Friday, September 2, 2016

Matt Baier: Oldest Son Gets Girl Pregnant, Moves in With Amber Portwood!

Teen Mom OG star Amber Portwood and controversial fiance Matt Baier now have a kid together … but chillax, it’s not what you think.

And yet, it’s entirely what you’d expect in a different sense.

According to reports, Matt Baier’s oldest son (among many, many kids) has moved in with them … after leaving his pregnant girlfriend!

Chris Baier, 25, allegedly had a fight with his significant other, decided to call up his estranged dad, patch things up and get outta dodge.

“Matt figured it would be a chance for him to look good in the public eye and help his son,” a source told The Ashley’s Reality Roundup.

So he flew Chris, who previously described his dad as evil, out to Indiana, and the younger Baier has been living with them ever since.

Starcasm believes that Chris and his girlfriend had serious troubles before she got pregnant, or right around that time, based on Facebook.

The last positive thing Chris’ South Dakota girlfriend had to say about him was on March 16 when she captioned a photo of Chris with:

“I’m lucky enough to call this man my boyfriend!!!”

After that, well, her updates are less glowing.

Mostly, she posts memes and photos saying things like “I’d Rather Be Alone Than With A Lying Cheater” and “F**k fake relationships.”

Or “Don’t bother confronting a bullsh!tter about their bullsh!tting, they’ll bullsh!t you by talking a lot of bullsh!t and then go right back to their bullsh!tting ways.”

You get the idea. Not exactly cryptic. 

Chris’ girlfriend apparently found out she was pregnant recently, on August 15, and revealed two days later that she’s due on April 12.

She tagged him in both of the sonograms she posted, so it would appear Matt Baier is going to be a grandpa, despite the estrangement.

As for whether you’ll see Chris when you watch Teen Mom OG online? An insider says there’s a good chance, given producers’ goals.

“They are really trying to improve Matt’s public image for the show,” the source says. “They don’t want him to be the ‘bad guy’ anymore.”

“Having Chris appear on some episodes will show viewers that Matt is trying to right his wrongs of the past – well some of them.”

The simple fact that he’s gone out of his way to “be involved in Chris’ life” means insiders “won’t be surprised to see Chris appear.”

Of course … it’s also going to be awkward, given that ditching out on a woman and her baby is kind of Matt’s perceived M.O.

Also, Matt’s son is just one year younger than Amber Portwood, while Matt is 19 years her elder, so there’s that dynamic.

Obviously, it’s enough to cause concern for her fans, already on edge over rumors that Baier has nine kids and Ambs is marrying him.

Asked why he doesn’t support the nine kids he already has by another fan, the mother of Leah responded with a familiar denial:

“What? He doesn’t have 9 kids?? And he doesn’t owe any child support. All the cases were. can’t believe everything you read hun.”

Another fan wasn’t buying it, writing to her:

“Just remember, if u marry Matt n he owes back child support, anything u own n ur income comes into play to make sure he pays.”

Portwood responded that Baier “owes absolutely no child support and all cases have been dropped. He’s not what you guys think he is.”

At that point, Baier baby mama Kelli Nunn chimed in, refuting that, saying, “mine isn’t dropped. #stoplying #beadadtoyourownkids”

Ouch. Just ouch.

Who’s telling the truth? Is Amber canceling her wedding to Matt a harbinger of things to come, or merely the delay she claims it to be?

Can she possibly reconcile everything in this dude’s past, from hitting on Farrah and Jenelle online to his ongoing child support disputes?

Basically, stay tuned for the latest on Chris, and the rest of the skeletons in Matt’s closet, because this isn’t going away anytime soon.

Or at all.