Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Kim Kardashian to Kylie Jenner: Your Bondage Photos SUCK!

After posing for a racy spread in Interview Magazine, Kylie Jenner has received major backlash for her bondage wheelchair photo.

Because the Kardashians and Jenners are constantly posturing as a close-knit klan, one would imagine her sisters would step up to confront Kylie’s critics.

However, one member of the Kardashian family is p*ssed!

Kim Kardashian is reportedly so jealous of Kylie’s recent bondage photo spread that their relationship is headed toward rock bottom.

The cover of the most recent issue of Interview Magazine features Kylie.  In addition to featuring on the cover of the mag, Kylie is the centerpiece of some seriously risque photos taken by photographer Stephen Klein.

In the photos, Kylie is wearing black latex and even shows off her bare a**.  In one photo her butt is on display while she balances a tray of drinks.

Then, of course, there is the bizarre and inappropriate photo of Kylie wearing a collar and latex while bound to a wheelchair.

Kim, who is expecting her second child on Christmas Day, knows that her little 18-year-old sister is skyrocketing into fame and will likely surpass her own fame and fortune.

A source close to the Kardashians stated, “Kim can’t even bear to look at the photos. She knows Kylie looks good and it is killing her inside.”

“It’s bad enough that Kylie is so much younger, but Kim can’t compete when she is 8 months pregnant and a hormonal mess,” the source added.

Kim reached peak fame and “broke the internet” with her nude Paper Magazine cover.

But with Kylie’s bondage photos now circulating, Kim is about to be old news.  And unfortunately for her, it will be Kim’s own sister that tramples on her fame.