Showing posts with label Town. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Town. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Dave Chappelle Walks Around Town Flaunting His Emmy

Dave Chappelle’s waited a long time for his first Emmy, so you better believe he’s showing it off … EVERYwhere!  We got the comedian walking around WeHo Tuesday brandishing his trophy, and he had a very logical reason for waving it around in…


Dave Chappelle Walks Around Town Flaunting His Emmy

Dave Chappelle’s waited a long time for his first Emmy, so you better believe he’s showing it off … EVERYwhere!  We got the comedian walking around WeHo Tuesday brandishing his trophy, and he had a very logical reason for waving it around in…


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Taylor Swift"s DJ Butt Grab Trial Is Hottest Ticket in Town

Taylor Swift’s battle with the Denver DJ she claims grabbed her ass during a photo op finally heads to the court next week — but getting into the trial will be as tough as scoring Taylor concert tix. According to new legal docs, jury selection will…


Friday, July 14, 2017

Beyonce & Jay-Z Leave Kids at Home, Hit the Town

Beyonce and Jay-Z are back to power coupling in public, and had a night out in L.A. minus the baggage … as in no diaper bags, strollers, etc … The Carters were out Thursday night at Mack Sennett Studios in L.A. where they attended an album…


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Bill Cosby Calls Sexual Assault Town Hall Meetings "Propaganda"

Bill Cosby just lashed out in the most bizarre way, saying reports that he’s conducting town hall meetings on sexual assault are just “propaganda” … despite the fact his P.R. people told us exactly that. Cosby just said, “The current propaganda…


Friday, June 23, 2017

Bill Cosby Town Hall Meetings About Sexual Assault Are Lawyer-Approved

Bill Cosby’s moving forward with plans to host town hall meetings where he’ll discuss sex assault cases and how to avoid them — and surprisingly … his lawyers are totally cool with it. Cosby’s high profile spokespeople, Andrew Wyatt &…


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Bill Cosby Announces Post-Trial Plans: I"m Coming to Your Town!

Earlier this week, the Bill Cosby sexual assault trial ended in a hung jury.

Today, we learned that it was just two jurors who saved Cosby from likely prison time, with the other ten voting to find the 79-year-old guilty of raping Andrea Constand.

But to hear Cosby’s lawyers tell it, you’d think the formerly beloved TV dad was unanimously acquitted and awarded a medal for his bravery in the face of being confronted by his own horrific misdeeds.

The DA in the case has already confirmed that he will re-try Cosby, but don’t tell that to spokespeople Andrew Wyatt and Ebonee Benson, who are already announcing Cosby’s post-legal trouble plans to a world that wishes he would simply go away, preferably to prison.

Appearing on Good Day Alabama today, Cosby’s reps revealed that he plans to tour the country and educate children once he’s, ya know … allowed to leave the state of Pennsylvania again.

And what nuggets of wisdom will the Cos be sharing with our nation’s youngest and most impressionable citizens?

Well, it sounds like he’ll mostly be telling them how to avoid being convicted of sexual assault.

According to Wyatt, Cosby wants kids to “know what they’re facing when they’re hanging out and partying, when they’re doing certain things they shouldn’t be doing.” 

Well, if there’s anyone who knows about doing things one really shouldn’t be doing, it’s Bill Cosby.

You might think that Cosby’s series of town halls about how to avoid sexual assault charges is the most egregious publicity stunt from disgraced celebrity since OJ’s If I Did It book, and in a way you’re right.

In another way, Simpson’s hubris pales in comparison to Cosby’s, as at least he didn’t believe he would be able to freely tour the county addressing people’s children.

More than 50 women have accused Cosby of some form of sexual misconduct, but he was protected by statute of limitations laws in every case except Constand’s.

So even if he is acquitted, we’re guessing showing up in towns all over America with a brightly colored sweater and a trunk full of pudding pops isn’t the greatest idea.


Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Real Housewives of New York Season 9 Episode 1 Recap: Talk of the Town

It would not be a Real Housewives of New York City premiere without a good old cheating claim to get the drama started. 

On The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 1, LuAnn De Lesseps was shocked to hear about a new cheating claim about her fiancé, Tom D’Agostino. 

When the episode got underway, we picked up with Bethenny Frankel who opened up about her divorce from Jason Hoppy. Plot twist: It was finally over!

Bethenny revealed she got her apartment sold within 24 hours at the price she wanted for it. That’s practically unheard of but pretty great for Bethenny. 

We then switched gears to LuAnn, who was still excited about her wedding. If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you will remember the string of cheating allegations against Tom. 

