Showing posts with label Showing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Showing. Show all posts

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Gwen Stefani: Showing Off Baby Bump in Thanksgiving Photo?!

Can you believe that it’s been two whole years since Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton first got together?!

That means that it’s also been two whole years since the entire internet insisted that they were completely consumed with the idea of having children together!

Gwen and Blake are cute together and everything, but rarely does a celebrity couple inspire so, so many pregnancy rumors.

You can barely check out a tabloid without reading about how they’re expecting twins, or how she’s preparing her body for pregnancy, or how he’s willing to begin sacrificing woodland creatures to the fertility gods.

Like, we love a good rumor as much as anyone, but this is all getting to be a bit much.

Still, as long as Gwen and Blake are content with all the attention their relationship gets — and at this point, they’re definitely still very content with it — the rumors will keep coming.

For instance, earlier this month, Blake was asked by a fan if he and Gwen were planning on having children of their own (Gwen already has three sons with Gavin Rossdale), and his response?

“I hope. We will see.”

It’s not exactly a statement designed to quiet the rumors, that’s for sure.

Another subtle little thing these two crazy kids do to keep us talking?

They share photos like this:

Gwen slapped that picture up on her Instagram yesterday with the caption “Had the best Thanksgiving,” and that’s sweet, it really is.

She and Blake posed with some of Blake’s family members — they went out to Oklahoma to celebrate the holiday.

But instead of paying attention to those amazing sweaters or the cute poses, Gwen’s followers zoomed right in on her midsection.

“Is that a baby bump?!?” one person asked — or, well, actually dozens of people asked that.

“Why is everyone getting pregnant this time of the year?!?!?!” another person wondered.

One of her followers came through with a more direct line of questioning, writing “Uhh is that a baby baby or a food baby?”

And then some people just went ahead and assumed that this was a pregnancy announcement: one of those commented “You’re preggers! Yay! Beautiful photo!”

“I know you’re pregnant, Gwen!!” another follower said. “I know it.”

These are just a small sample of the kinds of comments this photo inspired — so very many people are positive they see a baby bump here.

Unfortunately — or fortunately, depending on your outlook — it really does seem like this “baby bump” that people are seeing really may have just been a food baby.

After celebrating Thanksgiving, Gwen came back to L.A. for an event, and her clothes were quite a bit tighter. You can see that look in the photo above.

Her stomach doesn’t look anything like it did in the other picture, does it?

But still, some people are convinced that there’s still a fetus in there!

On the newer photo, the one with the tight miniskirt and the gingerbread man, one person commented “Sometimes it looks like a baby bump, sometimes it doesn’t. This time it does lol. Please say it’s so!!!!”

So what is it?! Is she pregnant? Does she look pregnant? At 48 years old, is it even possible for her to get pregnant?

So many questions, so little answers.


Sunday, September 24, 2017

Kylie Jenner Downplays Pregnancy News By Showing Off a Seemingly Barely-There Baby Bump

Kylie Jenner appears to wanna throw people off the scent that she’s pregnant … because she just shared some pics that show a barely-there baby bump. Kylie posted new photos of herself on Instagram Sunday — the first she’s put up since TMZ broke…


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Jenna Dewan Tatum: Mom-Shamed for Showing Her Butt!

If you listen to enough internet commenters who concern-troll celebrities, mothers shouldn’t eat anything (but also shouldn’t be “too thin”) and also should always look their best without ever looking “too good.”

This time, the celebrity getting unfairly slammed is none other than the beautiful and talented Jenna Dewan Tatum.

Her “crime” this time? Showing her butt.

Jenna Dewan Tatum is an actress, an exceptional dancer, and yes, she’s also a mom.

And guess what: she has a butt.

Barring an extremely rare birth defect or a horrifying injury, just about all humans have butts.

(Yes, even your friend who laments that they “don’t even have an ass”)

Channing Tatum’s bragged about her naked body before, so it can’t really be that surprising.

But when Jenna posted this photo to her Instagram, mom-shamers swarmed the comments to give her a hard time.

She looks so great!

Like, of course she does. But still.

Okay, done admiring her spectacular glutes?

Then we can move on.

So, this was part of Jenna Dewan Tatum’s “cheeky balcony” photo series on Instagram.

So far, there are just the two pictures in the series. We hope that the hateful responses haven’t discouraged Jenna from continuing with it.

Firstly, because no one should be discouraged from doing what’s fun or enjoyable for them because of other people’s hate.

But also just because she looks amazing and every photo of her is just a blessing.

These are classy, beautiful photographs of a talented and gorgeous woman.

So, naturally, the mom-shamers swooped in. Apparently, you’re not allowed to have a body anymore after you have a child.

Negative comment after negative comment said just about the same thing.

What varied was the level of direct rudeness.

