Showing posts with label Tamra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tamra. Show all posts

Friday, July 28, 2017

Tamra Judge: I"m Worried Shannon Beador"s Going to DIE!

If there’s one thing that people who’ve suddenly gained weight love more than having news of it broadcast worldwide, it’s for their friends to constantly talk about it to their faces and behind their backs!

So Shannon Beador must be positively ecstatic right now.

Remember that weight that she initially blamed on Vicki Gunvalson? Tamra Judge says that she is just so worried about Shannon. She talks about it at length in her blog post, which we’re sure is exactly what Shannon wants.

Tamra Judge says that Shannon Beador’s weight puts her life at risk, which, while technically true, sounds like absolutely zero of her business.

The way that Tamra phrases it, though, it almost sounds like she’s trying to compliment Shannon.


“Shannon, girl, you are brave! 40% body fat is dangerous. I’ve been worried about Shannon’s weight for some time.”

Often, people use “I’m worried about her health” as code for “I don’t approve of how her body looks but I want to veil that as legitimate health concerns.”

Honestly, it’s hard to tell with Tamra, but it’s probably a little bit of both.

Her next statement is where her blog post gets horrifying:

“We talk about it almost daily and I try to give her advice without being pushy.”

Almost daily.

That’s not healthy.

What do their days even look like?

Does Shannon walk up and say “Hi, Tamra” and Tamra responds: “Awww, is being so fat hard on you? Here’s some unsolicited advice.”

Maybe Shannon’s asking for advice, since Tamra’s obsessed with fitness.

But … every day?

The only thing that we can think of that would make it make sense is if they have some kind of daily accountability thing going, where Shannon’s like “yeah I went to the gym today” to keep her motivated to not quit.

(When I first started daily exercises a few years ago, I definitely tweeted about it so that a day not tweeting about it would be conspicuous)

For the record, and not that it’s Tamra’s business or ours or anyone else’s, but Shannon has absolutely been going to the gym.

She’s even shared photos:

When Tamra stops being a judgmental busybody, though, she starts to give really good advice.

(She is, after all, a fitness guru)

“The thing about being healthy is not just looking good in a bikini.”

You don’t have to look like Kendall Jenner or whomever in order to be healthy.

For some people, having that figure would be very unhealthy, actually.

“Not all workouts are created equal and there is NO one size fits all workout. You have to find your fit and be consistent. Being fit and healthy is a lifestyle not a diet, fad, or starving yourself.”

That’s absolutely true.

Also, we have to give Tamra Judge credit for using that serial comma.

Giving very general advice for those interested (way better than harassing your friend, by the way), Tamra goes over some important tips for health.

“The one ignorant thing that people say is ‘just don’t eat’ that is almost as bad for you as overeating. I think most people think of losing weight as a four letter word, ‘DIET."”

Yeah, it can be tempting to think that you’re too busy or lazy to exercise, so you’d rather just skip eating and save a little time and money.

It’s super bad for you and it’s also way more difficult than it sounds.

You do do a few days with nothing but nibbles, sure — especially if work is busy or you’re playing a new video game.

That’s not sustainable in the long run.

(And for those who live that way with eating disorders, it can do serious and even permanent damage to their bodies)

Tamra recommends a much healthier lifestyle shift for those who want it.

“But once you get educated on the right things to eat, you will never go back. My advice to people that don’t necessarily like to work out is to try different things until you find the thing that you like. Maybe its dancing, riding a bike, or hiking.”

She’s absolutely right!

(My thing, I learned in 2014, is riding an exercise bike — but some people prefer swimming or certain forms of yoga or even martial arts)

Tamra’s entry on Shannon wouldn’t be complete without some obligatory self-promotion, though, we guess.

“I wish Shannon lived closer to CUT Fitness so we could train her. I want to help her so badly! We talk about nutrition and I try to keep her motivated to work out. She’s not passionate about it like me, but she trying. She’s doing a great job lately and I’m so proud of her.”

Yeah, Tamra. Not everybody’s obsessed with suffering. We just do it because we have to.

The thing about Shannon Beador is that while she absolutely gained a fair amount of weight in eight months … she’s not fat.

Like, we’ve all seen photos of her.

Is she overweight? From what she’s said, yes.

But that’s a far cry from her being fat.

From the way that Tamra Judge talks about her at the beginning of this post, you’d think that she was about to drop out of The Real Housewives of Orange County and appear on My 600-lb Life.

With a friend like Tamra Judge, does Shannon Beador even need Vicki Gunvalson?


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Tamra Judge: Vicki Gunvalson and I Will NEVER Be Friends Again!

For ages, now, Tamra Judge and Vicki Gunvalson of The Real Housewives of Orange County have been playing a proverbial game of cat-and-also-cat.

Their feud makes for great television (well, okay television), but it has to be toxic to both of their lives. Some of their costars have tried to mediate, and many think that they should put the past in the past and try to rekindle their former friendship.

