Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Kailyn Lowry: PISSED at MTV for Misspelling Her Name!


MTV just made a MAJOR snafu in a recent promo released for Teen Mom 2 by misspelling the name of its star, Kailyn Lowry.

I mean, if you’re gonna exploit the plight of teen moms, at least get their names right.

Obviously, Kailyn was none to happy with the network, and while she didn’t comment publicly herself, she retweeted several fans who also noticed the gaffe.

We understand that mistakes are made and, yes, Kailyn has a unique name.

But MTV is a major network and certainly that promo must’ve been approved by numerous editors and producers before airing.

That, and there’s only three friggin’ words on the screen.

Sadly, this isn’t the first time this year that MTV has treated Kailyn like some kind of oft-overlooked stepchild.

When the network announced the Teen Mom 2 premiere date last month, they apparently forgot to tell Kailyn.

“LOVE when I’m a part of something and people don’t tell you big dates/important things! So professional,” she tweeted in response.

This poor girl. 

The mother of two was also recently forced to address some nasty comments hurled at her by Matt Baier, fiance of fellow Teen Mom Amber Portwood.

Kailyn kept her class about the ordeal and responded in a surprisingly mature fashion. 

“I’m sure there are people we do KNOW, consider friends and are acquaintances with that talk crap about us too,” she wrote on Twitter.

Kailyn seems to be keeping her chin up in the face of all this adversity, but I don’t know just how much more she can take before she cracks and goes totally Kanye West on us all.