Showing posts with label Someone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Someone. Show all posts

Friday, October 27, 2017

Tyrese Says Someone Coached His Daughter to Rat Him Out

Tyrese insists the permanent restraining order his ex is trying to get against him is based on a story his daughter was coached into telling. Tyrese filed docs saying the only evidence his ex-wife, Norma Gibson, has is hearsay from their…


Friday, October 20, 2017

Duggar Family on Jana: Someone Marry This Girl!

Despite the family’s emphasis on their rustic lifestyle, Duggar weddings are generally lavish affairs, with guests numbering in the thousands.

There could be many reasons for this–after all, the Duggars are the biggest thing to ever hit Tontitown, and being invited to one of their weddings is basically the Arkansas equivalent of beinng invited to the White House.

But some fans believe there may a more practical, or even more insidous, reason for the Duggars to host such massive wedding ceremonies.

As fans of the family know, when one wedding ends, the preparation for another one usually begins soon after.

This is no coincidence, of course.

Weddings and births are the Duggars’ bread and butter, and any time not spent preparing for a family expansion is considered time wasted.

It’s for that reason that Joseph Duggar got engaged at his sister’s wedding–why not kill two birds with one stone?

And it’s also for that reason that fans believe the last few receptions have doubled as coming out parties for Jana Duggar.

The eldest Duggar daughter is 27, and fans are obsessed with the fact that Jana is stil single.

(It’s worth noting that her twin brother, John David, is also single, but because he doesn’t have a uterus, that’s considered acceptable.)

For reasons that aren’t entirely clear, fans are convinced that Jana’s parents have been putting her on display at her siblings’ recent weddings.

It’s a theory that’s resulted in even more Jana courtship rumors than usual lately.

In the last month alone, fans used their imaginations to hook Jana up with not one, but two longtime family friends.

First, a rumor that Jana is dating Caleb Williams circulated on social media.

Shortly thereafter, it was widely reported that Jana was courting Jacob Wilson.

Wilson was quick to shut the rumors down with a lengthy Facebook tirade.


“[…] We’ve been friends for 21 years and all of a sudden! BAM! we just happen to be in the same picture so of course, the media has to make up a story about it to sell.”

He added:

So I’m here to clear the water… it ain’t true! moral of the story? Don’t believe what you see online.”

Sounds like Jana will have to wait until another one of her siblings gets married in order to meet the man of her dreams.

Fortunately, with that many siblings, she shouldn’t have to wait long.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Richard Simmons Big Lawsuit Loss, Calling Someone Transgender Isn"t Defamatory

Richard Simmons just suffered a potentially devastating loss in his lawsuit against American Media — which claimed he was transitioning to a woman — because the judge just said calling someone transgender is NOT defamatory. The National Enquirer…


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Chris Pratt: Dating Someone New ALREADY?!

It’s been just over a week since fans were stunned by the news that Chris Pratt and Anna Faris have separated after eight years of marriage.

Pratt announced the split via social media, but the couple has kept mum with regard to the factors that led them to the decision to part ways.

Those who know them best say there was no infidelity and blowout fight precipitated the end of Chris and Anna’s marriage.

Pratt’s success seems to have been a factor, however, as Faris reportedly thought she and her husband should both spend more time at home.

Sources say Anna wants to one day have more kids, and Pratt feels that the increasing demands of his career would make it difficult for him to devote sufficient time to helping raise another infant.

It’s a sad situation, and we sympathize with the drama queens and kings of social media, who declared grieved the death of love as we know it in hilariously maudlin tweets.

Fortunately, it seems Pratt and Faris are committed to working out an amicable co-parenting relationship, and friends say they’ve separated in the most civil way possible.

However, every breakup offers a unique set of challenges, particularly as the former partners move on and begin dating again.

And we’re guessing Anna is less than thrilled by news that Chris is already spending time with a new lady friend.

The Daily Mail has photos of Chris boarding a private jet with a mystery blonde last week.

The woman has not been identified, and for all we know, she could be Chris’ sister.

But whoever she is, it certainly seems that she and Chris are close.

After all, sharing a private jet isn’t really something one does with a casual acquaintance.

Pratt appeared at the 2017 Teen Choice Awards on Sunday night, and many felt that the Guardians of the Galaxy star was showing signs of distress.

“There is a reason that there was major bags under his eyes at Teen Choice,” an insider tells Hollywood Life.

“It’s because he hasn’t been able to sleep since everything went down. It’s legitimately been a very sad time and he has been crying about it.”

