Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Kylie Jenner: Investigated For Animal Cruelty

Yesterday, we reported that Kylie Jenner is being accused of animal abuse after posting a video in which her Italian greyhound puppy, Bambi, appeared to be underfed and malnourished.

It seems the complaints weren’t limited to the comments section on Kylie’s Instagram page, as TMZ is reporting that LA County Animal Control is conducting an investigation after receiving multiple emails and phone calls about Kylie.

The agency wouldn’t reveal exactly how many complaints it received, but a spokesman says the number is irrelevant, as it investigates all allegations of animal neglect or cruelty.

The spokesman confirmed that the current investigation could result in Bambi being seized, or even criminal charges being filed against Kylie.

This isn’t the first time that reports of Kylie being a negligent pet owner have circulated online. 

The 18-year-old reality star travels and works constantly, leading many fans to wonder if her three dogs are being properly cared for while she’s away.

It doesn’t help matters that Kylie has posted videos of her driving with a dog in her lap and boasted about other questionable habits on social media.

Right now, it looks as though Kylie is probably in the clear, as the Italian Greyhound Club of America has reviewed the footage and issued a statement saying that Bambi appears to be a healthy weight for her breed.