Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Adele Sings Duet with Autistic Fan Because She"s Adele

Really, you would like more evidence that Adele may be the greatest person alive?

It wasn"t enough that she recently helped a fan propose to another fan in concert?

Or that she surprised a sick young fan by showing up at her bedside?

Okay, fine. How about the following news item in that case?

Video has gone viral of Adele performing at Manchester Arena earlier this month and inviting a 12-year old named Emily Tammam up on stage with her for a duet of “Someone Like You.”

Emily is Autistic and has made it known that Adele is her favorite artist.

According to the Manchester Evening News, Emily – who also has ADHD, along with a disorder that affects connective tissue – held up a sign at the event that read, “It is my dream to sing with Adele.”

After seeing the poster, the beloved singer brought the 12-year-old up in front of thousands of attendees.

Emily, who actually competed on Britain’s Got Talent in 2014, then brought these same people to their feet after impressively belting out the opening lyrics to her hero"s popular ballad.

Check out the inspiring duet below and don"t try to fight it any longer.

Adele is simply the best. Although Emily Tammam is clearly pretty awesome in her own right…

Adele sings duet with autistic fan because shes adele