Thursday, March 10, 2016

50 Cent: Did He Go to Bankrupcty Court With Fake Cash Stuffed in His Pants?

At this point, 50 Cent is basically the Lindsay Lohan of rap. It wasn’t really that long ago that he was on the A-list, but he’s been up to nothing but ridiculous social media shenanigans for several years now, which makes it hard to remember a time when he was cool.

Fortunately, both LiLo and Fiddy are still good for the occasional laugh. Check out Mr. Cent’s latest Instagram shenanigans, for example:

As you may have heard, 50 declared bankruptcy recently after losing his shirt in a series of unrelated lawsuits.

The judge in his case pointed out that 50’s spending habits are ridiculous, and it’s kind of a slap in the face to his creditors when he posts photos of himself rolling around in stacks of cash like some kind of gangsta Scrooge McDuck.

You might think that would be enough to convince the 40-year-old to stop pretending he’s still insanely rich on social media, but 50 being 50, he’s actually been posting more ridiculous Mayweather-esque selfies than before.

After being admonished by the judge at his court appearance yesterday, 50 posed for the photo above right outside the courtroom, and then shared it with his millions of social media followers.

“For some reason people love me. I went to court today and all I felt was love,” 50 ceptioned the pic. “They asked me about money I said I ain’t got none,but if you want some m&m’s here ya go.”

Har-har. Bankruptcy is HIGH-larious!

The best part is that 50 assured the judge that all the cash in his IG photos is fake and the pics are intended to uphold his image and promote his brand.

So does this mean that the rapper went to court with stacks of fake cash stuffed in his pants?!

Oh, how the Fiddy have fallen.