But Tamra Judge says that it won’t happen.

In a new interview with People Now, Tamra Judge says she isn’t interested in mending fences with Vicki Gunvalson.

“She’s done too much damage to me.”

Just recently, Vicki Gunvalson blindsided Tamra Judge by playing a diss track of her on The Real Housewives of Orange County.

But that’s only one of many jabs that she’s made at her former friend.

The two have had a lasting power struggle for airtime …

… We mean, “popularity” …

… On The Real Housewives of Orange County, and it’s turned their friendship into a bitter feud.

“Personally, she has no boundaries and so that’s where you’re like, ‘Is that the kind of friend I want?”

That makes sense.

Everybody has lines and, once you cross them, there’s usually no going back.

Unfortunately, Tamra used that same interview to put her foot in her mouth.

Like, fair warning, she’s about to get homophobic:

“She was spreading rumors about Eddie saying that Eddie is gay — it’s disgusting.”

This isn’t the first time that Tamra Judge has denied that her husband is gay, but the issue isn’t that she’s denying a rumor.

The issue is the use of the word “disgusting.”

Her language is a little ambiguous, but she sure doesn’t make it clear that she’s saying that rumor-spreading is disgusting.

In fact, it sounds like she’s saying that gay people are disgusting.

“It’s not true for one, but it’s still very hurtful. Why spread that around?” 

It’s clear that Vicki is spreading it around because it bothers Tamra so much.

As we all learned when we were, like, 8 years old, if it doesn’t bother you, the bully will get bored and move on to something else.

“She’s like, ‘It’s just a rumor, why do you care?’”

That’s a good question — though, obviously, any sort of rumor can be annoying.

“And it’s like, ‘You’re validating it, you’re spreading it, and you’ve never once come up to me about it.’”

Here’s an example of a non-homophobic way for Tamra to have phrased this:

I hate that Vicki Gunvalson keeps repeating the rumor that my husband, Eddie, is gay. Eddie isn’t gay, but rumors cause problems. More to the point, does Vicki really think that calling someone gay is an insult? It’s 2017 and she needs to grow up.

Something like that.

Not everything that Tamra has to say is casually offensive to countless millions of Americans, thankfully.

“She makes up stories about her own life, she fakes cancer.”

Tamra is referring to when Vicki’s ex Brooks Ayers fabricated medical documents to “prove” cancer, which is part of what might be the weirdest thing to ever have happened on any Real Housewives show.

“If someone lies about their own life they’re going to lie about your life too.”

That’s true.

Some people lie with purpose.

Some people lie compulsively, with little or nothing to gain.

In either case, it can be very habit-forming.

And Tamra says that the whole of her experience with Vicki has just been a dealbreaker on what was once a friendship.

“So I have no desire [to be friends]. It’s just such a negative thing.”

You don’t need toxicity in your life, right?

And Tamra says that her husband agrees.

“Eddie has no time for bulls—, so when it comes to Vicki, he doesn’t want anything to do with her.”

We can almost hear Vicki replying: Of course he doesn’t want anything to do with me; he’s gay!

Or something like that.

No, but really, Eddie’s smart to want nothing to do with anyone who would spread rumors about him.

“He thinks she’s trash.”

That’s fair.

These ladies are so immature.

Exchanging barbs like they do was something that everyone we knew had outgrown before high school.

But it’s perfectly suited for reality show drama.

The Real Housewives of Orange County has been around forever, and this sort of nonsense like what’s going on between Tamra and Vicki is part of that success.

We do hope that Tamra apologizes for her phrasing, though.

Bigotry makes it awfully hard to feel sorry for someone.


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Tamra Judge: Here"s an Update on My Estranged Daughter!

It doesn’t get much more complex or emotional than tensions and estrangement between parents and their children. Sometimes it’s fueled by confused emotions and hormones, and sometimes it’s caused by grievous wrongdoings.

Tamra Judge is famously feuding with The Real Housewives of Orange County costar Vicki Gunvalson, but she also has a much more important and more personal feud — with her estranged daughter, Sidney. She even spoke about it, emotionally, on the Season 12 premiere of RHOC.

Now Tamra’s saying that things with her daughter are improving … but is she just putting on a brave face?

Tamra Judge split from her ex, Simon.

As so often happens in divorce, especially with older children, the family became fractured.

Young kids might be ferried back and forth between the two, but that wasn’t the case.

Tamra’s 17-year-old son, Spencer, lives with her and calls her new husband, David, “dad.”

Her 11-year-old daughter, Sophia, gets shuttled back and forth between Tamra and Simon.

Sidney, however, has refused to live with Tamra, living instead with her father.

Tamra has lamented not being able to be there for her oldest daughter’s milestones.

But, at least on the surface, they might be inching their way towards reconciliation.

There was something of a family reunion for Sidney’s high school graduation, complete with pictures.

