tormenting those who he believed to be his enemies, and generally behaving like a flat-out penis wrinkle.

While the best-known example of Shkreli’s rampant dickishness might be his decision to purchase the exclusive rights to a $ 2 million Wu Tang Clan album, which he then refused to release to the public, his sinister actions were taking place behind closed doors.

Back in December of 2015, Shkreli was arrested for securities fraud, having allegedly defrauded investors during his time as a hedge fund manager.

Today, Shkreli was sentenced to seven years in prison for his crimes.

Those present in the courtroom say the 34-year-old openly wept as his sentence was read.

“I’m not the same person I was. I know right from wrong,” Shkreli told the judge while pleaing for clemency.

“I know what it means to tell the truth and what it means to lie. I am terribly sorry I lost your trust. You deserve far better,” he told the investors he defrauded.

“I was wrong. I was a fool. I should have known better.”

Neither the judge nor US Attorney Jacqueline Kasulis was moved to sympathy for Shkreli:

“I  want to make clear that Mr. Shkreli is not a child,” Kasulis told the court.

“Mr. Shkreli is about to turn 35 years old, he’s a man. He’s not a teenager who just needs some mentoring. He is a man who needs to take responsibility for his actions.”

Adding insult to injury, Shkreli’s own attorney told the judge that he often wants to punch his client in the face, but that the former CEOs status as “the most hated man in America” should not affect his sentencing.

Shkreli has behind bars since September, when his parole was revoked after he posted threats to Hillary Clinton on his Facebook page.

We’re sure he’ll be missed by … his mom? Maybe he had a doorman he was nice to, or something?


Martin Shkreli Sentenced to 7 Years in Prison

Martin Shkreli’s gonna be separated from his $ 2 million Wu-Tang album for at least 7 years … that’s how long he’s going away to prison. A judge sentenced the former pharmaceuticals exec to federal prison Friday morning in his securities fraud…


Ohio Teacher Sentenced to Jail for Sex with Female Student

Brooke Rosendale, a fifth grade intervention specialist and volleyball and basketball coach in Ohio, was been sentenced to three years in jail.

The ruling came down on Wednesday, after Rosendale pleaded guilty to a sexual relationship with a 13-year old female student.

According to an arrest report (obtained by People Magazine), the Riverdale School employee engaged in sexual contact with the unnamed teenager in January and February of last year.

The incidents did not happen on school grounds, the document states.

Based on this same report, Rosendale (who was convicted on a charge of third-degree felony count of sexual battery) was not the teacher of the girl with whom she slept.

Instead, the two met via the school’s extracurricular programs.

Rosendale, who resigned her position one months after this inappropriate relationship ended, must now register as a Tier 3 sex offender going forward.

She also must pay $ 225 in restitution to the family of her former student.

In court, Rosendale’s attorney, Peter Halleck, said his client has accepted responsibility for her actions and has expressed remorse to him on multiple occasions.

However, Hancock County Common Pleas Judge Reginald Routson, the judge who oversaw the case, came across as skeptical that Rosendale truly understood her actions.

“You stepped across a line, a taboo that cannot be violated,” Routson said, according to court records.

He added:

“There cannot be any sort of relationships between teachers and students and you betrayed a very important trust.”

Rosendale apologized Wednesday to the parents of the student, who appeared in court but did not wish to make a statement in public.

“I want to apologize to the family,” she said. “I know I hurt them and I apologize.”

Rosendale got engaged in July of 2016 and was scheduled to get married on November 4, 2017, per a section on

It’s unclear at this time whether or not Rosendale went through with the wedding.

In March of 2017, the teenager’s parents reported these sexual incidents to the school district.

After the Hancock County Sheriff’s Office launched a criminal investigation, Rosendale resigned from her position.

She has also relinquished her teaching certificate.


Saturday, March 3, 2018

Columbus Short Sentenced to 1 Year in Jail in Domestic Violence Case

Columbus Short is going to jail for several months after pleading no contest to hitting his current wife … TMZ has learned. The ex-“Scandal” star entered his plea Friday in L.A. after getting arrested back in November. According to…


Monday, February 5, 2018

Larry Nassar Sentenced Again, Gets Up to 125 Years for Sexual Abuse

Larry Nassar was just sentenced to an additional 40-125 YEARS in prison … less than 2 weeks after a judge signed his “death warrant” with a 40-175 year term in a separate case. This time, the disgraced ex-Team USA doctor was being charged for…


Larry Nassar Sentenced Again, Gets Up to 125 Years for Sexual Abuse

Larry Nassar was just sentenced to an additional 40-125 YEARS in prison … less than 2 weeks after a judge signed his “death warrant” with a 40-175 year term in a separate case. This time, the disgraced ex-Team USA doctor was being charged for…


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Larry Nassar Sentenced to 175 Years in Horrific Sexual Abuse Case

Dubbed “the most prolific child molester in history,” Larry Nassar was sentenced to a lifetime in prison on Wednesday.