Meanwhile, Faris addressed the split publicly for the first time on a new episode of her podcast that debuted today. 

“Hey dear listeners, I just want to thank you all so much for all the love I’ve been receiving, and I truly love you,” the actress told fans.

Friends say Faris and Pratt are both holding up as well as can be expected given the circumstances.


Monday, August 14, 2017

Emmitt Smith to NFL Owners: Someone Give Kaepernick a Shot Already!

We’re in the 2nd week of pre-season football and one thing’s clear to Emmitt Smith — Colin Kaepernick should be on an NFL roster.  “I think somebody needs to give him a chance,” Smith told our friends at BSO … “ He deserves to be back…


Emmitt Smith to NFL Owners: Someone Give Kaepernick a Shot Already!

We’re in the 2nd week of pre-season football and one thing’s clear to Emmitt Smith — Colin Kaepernick should be on an NFL roster.  “I think somebody needs to give him a chance,” Smith told our friends at BSO … “ He deserves to be back…


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Khloe Kardashian: Is O.J. Simpson Her Father, or Someone Else?!

Kardashian family insiders believe Khloe may not be one of their own, at least biologically, an exclusive new tell-all book alleges.

As for the rumors that O.J. Simpson is Khloe’s father

Well, despite that long-running rumor, which has regained traction lately, this new source says the Juice didn’t father Kardashian.

However, the insider is adamant that Kris Jenner conceived her with someone other than her then-husband, Robert Kardashian.

The 33-year-old Khloe has admitted that she questioned her paternity while she grew up on Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

Moreover, her mom Kris offered to conduct a DNA test before the release of her memoir (it’s unclear if a test was administered).

With O.J. Simpson getting paroled after nearly nine years in prison, rumors that he is her real father have once again resurfaced.

He’s almost certainly not. However …

Simpson’s connection to the famous family – he was best friends with, and represented by, Robert Kardashian – are impossible to deny.

So are the skeletons in Kris’ closet.

At the heart of this speculation, however, is the unquestioned, yet overly simple theory that Khloe looks totally different than her siblings.

Also, her parents were going through some really hard times back then, leading to myriad rumors of cheating and an eventual divorce.

Jerry Oppenheimer wrote in his book, The Kardashians: An American Drama, that this was not lost on the impressionable future celebrity:

“When Khloe got old enough, people in the Kardashians’ circle began to notice just how different she really did look and raised questions.”

Kris would explain away her daughter’s suspicions by saying that Khloe looked like her maternal great-grandmother, Lou Ethel Fairbanks.

Robert’s friend, Joni Migdal recalled how he would shrug off the same suspicions and claim that Khloe looked just like his mom, Helen.

Helen was Armenian but didn’t have Armenian features, which he felt made his explanation work, but the paternity questions lingered.

The elder Kardashian’s friend and minister Kenn Gulliksen added that he heard it from the man himself: “Kris and Robert had four children.”

“Well, three kids and somebody else’s kid. Bob never asked my counsel; I simply heard from him that Khloe wasn’t his biological daughter.”

So was the biological father then?!

Gulliksen isn’t sure, he says.

Robert may not have known, or at least wasn’t saying. “He gave me no names of who he thought [it] was. But I certainly know it wasn’t O.J.”

Kenn explained that, as far as he knows, Kris and Robert hadn’t slept together anywhere near the time frame in which Khloe was made.

The couple’s friend Joni added that Robert “didn’t want a DNA test done. He didn’t want to find out anything. He told [her], ‘I love Khloe."”

“‘She’s wonderful. She’s mine, period."”

Yet he supposedly knew it wasn’t so. Robert’s confirmation, Gulliksen says, was, “‘She’s mine and I don’t care who the father is.’” 

However, Robert signed a sworn declaration that stated he had “four biological children” shortly before his death in September 2003.

Understandably, this has been hard on Khloe.

“The thing that most became overwhelming was when the stuff happened with one of my dad’s wives,” she said on Kocktails With Khloe.

Jan Ashley, who married Robert after he divorced Kris, also says Kardashian expressed the belief that Khloe was not truly his daughter.

“She wanted to come out 10 years after my dad passed away and say I’m not my dad’s daughter,” the reality star lamented.

“And he confided in her. I was like you can talk about me and my sisters all you f–king want. Do not talk about my dad.”

Sadly, we don’t imagine this will be the last time somebody does, especially with Simpson getting out of prison this fall.


