Showing posts with label Sexually. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sexually. Show all posts

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Donald Trump Accused of Sexually Assaulting Four Women

More shocking against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump today, as three women have come forward to accuse the candidate of groping and sexually harassing them.

Two of the incidents were reported Wednesday by Jessica Leeds and Rachel Crooks, who claim that Trump physically violated them in separate incidents that took place months apart.

Leeds, now 74, says that Trump grabbed her breasts and attempted to lift her skirt when she was seated next to him on a flight to New York in the early ’80s.

“He was like an octopus,” Leeds tells the New York Times. “His hands were everywhere.”

She added, “It was an assault.”

The second incident, as described by Crooks, took place at Manhattan Trump Tower while she was working as a receptionist there in 2005.

Crooks says the incident began when she and Trump were wating for an elevator together, and the real estate magnate refused to let go after shaking her hand.

“[Trump] kissed me directly on the mouth,” Crooks told the Times.

“It was so inappropriate. I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that.”

Trump categorically denied the charges, and reportedly became became irate with a Times reporter when asked about them.

“None of this ever took place,” Trump responded when asked about the allegations, adding:

 “You are a disgusting human being,” 

A third woman, Mindy McGillivray, tells the Palm Beach Post that she was working at Trump’s Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago, as an assistant go photographer Ken Davidoff when she was groped by Trump in 2003.

“All of a sudden I felt a grab, a little nudge,” Gillivray recalls.

“I think it’s Ken’s camera bag, that was my first instinct. I turn around and there’s Donald.

“He sort of looked away quickly. I quickly turned back, facing Ray Charles, and I’m stunned.”

She added:

“This was a pretty good nudge. More of a grab,” McGillivray, who also did not press charges, recalled. “It was pretty close to the center of my butt. I was startled. I jumped.”

On Wednesday night, People magazine writer Natasha Stoynoff published a shocking account in which she revealed that she was also accosted by Trump at Mar-a-Lago, just months after the real estate mogul married Melania Knauss.

“He was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat,” Stoynoff writes, adding that she most definitely “did not give consent” for the unwelcome physical contact.

The allegations couldn’t come at a worse time for the Trump campaign.

On Friday, video of Trump boasting about acts of sexual assault was released by the Washington Post:

Since then, numerous reports of Trump objectifying and behaving in a sexually inappropriate manner have occurred.

Trump has been accused of everything from referring to his daughter, Ivanka Trump, as a “piece of ass” to fondling and harassing Apprentice contestants, including Celebrity Apprentice stars Lisa Rinna and Marlee Matlin.

Last night, the world learned that Trump joked about dating a 10-year-old in the presence of the little girl and her parents.

All of this at a time when Hillary Clinton is pulling away from Trump in key battleground states.

While Trump may never face any legal consequences for his alleged aggressions against women, at the moment, it looks like his political comeuppance will indeed come from a female opponent.


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Derick Dillard on El Salvador: People Get Sexually Assaulted Down Here!

Even if you’re not a fan of the family or its reality shows, you’ve probably heard about the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

In case you somehow missed it (or managed to successfully block it out of your memory), here’s a brief rundown:

Don’t click on that after eating, or before bed, or any other time that you don’t want to be exposed to nightmare fuel more potent than anything Stephen King could dream up on his best day.

Anyway, Josh won’t appear on Counting On, because even the Duggars occasionally demonstrate good sense.

So why are talking just days after the show kicked off its second season?

Well, it all has to do with a newly-released “extended trailer” for Counting On Season 2.

You see, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard recently returned to Arkansas after a year of missionary work in Central America.

Part of the reason for that is that they’ve apparently decided El Salvador is simply not a safe place to raise a family.

Derick explains why in the clip below:

“There are a lot of dangerous realities that do come with living in a place like Central America,” Der tells the camera.

“Kidnappings, rape, murder – those are realities that everyone here has to face on a daily basis.”

He went on to say that we should build a wall around El Salvador and make their government pay for it.

Okay, we may have made that last part up.

And Derick’s point is a valid one in that there is more violent crime in many South and Central American countries than in the US.

Even so, it’s not hard to see why some fans were upset by his remarks.

The man is sitting next to his wife, who was molested by Josh Duggar, and saying that he’s looking forward to returning home because people get sexually assaulted in these parts, by golly!

It’s another indication that for all their lip service regarding the seriousness of Josh’s crimes, the Duggars and the men who married into the Duggar family aren’t really cognizant of the fact that they live with a child molester who evaded the authorities with the help of his parents.

If they really internalized that, there would be no way that they wouldn’t be seething with anger at Josh and Michelle and Jim Bob for helping him get away with his crimes.

