Saturday, March 12, 2016

Rob Kardashian Flaunts NEW SLIM Figure While Shopping with Blac Chyna!

Ain’t it funny what love can do?

We’ve been hearing reports that Rob Kardashian was giving his extra poundage the boot with the help of girlfriend Blac Chyna, but this is truly stunning.

Apparently, he’s lost so much weight that he needs new clothes, so Blac took him shopping and shared Snapchat pics of Rob modeling his new threads.

Yep, that’s Rob up there in the grey fleece, looking markedly less round.

We’re ecstatic about his new, healthy physique but don’t understand his choice in attire.

Sweatpants are typically what you wear before you lose weight. Now that he’s got that hot bod, why not show it off in some trim jeans and a fitted shirt?

About three weeks ago, when sources claimed that Rob had lost about 40 pounds since he and Blac started dating, we were impressed yet skeptical that he could lose that much in such a short amount of time.

We stand corrected.

Since the two first got together in January, Blac has been helping Rob get in shape and manage his diabetes with a strict exercise regimen and healthy meal plan.

Whatever they’re doing, it seems to be working.

We’re also happy to see that the two are still going strong as a couple. 

Last week, the pair reportedly broke up, yet got back together again within 24 hours.

They claim they just want to keep a lower profile with the media and that their relationship would be healthier if they “kept a lot more to ourselves.”

Fair enough, but Blac keeps snapping photos of Rob, first shirtless at a barbeque earlier this week, and now on their shopping trip.

Perhaps she’s just too excited about her boyfriend’s new trim fig and wants to show it off.

Can’t really blame her for that.