Thursday, December 17, 2015

Kourtney Kardashian: The Real Reason She"s Doing Justin Bieber REVEALED!

The fact that Kourtney Kardashian is letting Justin Bieber hit it is deeply upsetting to THG and likely troubling to any thinking person.

A new report offers some insight into her mentality, however …

When we first heard whispers of these two having a fling, it was collectively dismissed. How could that possibly be, the world thought.

Now, amid talk of Kourtney Kardashian and Justin Bieber hooking up for months and the dude throwing major shade at Scott Disick?

The rumors appear to be at least partially true. But why?!

We wouldn’t expect the age difference to come between them, necessarily … the deal breaker would be the fact that it’s Justin Bieber.

Therein lies the answer to the eternal question, apparently.

“Kourtney likes Justin, but this is still all about Scott [Disick], she’s pretty much just using Justin to get revenge,” says an insider.

“She was so humiliated by everything Scott put her through, this is the perfect way to give him a taste of his own medicine.”

That’s a simple but profound theory, you have to admit.

After all, what could humiliate a dude more than the imagery of Justin Bieber flopping around naked on top of the mother of his kids?

Exactly. And after his flings with Chloe Bartoli and Lindsay Vrckovnik, Lord knows he can’t say he wasn’t cruising for some payback.

“She loves that this is upsetting Scott, she wants him to suffer the way she has. At the same time she’s still denying it,” says the source.

“She says they’re just friends but no one is buying it.”

Bieber or no Bieber, she knows how to push Scott’s buttons. No way that Kourtney Kardashian nude photo was meant to do anything but.