The former Team USA gymnastics doctor, Nassar has been accused of sexual misconduct and abuse by countless women, including such famous ex-clients as Simone Biles and Aly Raisman.

Altogether, approximately 140 victims have come forward with similar stories about Nassar.

Many of them read open letters in court over the past several days about the predator, detailing how Nassar would touch them inappropriately during medical exams.

They described the heinous ways in which he abused them and manipulated them over the years, claiming as he did so that he was simply servicing them as a medical professional and trying out new techniques for healing.

It’s truly despicable stuff.

After days of hearing these emotional impact statements, Judge Rosemarie Aquilina of Michigan’s Ingham County Circuit Court sentenced the 54-year-old deviant to the lengthy sentence, castigating him in court as follows:

“Your crimes have cut into the core of this community and families and many we don’t know.

“There was no medical treatment.

“You did this for your pleasure and your control. You still think that somehow you are right … I wouldn’t send my dogs to you, sir.”

“It was my honor and privilege to sentence you,” Aquilina added later, stating that she wants him to remain behind bars for the rest of his life.

“I just signed your death warrant.”

Nassar pleaded guilty in November to numerous counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct.

Other victims you may have heard of include Olympic champions and medal winners McKayla Maroney and Gabby Douglas.

“We know without a doubt after these seven days – what we and this team have known for 16 months – [Nassar] is perhaps the most prolific child molester in history … who spared no one,” Assistant District Attorney Angela Povilaitis said in court this morning.

She continued:

“The defendant hid behind Olympic rings. Every previous time there had been an allegation, nothing happened. His lies worked.

“This court [heard[ from several women some decades later who were initially determined to be confused or to be liars. He was believed over these children.”

Prior to his sentencing, Nassar read brief prepared remarks.

“Your words these past several days have had a significant emotional effect on myself,” he said, speaking to his victims and adding:

“I recognize that what I’m feeling pales in comparison to the pain, trauma and emotional destruction that all of you have felt.

“There are no words to describe the depth and breadth of how sorry I am for what has occurred. I will carry your words with me for the rest of my days.”

However, he also submitted a letter to the judge that was read aloud today.

It included the sentence “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” and the claim that these “stories are being fabricated to sensationalize this…”

The crowd in the courtroom audibly gasped as the judge read Nassar’s letter to the public.

Nassar was fired by USA Gymnastics in 2015 after working with the organization since 1986.

He had been serving as its national medical coordinator since 1996.

Last Friday, Raisman made national headlines and earned global acclaim and respect for addressing her abuser face-to-face in court.

“We, this group of women you so heartlessly abused over such a long period of time, are now a force, and you are nothing,” she said.

“The tables have turned, Larry. We are here. We have our voices, and we are not going anywhere.”

Thankfully, though, Nassar is going somewhere.

He’s going to rot in prison forever.


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Larry Nassar: Team Doctor Who Molested Over 140 Girls Sentenced for Child Porn

Back in October, Olympic gymnast McKayla Maroney revealed how she was molested by her team doctor, Larry Nassar.

In November, teammate Aly Raisman added her name to the list of over 140 young women with their own stories of abuse in the guise of medical care by Dr. Nassar.

On Thursday, Larry Nassar was sentenced — not for sex abuse, but for child pornography charges.

Dr. Larry Nassar, who is 54 years old, has been in prison while awaiting sentencing.

During that time, McKayla Maroney and Aly Raisman revealed that Dr. Nassar had molested them, sharing their heartbreaking #MeToo stories with the world.

Like so many others, these Olympic superstars describe Dr. Nassar, at the time their team doctor, administering “treatments” to them under the guise of medical practice.

Olympic athletes (and others) often require legitimate therapies such as massage.

Nassar, it is described, would use these as opportunities to molest the young girls who had been entrusted to his care.

These monstrous deeds are evil to their core and unforgivable.

But, though Nassar has pleaded guilty to 10 counts of sexual assault (a drop in the bucket compared to the number of accusers), it is not for these heinous crimes that he’s been sentenced.

Larry Nassar was on trial for possession of child pornography.

How much child pornography? … asked virtually no one.

