Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Kim Richards Completes One Year of AA, Lands New Reality Show Gig

We never thought we’d be able to say this, but it looks like things are on the upswing for troubled Housewife Kim Richards.

As we reported last week, Kim is 60 days sober, and now it looks as thought she’s completed one of the many requirements of her probation.

According to TMZ, Kim has attended one full year of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.

Like we said, she’s only two months sober, so clearly she fell off the wagon at least once, but the good news is that Kim has complied with the court’s requirements thus far, by not missing a single weekly meeting.

Despite being arrested twice in the span of four months, Richards avoided jail time and received a pretty light slap on the wrist.

Both cases required her to attend 52 AA meetings, but she was allowed to serve her sentences concurrently, so if she wants, Kim can now go the rest of her life without sitting on a folding chair in a church basement.

More good news: Kim is in talks to film a new reality show in which she and daughter Kimberly Jackson work on their troubled relationship.

The series will feature several mother-daughter couples, including Heidi Montag and her mom, so we guess Kim isn’t getting off entirely scot-free.

Oh, and there’s still the matter of Kim’s community service.

The judge rejected her bid to do cushy work because of her supposed medical problems, so keep an eye out for Kim spearing trash in an orange jumpsuit next time you’re driving down the 405.