She opened up to her good friend Dorinda Medley about the wedding during a stroll in Central Park. She also dropped the bomb that she only wanted positive energy at the event. 

That probably ruled out the likes of Bethenny and Sonja attending. 

“The group is fractured,” Dorinda acknowledged to the camera. “I hope that as a group, we can get past it, but when it comes to Sonja, I just don’t know.”

Dorinda revealed that Sonja had been trashing her at any given opportunity. 

“It’s not going to end well if she keeps it up,” Dorinda claimed. LuAnn dropped the bomb that Ramona Singer had called Tom’s ex-girlfriend in the middle of the night to try to get dirt on him. 

That’s desperation right there. 

Later, Dorinda stopped by Carole’s apartment, and they got talking about the drama from the previous season. 

“I feel bad that we really got off-track,” Dorinda said. “It hurt my feelings.” The ladies then decided to keep things “light and bright.”

The best part of the season premiere was when Ramona and LuAnn met for lunch to hash out their issues. 

“I heard it through the grapevine through friends that you’ve been stirring things up and being negative about Tom and I,” Luann said.

“Why would you go and call people that Tom knows and try to find out stuff about him and his past?”

Ramona blatantly lied, saying she was not seeking the information and that people were offering it up to her. She claimed it did not matter because LuAnn wanted to be kept in the dark about the past. 

Ramona then revealed that Tom was on a date with one of his ex-girlfriends. LuAnn seemed in denial and thought this other woman was trying to ruin her nuptials. 

“Why would she want to lie?” Ramona asked. LuAnn tried to reasons with Ramona, but Ramona was too concerned about LuAnn’s future to care. 

“I know what I have,” Luann barked. “I am strong as a woman.”

“You should advise your husband-to-be that it’s a very small city,” Ramona warned. “It’s a very small city. Tell him to reel it in.”

LuAnn then urged Ramona to be happy for her. 

“I toast to your marriage, and I hope you don’t fall on your face with him,” Ramona said. “I’m afraid he’s going to hurt you.”

Something tells us there’s a lot of drama on the way for these two!

What did you think of the developments?


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Daryl Hall Suing New York Town Over Occupancy at "Daryl"s House"

Daryl Hall wants to move the music outside for his hit show, “Live from Daryl’s House” — but first he’ll have to battle an upstate New York town in court. Daryl’s House, the venue where the show is taped, recently filed suit against Pawling, NY for…


Sunday, March 12, 2017

Ciara and Russell Wilson Hit the Town After Car Crash (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

Ciara showed everyone multiple times Saturday she’s ok after her scary car crash the day before. Ciara and hubby Russell Wilson strolled through WeHo with a tasty treat, then Russell took the wheel in their Rolls, and then they rolled into Catch for…


Saturday, February 11, 2017

Russell Wilson, Ciara, There"s More than One Pop Up in Town (PHOTO)

Russell Wilson was squiring his wife Ciara around town Friday night, and it’s lookin’ like a baby is imminent. Russell and Ciara hit up a Daft Punk pop up shop in WeHo, and they were all smiles walking in the rain. They’re likely going to the…


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Rams" Jack Youngblood Says Chargers Don"t Belong In L.A. ... It"s OUR Town (VIDEO)

L.A. Rams legend Jack Youngblood has a message for the other NFL team in town — GIT!!!  The Hall of Famer just touched down in Houston when we asked about business back on the West Coast — specifically if L.A. is big enough for both the Rams…


Rams" Jack Youngblood Says Chargers Don"t Belong In L.A. ... It"s OUR Town (VIDEO)

L.A. Rams legend Jack Youngblood has a message for the other NFL team in town — GIT!!!  The Hall of Famer just touched down in Houston when we asked about business back on the West Coast — specifically if L.A. is big enough for both the Rams…


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Bill & Hillary Clinton Hit the Town in NYC (VIDEO)

Bill and Hillary Clinton are clearly not satisfied with Donald Trump, but it’s a good bet they were more than satisfied with the best fish in NYC. The former Prez and the former Prez candidate dined at Milos in Midtown, with good pals Ted Danson…


Monday, October 10, 2016

Presidential Debate, Town Hall Style: Who Won?!?

Well, this sure was interesting, wasn’t it?

There were no shortage of hot button topics for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to delve into during their second Presidential debate of 2016, which was held on Sunday night and hosted by CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

It was conducted in the style of a town hall, with the candidates surrounded by supposedly undecided voters, each of whom lobbed questions at either Trump or Clinton.

But this wasn’t your typical debate.