She captioned the photo of photos:

“So many things to be proud of this month. Our family has come a long way and I couldn’t be happier.”

That sounds promising, right?

“Simon and I are so proud of these amazing, smart, funny, beautiful, & crazy kids.”

It’s good that she and her ex can speak as one on a subject as important as their children.

And then Tamra gets a little more personal, bringing it back to her daughter — whom they were all honoring.

“Congrats Sidney! Your smile lightens up the room and your future is so bright.”

But, clearly, there’s still quite a bit of tension.

But Tamra Judge says that her relationship with Sidney is improving, little by little.

“We’re making progress. Every day’s a step forward and we’re just really trying to bring the family back together.”

We don’t know how mutual that is.

Sometimes parents can mistake “working out our issues” with “getting their children to see things their way.” It never ends well.

Publicly, at least, Tamra has nothing but praise for Sidney.

“She’s amazing. She’s doing great. She graduated from high school, going off to college and I’m just really proud of her.”

And she should be.

“It’s still very difficult and we’ve had a long journey and we’re making progress which is good.”

It’s hard to tell if she’s just being optimistic and putting a good face on it, or if her statements reflect reality and her daughter’s actual feelings.

Like, Tamra refers to a facelift as a comeback — she can put a shine on anything.

What we’d really want to do is hear from Sidney, in Sidney’s own words, how things are.

And also why things are the way that they are.

We don’t know if Sidney wants to repair things with her mom or if she privately listens to that Tamra Judge diss track.

Sidney’s entering the adult world and old enough to speak for herself.

Because as long as we’re just hearing from Tamra, we’ll never have the complete story.


Tamra Judge on New Looks: It"s a Comeback!

Tamra Judge has been a fixture on The Real Housewives of Orange County for the better part of ten years, and unlike some of her co-stars, she has been a fan-favorite for most of her time on it. 

Much like the Bravo hit refreshes its cast every so often, Judge decided she would be doing some refreshing of her own.

For her ten-year-anniversary with the series, the star got a facelift and opened up about it on Watch What Happens Live last night. 

“I call it a comeback,” she told host Andy Cohen during her guest appearance on Watch What Happens Live on Monday, July 10.

“It’s just a mini. Don’t call it a facelift, call it a comeback! That’s my season 13 tagline.”

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, it would be fair to assume that her bitter feud with Vicki Gunvalson added some years onto her face. 

However, Tamra revealed that her facial rejuvenation actually came via orders from her doctor. No, we’re not even kidding. 

She said that her doctor ordered her to gain ten percent body fat or have the skin pulled. 

“I had my neck and lower face done. I’m not a big fan of the fillers, cause I feel like you look like a Cabbage Patch Kid, so I say, ‘Pull it, don’t plump it.’ So two weeks ago, I went and had a little tuck,” she explained.

It’s easy to blame cosmetic surgery on a doctor because it’s difficult to question the truth.

While the cosmetic surgery was a hot topic on the late night chat show, Tamra opened up about co-star, Shannon Beador’s surgery. 

“Shannon had, like, foreskin creamed on her face and this stuff,” she revealed, talking about an anti-aging product that uses baby foreskin. “Oh, you’ll see. It’s like a procedure.”

Sound pretty out there, but what else should we expect from the Orange County ladies who want to look younger by the day?

Tamra has been at odds with Vicki on the reality series for quite some time, and it sounds like they are going to continue their feud as the new season of the series continues. 

For fans of the series, it will be exciting, and we can’t wait to see their bitter feuds captured in front of the Bravo cameras. 

What do you think about the facelift? 

Hit the comments below!


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Tamra Judge Caught Off Guard by Diss Track on The Real Housewives of Orange County!

The Real Housewives of Orange County are back.

We have a RHOC episode recap if you missed it, but what we really want to talk about is one particular, musical aspect of the rivalry between Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge.

Because the former friends don’t just quarrel on the show — there’s an actual song bashing Tamra. And Vicki has it … and it got worse for Tamra from there.

So, a rap song that insults Tamra Judge played on the season premiere of The Real Housewives of Orange County.

That premiere was last night, folks.

And, apparently Tamra didn’t even know about it in advance.

“Tamra had no idea it was going to be on the show, and now she’s freaking out.”

Amazing to think that nobody in production thought to warn her.

This is such a big deal because the song isn’t exactly available online.

Like, if it were just floating around the interwebs, we’d be happy to make sure that everyone heard it.

But it’s basically scrubbed.

Except that Vicki got a hold of it, because of course she did, and she played a bit of it.

The song, “Lie Lie Lie,” doesn’t just make a rude reference to Tamra.

It’s a full-on diss track.

And there’s some collateral damage.

Cory Larrabee created it, and it seems that he has some interesting ideas about Tamra and her husband, Eddie.

“She found another man he was a gay sex slave.”

Well, we can’t speak to Eddie’s sexual orientation.

But that sounds more than a little far-fetched, right?

