Monday, December 28, 2015

Dakota Meyer: Yup, He"s Bristol’s Baby Daddy!

As previously reported, congratulations are in order for Bristol Palin.

The controversial 25-year old became a mother for the second time last week, giving birth to a daughter named Sailor Grace on December 23.

But now it can finally be confirmed that congratulations are also in order for Dakota Meyer, Bristol’s former fiance and long-rumored baby daddy who has, at last, verified this rumor.

He really is the father of tiny little Sailor.

“Best Christmas present ever!!” the U.S. Marine veteran captioned a photo of Palin’s newborn on Facebook over the weekend.

“I couldn’t be more proud of this little blessing.”

Meyer, of course, was engaged to Palin for many months before the latter called off their wedding in May.

About one month later, Bristol (reluctantly) admitted she was pregnant out of wedlock for the second time, telling the world she was pregnant with a sibling for six-year old Tripp.

Despite Meyer’s paternity acknowledgement, however, Bristol’s famous mother, Sarah Palin, has already announced that Sailor Grace’s last name would be Palin.

Meyer recently deleted all mentions and all photos of Bristol from his social media accounts, making it clear that he’s excited to be a father…

… but doesn’t necessarily want any contact with his ex-lover.

According to Sarah Palin, Meyer was NOT in the delivery time at the time Sailor entered the world and it isn’t known at this time just what sort of role Dakota will have in his child’s life.

If any at all.