These weren’t your typical topics to discuss.

Yes, Trump and Clinton debated such issues as the economy and foreign policy.

But the entire world has been abuzz over the past few days with video footage of Trump talking to Billy Bush back in 2005.

Released by The Washington Post on Friday afternoon, the video featured Trump bragging to Bush (unaware he was being recorded) about how he tried to sleep with Nancy O’Dell and how he simply kisses beautiful women whenever he sees them.

“Just kiss. I don’t even wait,” Trump said of his approach to the opposite sex at times, adding that “when you’re a star, they let you do it.

“You can do anything… Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Trump later apologized for these remarks.

But, as you can see below, he also built anticipation to Sunday’s debate by saying he would be touching on Bill Clinton’s sexual history with women and his wife’s response to it.

There was also the issue of Hillary Clinton’s paid speeches to various financial institutions over the years.

Via hacked emails released Friday by Wikileaks, the world has received a look at excerpts from these speeches (which Clinton gave prior to running for President), one of which featured Clinton’s call for “open trade and open borders” in a speech to a Brazillian bank.

Trump brought up this quote during the debate.

Similar to the first debate, this one was at times entertaining…. nauseating… fascinating… hilarious… and depressing.

But who came out on top? Who helped him or herself the most with voters, considering Election Day is less than a month away?

VOTE below and let your voice be heard:

Did Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump with debate number-two?

And the Winner is?

Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Which Presidential candidate came out on top in the town hall debate? View Poll »

You can also leave a comment below and expound on your opinion.

Trump may even mention you by name! We all know he loves to cite online polls in the hours and days after debate is held.


Thursday, April 14, 2016

Love and Hip Hop New York"s Amina Buddafly: Tara Wallace Ran Me Outta Town!

You have to feel kind of sorry for Love & Hip Hop New York‘s Amina Buddafly.  She’s pregnant with husband Peter Gunz’s baby, but the two aren’t currently together.

Not only that, but Gunz knocked up their neighbor, Tara Wallace, who gave birth to the couple’s third child in February.  

In the midst of all this, Buddafly terminated the pregnancy before this, saying that it was the best decision she could have made at the time, given how complicated things were with Gunz and Wallace.

However, after this season’s finale, Buddafly revealed that she and Gunz were expecting again.  Since then, the estranged couple are living on separate coasts.

[It’s just] me and my daughter Cori,” Buddafly told VH1 earlier this month.

“I kind of had the idea of leaving New York right before the reunion. That was when I decided I can no longer be with Peter and I just felt like I needed to be away from this situation.”

Though no decisions about divorce have been made, Buddafly made it clear that she and Gunz are not currently together.  

Will they every reconcile?

“The honest truth is that I don’t know,” she admitted. All I can say is right now, at this moment, Peter and I are not together.

“I’m in LA and he’s in New York and we don’t live together and we’re not in a relationship, but are we done for good? Only time can tell.”

As for how she feels about Wallace:

“I just want to be away from New York and from Tara pretty much, too. She really chased me away, and she got what she wanted and I’m okay with that now because I know that was her goal and that was one of her biggest wishes that I was gonna go away. Just be gone.”

Needless to say, there’s no love lost between Wallace and Buddafly.

“I don’t want to speak to her I don’t want nothing to do with her at all. I don’t have the desire to even talk to her. I don’t want to see her on my Instagram. I unfollowed everyone that keeps posting about her and the baby. In this moment, I just want to forget that and when it’s constantly in my face it’s like I keep being reminded and feelings come up, that I have towards the situation and I don’t want to feel that way right now.

“I just want be here in the sun and be thinking about how I’m gonna make it with the babies by myself and focus on that. So, no, I don’t even want to talk to her. I don’t like talking about her.

“When Peter calls me and somehow she comes up like, I don’t even want to hear her name. It’s just disgusting.”

Friday, October 2, 2015

High School Taunts Rival with "Run This Town" Hype Video

The McCallie School just totally won its rivalry with Chattanooga High School.

In the viral department, at the very least.

In anticipation of tonight"s epic clash between the school, a handful of very talented students at McCallie have created a video set to Rihanna and Jay Z"s "Run This Town."

It features one impressive vocalist, many shots of the football team, a rotating background, original lyrics that reference Fetty Wap and the kind of school spirit that will prompt all viewers to stand up and cheer.

According to the video"s official description, this is the oldest high school rivalry in the state.

No matter which squad comes out on top in 2015, however, it"s pretty clear who the real winner is this time around.

High school creates epic run this town video to hype rival footb