And there’s no way that Derick would sit there and bemoan the prevalence of unpunished sexual assault in El Salvador.

Watch Counting On online at TV Fanatic for more obliviousness from the Dugz.

Derick Dillard on El Salvador: People Get Sexually Assaulted Down Here!

Even if you’re not a fan of the family or its reality shows, you’ve probably heard about the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

In case you somehow missed it (or managed to successfully block it out of your memory), here’s a brief rundown:

Don’t click on that after eating, or before bed, or any other time that you don’t want to be exposed to nightmare fuel more potent than anything Stephen King could dream up on his best day.

Anyway, Josh won’t appear on Counting On, because even the Duggars occasionally demonstrate good sense.

So why are talking just days after the show kicked off its second season?

Well, it all has to do with a newly-released “extended trailer” for Counting On Season 2.

You see, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard recently returned to Arkansas after a year of missionary work in Central America.

Part of the reason for that is that they’ve apparently decided El Salvador is simply not a safe place to raise a family.

Derick explains why in the clip below:

“There are a lot of dangerous realities that do come with living in a place like Central America,” Der tells the camera.

“Kidnappings, rape, murder – those are realities that everyone here has to face on a daily basis.”

He went on to say that we should build a wall around El Salvador and make their government pay for it.

Okay, we may have made that last part up.

And Derick’s point is a valid one in that there is more violent crime in many South and Central American countries than in the US.

Even so, it’s not hard to see why some fans were upset by his remarks.

The man is sitting next to his wife, who was molested by Josh Duggar, and saying that he’s looking forward to returning home because people get sexually assaulted in these parts, by golly!

It’s another indication that for all their lip service regarding the seriousness of Josh’s crimes, the Duggars and the men who married into the Duggar family aren’t really cognizant of the fact that they live with a child molester who evaded the authorities with the help of his parents.

If they really internalized that, there would be no way that they wouldn’t be seething with anger at Josh and Michelle and Jim Bob for helping him get away with his crimes.

And there’s no way that Derick would sit there and bemoan the prevalence of unpunished sexual assault in El Salvador.

Watch Counting On online at TV Fanatic for more obliviousness from the Dugz.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Roseanne Barr: Louis C.K. Sexually Assaults Women!

Last year, comedian Louis C.K. was accused of sexual assault by a young man identified only as “Jason,” who claimed to have contacted the comic to request that he stop behaving inappropriately with female comedians.

Jason told Gawker that he sent C.K. the following email after learning of some disturbing allegations:

“Hey could you please stop sexually assaulting female comics? It’s really uncomfortable to have to ask your hero to stop taking his penis out in front of uninterested and frightened girls, but such is life.”

Jason claimed that C.K. expressed concerns about the allegations, but never denied them.

Shortly thereafter, comedian Jen Kirkman described an uncomfortable encounter with a male comic who sounded an awful lot like C.K:

“And then I had another guy who is a very famous comic,” Kirkman said in a now-deleted episode of her podcast.

“He is probably at Cosby level at this point. He is lauded as a genius. He is basically a French filmmaker at this point. You know, new material every year. 

“He’s a known perv … This guy didn’t rape me, but he made a certain difficult decision to go on tour with him really hard. Because I knew if I did, I’d be getting more of the same weird treatment I’d been getting from him.”

Surprisingly, the claims against C.K. never received any attention from mainstream press outlets, and most fans were probably unaware of the situation when the beloved comic briefly addressed it during a recent interview with Vulture.

Now, however, it seems that fellow comedian Roseanne Barr has taken it upon herself to ensure that the allegations won’t be swept under the carpet again.

“I’ve been speaking up,” Barr said in a recent interview with the Daily Beast.

“It’s Louis C.K., locking the door and masturbating in front of women comics and writers. I can’t tell you – I’ve heard so many stories. Not just him, but a lot of them. And it’s just par for the course. It’s just shit women have to put up with.”

It was the first time that someone who was willing to be identified mentioned C.K.’s name in connection with the allegations.

Shortly after the interview appeared online, however, Barr sent the site a follow-up email clarifying that she has no firsthand experience of C.K.’s alleged misconduct:

The email noted that accusations against C.K. “have been leveled and talked about for years. I do not have first hand knowledge, though have heard women make these allegations.”

It sounds like Barr’s way of backing away from previous statement for legal reasons.

Despite that, you can be sure this won’t be the last time she addresses the matter.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Kelly Osbourne: I Was Sexually Assaulted in a Bar!

Kelly Osbourne was involved in a bizarre incident in a Los Angeles bar last week, and some witnesses are claiming the 31-year-old media personality was publicly groped by a stranger in public. 