“She got him out of debt in exchange for a wedding day.”

That is a very inventive story.

It sounds like the backstory for a great episode of, like, a police procedural or something.

But, even if Eddie sets off some people’s gaydar … it doesn’t sound like a likely story.

You can see how it would get under Tamra’s skin, though.

Especially since the next set of lines might hit a little closer to home.

“Once upon a time there was a dumb hoe.”

That’s sure a creative way to begin, but continue.

“She snapped a dirty pic and sent it from her phone.”

Now those lyrics are especially damning.

Because, as you may recall, Tamra Judge is accused of distributing pics of Vicki Gunvalson’s boobs.

These are grown, adult women, but yeah.

Like, this is a little more ambiguous than Rob Kardashian posting revenge porn of Blac Chyna.

Because, first of all, it’s merely alleged that Tamra shared topless photos of Vicki.

And these weren’t photos exchanged between friends or intimate partners.

Vicki was showing her breasts in front of cameras, to a costars husband over FaceTime.

(Isn’t technology amazing?)

Though Tamra is accused of sending them to a 15-year-old, somehow, so maybe she doesn’t quite have the moral high ground.


Tamra Judge doesn’t care about haters, supposedly.

Everybody wants people to think that they don’t care, but most people, deep down, do.

They can’t help it.

That has to hurt.

Especially since Vicki Gunvalson is the queen bee of The Real Housewives of Orange County anyway.

Playing that song seemed like kicking Tamra while she’s down, you know?

Or maybe punishing her for returning for yet another season.

Maybe this is setting the stage and, during the course of this season, Lydia will repair the relationship between these two.

But if Vicki and Tamra were back to being friends by the time that this aired, surely Vicki would have warned her that the diss track would play on air!


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Tamra Judge Confirms Real Housewives Return, Taunts Haters

Tamra Judge has sent a message to her haters.

Specifically, to co-stars Vicki Gunvalson and Kelly Dodd, both of whom has tried to give Tamra the boot from The Real Housewives of Orange County in the past.

And that message goes something like this:

I ain’t going anywhere, suckers! Deal with it!

Granted, Judge used slightly different words.

But insiders have confirmed to Us Weekly that fans who watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online next season will most definitely see Judge included among the regular cast members.

And Tamra herself has also basically confirmed this news.

On Monday, she shared a photo of herself in a trucker hat, including with the picture a hashtag-laden caption that made her reality TV future clear.

“#yes #stillahousewife,” wrote Judge.

In late October, sources told Radar Online that Tamra’s future on the long-running Bravo series was a bit cloudy, pointing to a memorable Season 11 confrontation as the reason why.

Tamra hitting Kelly may have cost her the contract,” the source said at the time. “Everyone knows that you can’t hit another Housewife!”

This, of course, is ridiculous.

It’s probably written into every other script that one Housewife either hits another Housewife or threatens to do so.

The feud between Tamra and Kelly Dodd will be played up as much as any other storyline heading into Season 12.

Tamra has had beef with Gunvalson and Dodd over her claims that Vicki conspired with ex-boyfriend Brooks Ayers to lie to the public about his alleged cancer diagnosis.

Gunvalson shot back by accusing Judge’s husband, Eddie Judge, of being gay.

This allegation has been making the rounds for several weeks, with Judge responding to a caller who asked about Eddie’s sexuality during an appearance opposite Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live.

“Let’s just put it this way. Me and Eddie are such trolls that I need to be married to somebody that’s gay? Why? Why? What’s the point of it?” Tamra said in October, adding:

“Why is it that a hot guy can’t be straight?”

Tamra had previously said of Eddie to Bravo in July:

“He’s hot and he’s great to my kids. And he’s just a good person. So he makes things very easy for me.”

Those are all great reasons to be with someone.

Are you excited that Tamra Judge will be on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12?

Do you want to see her feud with Vicki continue?

Or are you anxious for a cast shake-up because things have grown stale among these women?


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Tamra Judge: My Husband is Not Gay! Sheesh!

Attention, The Real Housewives of Orange County fans!

Tamra Judge has an important message to pass along. Are you listening? Are you paying close attention?

Here it is:


On Tuesday night, Judge and Shannon Beador were guests on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen.

When the topic of her marriage to Eddie Judge was broached, Tamra initially didn’t want to say very much.

“I don’t talk about my sex life on national TV,” she told one caller who asked her to describe what goes on between the sheets between her and Eddie.

But then Tamra couldn’t resist. Her curiosity got the best of her and she pressed the caller on why he was so curious about that intimate part of her life.

The man on the other end of the line said he had heard rumors that Eddie was gay, a topic that was also broached on Monday’s episode of this popular reality series.

Here. You can watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online to see how Eddie’s sexuality was brought up this week:

“Let’s just put it this way. Me and Eddie are such trolls that I need to be married to somebody that’s gay? Why? Why? What’s the point of it?” Tamra shot back at the caller.

“Why is it that a hot guy can’t be straight?” 

Andy Cohen shook his head and did not have an answer to this question.

But he did add “from what I understand, you two can’t stop banging,” while Beador tried to have her co-star’s back.

“Can I just say we couldn’t get in the room earlier to get ready,” she claimed, implying that Eddie and Tamra were getting hot and heavy right before coming out on stage last night.

“He said, ‘All I need is 2 minutes babe!” Tamra said of this alleged quickie. “‘That’s all I need."”

We somehow doubt this took place on the same evening a caller happened to call in and question whether or not Eddie is straight.

But we still believe Tamra’s defense of her husband overall.

Back in July, Tamra said of Eddie in a chat with Bravo’s The Daily Dish:

“We just get each other and we’re so in love and we give each other our space. I want to say we communicate quite well, but that’s not always the case.

“We both get over things.

“Like, if he gets upset at me, he’s over it in two seconds. If I get upset at him, we’re over it. So we just have a really great way of working together.

“And he’s hot and he’s great to my kids. And he’s just a good person. So he makes things very easy for me.”

We have no reason not to believe her.

How about you? Do you think Eddie Judge is gay or straight?

Watch the video posted at the outset of this article to see Tamra’s response to this issue on Watch What Happens Live.


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Tamra Judge to Menopause: I Will Beat the F--k Out of You

Her friends may be a bunch of hot messes, but not Tamra Judge.

Judge has her sh-t together, and we’re not just referring to her being the only sober, coherent one in last night’s episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County.

The 48-year-old reality star is co-owner of Cut Fitness with her husband, Eddie and in May she won her very first fitness competition.

“I truly believe that working out, eating well, taking your supplements, is really the key to staying young,” Judge told Entertainment Tonight.

“I’m 48 years old. I started to see just a layer of fat developing around my midsection and I was like, ‘Oh hell, no. This is not happening.’

Judge works out with trainer Mia Finnegan, who’s often seen giving her client advice on the show.

“I get up at 4:30, 5:00 in the morning,” Judge told ET, “eat a little bit, then I go work out with Mia, and we work out for about two hours, then I do an hour of cardio … [I do it] five, six days a week.”

This, she believes, is what’s helping her power through menopause.

“[Mia] fine-tuned my diet, got me lifting heavy, and put me on supplements,” Judge explained.

“My whole body composition has changed.  I wish I could teach everyone going through menopause.  Trust me, you don’t have to accept it, you can reverse it.”

Judge encourages women of all ages to take care of their bodies.

“It doesn’t matter what age you are, you can do it,” she said.

“I would say 80 percent of it is your diet, and for women, lifting heavy weights [is key].

“Everyone thinks, ‘I’m gonna get bulky, I’m gonna get this…’ No. When you build muscle, and you eat that extra protein, your body is burning that fat all day long.

“So girls, eat your protein all day long, and lift heavy weights!”

And don’t audition for reality tv show.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Vicki Gunvalson: I"m The Victim! Tamra Judge Is The Meanie!

It"s Vicki vs. the rest of the Housewives.

Vicki Gunvalson seems to be doing her best to make amends and repair relationships damaged by her ex-boyfriend, Brooks Ayers.

On last night"s episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County, Gunvalson finally sat down with Tamra Judge, and apologized for her hurting her old friend last season.

"I"m sorry. Will you forgive me?" Gunvalson asked Judge during new Houswife Kelly Dodd"s beach party.

"I went about it the wrong way. I want to be us again."

Judge wanted to forgive her friend, but it"s hard to get past the idea that Gunvalson had no idea Ayers was faking stage 3 cancer.

"I just find it really hard to believe that you live in the same house with a guy," Judge said to her.

"I mean, you would know if somebody had stage 3 cancer like that.

"Be honest, Vicki."

Gunvalson insisted she had no idea.

"I never knew," she said.

"I wasn"t lying for him. I didn"t know that he was lying to me. My love for Brooks was blind. Maybe I should have known better, but I didn"t.

"I believed my man that I loved. Period."

Judge smelled a rat, and said so during her one-on-one interview.

"I think Vicki will never ever admit she knew he was faking," Judge said.

"This is why Vicki has a hard time making friends."

Then the original Housewive dropped a big ole" bomb.

"I believed Brooks had cancer and I believe all you guys were in on trying to bring him down. And that was hard. Because you didn"t like him."

Uhh, hold up.

"I don"t like him!" Judge interjected. "He is a piece of s—-. "

Feeling that she herself was owed an apologize

"I think you in particular should have really been there for me," she told Judge. "I don"t think you were. I think you kind of turned a little bit on me.

PS, Gunvalson tweeted this after last night"s episode:

"You didn"t turn on me, you turned away from me when I needed you the most. You don"t care.

"My relationship fell apart of me in front of my eyes.

You guys have no clue what I"ve been through."

