Showing posts with label Sisters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sisters. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Tamar Braxton"s Sisters Say They"ll Keep Talking About Her Ex, Vincent Herbert

Tamar Braxton getting all butt hurt over her estranged husband’s portrayal on “Braxton Family Values” makes zero sense to her sisters, who say they’re gonna keep trashing him … like family should! Trina, Towanda and Traci Braxton told…


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

"Gypsy Sisters" Star Arrested Again for Another Coupon Scam

“Gypsy Sisters” star Mellie Stanley got caught up in another alleged coupon scam — only this time it appears to have crossed state lines … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us Stanley was arrested Monday night in Indiana based on…


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Khloe Kardashian and Sydney Simpson: Do They Look Like Sisters?

O.J. Simpson is back in the news — an old, buried interview even shows him revealing that he had an accomplice and giving what many believe to be a confession to killing Nicole and Ron.

In light of that, people who have long speculated that Khloe might be The Juice"s daughter have been giving that theory a second look.

And they"ve noticed that Sydney Simpson, his daughter, looks an awful lot like Khloe. Check out the video below and decide for yourself.

O.J. Simpson went to prison. Not for the vicious murders that he allegedly committed and later sought to use to profit. Not for the years of alleged domestic violence that he inflicted upon Nicole Brown during their marriage.

No, O.J. went to prison for an armed robbery in a case that is truly bizarre. In the mean time, he missed out on the lives of his children.

(Which is honestly for the best, for their sakes)

His son Justin is 29 and currently a real estate agent.

His daughter Sydney is 32, attended Boston University, and graduated with a sociology degree.

And Khloe … wait, no, Khloe isn"t O.J."s daughter.

(This throwback photo shows a young Khloe with the late Robert Kardashian)

Khloe has always been very adamant that Robert Kardashian is her father.

She"s even gone so far as to commune with his spirit via Hollywood Medium star Tyler Henry.

Some might say that this is evidence that she"s definitely his biological daughter, though others have shot down that claim, because there" more to family than blood. 

(Plus, people are very divided over whether or not mediums are a real thing)

Kris Jenner has encouraged Khloe in the past to get a DNA test to shut down the rumors, but Khloe always felt that it would be insulting to everyone involved to even dignify the rumors by disproving them.

But … some wonder if Khloe might have avoided the test because of nagging doubts.

With all of the where-are-they-now questions that people have been asking since O.J."s release from prison, a number of people have looked at photos of Sydney — when she was young and when she was an adult.

And they"ve pointed out what they believe to be strong physical resemblances to Khloe Kardashian.

Not just in the childhood photos, but as adults.

Some of those who have long believed that O.J. secretly fathered Khloe behind his friend Robert"s back point to these similarities and say that the two women are actually sisters.

Well, half-sisters.

So … are they?

Even O.J. Simpson himself has denied it.

O.J. … who would seemingly have nothing to lose and everything to gain (seriously, it"s not like anyone could think worse of him at this point, right?) … denied that he"s the grandfather of Khloe"s baby.

Khloe, who is expecting a baby girl and just had an epic baby shower, isn"t exactly on speaking terms with O.J. … but he sent her some indirect congratulations anyway. 

Still, some of these theorists point out that O.J. might not know.

They point to the fact that, though known by most as a disgraced monster who got an acquittal due to social tensions and a botched prosecution, O.J. was once a beloved athlete to people who like sports.

He also appeared on commercials and even in a film.

They feel that it"s very conceivable that a man who was once one of the biggest stars might have bedded — and impregnated — his best friend"s wife.

And they see Sydney and Khloe"s alleged similarities as "proof" that this happened.

Take a look at these side-by-side images in the video below and decide for yourself if you think that Sydney and Khloe look like sisters.

Maybe they"re right … or maybe people who don"t understand genetics are eager to "explain" why Khloe is taller than most of her siblings.

Clearly, Sydney hasn"t had as much "help" with her appearance or figure as Khloe has, but there are plenty of photos of the "old" Khloe for comparison.

So … are they sisters?

