Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Khloe Kardashian Gushes Over Saint West: He"s SO Cute!

We have a very important update regarding Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s second child.

We already know the little boy is named Saint.

And now we also know that he’s not very hard on the eyes, either.

So confirms Saint’s aunt, Khloe Kardashian, who spent Saturday afternoon “hopping” between hospital rooms in Los Angeles, according to her Twitter account.

In one room? Estranged husband Lamar Odom, who is still recovering from last month’s collapse in Nevada.

In the other room? Saint West and new parents Kim and Kanye.

“My little nephew was born he is so cute and so perfect,” Khloe told fans via live stream on Monday, adding:

“I love him and mommy and daddy are doing fantastic.”

Kardashian gave birth about three weeks early due to a few complications with her pregnancy.

They were related to a condition called “placenta accreta” that also caused Kim’s birth to be especially painful.

In the end, however, Saint was born at eight pounds and one ounce, a perfectly normal and healthy weight for a newborn.

He’s allegedly been named Saint because Kim and Kanye view his mere existence as a miracle, especially considering the challenging pregnancy Kardashian suffered through to have him.

Relive the star’s pregnancy fashion and appearances below and then let’s all start the countdown to the first Saint West photos.

Will they be on Instagram? On Kim’s official site? On the cover of a tabloid?

Only time, and likely a lot of money, will tell…