Monday, December 21, 2015

Kim Kardashian Introduces "Kimoji," Forever Changes the Way We Communicate

The written word. The printing press. The telephone. The Internet.

Throughout history, society’s greatest minds have helped revolutionize the means through which human beings communicate with one another. But all of their contributions are about to look as lame as an un-photoshopped selfie, because now you can send your friends an Emoji of Kim Kardashian’s butt:

Yes, the Age of Kimoji is upon us, and interpersonal relationships will never be the same.

Before, if you wanted to describe something as “basic,” you had to type the word. Those days are done.

Now, you can simply send a Kimoji that says “basic,” and follow it up with a hair dryer, a corset, and a peach dripping with some sort of white fluid, because the world we live in is a strange one.

The important thing is that Kim isn’t just hiding out working on her post-baby body; the woman is continuing to shape our society by forever changing the way we look at chocolate donuts. (Did she have to put it right next to a butt?)

Okay, obviously we’re having some fun at Kim’s expense, but the really important facts here are as follows:

  1. The Kimoji app will launch sometime this week. (Just in time for Christmas!)

  2. It does feature Kim’s ugly-cry face in Emoji form, and for that, we are eternally grateful.