Saturday, March 12, 2016

John Legend BURNS Donald Trump Jr. in Twitter Feud!!

WOW. Now, this is a Twitter feud we never saw coming.

And trust us, here at The Hollywood Gossip, we see Twitter wars all the time.

John Legend proved he has just as much Twitter moxy as his wife Chrissy Teigen when he took some epic jabs at Donald Trump’s son, Donald Jr.

As you may have heard, several fights broke out between supporters and protestors during a rally at a Chicago university where Trump Sr. was scheduled to speak yesterday. 

The presidential candidate was forced to postpone his speech due to safety concerns.

Trump Jr. took to Twitter to denounce protestors, tweeting:

“Ha 5 students when asked why they were protesting couldn’t even answer. The participation medal/micro aggression generation is pretty sad!”

And then the badass boss in John Legend (who knew?) clapped back with this simple yet poetic gem:

“.@DonaldJTrumpJr I think they were protesting your racist father. This isn’t complicated.”

John Legend - Trump Jr. tweet

OOOH, BURN. (Also, duh.)

Trump Jr. somehow didn’t see the logic and shot back by saying that people who don’t like racism are the reason the country is divided (not, ya know, the racists themselves).

“Here we go again. That can’t be the answer for everything you don’t like. That’s why the country is so divided now!” he tweeted.

Legend also took heat from Trump supporters, including one called RedKneckHillBilly (we believe the K is silent), who questioned the singer’s education.

However, Legend had a simple yet effective response for that, too:

“.@DanielT03571138 @DonaldJTrumpJr the Donalds and I graduated from the same University, funny enough.”

John Legend education tweet

We don’t know if he was being coached by Teigen, but we have to say we like this fiery side of John. We may even forgive him for that time he defended Kanye West.

Sometimes Twitter wars are fought and no clear-cut winner emerges. However, in this case, it’s obvious who the victor is.

And yes, we’d even call him a Legend.