Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Will and Kate: Spending Christmas With The Queen?

Soz, Carole.

How the royal family celebrates Christmas has always fascinated many a fan, and this year is especially interesting because it involves both a new addition and commoner in-laws.

Last year, the Middleton family joined the royals for Christmas service at St. Mary Magdalene on Her Majesty’s Sandringham estate.

While the Middletons didn’t take part in the traditional walk back from church to the main house, this was an unprecedented move on the Queen’s part, who sticks to protocol by keeping the Christmas crew to just her family members, their spouses and children.

After church, it’s believed that William and Catherine hosted the Middletons at Anmer Hall, their 10-bedroom home on the estate.

Up until December 20th, most reports claimed that the Cambridges would do the same thing again this year.

Not so, says Camilla Tominey of the Daily Express, who has it on good authority that William, Catherine, George and Charlotte will join the Windsors for Christmas.

Not only that, but they will also stay overnight at Sandringham on Christmas Eve, bringing the total number of royals in the house to 33.  This creates a bit of a sticky wicket, as space is limited in the home.  It’s also a little weird because Anmer is only a ten-minute drive from Sandringham.

“The crowded Christmas means that, as with other recent gatherings, royals lower down the pecking order will have to sleep in servants’ quarters,” Tominey wrote.  “Some servants will have to share rooms or move to outhouses on the estate.”

A royal insider joked that there was going to be “no room at the inn,” but the Queen is very excited to have her entire family under one roof.

“It will be wonderful for her and Prince Philip, and of course doting grandad Prince Charles, to see Prince George and little Charlotte,” the source added 

“The royals are like any other family and face the same dilemmas with in-laws. As William and Kate spent the day with the Middletons last year it was only fair that they switched plans this year.”

William and Catherine are allegedly doing this so that their Anmer Hall staff can take the day off and be with their families.

Except for nanny Maria Borrallo, who has to tag along in case the kids act up or eat too much candy.

Kids and their irritable tummies.