Khloe kardashian and sydney simpson do they look like sisters

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Kendall Jenner Plays Softball with Sisters, Takes Batting Practice and Grounders

Kendall Jenner stepped up to the plate and took a few big swings at family softball practice … and it looks like she made some solid contact. Kourtney, too. Kendall doesn’t exactly look like Roy Hobbs out on the field, but she does look like she…


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Desiigner Sued for Blasting Woman Over His Sister"s Belongings, College Experience

Desiigner is being sued by a woman who says he put her on blast, calling her a fraud after she helped his sister get into college … TMZ has learned. Jessica Brown is pissed about the rapper’s Instagram post from last August … where…


Friday, January 5, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: I Don"t Need Pregnancy Advice! My Sisters Can Shut the F--k Up!

Khloe Kardashian is expecting, and that’s been out in the open for months, now. Khloe even finally confirmed her pregnancy.

And while Khloe melted the internet with her “mom” photo, she says that not everything’s quite perfect. Namely, she’s getting way too much family advice.

She wants one of her sisters in particular to “shut the f–k up.” Uh-oh.

Khloe Kardashian spoke to Entertainment Tonight and gushed about her pregnancy. And what’s been getting on her nerves.

For one thing, she’s pretty darn tired of hearing people tell her to stop her workouts.

“It’s bizarre to me that people don’t want me to be happy and stay healthy and fit.”

We don’t know that we’ve heard that sentiment from anyone … except maybe from Amy Schumer that one time.

But we guess that people have been concern-trolling Khloe about her workouts, saying that it’s “not good” for her pregnancy.

“My doctor wants me to work out everyday if I could, so I’m doing doctor’s orders and I feel good.”

We’ve seen countless “fit mom” pregnancies, and it never seems to harm the baby, folks.

In case some mothers read this and go “wait, the doctors never told me that,” Khloe explains why the doctors want her to keep working out.

“Whatever you do before you’re pregnant, you’re allowed to continue, and they say it leads for a better delivery.”

To clarify, she means in terms of fitness. Obviously, you don’t get to keep drinking alcohol.

“I feel great, and I would feel horrible if I was just sitting around, overeating all day…”

Ah, yes. What a nightmare it would be to sit and overeat. (That is sarcasm, folks)

“I don’t have swollen feet, I don’t have a lot of these things because I’m staying so active right now. So, as long as I can, I want to keep that up.”

Khloe then goes into talking about her show.

No, not Keeping Up With The Kardashians. The one you’ve probably forgotten about: Revenge Body.

“From season one to season two… we change the format a little bit, and also I now have celebrity guests that want to come on and join the show, which is cool.”

Honestly, the celebrity guests that she had on Kocktails With Khloe were a selling point, so this sounds like a good idea.

“There’s way more pressure for season two, I will say, but it’s exciting.”

And Khloe talks about the show’s title.

“I never thought of my body as revenge, I just did something for myself, but everyone else was like, ‘You have this revenge body.’ So I played with it.”

Success is the best revenge, folks.

“I was like, OK, cool let’s run with that.’ And now, I think the hardest thing is maintaining.”

Yep. One day we’ll all get patches or cybernetic implants to keep our flesh prisons looking how we want. In the mean time … we’re stuck with exercise.

“I think its important to show people you can turn your life around. You can go through hell and high water, and you can still come out and have a beautiful positive happy life.”

And then Khloe talks about a major pain in her pregnancy: getting advice from her family:

“[I got] a lot [of advice from my sisters]. Too much.”

She’s a first time mom, and her sisters include a couple of very experienced moms.

“I’ve gotten to the point… I’m like, ‘OK, shut the f–k up and take your own advice."”

That’s … pretty harsh. And Khloe singles out once sister in particular.

“Like, I love Kourtney, but… I’m going to figure it all out, I promise you. We’re all going to learn.”

Honestly, I’m going to figure it out is not a reassuring line from a soon-to-be parent. Also, Khloe’s never balked at giving people “advice.”

“So some advice is great, but it’s also not what you say, it’s how you say it.”

Speaking to Ellen, Khloe said that her pregnancy was miserable for the first trimester.

And she reiterates that point:

“The first few months is not sexy, because it’s like, you’re just a little chubby. No one will know you’re pregnant, they’re just like, ‘Oh, you should get back in the gym."”

Well, she kept it secret. Also, anyone telling you to get back to the gym is probably a terrible friend.

“And you just feel the worst. So I think now that I’m showing more I feel sexy.”

Uh, sure.

“Gosh, just having a family [is the most unexpected gift].”

Not too unexpected though, right? 