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Dante Fowler to Cops: Someone Stole My Mercedes

More drama for Dante Fowler … who dropped a bombshell on cops during a traffic stop earlier this month — someone stole my car! The Jacksonville Jaguars defensive end was pulled over for speeding in St. Petersburg, FL on July 15th — and during…


Friday, July 21, 2017

21 Stars Who Almost Definitely Killed Someone

Some celebrities use their powers to better humanity and make the world a better place, while others? Well… they get away with murder.

At least some of them do (like #1 on this list).

Not every person on this list intentionally took another life, of course, and it goes without saying that not always does someone go to jail.

But scroll around below for a look at a bunch of famous people who have (allegedly, or probably, or definitely) taken the lives of others.

We"re guessing you"ll be surprised by a few.

1. O.J. Simpson

Oj mug shot

O.J. Simpson was arrested for the murder of his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ronald Goldman, leading to the trial of the century in 1994-95.

2. Rebecca Gayheart

Rebecca gayheart

Rebecca Gayheart struck and killed a boy in a crosswalk when she didn’t want to stop and wait behind the line of cars who’d stopped to let the boy cross the street.

3. Laura Bush

Laura bush

Former FLOTUS Laura Bush ran a stop sign at 17 years old and killed a classmate.

4. Brandy

Brandy norwood pic

Brandy Norwood hit a car in front of her by failing to brake in time, killing the driver in front of her. Brandy took full responsibility for the accident, but was never charged.

5. Phil Spector

Phil spector mug shot

Phil Spector shot and killed 40 year old actress Lana Clarkson. He’s behind bars for life.

6. Lane Garrison

Lane garrison

In December 2006, Prison Break star Lane Garrison was responsible for a car crash which left a teenager dead. He was sentenced to 40 months in jail.

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Thursday, June 29, 2017

21 Stars Who Very Likely Killed Someone

Some celebrities use their powers to better humanity and make the world a better place, while others? Well… they get away with murder.

At least some of them do (like #1 on this list).

Not every person on this list intentionally took another life, of course, and it goes without saying that not always does someone go to jail.

But scroll around below for a look at a bunch of famous people who have (allegedly, or probably, or definitely) taken the lives of others.

We"re guessing you"ll be surprised by a few.

1. O.J. Simpson

Oj mug shot

O.J. Simpson was arrested for the murder of his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ronald Goldman, leading to the trial of the century in 1994-95.

2. Rebecca Gayheart

Rebecca gayheart

Rebecca Gayheart struck and killed a boy in a crosswalk when she didn’t want to stop and wait behind the line of cars who’d stopped to let the boy cross the street.

3. Laura Bush

Laura bush

Former FLOTUS Laura Bush ran a stop sign at 17 years old and killed a classmate.

4. Brandy

Brandy norwood pic

Brandy Norwood hit a car in front of her by failing to brake in time, killing the driver in front of her. Brandy took full responsibility for the accident, but was never charged.

5. Phil Spector

Phil spector mug shot

Phil Spector shot and killed 40 year old actress Lana Clarkson. He’s behind bars for life.

6. Lane Garrison

Lane garrison

In December 2006, Prison Break star Lane Garrison was responsible for a car crash which left a teenager dead. He was sentenced to 40 months in jail.

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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Empire Season 3 Episode 18 Recap: Did Someone Die?

After another season of Lyon family drama, Empire Season 3 Episode 18 closed off most of the central plot of the series in a shocking way. 

When the episode got underway, Lucious got a phone call from his mother, Leah in the wake of her murdering Tariq in cold blood. 

She was not impressed at being locked up by her son and Lucious said he was not willing to let her out of the house until she was back to normal. 

Leah had a hilarious response to him. 

“I’m not having an episode! I put steel in the skull of your enemy!”

Meanwhile, Cookie was still pissed about her son ditching her for Giuliana and Lucious, but Jamal was more concerned about Hakeem to worry about his mother. 

What’s very odd is that the family does not seem fazed by Bella being missing, and instead, they seem to only care about the battle for power. 

Hakeem seemed to be the only one who cared for his daughter, making posters and rounding up his friends to help find her. 

We then got to see Andre running down his plan to kill Lucious with Shyne, who seemed a little too happy about all of the crazy developments. 

Shyne asked what Lucious did to him to get him so worked up. 

“Everything,” Andre says. “More than you could ever imagine. I’m the only one that knows what he truly is. That’s why I’ve got to kill him.”

Back at the mansion, Leah managed to get Anika to put her hands on the letter opener that killed Tariq, thus, implicating her in the murder of Tariq. 

