Friday, November 13, 2015

Ronda Rousey: I"m STILL Pissed at Justin Bieber!

Last month, Ronda Rousey went off on Justin Bieber in an interview, describing how the singer rudely blew off her teenage sister at the Cannes Film Festival.

Remarkably, Bieber didn"t immediately flee to another continent and still feels safe co-existing on the same landmass as Rousey.

Well, we"ve got good news and bad news for the Biebs:

The bad news is, Ronda still thinks he"s a jerk. The good news is, he has a chance to make things right.

"I was asked if I would want to hang out with him, and I said, "No, he was rude to my little sister,"" says of her earlier interview in the clip below.

When asked if there"s anything that Justin can do to make it up to her, Ronda is very clear:

"He can make it up to my little sister," Ronda said. "If she could forgive him, then I definitely can as well."

Sounds simple enough, but there"s one problem:

Bieber is besties with Floyd Mayweather, who has a long-standing beef with Rousey.

If JB issues a public apology to Ronda"s sister, the Money Man might take it as a betrayal.

The Biebs has himself in a tough spot, all because he wouldn"t take a photo with one 16-year-old girl.

Ronda rousey im still pissed at justin bieber