Thursday, December 21, 2017

"Gypsy Sisters" Star Mellie Stanley Arrested for Theft

“Gypsy Sisters” star Mellie Stanley revived her old role as the family’s black sheep … after running afoul of the law again. Mellie was arrested Thursday morning in Lexington, Kentucky on a warrant. She was booked for theft by deception,…


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Blac Chyna Drops All Kardashian Sisters But Kim from Lawsuit

Blac Chyna’s making a big change in her lawsuit against the whole Kardashian family — she’s apparently letting all the sisters, except Kim, off the hook … for now, anyway. According to docs, obtained by TMZ, Chyna is filing to remove Khloe,…


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Tamar Braxton"s Sisters Flock to L.A. to Support Her Through Divorce

Tamar Braxton won’t have to go through her divorce alone … ‘cause the cavalry has arrived. We got the Braxton sisters, sans Toni, at LAX and it’s clear they’ve got Tamar’s back. In fact, it’s no coincidence they arrived days after she…


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Kardashian"s $150 Million TV Deal Lines Big Sisters" Pockets the Most

E! Network execs still know where their Kardashian bread is buttered, which is why Kim, Kourtney and Khloe are getting the lion’s share of the fam’s new $ 150 million deal … TMZ has learned. Our sources say 50 – 60% of that 5-cycle deal will be…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Genius Brother Inserts Pennywise Into Sister"s Engagement Pics

Ready to both crack up… and freakout?

Jesse McLaren of BuzzFeed recently added Pennywise (of the horror book/film It) to his sister’s engagement photos, sharing the images on Twitter and saying his sibling was unaware of his edits.

"Countdown until she notices," he jokes along with the creative (and scary!) snapshots.

Check each one out below, along with the Internet reacting to this work of creative genius…

1. So Romantic, So Beautiful, So…

So romantic so beautiful so

… FRIGHTENING! Look out, you two!

2. Peekaboo!


Yikes! We see you.

3. In the Bushes

In the bushes


4. Phew. He’s Gone.

Phew hes gone

Wait, no! He’s still there!

5. The Full Original Tweet

The full original tweet

With caption included.

6. Twitter Reacts!

Twitter reacts

In hilarious fashion.

View Slideshow

Monday, October 16, 2017

Josh Duggar, Sisters Lose Lawsuit Against Tabloid

In the wake of the Josh Duggar sex scandals, the perpetrator’s famous family lashed out in every direction, desperately seeking a way to blame anyone other than Josh.

This meant giving interviews in which the blame was placed on the police department that released Josh’s records, and of course, on the tabloid that first broke the story that nearly destroyed the Duggars.

Back in May of 2015, In Touch magazine was the first to report that Josh had molested five young girls, four of whom were his sisters, and was assisted in covering up his crimes by his parents.

Several of the older Duggar sisters sued the magazine’s publisher, Bauer Media Group, claiming that the company violated victim protection laws by publishing police reports without redacting the Duggar name.

(The victims were not named in the published documents, but the Duggars argued that it would be easy to deduce the identities of the victims based on the information provided.)

Josh Duggar attempted to join his sisters’ lawsuit, but was rebuffed by their legal team.

Eventually, Josh filed his own lawsuit against In Touch, seeking $ 75,000 in damages and arguing that the magazine had criminally impinged upon his privacy.

On Friday, both cases were thrown out by U.S. District Judge Tim Brooks, who decreed that In Touch was well within its First Amendment rights to publish the information contained in the police reports.

“Even if one assumes that the disclosure failed to comply with Arkansas statutory redaction requirements, it is clear that the Bauer defendants cannot be held liable, for the city’s and county’s failure to follow the law,” Brooks wrote in his ruling.

The Duggar girls named several other parties in their suit, including the City of Springdale, Arkansas, Washington County, and several city officials, who they claim were responsible for the release of their information.

While Brooks dismissed most of the defendants, the Duggars’ claims against a few parties, including former Springdale Police Chief Kathy O’Kelley, were allowed to remain active.

Those cases will be decided at a later date.

Despite that sliver of remaining hope, however, this is nothing less than a devastating legal blow for the Duggars.

Their case was never about the damages being sought, but instead constituted an effort to save face by demonstrating that there were numerous guilty parties who were in some way involved in the now-infamous Josh Duggar sex scandal.