He was found to have come into possession of 37,000 images that constitute child pornography.

That almost certainly means that he was collecting photos of very real children who are victims or who were victims. Awful on its own, particularly if he then shared those images or in any way financially compensated the ones who gave them to him.

Dr. Nassar was also accused of trying to destroy those images in order to avoid being held accountable for possessing child pornography.

His sentence:

60 years in federal prison.

Federal Judge Janet Neff explained (though she really didn’t need to) her reasoning behind the decision:

That Larry Nassar “should never again have access to children.”

We strongly agree.

Possibly influencing the judge’s decision were impact statements from Nassar’s many victims, including McKayla Maroney.

“Dr. Nassar was not a doctor, he in fact is, was, and forever shall be, a child molester, and a monster of a human being.”


“It all started when I was 13 or 14 years old, at one of my first National Team training camps, in Texas, and it didn’t end until I left the sport.”

That is a nightmare.

“It seemed whenever and wherever this man could find the chance, I was ‘treated.’ It happened in London before my team and I won the gold medal, and It happened before I won my Silver Medal.”


“For me, the scariest night of my life happened when I was 15 years old. I had flown all day and night with the team to get to Tokyo.”

This is not new information, and matches what she disclosed months ago. But that doesn’t mean that it was any easier for her to write.

“He’d given me a sleeping pill for the flight, and the next thing I know, I was all alone with him in his hotel room getting a ‘treatment.’ I thought I was going to die that night.”

McKayla’s mother, Erin Maroney, also gave an impact statement about how this traumatic experience changed her daughter’s life.

“This experience has been shattering to McKayla.”

Of course it was.

“She has transformed from a bubbly, positive, loving, world class athlete into a young adult who was deeply depressed, at times suicidal and essentially descended into an emotional abyss.”

Abusing a child is a tragedy that can never be undone. They can heal, but they’ll never recover the formative years that they lost to trauma.

“At times I was unsure whether I would open her bedroom door and find her dead.”

We are eternally grateful that this monster’s abuses did not claim McKayla’s life.

“Her father and I have been living this nightmare for years and until recently we felt hopeless. Nassar and those individuals and institutions that protected him almost snuffed out my daughter.”

Michegan State University is accused of having helped to cover up Larry Nassar’s crimes. They adamantly deny it.


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Ex-USC Linebacker Osa Masina Sentenced to Jail For Sexual Battery

Ex-USC football player Osa Masina was sentenced to 3 years behind bars on Tuesday after pleading guilty to 3 counts of misdemeanor sexual battery … but will only be locked up for 1 year.  Masina learned his fate at a Salt Lake City courthouse…


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

TMZ Live: Meek Mill: Sentenced to 2-4 Years In Prison

ON TODAY’S SHOW Kim & Kanye Make A Fortune Selling Mansion ‘Housewives’ Star: Handgun Stolen From Car Diddy: The Controversial Name Change Cardi B: Flaunting Her Stuff At Strip Club


Meek Mill Sentenced to Prison; Jay-Z Reacts in Outrage

Meek Mill has feuded with Drake, Nicki Minaj and Safaree Samuels over the years.

But the rapper now needs to prepare himself for a few rivalries of a different nature.

We’re referring to those that take place in a prison yard.

Because Meek Mill is going to jail.

The artist received a sentence of two to four years behind bars on Monday after the star violated his probation due to a pair of arrests earlier this year.

The first such arrest took place in March following a scuffle at an airport in St. Louis, although the related charges were dropped.

Meek Mill then pleaded guilty to reckless driving in October after he shared videos of himself doing wheelies on a dirt bike in New York City.

(This was not his brightest moment, even he’s likely to admit.)

According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, Common Pleas Court Judge Genece E. Brinkley determined yesterday that these acts violated the terms of Meek Mill’s probation, which stemmed from a 2008 drug and gun possession charge.

“I gave you break after break, and you basically just thumbed your nose at this court,” Brinkley told Mil, explaining that his sentence would be served in state prison, where he would be eligible for state parole supervision after two years.

“Then I’ll be done with you,” she added.

Meek Mill was ordered into custody and escorted by sheriff’s deputies out of the courtroom on the spot.

His lawyer said he would be appealing the decision.

Jay-Z, whose Roc Nation company manages the rapper, denounced the sentence on Facebook. 

He issued a straightforward and harsh assessment of what the judge decreed, writing on the aforementioned social media platform:

“The sentence handed down by the Judge – against the recommendation of the Assistant District Attorney and Probation Officer – is unjust and heavy handed.