Watch the full episode to find out if Gunvalson was able to make her way back into her co-stars" hearts (especially Shannon Beador"s).

Vicki gunvalson im the victim tamra judge is the meanie

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Tamra Judge: My Face is Real, My Belly Button is Gone!

Tamra Judge has a lot to say about surgeries, both the plastic variety and the necessary kind.

The Real Housewives of Orange Country star opened up about both topics as a guest on Watch What Happens Live last night, but she then jumped on Intstagram to clear up a couple things about her body.

First, there’s the question of her belly button.

Unlike Taylor Swift, who was famous for awhile for never showing this appendage, Tamra has no problem showing off every inch of her figure.

She has been entering fitness competitions and is very proud of her bikini body these days.

But all those selfies have left many followers wondering about a certain missing detail.

“I addressed this tonight on @bravowwhl I know this is gross but I keep getting asked the same question ‘what happened to your belly button,"” Tamra wrote on social media last night, explaining:

“For the last time …. 3 years ago, I was home alone and experienced excruciating pain. I called @drdubrow immediately and he told me to call 911.”

She continued:

“Terry stayed on the phone with me while the paramedics took me to the hospital. He also communicated with the on call surgeon.

My stomach wall had burst due to gastric hernia.

“5 hours of surgery this is what i was left with. Yep I have a scare [sic] and a screwed up belly button but my intestines where saved. Thank you @drdubrow for being that Doctor that cared and took the time. If you need a new case for #botched you got my digits.”

For those interested in the grisly details, Tamra included a close-up of her stomach scar with the message:

scar pic

The 48-year-old then took to Twitter after the program aired in order to shut down trolls who had harsh words about her supposedly fake face.

Here is a screenshot of one exchange she had with a critic:

tamra tweet

Those who watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online are well aware that Tamra is not about to take any crap from anyone.

She’s been documenting her fitness journey on social media for week now and even competed in a “Muscle Mania” competition in May.

Keep in mind: she is 48 years old.

So the idea that anyone would criticize her body is a bit insane. Take a look at that figure below!

She may not have a belly button, but she sure has everything else going on.

We can only hope this leads to Tamra’s inclusion on The Real Housewives All Stars, whenever that dream series hits the air.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Tamra Judge: It"s Time For Vicki Gunvalson To Leave The Real Housewives of Orange County

Their relationship has never been a steady one.

Right now, it seems that the friendship between The Real Housewives of Orange County‘s Tamra Judge and Vicki Gunvalson is nonexistent.

Judge was brutally honest about her feeling towards Gunvalson on SiriusXM’s Dirty, Sexy, Funny with Jenny McCarthy.

While Guvalson, who was involved in ex-boyfriend Brooks Ayers’ fabricated cancer storyline last season, is trying to make amends with her co-stars, Judge is over it.

“I’ve given up on trying to keep away from Brooks,” Judge said.

“I now think they are soulmates. They’re a match made in heaven.”

McCarthy asked if it was because both Gunvalson and Ayers are “both screwed up,” and Judge said plainly, “yeah!”

And while Judge admits that falling for someone can cloud your judgment, she doesn’t buy it when it comes to Ayers.

“I do believe — there’s a lot of years I wanted somebody in my life but you don’t want a d*****bag.

“But if somebody’s d*****y that’s like ‘ew.’ That’s a turn off. That’s not attractive to me.”

Judge believes Gunvalson made her bed, and now she has to lay in it.

“You hang out with dogs, you get fleas,” Judge insisted. “Maybe she needs a flea collar.” 

This season doesn’t bring closure for the two women, from what Judge told McCarthy.

“I took her back this year, accepted her apology — well her half-a** apology — forgave the past and tried to move on only to be burned again and she was behind my back with a machete this time.” “I’m burned,” Judge said, not getting into specifics.

“I said ‘you know what? One more thing and I’m done.’

“It hurts my feelings because we’ve been friends on and off for 10 years. So we’ve gone through a lot together,” she said.

“We’ve gone through our kids getting married — well my son’s not married but he has a kid so we’ll say he’s married. Grandmas and health concerns and divorces and all that stuff so we have a lot of history.”

Judge then delivered a blow to her old friend.

“I think that she’s caught up in the show and she doesn’t even know what her reality is anymore,” she said. “When you create a storyline, that’s when it’s time for you to go. So the O-G may need to G-O.”

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Tamra Judge: I Look Great In a Bikini, Get Over It!


The Real Housewives of Orange County‘s Tamra Judge showed off a super-hot bikini photo of herself on Instagram, reminding us that summer is year-round in Southern California.

The Cut Fitness co-owner has been getting into fitness competitions recently, and shares her training tips with fans via social media.

Knowing full well that internet trolls are ready to pounce on even the tiniest flaw, Judge has developed a knack for beating them to the punch.

“Before all you mean people start pointing out the obvious about my belly button, I had emergency surgery and was cut vertically down my stomach which screwed up my BB,” she wrote.