The judge’s ruling confirms what millions already knew:

No one but Josh and his parents is responsible for the atrocities that took place in the Duggar home.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most famous family.


Friday, September 22, 2017

Hamlin Sisters Don"t Compete With Hadid Sisters

Sisters Amelia and Delilah Hamlin — their parents are Harry Hamlin and Lisa Rinna — have things in common with Bella and Gigi Hadid that go beyond their blonde and brunette hair, but the gals say there’s absolutely no competition. The…


Friday, September 8, 2017

Josh Duggar: Locked In Court Battle With His Own Sisters?!

It’s been over two years since the world learned that Josh Duggar molested five young women while he was still in his teens.

Four of those women were Josh’s sisters, and while they were outraged by news of his abuse going public, it seems their anger was not directed at their oldest brother.

Instead of seeking legal recourse against the perpetrator of the heinous misdeeds, Jill, Jessa, Jinger and Joy-Anna Duggar sued the police department that released the records of Josh’s abuse, as well as the owners of In Touch for publishing the report.

The suit not only promised a lucrative settlement, it also sent a message that Josh had been forgiven by his sisters and that the Duggars remain united against a hostile outside world.

The plan backfired, however, when Josh attempted to join his sisters’ lawsuit, claiming that he too was a victim, as the released report resulted in irreparable damage to his career and reputation.

(That’ll happen when the world learns you’re an unpunished and seemingly unrepentant sex criminal.)

But while the Duggar women have been astonishingly forgiving in their behavior toward Josh, it seems they draw the line at allowing him to piggyback on their lawsuit.

In court documents obtained by E! News, attorneys for the Duggar sisters argue that Josh’s case must be decided separately in order to ensure a fair outcome for Jill, Jessa, Jinger, and Joy-Anna”

“Deciding claims based on protecting victims of sex crimes from disclosure, while at the same time, having those claims consolidated with the perpetrator of those crimes will be confusing to the jury,” the documents state.

“It would be next to impossible for a jury to ignore the perpetrator sitting next to the victims, yet decide the different issues, different claims and different damages that apply for victims as compared to perpetrator.”

The lawyers go on to echo the sentiments of many fans, claiming that a joint lawsuit with Josh gives the impression that the sisters and their abuser are on the same side.

“Consolidation would undoubtedly give the false impression that the victims and the perpetrator are ‘in this together,"” the attorneys argue.

“Forcing the victims to join their claims with their perpetrator’s claims would further traumatize the very victims Arkansas law is designed to protect.”

The documents are significant, as while there have long been rumors of divisions witin the Duggar family, this is the first time that those reports have been confirmed from the inside.

It may be largely for the purpose of ensuring a favorable outcome, but the Duggar woman do not want to be on the same side as Josh in this lawsuit, and they don’t care who knows it.

Back in May, the Duggars released a statement outlining their reasons for filing suit:

“This case is solely about protecting children who are victims of abuse. Revealing juvenile identities under these circumstances is unacceptable, and it’s against the law,” the statement reads.

“The media and custodians of public records who let these children down must be held accountable. This case has vast implications for all our children. We hope that by bringing this case to the public’s attention, all children will be protected from reckless reporting.”

The language here is important, as the Duggar women are seeking protection for children.

Josh was not a child when he committed his crimes, or when his records were released.

And as the attacker, he’s certainly not in need of protection.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Kardashian Sisters Score Victory in Makeup Name Game

The Kardashian sisters’ 3 year-long war over their makeup line is finally over — and the ladies are coming out on top … partly, anyway.  Kim, Khloe and Kourtney were sued back in 2014 by the European branch of Kroma Makeup because the K…


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Kylie Jenner Rings in 20th Birthday by Showing Off Her Bikini Bod, Celebrates with Sisters

Kylie Jenner’s smokin’ hot body is now 20 years in the making — and she decided to show off the goods a day before the big 2-0 … to all of our delight. Kylie posted these shots of herself Wednesday — the day before her 20th birthday –…


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Josh Duggar: The Devil Made Me Molest My Sisters!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Josh Duggar molested five young girls while he was in his teens, four of whom were his sisters.

Astonishingly, Josh avoided jail time, as his parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, helped him hide his crimes from the authorities.

It’s the sort ot unthinkable atrocity for which most reality TV franchises would never recover.

