Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Kourtney Kardashian Finally Launches Own App: What Makes It Different?

Ladies and gentlemen… it is finally here!!!!!

Following the well-publicized launches of brand new apps/websites by Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Kylie Jenner and Kendall Jenner, Kourtney Kardashian has at last come out with her very own Internet property.

Just like her greedy, shameless, money-hungry sisters, Kourtney will charge a fee for readers who want full access to the site.

But Kourtney has shared a message online to explain other ways in which her app will stand in stark contrast to those of Kim and company.

“Hey, guys, welcome to my app,” she says in a welcome video.

“Mine is definitely going to be different from my sisters’. I’m going to share the things I’m passionate about, like interior design, and share some recipes with you guys [and] style and beauty.

“I’m a mom of three, so you’re definitely going to get insight into my mom life.”

Kourtney, whose status with Scott Disick remains a perpetual question mark in her life, will also post updates at the same time each week.

“Shaking things up a little. I’ll be bringing you most of the week’s content at once so you can dive in when YOU have the time,” the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star explained.

A quick look through the site reveals that it touts “living,” “style + beauty,” “delish,” “Kourt,” “mini,” and “shop” as sections for fans to browse.

That’s great and all.

But we’re content just checking out the following Kourtney Kardashian photos on our own. For free.