She’s a crazy woman, but she’s also pretty scary. 

With Cookie in Vegas, Lucious reveals that he and Giuliana are franchising Leviticus, and Cookie told her ex-husband to back the eff off. 

While Jamal was swearing he was off men to Becky, a new man appeared in his life, and it was obvious he had some secrets. 

Hakeem followed Anika to the Dubois family and said he would do anything for his kid back. Mrs. Dubois hands Bella over and says she will be in contact. 

Um, okay then. 

When Cookie went backstage to get under Giuliana’s skin, Lucious showed his hand to the women. 

“So Giuliana, it’s time for you to go kick rocks. Cookie is the love of my life. Always was, always will be.”

When Giuliana said half of the club belong to her, Lucious said the papers she signed earlier were signing her share away. 


Lucious then revealed the Vegas show was When Cookie Met Lucious, and all seemed to be right in the world of Empire. 

Jamal’s new boyfriend was revealed to be part of the Dubois family and was being used to take the family down. 

Anika was then arrested at the hotel for the murder of Tariq. Like we did not see that coming. Hey, at least she’s getting some sort of comeuppance. 

Cookie and Lucious then decided to ditch Empire and travel the world together and give it all to Andre, but Andre’s plan to kill Lucious went into effect. 

Andre was too late, and an explosion went off. Who died?

Nobody, apparently. 

Three months later, Lucious was in a coma. When he woke up, however, he had forgotten everything and everyone. 

Oh, the drama. 

What did you think of it all?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

20 Stars Who Very Likely Killed Someone

Some celebrities use their powers to better humanity while others?

Well… they get away with murder. At least some of them do.

Not always on purpose, however. And not every time does someone go to jail.

But scroll around below for a look at famous people who have allegedly taken the lives of others…

1. O.J. Simpson

Oj mug shot

O.J. Simpson was arrested for the murder of his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ronald Goldman, leading to the trial of the century in 1994-95.

2. Aaron Hernandez

Aaron hernandez photo

Aaron Hernandez has now been named in not one, but THREE murders. Three.

3. Rebecca Gayheart

Rebecca gayheart

Rebecca Gayheart struck and killed a boy in a crosswalk when she didn’t want to stop and wait behind the line of cars who’d stopped to let the boy cross the street.

4. Laura Bush

Laura bush

Former FLOTUS Laura Bush ran a stop sign at 17 years old and killed a classmate.

5. Brandy

Brandy norwood pic

Brandy Norwood hit a car in front of her by failing to brake in time, killing the driver in front of her. Brandy took full responsibility for the accident, but was never charged.

6. Phil Spector

Phil spector mug shot

Phil Spector shot and killed 40 year old actress Lana Clarkson. He’s behind bars for life.

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Monday, April 24, 2017

Someone Crashed Alfred Blue"s Car Into Louisiana Swamp (PHOTO GALLERY)

Busy day for Houston Texans running back Alfred Blue — who found out his beloved Chevy Camaro somehow ended up in a Louisiana swamp Monday morning. Here’s the deal … cops and a tow truck responded to Highway 90 in Des Allemands around 9 AM after…


Monday, April 17, 2017

Ben Affleck: Already Dating Someone New?!

After nearly two years of separation, we learned last week that Jennifer Garner has finally filed for divorce from Ben Affleck.

The move came as something of a surprise, as it had been rumored that Affleck and Garner were on the verge of getting back together.

Throughout their separation, Affleck had maintained residence in a guesthouse located on the same property as the mansion in which he’d lived with his wife and kids.

Now, TMZ is reporting that Ben and Jen are through dragging their feet, and are now acting fast to make their marriage a thing of the past.

Ben is moving out of the guesthouse and into a more permanent home; lawyers are working around the clock to hammer out a divorce settlement; and in perhaps the surest sign that the marriage is really over, Ben is reportedly dating someone new.

“He’s ready to move on,” a source tells TMZ.

The insider adds that while Ben has found someone new, the relationship is “not serious.”

Experts speculate that it’ll be a minimum of six months before the divorce is finalized.

For the past 22 months, Affleck and Garner have reportedly both been focused on making repairing their marriage.

The downside of that is that they’ve made no progress in terms of working out a divorce settlement both parties can agree to.

As for what prompted Garner to finally file after so many failed reconciliation attempts, sources say she and Ben hit a rough patch that culminated in Ben’s recent rehab stay.

Jen was apparently supportive throughout Ben’s treatment, but the dark period of time before he checked in was apparently bad enough to convince both parties that it was time to call it quits.

