Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Bethenny Frankel to Jason Hoppy: NO MORE Alimony for You!!

Bethenny Frankel just scored a major victory in her divorce settlement with Jason Hoppy.

A state court of appeals ruled that the Real Housewives of New York star no longer has to pay her ex $ 12,000 a month in temporary spousal support.

Damn, there goes the yacht.

Last May, Frankel suffered a setback when a judge ordered Frankel to make the sizeable alimony payments to Hoppy.

However, this new ruling asserts that terms stated in the couples’ prenuptial agreement waived “any and all claims for spousal support and/or maintenance,” including temporary support, reported Daily Mail.

While Frankel is clearly relieved, her divorce battle is far from over, as the courts still must decide on who gets to keep the couples’ $ 5 million condo in Tribeca. 

Sheesh, being filthy rich is just so goshdarn HARD!

The Skinny Girl mogul’s net worth is $ 22 million, and she’ll be damned if she’s forced to go through life as a mere peon worth only $ 17 mill!

Apparently, the property was purchased under a trust in both their names while she and Hoppy were married, so the businessman still has a shot at cashing in on some of his ex’s fortune.

“My client is extremely happy that the court agrees with him that the ownership of the apartment is still an open issue,” Hoppy’s lawyer, Bernard Clair, said. “And he will get his day in court to show that he is a joint owner.”

However, Frankel is attempting to prove otherwise.

“We believe that the evidence, including evidence of the husband’s fraudulent behavior and unclean hands, will clearly demonstrate that Bethenny, who is the sole purchaser, is also the sole owner, ” Frankel’s attorney Allan Mayefsky said in a statement.