The situation was made worse when it was revealed that Josh had attempted to cheat on his wife using the Ashley Madison affair-facilitating website.

Fans resigned themselves to the fact that the Duggars’ time as reality stars had come to an end, and critics revelled in the downfall of one of a family that had been a source of endless controversy from the time they entered the spotlight.

And yet, somehow, the Duggars made their way back onto television.

Sources say that under the terms of their new contract with TLC, the Duggars were forced to promise that Josh would never appear on Counting On.

But that was several seasons ago, and it seems that Josh is eager to repair his reputation … and the network is happy to consider any stunt that will boost Counting On‘s waning ratings.

“Josh will appear on the next season of his sisters’ series,” an insider tells In Touch.

“The plan is for him to address everything he’s done. What he has to say will be ratings gold, and TLC — and the Duggars — know it.”

Although if you’re hoping for a public apology from Josh, don’t hold your breath.

“Josh will cover everything and he will maintain the family line that God has saved his soul and guided him back to the right path,” the source said.

“But one thing you probably won’t hear is that he’s actually sorry, as he believes that external forces were to blame for his behavior.”

Yes, according to the Duggars belief system men can fall under the sway of Satan himself, who has the power to coax them into carrying out actions against their will.

And they believe that’s just what happened to Josh.

So why bring the disgraced father of four on TV if he’s not going to apologize.

Well, apparently Josh “isn’t doing well” at his current gig selling cars, and the family is hoping a second chance at reality stardom will allow him to escape the 9 to 5 life, for which he’s poorly suited.

Also, Jim Bob is pissed at TLC for telling him how to run his and this is his way of getting his power back.

For those of you not familiar with the Bible, wrath, greed, the thrist for power, and an effort to make sure your slothful son never has to put in another day of real work are all things Jesus was totally down with.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most dusfunctional fundamentalists.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Josh Duggar Pulls Out of Sisters" Lawsuit Against Tabloid, Police

Josh Duggar has withdrawn a motion to join a lawsuit filed by his sisters regarding the release of information by police two years ago.

The lawsuit pertains to now-infamous allegations that Josh sexually abused his little sisters while they were juveniles in the early 2000s.

Celebrity gossip publication In Touch broke the story in 2015, triggering a massive scandal that tarnished the reality TV family’s brand.

The Duggars have filed suit against both the aforementioned tabloid and law enforcement officials for their role in the story’s release.

Jill (Duggar) Dillard, Jessa (Duggar) Seewald, Jinger (Duggar) Vuolo and Joy-Anna Duggar are the four siblings who are suing.

Josh himself joined the lawsuit briefly earlier this month, only to withdraw the motion to do so per his attorney, Gregory Payne.

The one sentence motion – already granted by a federal judge – doesn’t say why Josh Duggar decided to drop his legal claims.

“Comes now, the intervening party, Josh Duggar, and upon further consideration hereby withdraws his motion to intervene,” the motion says.

The four daughters of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar (pictured above, with Jana Duggar, who is not involved in the suit), sued in May.

Their claim is that officials improperly released police documents to the celebrity gossip magazine, which improperly published the details.

Alleging invasion of privacy, outrage and violation of the right to due process, they are seeking both compensatory and punitive damages.

Josh Duggar initially argued he should be made a party to the suit because their case cannot adequately represent his personal interests.

Police investigated allegations of sexual abuse against him in 2006, related to incidents in 2002 and 2003. No charges were brought.

A Family in Need of Services petition was filed in Washington County Juvenile Court. The girls were juveniles at the time of the allegations.

Both lawsuits contend police assured the family that only law enforcement, juvenile court and child services personnel would see this.

Defendants include Springdale, Ark., Washington County, several individuals representing both, and Bauer Media, In Touch’s publisher.

Springdale officials released a response through their attorneys, calling the lawsuit unfortunate, misguided, without merit and false.

The statement says that Springdale actually prevailed on a previous legal action regarding release of the information in question.

The sisters counter that the officials released documents to In Touch under a Freedom of Information Act request in violation of the law.

Arkansas law prohibits the releasing such information to protect juveniles and victims of sexual abuse, the four women maintain.

Despite a judge’s order to seal the documents, the magazine ran the storty for financial gain and to embarrass the Duggars, they allege.