According to TMZ, there’s no prenup, and there’s been no discussion of dividing up assets, so the split could be a complicated one.

Fortunately, it shouldn’t be too messy from an emotional standpoint.

The separation has reportedly been amicable, and both Ben and Jen are said to be prioritizing their kids’ happiness over their own personal disagreements.


Monday, February 27, 2017

Oscars In Memoriam Segment Included Someone Who"s Alive

Oscars So White?

More like Oscars So… Wrong this year.

To close the 2017 ceremony, Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway were given the wrong envelope, leading to the biggest gaffe in Oscars history when the wrong Best Picture winner was announced.

But while this may have been the most noticeable mistake of the evening, it was not the only significant screw-up.

(And, no, that isn’t a reference to Casey Affleck winning Best Actor over Denzel Washington.)

During the In Memoriam segment – which paid tribute to all those in Hollywood who passed away over the past year – a photo of producer Jan Chapman appeared on screen at one point.

It was used to represent Janet Patterson, an Australian costume designer who died in October of 2016.

But Chapman is still very much alive.

And she felt awful about the accidental switcheroo (despite obviously playing no role whatsoever in the mishap).

Patterson was a four-time Academy Award nominee and was best known for working on period films such as Far From the Madding Crowd and The Piano.

The details of her death are unknown at this time.

Chapman, who is also Australian, most recently worked on The Babadook.

She issued the following statement to Variety after the In Memoriam video aired: 

I was devastated by the use of my image in place of my great friend and long-time collaborator Janet Patterson. I had urged her agency to check any photograph which might be used and understand that they were told that the Academy had it covered …

Janet was a great beauty and four-time Oscar nominee and it is very disappointing that the error was not picked up. I am alive and well and an active producer.

It appears as those photo agency Getty is to blame for this mistake, as it mislabeled a photo of Chapman as a photo of Patterson.

Here is an actual photo of Chapman, while you can watch the error take place in the video above.

As is almost always the case, tribute reel was criticized for omitting a few names, including Garry Shandling and Florence Henderson (although, to be fair, both were best known for TV roles).

Moreover, Bill Paxton, who sadly died over the weekend, was not among the names and faces listed.

But only because he died after the clips were put together – and presented Jennifer Aniston made a point to mention Paxton in her introduction, fighting away tears as she did so.

The Academy has not yet said anything about the In Memoriam segment.

We’ll update this article with its quote if it ever releases one.

Until then, check out the following collection of GIFs and join us in wondering why no one ever taught Nicole Kidman how to clap…


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Jay Glazer Says "F**k" Joe Mixon ... "I Hope Someone Beats His Ass" (VIDEO)

Jay Glazer couldn’t be more clear when it comes to Joe Mixon — F*** THAT GUY. The “NFL on FOX” star — one of the most connected guys in football — was leaving Craig’s in Hollywood when we asked if teams were still considering drafting the…


Monday, November 14, 2016

Zara Sued -- Someone Smells a Rat In Her Dress

A woman is suing clothing giant Zara over a rat — or at least part of one — that she says was sewn into the hem of a dress she’d bought off the rack. Cailey Fiesel says she snapped up the dress at Zara’s Greenwich, CT store in July, and when…


Zara Sued -- Someone Smells a Rat In Her Dress

A woman is suing clothing giant Zara over a rat — or at least part of one — that she says was sewn into the hem of a dress she’d bought off the rack. Cailey Fiesel says she snapped up the dress at Zara’s Greenwich, CT store in July, and when…


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Azealia Banks Actually Apologizes to Someone!!!!!

Azealia Banks is officially more mature than Donald Trump.

The controversial singer just issued an actual apology to an actual person she had previously offended.

We’ll give you a few minutes to let this shocking news sink in…

Back in May, Banks went on as vicious of a rant as she’s ever gone on before.

The target of her wrath was former One Direction singer Zayn Malik.

It all started because Malik released his music video for the track “Like I Would.” Banks believed the song too closely resembled her single “Yung Rapunzel.”

And that’s all it took for Banks to GO OFF.

In epic fashion, even for Azealia Banks.

“@zaynmalik dude, I make better music than you. Simmer down with that fake white boy rebellion and that wannabe beiber swag,” she wrote.

And then she got very racist, adding the folllowing insults:

lol u a bitch n*gga for even responding like that. Keep sucking this yung rapunxel d*ck u hairy curry scented bitch. imma start calling you punjab you dirty bitch.