“You have a kid . . . Shame on you.”

That one sounds like Jenna’s being shamed for being a mother, period.

“She’s a mother and married. Smh, disappointed at Jenna.”

Oh boy, that one’s mom-shaming and wife-shaming. A real twofer.

(Not that it would matter if he did, but Channing Tatum clearly doesn’t mind … and there’s a more-than-decent chance that he took the photo himself)

“Of course she is hot but poor Everly. What signals is she sending to her young daughter? Mummy’s bum is all over the net haha. Lead by example.”

Thanks, consummately British mom-shamer. (Mum-shamer?)

She’s not texting her butt to her 4-year-old daughter. Everly won’t be old enough to sign up for any social media for another 9 years.

And by that point, if not already, Everly will be mature enough to accept the fact that her mother has a butt.

(Unlike these commenters)

“Beautiful, but you are a mother. Be a role model for your daughter.”

Being confident in her beautiful body and showing exactly as much of it as she likes is a great way to role model for her daughter.

(This, by the way, was a photo that Channing Tatum had previously shared)

Jenna Dewan didn’t reply directly.

Too many celebrities get bogged down trying to respond to trolls.

This gives them exactly what they want, more often than not.

Instead, Jenna just shared some words of wisdom that seemed to be aimed at the trolls.

“You can tell who the strong women are. They are the ones you see building up one another instead of letting each other down.”

That’s not exactly a subtweet … but it’s something.

Jenna Dewan Tatum is a delight. We’re glad that she has a husband who’s worthy of her.


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Celeb Hologram Creator Alki David Sued for Showing His Personal Porn to Employees

Alki David, the Greek tycoon who famously created Tupac and Michael Jackson holograms, forced his employees to watch videos of him having sex with his wife … this according to a new lawsuit. A guy named Grant Zimmerman worked for Alki and says he…


Saturday, August 12, 2017

Conor McGregor Video Surfaces Showing He Knocked Out Paulie Malignaggi

Dana White is nothing if not loyal … he posted a video Friday night clearly showing his boy, Conor McGregor kicked the ass of sparing partner/former world boxing champ Paulie Malignaggi.   A photo surfaced on social media last week, showing…


Conor McGregor Video Surfaces Showing He Knocked Out Paulie Malignaggi

Dana White is nothing if not loyal … he posted a video Friday night clearly showing his boy, Conor McGregor kicked the ass of sparing partner/former world boxing champ Paulie Malignaggi.   A photo surfaced on social media last week, showing…


Friday, August 11, 2017

DMX Celebrates Judge Showing Mercy by Buying Paps Hot Dogs!!!

DMX handed out awards to photogs after dodging a bullet in court Friday … Best Dog in a Supporting Roll. X wasn’t thrown in jail for violating bail conditions in his tax evasion case … he flunked multiple drug tests for coke and weed and…


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Kylie Jenner Rings in 20th Birthday by Showing Off Her Bikini Bod, Celebrates with Sisters

Kylie Jenner’s smokin’ hot body is now 20 years in the making — and she decided to show off the goods a day before the big 2-0 … to all of our delight. Kylie posted these shots of herself Wednesday — the day before her 20th birthday –…


Friday, June 23, 2017

Johnny Depp Once Booted from White House Reception for Showing "Disrespect"

Johnny Depp’s disdain for the White House runs deep … so deep he was once corralled by Secret Service agents who refused to let him shake the President’s hand. Depp, who’s taking heat for his Trump assassination crack, was at 1600 Pennsylvania…


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Pregnant Beyonce"s Already Showing Off The Twins (PHOTO GALLERY)

Beyonce and Jay Z’s twins are still in utero … but they’re already getting a taste of the spotlight. Beyonce’s been posting up a storm … showing off her baby package. Gotta say … she looks amazing in a tight little black dress. It’s…


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Sia is Showing Off These Days ... Her Face!!! (PHOTO)

Sia is showing off these days … and her face says it all!! The singer let loose at LAX Wednesday and didn’t sport her signature wig that usually covers her face … and we gotta say, she looks pretty damn amazing. We like.


Monday, March 6, 2017

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra: Showing Signs Their Marriage Is in Trouble?

Last month, reports that Tyler Baltierra was cheating on Catelynn Lowell began to circulate on social media.

Sometimes, it’s difficult to determine the starting point of such rumors, but in this case it all started with Tyler himself.

Baltierra joked that he and Catelynn cheat on each other, but since sarcasm goes over on the Internet about as well as climate science at a Trump rally, the remark was not well received.

Fans either missed the joke or accused him of being insensitive for making it.

The former group apparently thought that Baltierra actually chose to first come clean about his own infidelity and then accuse his wife of cheating – all on Twitter.