Moving on, how about that swimsuit!

“I’m obsessed with this @beccaswim ….I feel a trip to Cabo coming on @eddiejudge thank you @beccaswim for all the beautiful suits.”

Two days ago, Judge (who has a pretty good sense of humor) took a photo of herself wearing stripper lucite heels.

“Don’t be jealous of my fancy shoes,” she wrote.  Practicing my walk …. 5 days #musclemania #rhoc #fitmom #bikinifitness. #sneakpeek.”

Judges trainer, Mia Finnegan, told that Judge revealed her dreams of doing fitness competitions.

“I guess it’s always been in the back of her mind,” Finnegan said.

“When we started [training], she was skinny fat. And she knows it. She’s small, tiny. But not a lot of muscle,” Finnegan said of her client.

“There was muscle under there, but she had quite a bit of body fat on top.

“Just to watch the transformation, even today, she has a crazy schedule. She’s a mom of four and to watch her be so dedicated and so disciplined to her nutrition, her supplements, her family obligations, her work obligations, her gym obligations, and she’s doing it. That’s where I come in and help her stay fit with that crazy busy schedule that she has.”

Going to the gym forever, BRB.

Judge is gearing up for the season 11 premiere of The Real Housewives of Orange County, which welcomes new cast member Kelly Dodd.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Tamra Barney to Brooks Ayers: You SO Don"t Have Cancer!

The Real Housewives of Orange County star Tamra Barney is opening up about the Brooks Ayers cancer storyline, and she is not mincing words.

Simply put, she “doesn’t believe” he has cancer.

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you know the extent to which this topic dominated the second half of Season 10.

You also know how contentious things became.

Bravo firebrand Tamra leaves little doubt, in her first post-season interview, where she stands on the allegations of Brooks Ayers faking cancer:

She ain’t buying it. Barney unloaded this week:

“There were so many inconsistent stories circulating on camera and off. We all started noticing them immediately. Things just didn’t make sense!”

“Why wouldn’t he see Shannon’s doctor? He was scheduled to film with her until she wanted to see his medical records,” Tamra adds.

Barney asks, “Where was this big binder full of medical records? Why did Vicki say she called Terry in the middle of the night?”

While circumstantial, Tamra says she definitely thought Ayers’ actions weren’t typical for a cancer victim throughout the season.

“There are many unanswered questions,” she said.

“Why was Brooks drinking and traveling all over the place? Who stops chemo after three rounds when you’re not having secondary issues from it?”

Gunvalson and Ayers showed Tamra the test results of his PET/CT scan, but not the other ladies, a move that she now questions.

“Last year [Gunvalson] was telling everyone to ‘Watch out for Tamra, she will stab you in the back!’ More like expose YOUR lies!”

“And this year she wants to show me Brooks’ PET/CT scan because I am closest to her?” Judge said of that obvious contradiction.

“My gut tells me that she knew I didn’t know what I was reading, and that I would be a puppet and go to the other girls and say ‘Brooks has cancer."”

Tamra concludes, “I don’t think he has cancer.”

“But that is not my problem to worry about.”

Oh, and Vicki knows he’s been lying.

“How could she NOT [know]? That is the million dollar question!” Tamra concludes, and it does beg a number of additional questions:

Why would Brooks make that up? To win sympathy from Vicki and use it as a foothold to move in and save their fractured relationship?

If Vicki did know, or harbor suspicions about Brooks’ lies, was she living in denial or willingly lying to the rest of the cast to save face?

Hit the comments below with your thoughts.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season Finale Recap: Tamra Gets Baptized, Vicki Gets Torched

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 came to an end Monday night, and with the finale, did viewers witness the end of Vicki and Brooks?

If The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 Episode 19 taught us anything, it’s that even a baptism cannot cleanse this show of insanity.

Tamra Barney’s after-baptism party (for real) was the scene of a season finale confrontation that had been brewing all season between her co-stars.

Vicki Gunvalson, Shannon Beador and Meghan King Edmonds all came to celebrate Tamra, but their ongoing beef was too intense to suppress.

Ironically, or perhaps not, Vicki invoked religion in the middle of the event to counter allegations that her boyfriend Brooks Ayers is faking cancer.

“Satan is the author of confusion,” she said at one point last night.

“I know the truth. And I will pray for everyone that’s confused.”

That would be … virtually everyone else, as you know if you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online or read any celebrity gossip.

As Vicki plotted to leave the party as soon as humanly possible to avoid revisiting any more “negativity,” her opponents plotted their next moves.

Those being … how to keep stirring the pot regarding Brooks?

Shady as Brooks has been in the past, it does seem like they have it out for him by constantly harping on this, and the season finale was no exception.

Vicki’s brother, Billy, and his girlfriend, Rhonda, got into the mix, defending Brooks and telling the skeptics that yes, Ayers has cancer, move on.

