Friday, December 4, 2015

Nathan Griffith: Not Engaged, Still Hates Jenelle Evans

Don’t rain on this guy’s parade.

Jenelle Evans’ ex-fiance, Nathan Griffith shared a few photos of himself and girlfriend Jessica Henry on Facebook last night, which look suspiciously like an engagement celebration.

It wasn’t, Griffith reassured fans via Twitter:

“Despite most rumors, we are not engaged and we are just enjoying our time together,” Griffith wrote.  “That’s it!”

Griffith told Radar Online that he didn’t plan on being engaged again for “a long time.”

The rings Henry wore in the pictures “were fake,” Griffith explained.

“She doesn’t even have them anymore.  I was looking at that as well and I can see how that can be misconstrued, but we’re not engaged,” Griffith added.

“I would make sure everyone in the universe would know if we got engaged.”

Did a little part of him want to take a dig at Evans with those photos?

“Heavens no!” Griffith insisted. “If I did that, that means I would still care and I don’t.”

True, there’s no love lost between them.

“The image that that twisted, evil, little girl portrays me as is totally opposite of who I am,” Griffith said.  “I don’t lie (like her), I don’t manipulate (like her), I don’t get revenge (like she does) and I don’t care what most people think about me (like she does).”

I try to live my life as best as I can and help out whoever I can.   I have only been nice to that woman and she is the most sinister person I have ever came across.

She has totally made my life hell (which I try my best to get over it) and now she is raising my child with another psychopath just like she is.”

So…Griffith is not engaged.  And he still hates Evans.