Thursday, December 10, 2015

Chrissy Teigen vs. Floyd Mayweather: Unexpected Feud Alert!

Even though Chrissy Teigen is pregnant with her first child, that doesn’t mean Mrs. Legend will stop speaking her sassy mind on social media any time soon.

Chrissy’s latest Instagram dust-up is with an unlikely opponent – boxing champ Floyd Mayweather – and it started in the most random way possible  – with Floyd posting a photo of his pet tiger.

Apparently, someone gave Floyd a pet tiger as a present, which seems like a bad idea, because celebs and exotc pets almost never make a good match. (See: Justin Bieber’s monkey. No, that’s not a euphemism for his dick pics.)

Also, Floyd is kind of an idiot and probably shouldn’t be trusted to care for a regular-ass cat, much less a furry killing machine.

Predictably, PETA slammed Floyd and asked him to turn the cub over to a sanctuary. 

In her signature style, Chrissy took a more sarcastic approach to the problem:

“I’m okay with people having pet tigers because it increases their chances of being eaten by a tiger,” Teigen tweeted yesterday.

Floyd responded by playing dumber, of course, this is Money Mayweather we’re talking about, so maybe we shouldn’t assume he was playing:

The thing is I’ve never had anything negative to say about John Legend. I really don’t even know what his wife does, whoever she may be. I’ve never seen John Legend’s wife in my life. If I did, I probably just don’t remember it.

But the thing is this, I’m pretty sure she has a lot going on in her life, but, you know, I’m something to talk about, so that can be something else. I am something to talk about.

“You see, when she spoke on me, she got her name in the public eye, so that’s kind of cool for her.”

Yes, we’re sure Chrissy (with her 4 million Instagram followers) needs to slam Floyd Mayweather to get attention.

That said, we’re hoping she continues to trash him, because this could get seriously entertaining.