Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Florida Burglar Hides in Gator Lake, Gets Eaten By Gator

File this one under “pure, uncut Florida.”

A Florida man was doing Florida things (committing crimes), when he ran afoul of Florida cops and made the ill-fated decision to hide in a Florida lake known for its dense population of alligators. 


Yes, you know where this is going, but we assure you, the rest of the story is worth your time.

22-year-old Matthew Riggins and a friend were burglarizing homes in the Barefoot Bay community of Southeast Florida when cops arrived on the scene and began to search the area.

Riggins – a Florida man if ever there was one – decided to try and evade authorities by hiding in a nearby lake.

Unfortunately, what he saw as an opportunity for escape, an 11-foot gator saw as lunchtime.

Riggins’ girlfriend reported him missing, and after a 10-day, they found his less tasty parts scattered around the lake. His hand and foot were found inside the gator.

Officials determined that Riggins was pulled below the surface and drowned, while the gator reportedly suffered severe indigestion.

A resident who was interviewed by a local news station summed the situation up perfectly when she said, “He hid in the wrong place.”

We can only hope that’ll be the inscription on Riggins’ tombstone.

Sadly, if Riggins had only tried attack the cops with their own badges or attempt to tickle his way out of the situation like Florida men before him, this story may not have had such a grisly ending.

As it is, Riggins can rest easy knowing he’s earned a place in the Florida Man Hall of Fame: