Friday, September 2, 2016

Chris Brown: Someone is Out to Get Me!

Chris Brown has a bone to pick with Baylee Curran.

According to Baylee Curran, he also has a gun to hold up in her face… but that’s not the focus right now.

Earlier this week, Brown got arrested for assault with a deadly weapon after he allegedly forced Curran out of his home at gunpoint.

The supposed incident took place very early Tuesday morning, around 3 a.m., after Curran and a friend stopped by the singer’s house.

After hanging out harmlessly in the hot tub, Curran told authorities (and then multiple media outlets) that she walked inside and simply took a look at a diamond necklace.

She alleges this set Brown off.

She says he responded by grabbing a weapon and screaming at her to “get the f-ck out.”

From there… well, all kinds of chaos ensued.

Curran called 911. Police responded to the scene. They demanded entry into Brown’s home, but he turned them away.

He chose instead to record himself cursing off the cops on Instagram, while these same cops remained in Brown’s driveway.

He then tossed a duffel bag of guns and drugs out the window, only to later get taken into custody after police obtained a search warrant and, we can only assume, found some kind of assault evidence inside the residence.

Since that time, Brown has been released on $ 250,000 bail, with his attorney telling fans that Brown appreciates their “support and well wishes.”

“Chris is out and well. The allegations against him are demonstrably false #TeamBreezy,” the artist’s attorney added.

Curran has since gone on to wonder why Brown is considered the victim and not her, which is where Brown very clearly disagrees.

TMZ writes that Brown and his team are convinced deputy district attorney Mary Murray is out to get him.

Law enforcement officials tell the site that Murray played a vital role in Brown’s latest arrest, the same Murray who has an interesting history with the star.

Murray prosecuted Brown in the Rihanna assault case back in 2009 and she was also involved in the numerous probation violation hearings in which she asked for jail time for the singer.

She lost each time she asked a judge for this jail time.

According to these TMZ insiders, cops were actually not planning on taking Brown into custody on Tuesday.

The plan instead was to simply conduct an investigation.

But then Murray jumped in and pushed for Brown to be arrested. Right then. Right there. On the spot.

Brown thinks the decision to arrest him was a matter of vengeance, pure and simple.

He says Curran has major credibility problems (she was accused of theft in 2013 and lost a beauty pageant crown this year after nude photos went viral) and that other witnesses have disputed Baylee’s story.

In the past, Brown has referred to Murray as racist in a series of Tweets because she convinced a judge to throw out community service hours he claimed to have completed.

What does the district attorney’s office have to say about these punitive allegations?

Nothing yet. But we have a feeling this story isn’t exactly over yet.