Leah Remini has come out with a memoir titled "Troublemaker."
It recounts her many years as a Scientologist, giving readers a look into her life as part of this controversial religion.
She spent a long time as one of the group’s elite members, meaning she had many interactions with its most elite member, Tom Cruise.
What can Remini reveal about Cruise? A whole lot! Scroll down for the 9 most stunning revelations…
1. How did they meet?
The actress says she made a $ 1 million donation to the International Association of Scientologists in the mid-200s. She was therefore brought directly into the main fold… and ended up teaching Cruise how to Salsa dance after being introduced to him by Cruise’s church liaison.
2. Cruise loves to play Hide and Seek!
Remini says she was hanging out with Cruise, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett one night when he, very seriously, asked her to play Hide and Seek with them. After she declined the invitation because she was wearing Jimmy Choo shoes, she says Cruise replied: “Well, good. So you’re It,’ then,” and tagged her before running off to hide.
3. Cruise has a major temper
She recounts a strange story in which Cruise wanted to make cookies, but couldn’t find the cookie dough and berated an assistant as a result. She writes: “Tom comes across with an almost presidential charm to the public, but seeing him treat people this way was utterly shocking.”
4. Keeping jumping, Tom!
The Church was fully behind Cruise after his infamous couch-jumping incident on Oprah. “The guy’s really happy, and you should be happy for him,” Remini recalls her church liaison, Shane Woodruff, telling her.
5. You tell ’em, Tom!
She says the Church was also all about Cruise’s Today show takedown of Brooke Shields, actually following it up with a presentation at the Shrine Auditorium, where they bragged that prescriptions for psychotropic drugs were down “something like 500 percent, thanks to Tom and his recent comments. According to the church, Tom had single-handedly taken down the psychiatric profession.”
6. On the J. Lo?
Once Cruise learned Remini was good friends with Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez, he insisted she invite them to him and Katie Holmes’ wedding… despite barely knowing the singers at all. Why? Keep reading for the answer…