“We will always stand by and support Meek Mill, both as he attempts to right this wrongful sentence and then in returning to his musical career.”

We’ll let readers know when Meek Mill appeals this verdict and what comes of it.


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Ex-NFL Running Back Sentenced In Knife Slashing Dom. Violence Case

Ex-Indianapolis Colts fullback Roosevelt Potts was sentenced to 2 years in prison for a domestic violence incident in which he slashed a woman with a knife … but he likely won’t spend another minute behind bars.  The story is pretty…


Friday, August 4, 2017

"So You Think You Can Dance" Star Sentenced to 1 Year in Jail for Attacking GF

Joshua Allen — the Season 4 winner of “So You Think You Can Dance” — was sentenced to 1 year behind bars for attacking his girlfriend … TMZ has learned. Allen pled no contest Thursday to felony domestic violence and felony assault with a deadly…


Michelle Carter Sentenced to Minimum of 15 Months in Prison for Encouraging Boyfriend’s Suicide

Michelle Carter, the Massachusetts native who was convicted several weeks ago of involuntary manslaughter in the 2014 suicide of her boyfriend, was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison today.

She is only expected to serve 15 months, however, as a judge declared the rest of her sentence suspended.

Moreover, Carter will not begin serving her term until her potential appeal is resolved, a judge ruled this afternoon.

Michelle Carter

Carter’s case has garnered national headlines due to its unusual nature.

While the way Carter acted toward Conrad Roy three years ago was undeniable despicable, questions have been raised over whether she ought to be held legally responsible for his death.

In July of 2014, Roy locked himself in his truck and committed suicide via carbon monoxide poisoning.

The incident took place after Carter, who was 17 years old at the time, urged Roy – through text messages and phone conversations – to take his own life.

She was even on the phone with him, encouraging the 18-year old, who had a history of mental illness, to remain his pickup truck as it filled with the deadly gas while it was parked near a store.

Altogether, it is believed Carter sent Roy over 1,000 text messages during their relationship.

carter, m

Among the most damaging were messages such as the following:

  • You always say you’re gonna do it, but you never do. I just want to make sure tonight is the real thing.

  • You just have to do it.

  • It’s painless and quick.

Authorities also discovered Carter’s written admission to a friend in which she thought back a phone call with Roy, who had exited his truck as it filled with toxic fumes.

He told her that he was frightened and didn’t want to abandon his family.

“Get back in,” Carter said she told him.

In June, Massachusetts Judge Lawrence Moniz found Carter guilty of involuntary manslaughter, describing her behavior as “reckless.”

While confirming the verdict, Moniz said that Carter instructed Roy “to get back into the truck well knowing of all of the feelings he [had] exchanged with her, his ambiguities, his fears, his concerns.”

During the case, prosecutors asked for Carter to receive between seven and 12 years in prison, while Carter’s lawyer recommended five years of supervised probation and mental health counseling.

According to court documents, Carter and Roy had been texting about death for many weeks leading up to the suicide, The Washington Post has written.

Per the newspaper, in one message, Carter (pictured below) wrote:

“You’re finally going to be happy in heaven. No more pain. It’s OK to be scared and it’s normal. I mean, you’re about to die.”


In a statement read in court prior to sentencing, Conrad’s mother, Lynn Roy, wrote the following:

“There is not one day that I do not mourn the loss of my beloved son.”

Added his father:

“Michelle Carter exploited my son’s weaknesses and used him as a pawn. How could Michelle Carter behave so viscously and encourage my son to end his life? Where was her humanity?”

In announcing today’s sentencing, Bristol County Juvenile Court Judge Lawrence Moniz said:

“This court must and has balanced between rehabilitation, the promise that rehabilitation would work and a punishment for the actions that have occurred.”


If you or someone you know is showing warning signs of suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK.

You can also text the Crisis Text Line at 741741 or seek help from a professional.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Danielle Bregoli: Cash Me Ousside Girl SENTENCED to ...

Fourteen-year-old Danielle Bregoli skyrocketed to fame when her unbelievable bad behavior and ludicrous catchphrase — Cash me ousside, howbow dah? — made waves on Dr. Phil and then on social media.

But, you know how we mentioned that soon we might cash Danielle Bregoli in jail for a string of alleged criminal offenses committed before she became so (in)famous?

Well … she’s been sentenced. …

If you’re forgetting what exactly her crime was, it wasn’t weakening the fabric of society or being thoroughly obnoxious.

(Remember, she’s 14 and a product of her environment … and considering how awful her mother is, we kind of understand why she is the way that she is)

No, it was for two counts of grand theft (for repeatedly stealing her mother’s car).