The latter group understands that Tyler is joking, but thinks it’s insensitive, considering Catelynn recently left rehab after being treated for various emotional and psychological issues.

Yes, they’re actually telling him what sort of jokes he’s allowed to make with his wife.

Anyway, both groups are now scrutinizing the couple’s every move in search of signs of trouble, and they believe they’ve found one in this Instagram photo uploaded today by Amber Portwood:

As you can see, the Baltierras aren’t posed quite as affectionately as the other couples.

Naturally, the Dr. Phil/Sherlock Holmes hybrids of the Internet took it upon themselves to offer some unsolicited couples counseling based on this single image:

“Weird Tyler doesn’t touch his wife,” one fan commented.

“It’s sad really. He seems like, ‘I’m stuck with her’ attitude lately,” wrote another.

Some fans claimed their beliefe that Tyler and Catelynn are headed for divorce was based not only on this photo, but also on their recent social media interactions.

Again, we can’t stress enough that the exchanged fans went nuts over were clearly made in jest.

Here’s a sample quote from Tyler:

“Well it goes both ways. Sometimes I booze while she cheats, sometimes she’ll booze while I cheat. It just depends on the day of the week.”

That’s not a tweet from a guy who’s marriage is in trouble.

That’s a tweet from a guy who’s having some fun f–king with fans.

We can’t say we blame him.

Watch Teen Mom online at TV Fanatic to relive all the ups and downs of the Baltierras’ marriage.

Just maybe keep your psychological insights to yourself.


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Corinne Olympios: The Bachelor is Showing the Real Me, But ...

Corinne Olympios, The Bachelor Season 21 villain and perhaps the most divisive contestant in show history, appeared on Ellen this week.

There, she was asked by the hilarious host to defend her actions.

So far, there"s been no shortage of reasons to dislike this girl.

The fact that Corinne Olympios has a nanny at age 24 and has no qualms about getting naked to appeal to Nick Viall chief among them.

Mocked by fans and reviled by her fellow competitors for her tactics and attitude, Corinne nonetheless tells Ellen that she has “no regrets.”

"That is the real me. It’s definitely a real side of me," says the South Florida native, however, "there are many other sides to me” as well.

Ellen"s response? “What sides didn’t we see?"

"We saw the front side.”

Almost too easy.

The oft-topless Olympios said viewers “will see a lot more of Corinne as the season goes on,” assuring worried fans that she will be “clothed.”

Not so much the case if you dare to look up Corinne Olympios photos on Instagram, but that"s neither here nor there at this point in time.

We"ll believe that when we see it; Ellen was not convinced either, asking Olympios point blank if she"d agree she acts “crazy” on the show.

Corinne, ever modest, says she prefers the term "funny" … because she"s obviously hilarious, right? And we"re all just not in on the joke?

Check out The Bachelor spoilers to learn if the joke is really on us (imagine if Corinne actually wins this season) then check out her interview …

Corinne olympios the bachelor me is the real me but theres more

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Ciara Showing Baby Bump After Dinner with Russell Wilson

Ciara and Russell Wilson hit the town Saturday night, and she’s definitely poppin! Ciara’s starting to show after announcing her pregnancy back in October.  They clearly had a happy meal at Craig’s.    They left in their vintage…


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Video Released Showing Cardell Hayes Right After Will Smith Shooting

Here’s video of the frantic scene following the death of Will Smith, showing Cardell Hayes — the man convicted of killing Smith — in full panic mode talking to a man at the scene of the crime. The video — shot by an eyewitness and obtained by…


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Ben Higgins and Lauren Bushnell: Showing Skin in Jamaica!

Ben Higgins and Lauren Bushnell are intent on proving themselves to be The Cutest Bachelor Couple Ever.

Just a few days after Higgins selected Bushnell to be his wife-to-be on an emotional Bachelor finale, the couple shared a photo of themselves on vacation in Jamaica.

And so far, despite the tension that often seems to exist between these ABC stars and their fiancees, all appears to be so very good for the famous twosome.

“Check out this candid moment in Jamaica where I explain to @lauren_bushnell the importance of a long wingspan (for our kids athletic future) #goodgenetics,” Higgins wrote as a caption to the above photo.

Whoa there.

The athletic future of their kids?!? Things really are moving fast between Lauren and Ben, huh?

No, the latter isn’t pregnant. Not yet anyway.

Those who watch The Bachelor online saw the couple make its public debut last week on After the Final Rose in Los Angeles.

At the time, Bushnell revealed she will be moving in with her boyfriend in Denver in just a matter of weeks… once they are finished with their hectic schedule of promotional appearances, that is.

One of those recent stops included a joint interview on Good Morning America in which Higgins and Bushnell said they are anxious to get married… and to procreate.

“We laughed about this the other day. I think, what did we say, three kids?” Higgins said on the show of their plans to have children.