It’s unclear exactly what happened, as several bar patrons have offered conflicting stories, and an unsettling number of them seem inexplicably fixated on Kelly’s level of intoxication.

According to Radar Online, the incident occurred while Osbourne was hanging out with a friend at the Sunset Marquis Hotel on June 16.

“Kelly seemed wasted drunk and she was screaming and causing a scene,” one eyewitness tells Radar.

“She was with a group of people in a VIP area when she had this meltdown. People definitely noticed!”

“She was happy and celebrating,” a different onlooker counters.

“She was absolutely not thrown out of the bar.”

A third patron offers a possible explanation for the conflicting nature of the first two stories with this account:

“Kelly was having a calm night with her friends when a guy in the bar tried to put his hand up her skirt. Some heated words were exchanged, and it’s no wonder. She’s an Osbourne!”

Well, we don’t think you have to be an Osbourne to get upset when you’re sexually assaulted, particularly when the violation happens in public, and every witness is more concerned with how drunk you are.

Kelly has been back in the tabloids in recent weeks as a result of Ozzy Osbourne’s affair with Michelle Pugh.

Kelly has taken the controversial stance that her father is not to blame, and is in fact a victim of elder abuse.

Earlier this month, Kelly posted Pugh’s phone number on Twitter, in a move that many decried as a shameful act of cyberbullying.

We may never know exactly what happened last week, but it’s clearly another strange chapter in the increasingly bizarre life of Kelly Osbourne.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Meri Brown Catfish Scandal: "Sexually Graphic" Voicemails, Photos to Be Released

Sister Wives star Meri Brown had hoped her embarrassing catfishing debacle was behind her, but it only seems to be getting worse.

As you may recall, last year the reality TV star admitted to an online affair she had with a man named Sam Cooper who, much to her surprise, turned out to be a woman named Jackie Overton.

But as if that weren’t enough, Overton now tells Life & Style that she has photos and more than 100 “sexually graphic” voicemails from Meri that she plans to make public.

“I am releasing 100 more voice mails on my blog, along with photos and more,” Overton said.

Last year, the catfisher wrote a tell-all book entitled Almost Meri’d, which chronicles the elicit affair and reveals details about their intimate conversations, including Meri’s deep thoughts on ex-husband Kody Brown.

“The whole situation is embarrassing to Meri,” a source told the magazine. “She’s determined to fight. But she knows it won’t be easy.”

Shortly after the scandal became public, Meri, Kody and the entire harem opened up about the ordeal during a reunion episode of Sister Wives.

It was revealed that Meri first confessed to fellow sister wife Robyn, and then to Kody.

“I just knew I had to,” Meri said.

It could’ve been her good conscience, but she also revealed that Overton had threatened to destroy her and her unconventional family.

“I believe that was the goal – to break up this family,” she said.

With any luck, Meri will have the last laugh and expose Overton for the dirtbag she is. A documentary about the calamity is currently in the works.

“We’re going to be using the unfortunate scandal involving Meri as the catalyst to have a discussion about catfishing, identity theft and fraud,” said filmmaker Shannon C. Keith. “I hope to expose slimy catfish.”

We hope so, too.

While we may not be down with Kody Brown and his lifelong orgy, catfishers are the real bottom dwellers here.

Meri Brown Catfish Scandal: "Sexually Graphic" Voicemails, Photos to Be Released

Sister Wives star Meri Brown had hoped her embarrassing catfishing debacle was behind her, but it only seems to be getting worse.

As you may recall, last year the reality TV star admitted to an online affair she had with a man named Sam Cooper who, much to her surprise, turned out to be a woman named Jackie Overton.

But as if that weren’t enough, Overton now tells Life & Style that she has photos and more than 100 “sexually graphic” voicemails from Meri that she plans to make public.

“I am releasing 100 more voice mails on my blog, along with photos and more,” Overton said.

Last year, the catfisher wrote a tell-all book entitled Almost Meri’d, which chronicles the elicit affair and reveals details about their intimate conversations, including Meri’s deep thoughts on ex-husband Kody Brown.

“The whole situation is embarrassing to Meri,” a source told the magazine. “She’s determined to fight. But she knows it won’t be easy.”

Shortly after the scandal became public, Meri, Kody and the entire harem opened up about the ordeal during a reunion episode of Sister Wives.

It was revealed that Meri first confessed to fellow sister wife Robyn, and then to Kody.

“I just knew I had to,” Meri said.

It could’ve been her good conscience, but she also revealed that Overton had threatened to destroy her and her unconventional family.

“I believe that was the goal – to break up this family,” she said.

With any luck, Meri will have the last laugh and expose Overton for the dirtbag she is. A documentary about the calamity is currently in the works.