Plus a count of filing a false police report.

Oh, and getting caught with marijuana — which shouldn’t be a crime but also fourteen-year-olds should not have access without a medical prescription.

And now she’s finally finding out the consequences for her out-of-control behavior.

She’ll be sentenced to juvenile detention, like so many other troubled young people.


Danielle Bregoli is rich and she’s white! (Privilege is a thing, folks)

Countless teens get their lives ruined over a few simple mistakes that are either harmless or should get them counseling. Instead, they’re thrown in with some genuinely dangerous young people and lose years of their adolescence.

Not so for Danielle.

TMZ reports that Danielle Bregoli has been sentenced to five years of probation.

That’s actually pretty lengthy for probation for non-violent offenses committed by a juvenile, right?

It sounds that way to us, anyway.

Maybe the judge was hoping to make sure that Danielle Bregoli behaves herself for at least the rest of the time that she’s a legal minor. If she does, she could be a totally different person by the time that she turns 18.

Or … perhaps the judge was trying to compensate for how lenient the sentence must seem.

Especially since Danielle will be allowed to serve out her probation in L.A. where she now lives.

So she’s definitely getting off easy.

We don’t know how this will impact Danielle Bregoli’s upcoming reality series, except that it was probably going to be in L.A. anyway.

It’s not that people were hoping to tune in to see her rob banks or whatever.

Mostly, people who will watch will be doing so to hear her mouth off ridiculous things around the house and, we imagine, be placed in fish-out-of-water situations where her trashy behavior will clash with, say, dining at a Michelin Star restaurant or doing anything else unfamiliar.

That’s just speculation on our part, because we can’t see a show about Danielle lounging on a couch or on a car that she’s too young to drive getting sustainable ratings.

Though, no matter where she is, we imagine that she’s going to have some heated words for people. That’s kind of her thing.

But if she were to actually cash someone ousside — that is, meet them outside in order to physically fight them because she’s 14 and tiny and full of hormones and rage — Danielle Bregoli would be in violation of her parole.

And we imagine that it’s hard to film a reality show from juvie, folks.

Danielle Bregoli is one of those situations where we feel like rewarding her for her bad behavior might be her best chance in life.

(No offense but, like, what kind of career was she looking at if she didn’t become famous? People from all walks of life can rocket to success, but a terrible upbringing is hard to overcome — and Lake Worth, Florida isn’t exactly ripe with opportunities)

We hope that her new life and meeting hopefully more responsible adults helps her to understand the changes that she needs to make for herself, even if she keeps up her act on camera.

What we really hope for Danielle Bregoli, aside from abiding by her probation guidelines and learning what it means to be a functional human being, is for her to follow Ariel Winter’s example and get away from her horrible mother.

It’s hard to see her moving forward with her mom still in the picture.


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

"Cash Me Outside" Girl Danielle Bregoli Sentenced to Five Years Probation on Multiple Charges

The “Cash Me Outside” girl will NOT be going to jail after pleading guilty to multiple charges last month … ‘cause the kid struck a plea deal and got probation instead. Danielle Bregoli, who’s 14, was sentenced to 5 years probation Tuesday in…


Monday, July 31, 2017

NFL"s Chris Clemons Sentenced To Jail For KO"ing Woman

NFL player Chris Clemons has been found guilty of assault after knocking a woman out cold in a parking lot dispute back in May of 2016 … and now he’ll be doing time behind bars. We broke the story … witnesses told police Clemons punched a…


Saturday, July 15, 2017

Cat Killer/Sexual Abuser Robert Farmer Sentenced to 16 Years in Prison

Robert Farmer will be behind bars 16 years for shocking crimes … killing 21 cats and sexually abusing the carcass of one of them. Farmer, who’s dad is a retired captain from the San Jose PD, was apprehended at a Home Depot … sleeping in his car…


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Ex-49ers RB Derek Loville Sentenced to Prison for Dealing Drugs

Ex-NFL running back Derek Loville was sentenced to 15 months prison on Wednesday … five months after pleading guilty to dealing ecstasy and oxycodone for an international drug ring. Loville got his supply from an offshore gambling and drug…


Friday, June 9, 2017

DeMarcus Ware Super Bowl Ring Burglars Sentenced To Jail

The guys who burglarized DeMarcus Ware’s house and jacked his Super Bowl ring will be spending some time behind bars, TMZ Sports has learned.  As we previously reported, two guys were busted for breaking into the NFL’s star Denver home back in…