When they weren’t buying it, Rhonda touched upon Shannon Beador’s marital problems, at which point she pretty much flipped her f–king s–t.

It was actually uncomfortable to watch Shannon’s vitriol at Vicki, whom she believed betrayed the secrets of what she and David are going through.

Soon enough, Vicki was bawling to the cameras about her mother’s death, Brooks’ cancer, and the fact that her quote-unquote friends have it out for her.

“You know what the truth is? I’m not doing good,” Gunvalson said through tears. “I’m really, really sad and all this stuff is just disgusting minutiae.”

“They can do all the detective work they want. ‘Let’s say he’s faking cancer, let’s just say he’s faking cancer.’ What would that have to do with me?”

In the epilogue, we learn that the Dubrows’ house is behind schedule (tragic), while the reborn Tamra is still involved in real estate, and in church.

Both Shannon Beador and Meghan King Edmonds are doing better in their marriages, and as for Gunvalson, in the aftermath of all of this chaos?!

Brooks dumped Vicki.

Will we ever know if Ayers lied or what went on behind the scenes? Will next week’s reunion be the most explosive event in Bravo history?

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge: Tamra Claims Brooks Ayers Lied About Cancer

It might be the Real Housewives franchise’s longest friendship, and it is now OVER.

The Real Housewives of Orange County’s Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge have called finally ended their on-and-off again friendship.

We’ve heard this before—maybe a million times.  But this time, it might be for real.  Though we’ve heard that before too.

Just a few weeks ago, Tamra and Vicki were fighting because Tamra claimed that Brooks Ayers dumped Vicki.  That started (another) war between the two because Vicki said she kicked Brooks to the curb.

The most recent frenemy drama occurred after Vicki witnessed Tamra trash talking her (now ex) boyfriend, Brooks Ayers, on recent episodes of the show.

Ayers was diagnosed with cancer in October of last year. But Tamra conjured up the idea that Ayers was faking his diagnosis.

Of course, Vicki is super p*ssed.  According to an insider, “Vicki isn’t talking to Tamra and is vowing to cut her out of her life for good this time.”

“Vicki had been willing to give Tamra another chance after all of the divorce drama with ex-husband, Simon Barney, but this was the final straw.”

“Tamra went behind Vicki’s back for months betraying her confidence about Brooks’ cancer,” the source added.  “Even though Vicki and Brooks are no longer together, she can’t forgive Tamra for this ultimate betrayal.”

On Monday night’s episode, Judge came face-to-face with Gunvalson about Brooks.  Vicki warned Tamra, “If you’re my friend, you don’t talk about Brooks.”

Judge responded, “That’s not what a friend is.”  Vicki demanded that Tamra shouldn’t be discussing the sensitive issue with others.

Shannon Beador even jumped into the accusations by asking Vicki why Brooks didn’t use the cancer doctors she had recommended.

Gunvalson, exhausted of defending Brooks asked, “What does Brooks need to do: Die to prove everyone wrong?” 

After the drama of accusations, Vicki said she felt betrayed and saddened by the constant accusations of lying. She stated, “I’m trying to be as strong as I can be … when you’re a friend, you’re a friend. I don’t know how to end this, I just don’t.”

The insider also added, “There is no coming back for Vicki and Tamra. Their relationship was already on a very fragile ground, and this was the nail in the coffin.”

Tamra has been open about disliking Brooks.  In early September, she told fellow housewife Lizzie Rovsek that she didn’t approve of Brooks. In response, Vicki called Tamra a bitter, miserable individual.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tamra Judge on Vicki Gunvalson: Brooks Ayers DUMPED Vicki!!!

It’s hard to keep up with the status of The Real Housewives of Orange County’s frenemies Tamra Judge and Vicki Gunvalson.

But we can confirm that Tamra and Vicki are far from friends right now. And we aren’t sure if they will be able to recover from this fallout. Or the other dozen they’ve had.

On August 16, Vicki and Brooks Ayers called it quits, ending their on-and-off relationship for good. The former couple’s official announcement claimed the split was amicable.

But earlier this week, Tamra slammed the claim that the split was mutual and said Brooks actually dumped Vicki. She stated on the social media site that “he broke up with her.”

Of course, Vicki’s friends are running to her rescue.  A close friend of the newly single reality star said, “Tamra is full of sh*t and has no idea how Vicki and Brooks’ breakup went down.”

The source added, “When Vicki and he got back from Miami in early August, they sat down together and just opened up their hearts about the way things were going and both of them, equally, decided that it was best for the both of them if they went on separate paths.”

According to Radar Online, Vicki and Brooks are still separated, but they are communicating.

“Of course they still talk and they probably always will,” the source insisted.

“She will love again one day, but not right now. Right now she is focusing on loving those around her, including her children and her friends that she keeps close to heart.”

“This past year has been so trying on Vicki,” the friend added. “But the negative comments made about her from the other housewives have only helped to make her stronger.”