“We’re going to be using the unfortunate scandal involving Meri as the catalyst to have a discussion about catfishing, identity theft and fraud,” said filmmaker Shannon C. Keith. “I hope to expose slimy catfish.”

We hope so, too.

While we may not be down with Kody Brown and his lifelong orgy, catfishers are the real bottom dwellers here.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

12 Celebrities Who Have Been Sexually Assaulted

These celebrities comprise a list that no one wants to be on.

Each has been a victim of sexual assault and our heart goes out to each one…

1. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah winfrey

The talk show icon has been open about the fact that she was raped by a relative at the age of nine.

2. Lady Gaga

Lady gaga

In December 2014, Lady Gaga told Howard Stern that she was raped by an older record producer when she was 19 years old. The artist’s single, “Swine,” is about the incident and she has gone on to become a spokesperson about sexual assault awareness.

3. Gabrielle Union

Gabrielle union

Gabrielle Union was also 19 years old when she raped while working at a shoe store.

4. Teri Hatcher

Teri hatcher

Teri Hatcher was raped by her uncle when she was only five years old. In 2002, she testified against the relative and helped sentence to 14 years in prison.

5. Ashley Judd

Ashley judd

Ashley Judd wrote in her memoir, “All That Is Bitter and Sweet,” that she was the victim of rape and incest. The incidents took place when she was a child.

6. Tyler Perry

Tyler perry

Actor, writer and director Tyler Perry has said he was raped by the mother of a childhood friend; she held him hostage in her house until he had sex with her.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Ashley Judd Hints That She Was Sexually Harassed By Harvey Weinstein?

In a recent interview with Variety, Ashley Judd opened up about being sexually harassed by one of Hollywood’s top studio chiefs.

“I was sexually harassed by one of our industry’s most famous, admired-slash-reviled bosses,” Judd revealed. “I was making “Kiss the Girls” at the time, and here I was, a declared feminist.

“I did not recognize at the time what was happening to me. It took years before I could evaluate that incident and realize that there was something incredibly wrong and illegal about it.”

Judd goes on to say that she was not the unnamed mogul’s only victim, and she says she eventually realized that “a bunch of other actors” endured “the exact same thing.”

The “stealth” nature of the harassment, the abuse of power, and the dawning realization that the victims were numerous bring to mind the many accusations against Bill Cosby

Naturally, the world of celebrity gossip has been abuzz with theories regarding the identity of Judd’s abuser and the speculation keeps coming back around to one name: Harvey Weinstein.

In addition to the fact that Weinstein was accused of sexually assaulting a young woman earlier this year, several details in Judd’s description (a “reviled” boss who heads a studio that’s a “rival” of Paramount’s) mesh with Weinstein’s infamous public persona.

Then there are these accounts posted anonymously on the comment boards for a Jezebel article about Judd’s claims:

“Under the anonymity of the internet, I can actually confirm it was Harvey Weinstein,” wrote one woman. “I went to grad school with Ashley Judd and she told this story as we were discussing adult development and how some powerful men end up as predators.

“She was young when it happened and I absolutely believe her because a) every f–king woman in Hollywood has some unspoken story about that dick and b) she had no reason to lie or embellish under the circumstances.”

Another woman supported the claim, writing:

“Under the anonymity of the internet, I can confirm this from the perspective of a working woman in Hollywood. When things get really sh-tty, there will be actress meet ups that involve lots of sh-tty homemade cocktails and bitching about the stupidity of the old white men that run this industry, and Harvey Weinstein’s name always comes up.

“Everyone has at least one story, whether it’s about them or someone dear to them. It’s so f–ked up. He should absolutely be in prison.”

Weinstein has yet to comment on Judd’s claims or the growing number anonymous allegations against him. Story developing.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Journalist Gets Sexually Harassed... While Reporting on Sexual Harassment

Forget rain on your wedding day or 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife.

THIS is an example of true irony:

BBC journalist Sarah Teale was recently filming a report outside a sexual harassment conference in Nottingham, relaying statistics to viewers regarding people getting verbally abused in public.

"An online study showed that a shocking 95% of people said they had been harassed, jeered at, or had obscenities shouted at them in the street and a large proportion said they"d also been groped or grabbed inappropriately in public," Teale said.

And no sooner had Teale gotten these words out when a man off camera yelled something inappropriate in public at the reporter.

We wish we were making this up.

Fortunately, Teale handled the cat call with professionalism, though she later took to Facebook to lament its existence:

"It"s not banter, it"s not funny and no-one should have to put up with it," she wrote. "It"s fairly obvious from my reaction that it wasn"t staged. If [cat calling] is a craze it doesn"t make it any less offensive."

Journalist gets sexually harassed while reporting on sexual hara