According to the lawsuit, officials improperly decided the offense report should be released to the public, and should be held to account.

The suit asks a judge to order In Touch to hand over profit it made by exploiting them and order them to stop publishing this information.

“Plaintiffs endured harsh and unwarranted public scrutiny,” the sisters’ lawsuit alleges, demanding punitive damages for that as well.

Reliving the memories and the scrutiny resulted in the “plaintiffs suffering severe mental anguish and distress,” according to the lawsuit. 

Josh Duggar, then 14, revealed in early 2002 to his parents he had run his hands over the young girls in the family home as they slept.

Jim Bob and Michelle admitted this in an interview aired June 3, 2015, by Fox News, not long after In Touch broke the shocking story.

The parents told the girls, disciplined their son and took precautions, but didn’t seek outside assistance, Jim Bob and Michelle said.

Josh confessing before anyone found out about the behavior and showing remorse gave them hope that he would change on his own.

Duggar then admitted in July 2002 that he took similar advantage of girls who had fallen asleep on the family couch, they said.

In March 2003 came a third admission from the first-born of their 19 kids that he had touched two girls while they were awake.

By then, a total of five girls, the four sisters and a house guest, had been fondled, the parents said, and finally they took action.

The Duggars took him to report what he had done to an Arkansas State Police employee, according to the Springdale Police report.

The corporal didn’t report the matter to the Arkansas child abuse hotline as required by state law. It’s not clear why he did not do so.

Springdale Police, for their part, say they didn’t learn of the incident until someone anonymously called the abuse hotline in 2006.

By that point, the statute of limitations had run out on any applicable criminal charges, and the matter was never made public.

The Duggars’ reality show 19 Kids and Counting drew 3.6 million viewers as recently as May 2015, when the scandal rocked the Internet.

TLC later canceled the show abruptly, though it was later revived under the name Counting On, with Josh Duggar persona non grata.

In the wake of the news breaking in 2015, Josh was also linked to the cheating website Ashley Madison and went to sex rehab.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Kylie Jenner Net Worth Revealed: Is the Teen Out-Earning Her Sisters?

We’re sure it comes as no surprise that Kylie Jenner is worth an outrageous amount of money.

But the Kardashian-Jenner clan is operating with a much different standard than the rest of the world when it comes to measuring wealth.

They’re all rich by the standards of us plebes, but there’s a wide spectrum at play, with Kim and her equally loaded husband at one end, and Rob and his lame-ass sock company at the other.

For a long time, it was widely assumed that the other sisters fall somewhere in the middle, making good bank, but falling well short of Kim’s income bracket.

These days, however, it looks like a legitimate clamiant to the throne has emerged, and her articifiially swollen body parts are proving every bit as lucrative as Kim’s.

Forbes recently published its annual list of the top-earning celebrities and the magazine reports that Kylie earned an astonishing $ 41 million in the past 12 months.

To put it in perspective, that places Kylie ahead of top names such as Russell Westbrook ($ 38.6 million) and Amy Schumer ($ 37.5 million).

(Obviously, with that last example, we’re talking mean “top” in terms of notoriety, not talent.)

Sadly, Kylie’s transformation into Kim is still far from complete.

Like her older sister, Kylie’s breasts and butt seem to be continuously growing as the rest of her body, but she has yet to topple the kween in terms of earnings.

Kim raked in an estimated $ 45.5 million in the past year, which means that while she’s still leading the pack, Kylie is eagerly nipping at her heels.

Based on the way things are going, it’s safe to say Kim won’t be the top dog for much longer.

Kylie has a lot of irons in the fire these days, and it looks like she’ll easily top herself (and maybe her sister) in 2018.

In addition to the famous Kylie lip kits that have proved to be wildly lucrative, the 19-year-old is doing her best to keep her family’s reality empire growing.

Life of Kylie premieres on E! next month, and if even of tenth of her Instagram followers tune in, the show will be considered a massive success.

Looks like it won’t be long before the Kylie assumes her role as Kris Jenner’s favorite.


Monday, June 5, 2017

Josh Duggar Wants in on Sisters" Lawsuit Against Cops, City

Josh Duggar now wants his own pound of flesh from the police and city officials 4 of his sisters are suing for releasing investigators’ reports on his molestation case. Duggar filed documents to join the lawsuit Jill, Jessa, Jinger and Joy filed…