You a dick rider for real for real. Ride this dick until the wheels fall off Punjab.

You were only apart of 1d to draw brown attention. You are and ALWAYS will be a TOKEN to the UK.

@zaynmalik still doesn’t change the fact that your mother is a dirty refugee who won’t be granted asylum. LOL @ZAYNMALIK IS A F*GGOT.

Yes, Banks wrote all of these things. It was bad.

Incredibly, however, after accusing Russell Crowe of assault this week, Banks realized she had to take some responsibility for her own actions.

So she wrote Malik an apology.

“Dear Zayn, There are no words that can fully express how sorry I am. Recent events have taught me the importance of taking accountability for ones actions.

“I want and need to say I am sorry, I was wrong,” Banks began.

After detailing how her outburst this spring was caused by an unrelated tweet she mistook as a personal attack, she acknowledged her mistake.

She continued as follows:

“As a black woman, in America, I sometimes forget that there are words and comments that hurt other communities. At times, I am so consumed by my own struggle, and the struggle of my race, that I forget to consider the hardships other minorities continue to endure.

“Coming from an ethnicity that is largely discriminated against does not warrant a license to use derogatory, abusive terminology nor does it give me the right to make hurtful remarks.”

The artist then said she was to all those who were affected by her words.

“I apologise not only to you, Zayn, but to all those I hurt and offended. I am not cruel, nor am I heartless or vindictive.

“There is a lot of love in my heart and there is good in my soul. What I did was wrong and I am committed to becoming a better person.”

Concluded Banks:

“Throughout my transgressions you remained a gentleman and I applaud you for displaying class and maintaining a level head. The world could learn a lot from you and I hope you can find room in your heart to accept my sincerest apologies.”

The unexpected letter comes mere days after Banks demanded an apology from Crowe due to their alleged altercation last weekend.

She claims that the Oscar-winning actor “called me a n—-r, choked me, threw me out and spat at me.”


Friday, September 2, 2016

Chris Brown: Someone is Out to Get Me!

Chris Brown has a bone to pick with Baylee Curran.

According to Baylee Curran, he also has a gun to hold up in her face… but that’s not the focus right now.

Earlier this week, Brown got arrested for assault with a deadly weapon after he allegedly forced Curran out of his home at gunpoint.

The supposed incident took place very early Tuesday morning, around 3 a.m., after Curran and a friend stopped by the singer’s house.

After hanging out harmlessly in the hot tub, Curran told authorities (and then multiple media outlets) that she walked inside and simply took a look at a diamond necklace.

She alleges this set Brown off.

She says he responded by grabbing a weapon and screaming at her to “get the f-ck out.”

From there… well, all kinds of chaos ensued.

Curran called 911. Police responded to the scene. They demanded entry into Brown’s home, but he turned them away.

He chose instead to record himself cursing off the cops on Instagram, while these same cops remained in Brown’s driveway.

He then tossed a duffel bag of guns and drugs out the window, only to later get taken into custody after police obtained a search warrant and, we can only assume, found some kind of assault evidence inside the residence.

Since that time, Brown has been released on $ 250,000 bail, with his attorney telling fans that Brown appreciates their “support and well wishes.”

“Chris is out and well. The allegations against him are demonstrably false #TeamBreezy,” the artist’s attorney added.

Curran has since gone on to wonder why Brown is considered the victim and not her, which is where Brown very clearly disagrees.

TMZ writes that Brown and his team are convinced deputy district attorney Mary Murray is out to get him.

Law enforcement officials tell the site that Murray played a vital role in Brown’s latest arrest, the same Murray who has an interesting history with the star.

Murray prosecuted Brown in the Rihanna assault case back in 2009 and she was also involved in the numerous probation violation hearings in which she asked for jail time for the singer.

She lost each time she asked a judge for this jail time.

According to these TMZ insiders, cops were actually not planning on taking Brown into custody on Tuesday.

The plan instead was to simply conduct an investigation.

But then Murray jumped in and pushed for Brown to be arrested. Right then. Right there. On the spot.

Brown thinks the decision to arrest him was a matter of vengeance, pure and simple.

He says Curran has major credibility problems (she was accused of theft in 2013 and lost a beauty pageant crown this year after nude photos went viral) and that other witnesses have disputed Baylee’s story.

In the past, Brown has referred to Murray as racist in a series of Tweets because she convinced a judge to throw out community service hours he claimed to have completed.

What does the district attorney’s office have to say about these punitive allegations?

Nothing yet. But we have a feeling this story isn’t exactly over yet.