We’re gonna go ahead and call it now: unlike nearly every other couple to get together on The Bachelor or The Bachelorette, these two are gonna make it!


Monday, March 14, 2016

Blac Chyna: Showing Off Her Baby Bump on Instagram?!

Even though Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian have been dating for less than two months, they’ve already hit several of the major relationship milestones.

Blac and Rob have already broken up and gotten back together; she’s feuded with several of his family members; heck, he’s even bailed her out of jail.

Of course, no celebrity relationship is complete with baby rumors, and reports that Blac is pregnant with Rob’s kid started circulating almost immediately after these two first started hooking up.

At first we dismissed them, because we assumed not even these two would invite that sort of drama into their lives, but many believe the photo above is Blac’s way of confirming that she’ll soon be welcoming a new Kardashian into the world.

Blac appears to be wearing some sort of form-fitting bodysuit, which makes it tough to tell exactly what it is we’re looking at here, but we can definitely see why some folks think this is a photo of Blac’s baby bump.

Currently, Blac and Rob are on vacation in Jamaica, which some folks are citing as evidence that Blac’s not pregnant, but that argument doesn’t quite hold up.

We’re not saying Blac’s definitely pregnant, but babymoon vacations are all the rage these days.

Hey, either way – Rob’s out of the house, and that’s cause for celebration, right?

Blac Chyna: Showing Off Her Baby Bump on Instagram?!

Even though Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian have been dating for less than two months, they’ve already hit several of the major relationship milestones.

Blac and Rob have already broken up and gotten back together; she’s feuded with several of his family members; heck, he’s even bailed her out of jail.

Of course, no celebrity relationship is complete with baby rumors, and reports that Blac is pregnant with Rob’s kid started circulating almost immediately after these two first started hooking up.

At first we dismissed them, because we assumed not even these two would invite that sort of drama into their lives, but many believe the photo above is Blac’s way of confirming that she’ll soon be welcoming a new Kardashian into the world.

Blac appears to be wearing some sort of form-fitting bodysuit, which makes it tough to tell exactly what it is we’re looking at here, but we can definitely see why some folks think this is a photo of Blac’s baby bump.

Currently, Blac and Rob are on vacation in Jamaica, which some folks are citing as evidence that Blac’s not pregnant, but that argument doesn’t quite hold up.

We’re not saying Blac’s definitely pregnant, but babymoon vacations are all the rage these days.

Hey, either way – Rob’s out of the house, and that’s cause for celebration, right?

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Lamar Odom: Awake, Talking, Showing MAJOR Signs of Improvement!

Good news about Lamar Odom’s remarkable recovery continues to pour in, as TMZ reports today that Odom is awake and communicating with doctors and family members. 

One hospital source even claims that Odom is “speaking sentences” and text messaging with friends.

On Tuesday, Odom was found unconscious in his suite at the Love Ranch brothel in Pahrump, Nevada.

He was taken to a Las Vegas hospital where doctors determined that Odom had overdosed on a cocktail of drugs. Initial reports indicated that the 35-year-old former NBA star was unlikely to ever regain consciousness.

Miraculously, Odom began to show significant signs of improvement on Friday afternoon.

Odom reportedly opened his eyes when doctors removed his breathing tube, and he was taken off life support shortly thereafter.

Insiders say Lamar is far from out of the woods, but he’s currently doing considerably better than expected.

Though he remains hooked up to a dialysis machine and has almost certainly suffered at least mild brain damage, Odom is now expected to pull through.

Less than 48 hours ago, those closest to the former reality star were said to be bracing themselves for news of his death.

We’ll keep you updated on Odom’s condition as more details become available.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Kylie Jenner is Showing Off Her Butt Again

Kylie Jenner is once again backing her ass up on Instagram.

With her unusually large (and fake) lips having been played out months ago, the 18-year old reality star is now turning her attention toward her impressive rear end.

Kylie has taken to the social media website multiple times over the past few weeks in order to give followers a close-up of her rear end, fighting back against critics who claim it isn’t 100% real.

Jenner claims she just wears Spanx a lot, that’s why her butt looks so padded.

Sounds familiar? Sounds like another way in which Kylie is trying to emulate half-sister Kim Kardashian, who rose to stardom partly as a result of her impressive derriere?

In Kylie’s latest image, she is simply walking around the pool area of her Los Angeles mansion.

She’s wearing a sports bra and some tight pants and the photographer (Tyga, we assume) is clearly honed in on her famous buttocks.

Kylie did not include a caption with the snapshot because what is there to say?

Look at me showing off my butt in order to gain attention and prompt gullible fans into signing up for my new website! Only $ 2.99 for total access!

Yeah. Let’s not hold out breath at those words ever being included along with a Kylie Jenner photograph.